  • Turkey duck
  • A pair of turkey ducks were roaming the streets of Makapu Village when Team Avatar first entered the small town. Later, a turkey duck was being chased by a young girl from the village as Sokka strolled down a street attempting to disprove Aunt Wu's predictions. Frustrated from the failure of his attempts, he kicked a rock which subsequently hit a nearby turkey duck, which proceeded to attack Sokka by flying at him and pecking his head. Two turkey ducks were outside of Aunt Wu's fortunetelling establishment as Katara exited after her second palm reading and, following the eruption of Mt. Makapu, there was a pair of turkey ducks perched on the wall of igneous rock which Aang had created by cooling the lava.
  • earth
  • Active
  • "The Fortuneteller"
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  • Turkey ducks
  • Entertainment, pets
  • A pair of turkey ducks were roaming the streets of Makapu Village when Team Avatar first entered the small town. Later, a turkey duck was being chased by a young girl from the village as Sokka strolled down a street attempting to disprove Aunt Wu's predictions. Frustrated from the failure of his attempts, he kicked a rock which subsequently hit a nearby turkey duck, which proceeded to attack Sokka by flying at him and pecking his head. Two turkey ducks were outside of Aunt Wu's fortunetelling establishment as Katara exited after her second palm reading and, following the eruption of Mt. Makapu, there was a pair of turkey ducks perched on the wall of igneous rock which Aang had created by cooling the lava.