  • Shurikin
  • Shurikin is an officer in the crew Naval Sea Cadets on the Viridian Ocean. Shurikin is a random pirate in no crew on the Sage Ocean. When Shurikin first began playing, he instantly liked the Bilging puzzle. After his first league point He was awarded the incredible bilger award. He practiced the puzzle constantly and eventually joined a crew named a crew of our own where he was quickly promoted to the of pirate. He pillaged with Nighthum and spent time chatting with Darveau and Sonjatokay.
  • 3
  • Shurikin
  • yes
  • Midnight
  • Sage
  • Viridian
  • no
  • officer
  • jobbing pirate
  • Candy cane
  • red
  • white
  • Shurikin is an officer in the crew Naval Sea Cadets on the Viridian Ocean. Shurikin is a random pirate in no crew on the Sage Ocean. When Shurikin first began playing, he instantly liked the Bilging puzzle. After his first league point He was awarded the incredible bilger award. He practiced the puzzle constantly and eventually joined a crew named a crew of our own where he was quickly promoted to the of pirate. He pillaged with Nighthum and spent time chatting with Darveau and Sonjatokay. After an extended break from the game, Shurikin returned but his old crew had lost many members. He soon discovered that a lot of them had moved to a new crew named Naval Sea Cadets, so he joined them as well. He is currently working his way up to officer in the crew, and still loves to bilge, and hates carpentry. After his crew got mad at him for nothing and he sensed things were getting too stressful and falling apart, he went to a new crew. After realizing he was wrong he went back to his old crew in peace where he now stays. Then he quit playing and got his account deleted, so he restarted July 6 2009. he quickly made lots of poe and bought his first ship on July 18 2009.