  • New Republic National Police
  • The National Police was the primary law enforcement agency of the New Republic. It operated millions of personnel on countless worlds. However, the agency was very corrupt and anti-Jedi. Police were known to have killed civilians and committed crimes, but the New Jedi Order did not have enough evidence to bring them to court (considering the New Republic Investigative Bureau and Security Service were anti-Jedi as well). They were disbanded in 13 ABY after the Chief of State was killed and replaced.
  • The National Police was the primary law enforcement agency of the New Republic. It operated millions of personnel on countless worlds. However, the agency was very corrupt and anti-Jedi. Police were known to have killed civilians and committed crimes, but the New Jedi Order did not have enough evidence to bring them to court (considering the New Republic Investigative Bureau and Security Service were anti-Jedi as well). They were disbanded in 13 ABY after the Chief of State was killed and replaced.