  • Cape of the Lost
  • The Cape of the Lost is the tip of the Mildarien Peninsula. To round it is hazardous for ships, especially since it is noted for patches of dead water that cannot support ships, which sink like bricks. The "storm season" is particularly deadly. Ishtier's acolytes died there, trying to get back to the Central Lands.
  • "The storm season will end soon. Then, dead water or not, we can take ship around the Cape of the Lost and reach the Central Lands by the sea route."
  • "You don't know what it's like down there," said Marc, grimacing. "The land is as rotten as the water, and as haunted as the north in its own way."
  • The Cape of the Lost is the tip of the Mildarien Peninsula. To round it is hazardous for ships, especially since it is noted for patches of dead water that cannot support ships, which sink like bricks. The "storm season" is particularly deadly. Ishtier's acolytes died there, trying to get back to the Central Lands.