  • Dark Dragon Pack
  • The DARK DRAGON Pack Bureau 13 | Kindred of Chicago * Deerpaw Clan Gangrel antitribu/ Country Gangrel (Pack Leader) * Angel Jade Clan Tzimisce (Pack Priest) * Neally Clan Ventrue antitribu (Elder) Bureau 13 is a contemporary campaign of paranormal investigation GMed by BelniFore and set among the Kindred of a fictional Chicago.
  • The DARK DRAGON Pack Bureau 13 | Kindred of Chicago * Deerpaw Clan Gangrel antitribu/ Country Gangrel (Pack Leader) * Angel Jade Clan Tzimisce (Pack Priest) * Neally Clan Ventrue antitribu (Elder) Bureau 13 is a contemporary campaign of paranormal investigation GMed by BelniFore and set among the Kindred of a fictional Chicago.