  • Hobbit Hole
  • Hobbit-holes, also known as Smials, are a curious structure found commonly throughout the Shire. They are warm, cozy houses dug into mounds of dirt and the favorite places to live for Hobbits. The holes differ in the materials used, but the basic structure is always similar. The walls are made of wood, the floor of wood and stone, and the outside covered in dirt. Surrounding the entrance is a fenced area with a small garden of flowers. A sign with messages like
  • Two married Hobbits
  • occasionally their children
  • Hobbit-hole
unit hiring
  • None
  • None
treasure chests
  • Sometimes
  • Hobbit-holes, also known as Smials, are a curious structure found commonly throughout the Shire. They are warm, cozy houses dug into mounds of dirt and the favorite places to live for Hobbits. The holes differ in the materials used, but the basic structure is always similar. The walls are made of wood, the floor of wood and stone, and the outside covered in dirt. Surrounding the entrance is a fenced area with a small garden of flowers. A sign with messages like can sometimes be found on top the fence. Each Hobbit hole has an unique name on a sign outside, pointing out the family name of its proprietors like "".
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