  • The Ultra Beam
  • The Ultra Beam is the eleventh episode of the first season of the Super Friends television series. The episodes' villains, weren't really evil, as was the case with most episodes from season 1, although the previous two episodes did have evil villains. Hank and Ben were really just trying to make the world a better place by getting rid of gold, which they viewed as evil, because of the world's greed. That is the overall theme of the episode, how greed is one of mankind's worst problems.
  • Unknown
ep num
  • 11
season num
  • 1
  • Superman, Batman, Robin, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Marvin White, Wendy Harris and Wonder Dog
  • Hank and Ben
Air Date
  • 1973-11-17
  • ??
  • The Ultra Beam is the eleventh episode of the first season of the Super Friends television series. The episodes' villains, weren't really evil, as was the case with most episodes from season 1, although the previous two episodes did have evil villains. Hank and Ben were really just trying to make the world a better place by getting rid of gold, which they viewed as evil, because of the world's greed. That is the overall theme of the episode, how greed is one of mankind's worst problems. This episode is also quite educational, as there's a lot of nuclear physics discussed in the episode. Nuclear fusion and Nuclear fission is mentioned, but the process used to extract quarks from gold is pure science fiction. Also, quarks are shown as being blue in color, despite the fact that in real life color doesn't exist at the subatomic level. This was likely to illustrate that they were indeed intended to be "blue quarks." This "blue" refers to color charge and not the visual color. After all color is only visible due to photons, which make it possible for us to see only larger than the molecular level. The episode is also fairly educational in other ways. This episode gives us a few lessons in seismology. Such as tremor statistics of the 1970s. In fact the character Director Wimple, basically serves as the primary educator of this field in this episode. We learn some things about seismographs, such as the fictional getigraph, which Wimple uses to track every single quake in the vicinity.
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