  • Attract attention at the market
  • From: [[]] Make an impression on the Clay Men who keep the stalls of rustling silk and subdued copperwork. [Find the rest of the story at ]
Success title
  • Making a little splash
  • 70
Failure title
  • Mixed signals
Game Instructions
  • This will gain you Fascinating...
Failure description
  • Clay Men aren't the easiest sorts to read. Are those expressions polite interest, or are you genuinely making an impression here? A pair of copper lanterns crash to the floor as you pass them. Is that good?
From Card/Storylet title
  • At the Market
Unlocked with
  • 2
Success description
  • Copper pots rattle against their stalls as you pass. The Clay Men crowd around, listening to your stories and observations[..] You try a joke, and are rewarded with a ripple of Clay laughter[..] People are starting to take notice.
  • Make an impression on the Clay Men who keep the stalls of rustling silk and subdued copperwork.
  • From: [[]] Make an impression on the Clay Men who keep the stalls of rustling silk and subdued copperwork. [Find the rest of the story at ]