  • Professor Ardox (NPC)
  • BIO:Ardox is the only botanist capable of maintaining a crop of arctic chloridia, a strain of the plant which has been extinct since the time of the ancients before the beginning of the old kingdom, when the spirit keepers had to take drastic measures against a major threat to the world at the time. Long story short, they ended up changing the climate of their environment, and essentially eradicating all of the arctic-type terrain on the known map of Letalis.
  • BIO:Ardox is the only botanist capable of maintaining a crop of arctic chloridia, a strain of the plant which has been extinct since the time of the ancients before the beginning of the old kingdom, when the spirit keepers had to take drastic measures against a major threat to the world at the time. Long story short, they ended up changing the climate of their environment, and essentially eradicating all of the arctic-type terrain on the known map of Letalis. On a separate, but still related note, Ardox is also the most prominent source of Chloridia in Letalis. His migration to the Agon sector was pretty much the first step in Agon’s re-establishment in the world of Letalis. He introduced many new kinds of technology, and provided methods of travel between sectors, thus opening up a wide opportunity of advancement for the people there. Of course his somewhat disturbing appearance and extremely eccentric demeanor still give him somewhat of a crackpot reputation. The only reason he wears his lab coat is to appear more civil, and less intimidating to the humans he is now surrounded by. Ardox is from the island of Hazuye, though he is not a member of the Magola race. He is actually part of an ancient Magola strain called the Ga’Reiu, of which there are very few left, and most that are have mingled with the Magola, and are essentially hybrids. Ardox is one of the last full strain Ga’Reiu in the whole of Letalis.[this is an uncoloured Magola, or Arachnid-type: [link] Nasty fuckers, eh? <3] Ardox currently runs the primary laboratory of Niflheim [in the safe zone residing in half of a gigantic sanitorium of the old kingdom. Woah.], and is responsible for upgrading the design of the Infractum to not only provide electrical capabilities to a limited area, but also to protect that area from the life-draining force of Niflheim's spirit vortex. It is currently also used to induce interdimensional rifts so a specific point in time and space anywhere within their known range of travel [which seems to revolve a lot around the earth dimension. The only difference is that time in Letalis goes infinitely slower than the earth dimension, therefore, for example, you appear in Letalis for an hour, and when you return to earth, it's a month later. With this technology, a being can be returned to any point in time in their native dimension without much error]. Unfortunately, Ardox keeps this capability under a tight watch, and it is currently only permitted to be used by IDEX agents. --- * CHLORIDIA*As a very basic explanation, Chloridia is a plant of Letalis that grows in multiple strains to provide different medicinal qualities. Certain strains of Chloridia are also used as the tobacco equivalent of Letalis, as well as it's most Common mind-altering substance. [an image of a White Chloridia plant is in this image: [link] It's right next to the pillar on the right side of the page.] Unfortunately the scale in that image is a little off, because the flower is about the size of your average dinner plate, and the plant as a whole grows to about 6-8 feet tall, depending on the genetic strain. It's roots also extend an additional 15 feet underground, and are the most primarily used part of the whole plant.