  • Axis vs Allies R-word (Map Game)/Archive 1
  • Tough. * Japan: The Japanese continue to fund anti-Chiang groups and the border between Manchukuo and China becomes increasingly militarized. However, the military adopts a defence only strategy for the time to make sure that it doesn't loss face across the globe. secretly through third parties the military begins supporting the remnants of the Chinese Communists and suppressed warlords throughout China to help destabilize China, and to further discredit Chiang's rule over China while in public Wang Jingwei continues to promote true democratic reforms with the backing of Japan who promise to support the cause of peace and co-operation between China and Japan. Industrialization of the Empire continues to expand with Heavy Industry reaching large levels unseen in previous years. New airpla
  • Tough. * Japan: The Japanese continue to fund anti-Chiang groups and the border between Manchukuo and China becomes increasingly militarized. However, the military adopts a defence only strategy for the time to make sure that it doesn't loss face across the globe. secretly through third parties the military begins supporting the remnants of the Chinese Communists and suppressed warlords throughout China to help destabilize China, and to further discredit Chiang's rule over China while in public Wang Jingwei continues to promote true democratic reforms with the backing of Japan who promise to support the cause of peace and co-operation between China and Japan. Industrialization of the Empire continues to expand with Heavy Industry reaching large levels unseen in previous years. New airplanes are finally designed and production of the new model begins while more designs are made for future necessity. The High Command continues to push forward the adoption of modern tactics while still promoting the cause to fight until the death for the empire. The Arisaka model 35 is designed as a semi-automatic rifle (with a mechanism similar to the Gewher 43 OTL) to eventually replace the old Arisaka Bolt action rifle, also designs for a submachine gun are put through for testing. The navy continues to expand as subs come off the production line and the first in a series of new battle cruisers is finished. The new aircraft carriers continue being built. The development of Formosa and Korea continue and assimilation continues to be the policy toward the locals. However, the colonial administrations are urged to be less brutal and a lot more systematic with accommodating policies. Anti-Japanese and anti-Imperial propaganda continues to be suppressed with large success as the Imperial rule comes hand in hand with tangible progress and with the full backing of the Imperial military. Settlement of the colonies and Manchukuo continues. * Manchukuo: Emperor Pu Yi goes on a formal visit to Japan to meet with Emperor Hirohito and with the Imperial Diet under the premise of increasing active bilateral relations between the allies and to promote Manchu friendliness toward the Empire of Japan. Greater power is delegated to the Manchu officials though the Japanese advisors retain large amounts of power and ultimately hold the right to veto or push forward any policies they see necessary. The Manchukuo Yuan is formally established as the Manchurian currency and is backed by the Imperial Yen and by the exploitation of resources in Manchuria. A formal Manchu citizenship is established and the government requests international recognition as a sovereign state. All Japanese are granted the right to live with special rights and are subject only to the Japanese embassy or ministers within the Empire of Manchukuo, all Han and Koreans living within the borders at the moment are granted citizenship while those who move after the act must gain citizenship after eight years residency. Heavy industry continues to grow in Harbin and Mukden fed by the raw materials exploited from the countryside. An emphasis on Manchu culture is started to separate Manchu roots from that of China, and to help cement nationalism within the Empire and anti-Chinese sentiments. Trade opens up thanks to the efforts of Japanese treaties with the west allowing much more flow of income through trade. Crown Prince Pujie and Lady Saga Hiro have their first child a boy who helps cement Pujie's `position as crown prince. * Thailand: Thailand continues to build up the military. Infrastructure is improved. More Buddhist temples are built. * Liechtenstein: We declare that we will be neutral for the next ten years unless we get attacked. We give a speech thanking the Swiss and we decide to increase our army to 25 men, and three officers. We also build a tiny factory to increase our of sausage casings and fake teeth. * Greece: We continues asking French and British to allow a small colonial settlement in North Africa under their administration to be given to Greece, as well as economic help, military and navy are built up and neutrality is declared to most of the Balkan nations excepting Albania and Turkey. * Brazil: The Brazilian government manages to complete one of its year long infrastructural projects connecting some of Brazil's larger cities together and stimulating a large economic growth preventing the need to continue to deficit spend on those areas of the economy. With more infrastructure completed the City of Manaus in the state of the Amazonas begins to expand exponentially beginning a population influx to a moderate degree with some of the new jobs opening in northern and central Brazil. The resource extraction - as well as working with the rain forest and building up new central farmland - is hurried at a breakneck pace as its industrialization of the South. Some minor industrialization occurs along the Amazon river as well. Brazilian military complex is expanded as well with large scale designs for new ships beginning to flood the Brazilian defence industry. A new repeating rifle begins to be developed as well as some machine guns deriving them from acquired designs from Germany. More parts are shipped back to Germany. The Brazilian resource and industry now booming from investments from various nations, most notably Germany, and Japan, helps spur on national development with new businesses opening up everywhere. The government also begins printing out simple charts which show Brazil's heavily recovering economy. Oil investors purchase majority stock in a few Venezuelan oil companies. Lobbyists are used to begin throwing Brazilian influence into the Venezuelan government. The Brazilian navy continues expansion commisioning almost five new destroyers and another cruiser beginning their trial runs with more ships being laid down to expand the navy. The Armed forces conduct major drills in central Brazil and along the coast beginning to train quality troops. Brazil finds volunteers who begin joining an intelligence service, as well as a special forces service. Building of the battleship continues and the carrier is completed. Brazil sets up its first radar post in Southern Brazil near Rio de Janeiro. * Dominion of India: Many continue to advocate for full freedom from the British Empire. Major cities like Delhi, Bombay, Calcutta and Bangalore are all hit in this wave of protesting - causing problems for the British authority. Surya Sen begins to organise small groups of volunteers who feel that Congress should pursue full independence from the British government. He quickly begins to train these groups in political speaking as well as telling them to establish contacts. This will allow him to gain greater influence so he can build a power base. Jinnah begins to grow in influence, too, after seeing how the British have not created a state for Muslims. He quickly begins to preach the fact that the Muslims need a homeland for themselves away from the Hindus who rule over them with blatant disregard for them. Many agree and he begins to talk to the Maxim of Hyderabad as well as various other leaders. Other less important stuff like industrialisation happens, too, with more railroads beginning to be constructed so that transportation of goods is made easier. Industrialists like Tata soon begin to construct more factories for the people as well as to produce greater goods. He begins to make coal mines and textile mills as well as power plants. * THERE IS NO BRITISH AUTHORITY. The laws may be ours, but the enforcement is entirely Indian. * Germany: The re-integration of the Saar territory is met with pride and happiness amongst the German population and government. Industry as well as military garrisons return to the province in order to make the integration complete. Production and research of war materiel continues. Industry continues to gain strength in Bavaria, Silesia, the Rhineland, and now Saar as well. Extra troops are stationed on the eastern border and fortifications are constructed as well. Albert Speer meets with the Soviet diplomats but is unfortunately unable to stop the persecution of Communists, citing Bormann's and the German people's demands. He does offer to deport as many of them as he can to the Soviet Union instead. Bormann meets with Salazar of Portugal, and the two discuss politics and changing trends in Europe. The meeting leaves an impression on Bormann, one that is more conservative and less reactionary in nature. Individual Freikorps are established in each individual state to enforce the rule of law and better protect the state and its people. The trade agreement with the Netherlands is agreed upon. * The USSR is willing to accept all German Communists. * Switzerland is willing to accept a quota of all minority groups from Germany that are being persecuted. * German Diplomacy: German authorities acting under the command of Speer begin moving small populations of Communists to the Soviet Union. No one is to be moved to Switzerland. * Jap/Manchu Dip: The governments of both Japan and Manchukuo request official recognition of the State of Manchukuo. * Switzerland: The government announces that they are opening their borders to refugees from Germany who are being persecuted. The Lakes Flotilla considers constructing eight float planes to support the ships. Ten more patrol boats are acquired to provide coverage on the lakes. The reconstruction of the National Redoubt continues. * * Jap/Manchu Dip: The governments of both Japan and Manchukuo request official recognition of the State of Manchukuo. * Argentina: We begin to commission a few destroyers for our navy and we commence to build a long series of infrastructural projects and follow a similar American-style way out of the Depression called Los Actos de el Nuevo Trato Argentino. We decide to commence a military buildup along the Brazilian border and begin mass producing weapons and begin researching new technologies and we are willing to accept persecuted German people. We widely condemn both Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union for their genocide of countless innocent lives. El Partido Fascista de Argentina and El Partido Socialista Democrata de Argentina are beginning to rise in terms of influence and popularity around the nation. * Argentina was absolutely screwed economically. You can't fix that in six months ... could I get a mod, please? * Portugal: Sends political advisers to Argentina to support El Partido Fascista. * Brazilian Dip: We notice this troop buildup, and as the strongest nation in South America, we ask why you are doing a troop buildup along the border with the only recovering nation on the continent. In Response we put nearly 300,000 troops on the border with Argentina. * Jap/Manchu Dip: The governments of both Japan and Manchukuo request official recognition of the State of Manchukuo. * Brazil Dip: We recognize Manchukuo. * Portugal: Salazar's popular, Fascist, government continues embracing traditional Portuguese values, especially Roman Catholicism. Work begins on a brand new Portuguese navy, and propaganda is created, harkening back to when Portugal was the world's naval power. Three new battleships and an aircraft carrier are designed. The jobs created by the new navy spur the economy onward, and many people flock to urban centers along the coast. Duarte II is really popular, and many think monarchism and Fascism are a great combination. PIDe begins to operate with Franco's Falange in Spain in order to discover any potential weaknesses of the nation, which is republican. The army grows in power. We work with Italy and Germany. We also begin construction of a modern air force, with 15 bombers and 30 fighter planes being planned for. * The British warn that any active military or political interference in Spain by Portugal will be regarded as a violation of our agreements with Portugal. We would prefer not to go to war with our long-time allies, but if they support our enemies, then they are our enemies. * Jap/Manchu Dip: The governments of both Japan and Manchukuo request official recognition of the State of Manchukuo. * Britain: Continues with its development of the air force. By now almost 75% of the RAF has been replaced with newer, more modern planes. A new Corsair comes out, this time a single engined, sturdy ship-killer. We deeply resent the actions of Portugal and warn that if this behaviour continues war must surely follow. The economy is improved with a new plan that uses private factories to build government planes - within restrictions, of course. The navy, too, is replaced, and the HMS Hood undergoes an overhaul, replacing its obsolete deck armor with a much stronger, thicker one. * Jap/Manchu Dip: The governments of both Japan and Manchukuo request official recognition of the State of Manchukuo. * United States: The Hoover Dam is finished in Nevada, while construction on the Golden Gate Bridge continues on schedule. In response to the beginning of the Dust Bowl, President Roosevelt hopes that the nation can get through this disaster and get a speedy recovery. Meanwhile, the military presence in the Philippines is diminished, but a small garrison is maintained as station for the US Army Corps of Engineers as they continue to construct roads, bridges and railroads. Propaganda is passed out to continue to persuade the population that joining the United States is best for the future of the island chain, their childen and grandchildren. Meanwhile, research on the new fighter to rival Britain begins, hoping to have a prototype by 1937. The same with the United States Army and Marine Corps, as they research a tank that is both fast and mobile, but also has firepower and crew protection. The first of the aircraft carriers is finished, while construction on the other carrier and other ships at Newport News continues. The USS Arizona and USS Oklahoma is transferred to the Panama Canal. President Roosevelt is concerned about recent developments in South America and Europe. Research on all modern technology continues, particularly radar, as this could prevent attacks on both warships and the mainland United States. * Jap/Manchu Dip: The governments of both Japan and Manchukuo request official recognition of the State of Manchukuo. * Italy: A new economic program begins in Italy. Jobs are to be created by the modernization of the Italian military, a feat which will take much industrial power. Specifically, production focuses on creating larger and better naval and air forces. An aircraft carrier is also being designed, and is expected to be built by 1937. * Jap/Manchu Dip: The governments of both Japan and Manchukuo request official recognition of the State of Manchukuo. * France again becomes hostile at the seizure of the Saar territory. The military is amped up and wartime production begins, as France begins to re-arm itself for what it feels is an inevitable conflict. * I point out that this was an OTL event, and France didn't really care or react. * It matters not. France was worried. Cour hasn't actually DONE anything yet. * That's the point. France OTL appeased Germany. In ATL it's getting mad. Change in ideology. Don't worry, I have plans *evil laugh* ~Cour * Jap/Manchu Dip: The governments of both Japan and Manchukuo request official recognition of the State of Manchukuo. * Spain: The military increases as trouble continues to brew. The nation continues to grow closer to Nazi Germany. * Jap/Manchu Dip: The governments of both Japan and Manchukuo request official recognition of the State of Manchukuo. * Ethiopia: Industrialization continues under the Imperial government, aided by the flow of Imperial funds into the industrial park outside of the capital city. The litery program has been credited with bringing education to more than half of the population, and the increase of reading and writing skills have now come to prove their worth as Ethiopians apply for jobs requiring high-end education. With an increase in education, the ability of the government to invest in Western industries at home can now commence. The Imperial Army continues to expand with modern equipment and technology, and the import of new tanks allows the military to form a new mechanized division within the organization of its forces. Work on building an air force begins, and the move to import additional airplanes and tanks by the government continues. * The USSR builds up military and economy. Industry is expanded. The Second Five Year Plan continues. Communists arrive from Germany and are sent to Russification programs where they learn Russian. This is mostly easy since they are willing to serve in a Communist country. Militarization on the western border continues. The Soviets begin to put pressure on the Baltic states, threatening them by using Germany as a threat to them.