  • Hearing voices
  • The three most established forms of lapsing into madness via hearing voices include the following. Hearing your own voice describing your thoughts - like you are right now if you can't read in your head without hearing your own voice, unless of course you cannot read in your head at all, in which case it is your actual voice you're hearing (although it is also possible that you are hearing your own voice in your head at the same time as you are hearing it out loud, if this is the case than you should seek medical advice immediately).
  • The three most established forms of lapsing into madness via hearing voices include the following. Hearing your own voice describing your thoughts - like you are right now if you can't read in your head without hearing your own voice, unless of course you cannot read in your head at all, in which case it is your actual voice you're hearing (although it is also possible that you are hearing your own voice in your head at the same time as you are hearing it out loud, if this is the case than you should seek medical advice immediately). Hearing a voice narrating your actions - like if you were living in a Thomas The Tank Engine engine episode where Ringo Star stoically described everything you were doing; be it picking out loose vegetables in the supermarket, composing a spreadsheet demonstrating the relative merits on numerical methods, or breaking in to a stranger's house and knifing them and knifing them and knifing them and knifing them and knifing them. Hearing a group of voices arguing over you- what's that?, you want me to stop? Yeah? Uh huh, right. OK got it, sorry. Jeez can you believe these guys eh? Total dicks.