  • Homestuck/Characters/Trolls Two
  • A cave-dwelling troll with an immense love of and fascination with the art of shipping, who maintains an extensive Shipping Wall. In Sburb, she is the Rogue of Heart. Her trolltag is "arsenicCatnip". Has allocated her STRIFE SPECIBUS with the CLAWKIND ABSTRATUS.
  • A cave-dwelling troll with an immense love of and fascination with the art of shipping, who maintains an extensive Shipping Wall. In Sburb, she is the Rogue of Heart. Her trolltag is "arsenicCatnip". Has allocated her STRIFE SPECIBUS with the CLAWKIND ABSTRATUS. * Air Vent Passageway: Used here. * Anchored Ship: She's only interested in two quadrants, and is determined to have Karkat as her matesprit and won't take no for an answer. According to Karkat at least, in canon we never get to see any of this before she's killed. * All Girls Want Bad Boys: She has a huge crush on Karkat, even marking Karkat<3Vriska as "Oh nooooooo" on her shipping wall. Granted, in all likelihood, she gravitates toward Karkat because he also deals with relationships a lot. She is also more or less Equius's Morality Pet. * Badass Adorable: Roleplays as a mother cat. Kills wild animals with her hands. And wait until you see what she can do with a proper weapon. * Badass Longcoat * Biting The Hood: After a particularly frustrating conversation with Equius. * Break the Cutie: She did not handle seeing Gamzee strangle Equius well. * Berserk Button: Which is why she attacked Gamzee. * Catgirl: Roleplays as one. It also helps that her horns are shaped like cat ears. * Cat Smile: The Emoticon she begins sentences with is a two-mouthed variation. It's her default expression, as well, and her cat hood and bangs create a second one. * It's also the face of her lusus, Pounce De Leon. * Cute Bruiser * Cute Little Fangs * Deathbringer the Adorable: Nepeta's theme is called "Walls Covered In Blood", which describes the cave she calls home. * Expressive Mask: The eyes of her hood match her own eyes' expressions in the Alterniabound flash. * Extreme Doormat: Even though she puts up a huge fuss, she always listens to Equius. * Fingerless Gloves * Fun Personified: She has the occasional dramatic moment (usually involving her getting killed,) but is mostly meant to be a goofy, fun character with little bearing on the plot. * Fun with Acronyms: Her planet is named the Land Of Little Cubes And Tea. * Furry Fandom: She roleplays online as a mother cat entirely unironically, apparently, and dresses like a cat. * Gory Discretion Shot: Definitely in play over her facing off with Gamzee. * Grotesque Cute: True to her fursona, who kills wild animal with her bare hands, she lives in a cave littered with animal skins and bloody marks on the walls. But she's still adorable with her kitty cap, her fake tail, and her big goofy Cat Smile. * Happily Ever After: Of a sort. She seems very happy in dreambubbles and seemingly even ends up with an alternate Karkat. * Hulk Speak: Her (highly inaccurate) impersonation of Equius. * Joke Character: Unlike other Demoted to Extra trolls, Nepeta literally never has any impact on the plot. This is combined with being a Kawaiiko and being part of Those Two Guys with Equius to boot. * Kawaiiko: The most adorable and cutest of the trolls by design; her appearance and mannerisms are obviously inspired by anime-loving female cosplayers. Even the fact that she hunts down beasts with her bare hands for food barely dents the sheer amount of cute this troll exudes. * Kill the Cutie: Stabbed thrice by Bec Noir as her Dream Self. Killed off-screen by Gamzee with his Duce Clubs. * And now, in [S] Flip, it's made even worse by the fact that her smiling head sits on the jury of Gamzee's mock trial. * Leitmotif: Walls Covered In Blood, which is later remixed for her walkaround theme. * Meaningful Name: Nepeta cataria is the scientific name for catnip. Leijona means "lion" in Finnish. Leijon was also the last name of a Swedish politician who was the target of a kidnapping plot known as Operation Leo. * Arsenic used to be used as a green dye. * Messy Hair: As seen here. * Numerological Motif: 33, the atomic number of arsenic as well as being a double Cat Smile. * Only Sane Man: It's a bit of a pattern with green bloods. Nepeta, while goofy and silly, is pretty down to earth and understands troll romance just as well as Karkat. Unlike Eridan for instance, she realizes her crush is unrequited and tries (admittedly unsuccessfully, even to herself) to get over it. * Orwellian Retcon: "[S] Roxy:Sleepwalk" originally showed Nepeta in a dreambubble - yet she didn't have the Prophet Eyes all the dead characters have (which, of course, prompted pretty much every Nepeta fan to shit a brick). This was quickly fixed. * Sacrificial Lamb * Satellite Character: It's Word of God. * Stealth Pun: For a long while, Nepeta was... a Schrodingers Cat. Considering she has enough circumstances to equally make it seem like she's alive and dead: On one hand, it's unlikely Gamzee would have left her be if she so much as twitched, but on the other hand, he could have simply beat her unconscious and was too busy looting Equius' corpse to notice. Hussie has admitted, more or less, that this is intentional. But more or less for all intents and purposes she's out of the story. * If anything, Hussie enjoyed getting some mileage out of this one. However, as of more current updates the cat is observed. Farewell, Nepeta. And then, just to put any doubt to rest, he addressed the issue head on here. * Shipper on Deck: Keeps track of all of her friends and herself on her Shipping Wall of course! She takes shipping very seriously and keeps constant track of how relationships develop. She also has Nepeta<3Karkat marked off as her own personal OTP. * Ship Tease: The entirety of her Shipping Wall is this. The topmost pairing relates to her specifically, showing that she has a crush on Karkat, of all people. According to him, he's aware of this and has been trying to sidestep the whole thing for quite some time now. * Jaspersprite relates a story to her about his time with Roxy and how he got to meet Rose again after death. Nepeta asks if that means she'll have to die to get to be with Karkat. When we next see Nepeta after death, she's wandering a dreambubble with a dead Karkat at her side. * Shout-Out: Probably not an intentional one, but does that fursuit remind you of anyone? * An alternative theory on the forums is that it's a Cathearst suit (from the epilogue of Problem Sleuth, a Catwoman Expy) * Her relationship to Equius is evocative of the relationship of Enkidu and Gilgamesh. * Theme Naming: Nepeta's Zodiac sign is Leo. * Third Person Person: 33 < *ac doesn't see a reason not to role play at all times!* Occasionally she'll slip and say something in the first person, hastily adding an "ac said" to the end. * * She's the only person in the entire comic to continue to refer to herself by her screen name after her name is entered. * There Are No Therapists: In a nice aversion, it turns out that she goes above and beyond as Equius' moirail -- so much that he credits her for keeping him from going as crazy and homicidal as sober!Gamzee. * Western Zodiac: Leo. Her appearance, Trollian name, use of claws and obsession with cats make her a good example. * Wolverine Claws: Her Weapon of Choice (they're on gloves, not part of her body though).