  • Dread Abyssals
  • The priests of ancient Nehekhara taught that upon death, the spirit traveled to the Underworld - the fabled Realm of Souls. After passing through the nether kingdom's gates, the spirits of the dead were separated according to their worthiness in life. Those the gods deemed to have lived a laudable existence entered a golden paradise, while the cursed or wretched were instead cast to the dreadful lower depths, to be hunted and devoured by the Hounds of Usirian - the dread abyssals.[1a]
  • The priests of ancient Nehekhara taught that upon death, the spirit traveled to the Underworld - the fabled Realm of Souls. After passing through the nether kingdom's gates, the spirits of the dead were separated according to their worthiness in life. Those the gods deemed to have lived a laudable existence entered a golden paradise, while the cursed or wretched were instead cast to the dreadful lower depths, to be hunted and devoured by the Hounds of Usirian - the dread abyssals.[1a] When Nagash reduced Nehekhara to a dead realm, the souls entering the Underworld slowed to a trickle, then stopped entirely. For centuries, the dread abyssals paced their empty realm like caged beasts, craving new souls to feast upon. Driven mad by hunger, they clawed at their bounds. At lsat, as Usirian's power waned from lack of worship, powerful necromancers were able to pierce the Underworld's bounds, and lure the dread abyssals forth to serve as steeds.[1a]