  • Maltoroa
  • Maltoroa is a character in the Dragon Ball SZ shows. She has spent time in SZ what if hill until she saw Goku and the six searching for Launch in the video game. She is kind and she is always polite. She died 10 times. Race: Human, Saiyan Aliases: Maltoroa Njae Debut Manga: Dragon Ball Z: Meteor Frieza (Late episode of Dragon Ball Z) Appears In: Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball GT, Dragon Ball SZ, Dragon Ball HJ Date of birth: 735 Age Date of death: 740 Age (Revived) 765 Age (Revived) 774 Age (Revived) 792 Age (Revived) 798 Age (Revived) 807 Age (Revived) 817 Age (Revived) 828 Age (Revived) 834 Age (Revived) Qwer
  • Maltoroa is a character in the Dragon Ball SZ shows. She has spent time in SZ what if hill until she saw Goku and the six searching for Launch in the video game. She is kind and she is always polite. She died 10 times. Race: Human, Saiyan Aliases: Maltoroa Njae Debut Manga: Dragon Ball Z: Meteor Frieza (Late episode of Dragon Ball Z) Appears In: Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball GT, Dragon Ball SZ, Dragon Ball HJ Date of birth: 735 Age Date of death: 740 Age (Revived) 765 Age (Revived) 774 Age (Revived) 792 Age (Revived) 798 Age (Revived) 807 Age (Revived) 817 Age (Revived) 828 Age (Revived) 834 Age (Revived) 850 Age Goku (Friend) Krillin (Best Friend) Goten (Nephew) Bulma (Best Friend) Vegeta (Grandfather) Videl (niece) Tien Shinhan (boyfriend) Mak (Husband) Mary (Mother) Coloa (Sister) Launch Korin Qwer Supreme Kai Old Kai Mr Brief