  • Nascence
  • Exploring the alien lands, players will discover notum veins, rich and powerful, penetrating the fragile earth from beneath, bleeding their valuable essence into the atmosphere. They are found throughout Nascence and can be mined like their lesser counterparts on Rubi-Ka, but the veins in the Shadowlands are more powerful and, most importantly, they can be used strategically. Wars to control the veins must be fought to weaken the opposing side, or strengthen your own and the more strategy, the greater the power.
  • Exploring the alien lands, players will discover notum veins, rich and powerful, penetrating the fragile earth from beneath, bleeding their valuable essence into the atmosphere. They are found throughout Nascence and can be mined like their lesser counterparts on Rubi-Ka, but the veins in the Shadowlands are more powerful and, most importantly, they can be used strategically. Wars to control the veins must be fought to weaken the opposing side, or strengthen your own and the more strategy, the greater the power. In Lower Nascence players will come across the mysterious Guardians of Shadow for the first time. Who the Guardians are - and what they stand for - is what players must discover. They are on a completely new faction, and their purpose and nature is shrouded in mystery. So much so, that some characters in the world follow the Guardians, and toil for them, without knowing it. Everyone in the Shadowlands is at their whim, as the Guardians will help the people they think highly of and block the ones they think less of. Unravelling this mystery will begin in Nascence, and continue through the Shadowlands. Who the Guardians are, and what their purpose is, will be a major challenge for anyone vying to master the Shadowlands. There are also hidden sanctuaries and special locations to be found through major quests of previously unparalleled immersion and unique importance, and getting to some places will require both smarts and cunning.
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