  • Look for the targets
  • From: [[]] There are treasures out there. Things a master thief might make their own, if they can be found. [Find the rest of the story at ]
Success title
  • Whispers
Failure title
  • Nothing doing
  • 74
Failure description
  • Nobody to wants to talk. Has someone ratted you out? Are the Constables watching you right now?
From Card/Storylet title
  • Preparing for a Big Score
Rare Success description
  • So many intriguing leads! The carnival strongbox[…], the Ministry of Public Decency[…], a hidden private library that belongs to Mr. Pages, a steamer[…] packed with glim[…] And most riskiest of all, a true master might chance even the Bazaar itself.
Rare Success title
  • Many whispers
Success description
  • You are hearing intriguing things. The carnival strongbox is a possibility. The Ministry of Public decency is another. There may be more worthy targets out there.
  • There are treasures out there. Things a master thief might make their own, if they can be found.
Action cost
  • 3
  • From: [[]] There are treasures out there. Things a master thief might make their own, if they can be found. [Find the rest of the story at ]