  • This might be faster... Arrange matters so you meet in a honey-dream. 2
  • From: [[|Become better acquainted with a charming young jewel-thief]] If you can determine which dreams he tends to visit, you may be able to meet him there. [Find the rest of the story at ]
Success title
  • A very pleasant afternoon
Failure title
  • This wasn't what you planned...
  • 18
Failure description
  • You're in a mud-brick city on a sun-scorched plain, whose inhabitants greet you as a living god. Which is very pleasant, but there's no sign of your jewel-thief.
From Card/Storylet title
  • Become better acquainted with a charming young jewel-thief
Success description
  • Sunlight, good company and imaginary wine. You're growing rather fond of the man.
  • If you can determine which dreams he tends to visit, you may be able to meet him there.
Title Appearance
  • Become better acquainted with a charming young jewel-thief
  • From: [[|Become better acquainted with a charming young jewel-thief]] If you can determine which dreams he tends to visit, you may be able to meet him there. [Find the rest of the story at ]