  • Pie Chart
  • Pie chart
  • A pie chart is a
  • The pie chart is rarely used in scientific publications, as the warm, gooey insides tend to muck up the rest of the paper. It is one of the most widely criticized charts, and statisticians recommend avoiding its use altogether, and instead use bar charts or something similar. They point out that it is difficult to compare slices of a given pie chart to each other, especially the first slice which tends to be extremely messy. Pie charts tend to work best when slices represent 25% or 50% of the data, since these portions are most likely to be sliced evenly and those eating said slices are less likely to bicker about who got more.
  • 3639695
  • 2009-02-24
  • A pie chart is a
  • The pie chart is rarely used in scientific publications, as the warm, gooey insides tend to muck up the rest of the paper. It is one of the most widely criticized charts, and statisticians recommend avoiding its use altogether, and instead use bar charts or something similar. They point out that it is difficult to compare slices of a given pie chart to each other, especially the first slice which tends to be extremely messy. Pie charts tend to work best when slices represent 25% or 50% of the data, since these portions are most likely to be sliced evenly and those eating said slices are less likely to bicker about who got more.