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Hannah Montana Hannah montana Hannah Montana Hannah Montana Hannah Montana Hannah Montana Hannah Montana Hannah Montana
Hannah Montana is an Emmy Award-nominated American television series, which debuted on March 24, 2006 on Disney Channel. The series focuses on a girl who lives a double life as an average teenage school girl named Miley Stewart (played by Miley Cyrus) by day and a famous pop singer named Hannah Montana by night, concealing her real identity from the public, other than her close friends and family. Miley Cyrus, also known as Hannah Montana, or maybe That Person that Can't Sing, is, at age 16, an unordinary dog lover and loves to name her dogs after car-related situations (hence the name Roadie). The series focuses on a girl who lives a double life as an average teenage school girl named Miley Stewart (played by Miley Cyrus) by day and a famous pop singer named Hannah Montana by night, concealing her real identity from the public, other than her close friends, Lilly and Oliver, and family, her father, and brother Jackson. Hannah Montana is a crazy liberal commie pinko. She is the daughter of Hillary Clinton and Joseph Stalin. Her songs are all liberal commie brainwash. Hannah Montana is part of the vast left-wing conspiracy. She also has sex with bears. She LOVES her family. "I mean, love is sex right? Me and my daddy and brother have one heck of a threesome" quote Hannah Montana. Miley/Hannah starred in the self-autobiographical television series Hannah Montana that ran on Disney Channel, chronicling her various wacky adventures. She was previously known as "Hannah California", but this was changed by her father because California "wasn't white enough". Hannah Montana had all the characters in it Hannah Montana (Ovindoli, 23 novembre 458 a.C.), detta Hannah Puttana, Pannah Montata, Hanna Fontana, Cannah Fumata o Hannah Sfondata, è figlia del celeberrimo gangster Tony Montana, è una rockstar (ma ne siamo sicuri?) americana che oltre a cantare fa foto di dubbia moralità e le mette su internet. Utimamente Hannah copia canzoni solo per essere più truzza dato che non sa né cantare né scrivere musica. All'inizio della seconda serie tuttavia, si scopre che Hannah è stata vittima di un terribile caso di malasanità, e che l'arto che le hanno rimosso... era quello sbagliato! Hannah Montana was a children's television comedy that aired on Disney Channel starring Miley Cyrus as Miley Stewart, an average girl who secretly performs as a famous singer named Hannah Montana. In the episode "Hannah in the Street with Diamonds," which first aired on July 20, 2008, Hannah Montana receives a diamond on a Hollywood street modeled after The Hollywood Walk of Fame. When she requests the location be moved due to overly frequent business in the area, she discovers the area her diamond was originally intended to be placed was given to a puppet character named Pancake Buffalo. When Miley attempts to ask the kindly host of Pancake's show (played by Edie McClurg) to switch diamonds, she only communicates (rudely) through Pancake and refuses. Hannah Montana sports a broken, bloody nose and inflated lips. her eyes are the wrong shape and her ears are pointy and hairy. The series has been nominated for a Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Children's Program from 2007 through 2010. Hannah Montana: The Movie was released in theaters on April 10, 2009. The third season of the series premiered on November 2, 2008 and ended on March 14, 2010. The show was renewed for the fourth and final season, which started production on January 18, 2010, and ended production on May 14, 2010. The final season premiered on July 11, 2010, and became the last Disney Channel sitcom to transition from standard definition to high definition in the process. The fourth season of Hannah Montana was promoted as Hannah Montana Forever. The one-hour series finale aired on January 16, 2011. thumb Hannah Montana fue una serie original de Disney Channel, destinada al público juvenil e infantil, se enfoca en la vida de una chica adolescente que tiene "doble vida", como una chica normal y otra como una famosa cantante pop. Das Hannah Montana Wiki sammelt alle Informationen zu der Serie. Es hat derzeit über 100 Artikel. Hannah Montana (Miley Cyrus) is one of the recurring characters of The Suite Life series. Hannah Montana es una serie televisiva de humor, que se emite por el canal Disney Channel desde marzo de 2006. Es protagonizada por la actriz y cantante Miley Cyrus, hija del famoso compositor de country Billy Ray Cyrus (que interpreta a Robby Ray Stewart, padre de la protagonista), la serie se ha convertido en todo un fenomeno mediático y televisivo. Hannah Montana (2006-2011) is about a teenager named Miley Stewart (played by Miley Cyrus) who seems like an ordinary girl to the kids at her school. But secretly, she is also teen pop sensation Hannah Montana, and the only people who know besides her family are her best friends, Lilly and Oliver. For its fourth and final season, the show was retooled and re-branded as Hannah Montana Forever. Now has a Character Sheet. hannah montana er en stor jåle som er gift med Rico, en stor surfer som har vunnet mange priser og er 2.10 m høy. og hannah er også en stor sanger med to hovedfiender, Lilly og Oliver, oliver er alle jenters drøm og lilly er bare stygg med sine harry potter-briller. hannah flyttet for ikke lenge siden til alaska og det første hun gjorde var og vise alle at hun gikk på akkurat den skolen hun gikk på, og elsker at alle behandler henne annerledes "Jeg kan ikke tenke meg hvordan det ville være og bli behandlet som alle andre, jeg mener at det kan da ikke være noe gøy!" sier hannah i et intervju med PG. (Pjattets gang) hun har også to beste-venniner: ashley og amber. de er helt ovenpå og passer derfor perfekt med hannah. hannah montana er en serie som går på nrk1 3/4. og vises 5 ganger daglig. The series focuses on a girl who lives a double life as an average teenage school girl named Miley Stewart, played by Miley Cyrus, by day and a famous pop singer named Hannah Montana by night, concealing her real identity from the public, other than her close friends and family. Hannah Monata, též označována jako Hana Zmatlaná, Majlí Sajrajtus, Hanča Montérka či Hana Fontána je nejhorší současná hvězda (či spíše kometa) 21. století. Narodila se bůhví kde a bůhví komu, i když se spekuluje že je dcerka české popové hvězdy Hančy Magorové. Údajně si své 'písně' píše a zhudebňuje sama samotinká ve svém růžovoučkém pokoji. [[Soubor:Pica.jpg|thumb|left|180px|Odvážná emo (rozuměj strašná) fotečka z raného období umělecké tvorby.]] Hannah Montana is an American television series, which debuted on March 24, 2006 on the Disney Channel. The series focuses on a girl who lives a double life as an average teenage school girl named Miley Stewart (played by Miley Cyrus) by day and a famous pop singer named Hannah Montana by night, concealing her real identity from the public, other than her close friends and family. Es war ein verregneter Novembertag im Jahre 2013. Der Nebel machte sich breit und es sah gespenstisch aus. Ich verstehe die Leute nicht so richtig die den Regen so hassten. Und warum auch wird Regen als schlechtes Wetter bezeichnet? Wenn es regnete war es für mich ein schöner Tag. Man musste auch mal an die Pflanzen denken. Sie brauchten Wasser. Ohne Wasser gäbe es uns nicht. Ohne Regen gäbe es kein Meer und auch keine Badeseen. Versteht ihr was ich damit sagen möchte? Der Regen macht uns schöne Dinge erst möglich und schenkt uns das Leben. Ehrlich gesagt finde ich es verdammt respektlos, den Regen als schlechtes Wetter zu bezeichnen. Hannah Montana was an American television series, which debuted on March 24, 2006 on the Disney Channel. The series focuses on a girl who lives a double life as an average teenage school girl named Miley Stewart (played by Miley Cyrus) by day and a famous pop singer named Hannah Montana by night, concealing her real identity from the public, other than her close friends and family.
stříbřitě umělá
idol teenagerek, hvězda
emerican ajdl
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zlatavě populární
Hana Fontána Hannah Montana
Bohužel ještě NE :
Hannah Montana
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Hannah Montana
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Steven Peterman Michael Poryes
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Double-Crossed "Lilly, Do You Want to Know a Secret?" That's So Suite Life of Hannah Montana
Inaktiv Series ended
Blue Jeans
Hannah Montana
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Best of Both Worlds "The Best of Both Worlds" performed by Miley Cyrus
America's Songbird
Hannah Montana logo of third season
List of Hannah Montana Episodes
všemi milovaná
naštěstí nemnoženo
n16: n289:
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Robbie Ray Stewart
Susan Stewart
Miley Stewart
Hannah Montana Wiki es una enciclopedia colaborativa sobre todo lo relacionado sobre la serie Hannah Montana.
Hannah Montana
Sitcom Musical
Jackson Stewart
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Hannah Montana Wiki
Comedia, drama
Steven Peterman
ABC Kids n51:
Michael Poryes n204: n214: Rich Correll Barry O'Brien Richard Correll
Hannah Montana
Hannah Montana
Hannah Montana
[[w:c:hannahmontana n199:
Es war ein verregneter Novembertag im Jahre 2013. Der Nebel machte sich breit und es sah gespenstisch aus. Ich verstehe die Leute nicht so richtig die den Regen so hassten. Und warum auch wird Regen als schlechtes Wetter bezeichnet? Wenn es regnete war es für mich ein schöner Tag. Man musste auch mal an die Pflanzen denken. Sie brauchten Wasser. Ohne Wasser gäbe es uns nicht. Ohne Regen gäbe es kein Meer und auch keine Badeseen. Versteht ihr was ich damit sagen möchte? Der Regen macht uns schöne Dinge erst möglich und schenkt uns das Leben. Ehrlich gesagt finde ich es verdammt respektlos, den Regen als schlechtes Wetter zu bezeichnen. Ich wollte nicht den ganzen Tag zuhause sitzen und ich beschloss im Regen rauszugehen. Ich verzichtete auf Regenjacke und Co. Es macht mir nichts aus wenn ich nass werde. Ich liebe es sogar. Ich verließ das Haus und lief auf die nasse Straße. Ich hatte keinen Plan wo ich hingehen würde. Einfach drauf los laufen, war mein Ziel. Ungefähr eine halbe Stunde schon lief ich ziellos durch die Stadt. Kaum eine Menschenseele sah ich in der Stadt. Alle flüchteten von dem ''schlechten'' Wetter. Ich beschloß in einen Park zu gehen. Er war ziemlich verlassen und kaum einer kannte ihn. Er war eine wahre Schönheit. Riesige Eichen und Pappeln wuchsen ringsum den Park. Sie spendeten eine sehr mysteriöse Atmosphäre, ich liebte es. Im Park angekommen war natürlich kein einziger Mensch dort. Innerlich sprang ich auf vor Freude. Ich hatte den ganzen Park für mich alleine. Ich steuerte zu einer Parkbank und setzte mich auf sie. Ich beobachtete den dunklen Himmel und die riesigen Bäume die die Regentropfen abfingen. Der kalte Wind blies durch meine langen Haare... Ich konnte es mir nicht schöner vorstellen, es war ein Paradies. In den Himmel schauend dachte ich nach... Über mich... Über mein ganzes Leben... Ich versank in Gedanken. Plötzlich wurde ich aus meinen schönen Gedanken gerissen, als ich bemerkte dass ich ein durchnässtes Papier im Gesicht hatte. Der Wind musste es mir ins Gesicht geweht haben. Ich nahm es aus meinem Gesicht und wollte es lesen. Wahrscheinlich nur irgendeine Werbung. Vorsichtig drehte ich das feuchte Papier in meinen Händen so hin, dass ich es lesen konnte. Ich konnte erkennen dass es sich um eine Webadresse handelte. Es war lediglich nur eine Webadresse und es stand nichts anderes darauf. Von Natur aus bin ich ein sehr neugieriger Mensch und wollte selbstverständlich wissen, um was es sich handelte. Wenn mir schon sowas zufällig mitten ins Gesicht flog, musste ich auch wissen was es war. Ich schnappte mein Smartphone aus der Tasche und öffnete Google. Mit nassen Fingern tippte ich diese Adresse ein. Schließlich nahm ich das oberste Ergebnis, da es die Webseite war. Es war eine Art Portal wo Videos angeboten wurden. Das Erstbeste klickte ich an. Das ausgewählte Video hatte den Namen ''Hannah Montana''. Das Video startete. Ich war erstaunt da ich erwartet habe, dass erstmal eine fette Portion Werbung kam, aber ich irrte mich. Es spielte in einem Keller. ''Was zum Teufel?'', dachte ich mir. Die Kamera wackelte und sie wurde von einer Person durch den Keller geführt. Überall befanden sich Türen und diesem staubigen Kellergang. Er ging durch einen Gang und stoppte nach einer Weile und hielt die Kamera zum Boden. Wahrscheinlich kramte er einen Schlüssel hervor und schloß das Schloss auf. (An den Geräuschen zu urteilen). Die Kamera war wieder waagerecht und ich konnte ein Mädchen erkennen. Das Mädchen war voller Kratzer und hatte eine schäbige Perücke auf. Ich schätzte sie auf 15 Jahre. Die Haare sahen wie die von der echten Hannah Montana aus. Nur halt als Perücke. Das Mädchen hatte verweinte Augen und fragte mit gebrochener Stimme: '' Was hast du vor mit mir?'' Eine tiefe, perverse Stimme antwortete: ''Sing für mich ein kleines Liedchen''! Sie begann mit ängstlicher Stimme und sang das Lied '' My heart will go on''! Als sie fertig war sagte der Mann:'' Hast du fein gemacht!' Als Belohnung lass ich dich frei!'' Ängstlich verließ das Mädchen mit zitternten Beinen den Kellerraum. Der Mann forderte mit strenger Stimme:'' Geh in diese Regentonne! Ich werde dich frei lassen, aber dir nicht den Weg zeigen, den ich fahre.'' Das Mädchen gehorchte und kletterte in die Regentonne. Ich war verdammt geschockt und konnte nicht glauben was ich da sah. Dennoch sah ich das Video weiter an. Der Mann lief zu einem Schrank und was dort drinnen war, ist so schrecklich dass ich Albträume davon habe. In dem Schrank standen lauter durchsichtige Boxen mit Blut und Organen drinnen. In der Box waren Maden, die alle herumkrochen. Man konnte halbverweste Knochenteile sehen und Insekten, die ich gar nicht kannte. Plötzlich lachte der Mann so grauenvoll und pervers, dass mir die Nackenhaare zu Bergen standen. Der Mann lief zu einem Kellerraum und schloss ihn auf. Er zog eine blutbeschmierte, halbverweste Leiche heraus, die meinem Urteil nach ein Mädchen war. Er zog die Leiche zur Regentonne und sagte mit perversen Stimme: ''Ich werde noch ein anderes Mädchen mit dir zusammen frei lassen!'' Er öffnete die Regentonne und trug die halbverweste Leiche in die Regentonne. Ein markerschütternder Schrei ertönte und der Bastard lachte einfach nur. Das Mädchen schrie wie am Spieß und der Mann machte den Deckel wieder auf die Regentonne. Auf dem Boden rollte der Mann die Regentonne aus dem Keller und das Mädchen schrie sich die Seele aus dem Leib. Ein Schnitt. Der Mann gab schließlich folgendes vor sich: '' Wenn du aufhörst zu schreien, lasse ich dich lebend frei!'' Der Schrei verstummte und der Mann sagte: ''Na geht doch!'' Es kam ein Schnitt und die nächste Szene spielte in einem Auto. Es war Nacht und der Mann bog in ein Waldstück ab. In der nächsten Szene öffnete er den Kofferraum und trug die blaue Regentonne zum Boden. Man konnte hören, dass das Mädchen wimmerte. Es fragte mit leiser Stimme: "Kannst du mich rauslassen?'' Keine Antwort. Das Mädchen klopfte schreiend gegen die Regentonne und der Mann kramte eine Schaufel aus dem Kofferraum und grub seelenruhig ein Loch. Er ließ sich durch die Todesschreie des Mädchens nicht stören. Nach ungefähr 3 Minuten war das Loch groß genug und er legte die Regentonne in das Loch. Das Mädchen schrie immer noch und der Mann schüttete Erde über das Fass und der Schrei verstummte. Er legte die Schaufel in seinen Kofferraum, stieg ins Auto und fuhr los. Das Video endete. Nun saß ich da. Zitternd und verstört. Ich ließ mein Handy in die Hosentasche gleiten. Mein Haare und Kleidung waren völlig durchnässt und es donnerte. Irgendwann lief ich gebrochen nach Hause. Ich setzte mich Zuhause an meinen Laptop und habe die Seite nochmal aufgerufen. Ich hatte keineswegs vor noch ein Video anzusehen. Mit zitternden Fingern scrollte ich runter und bemerkte, dass das neuste Video erst vor 10 Minuten hochgeladen worden war und auf dem Titelbild war der Park in dem ich war. Krank vor Angst klickte ich das Video an und musste erschrocken feststellen, dass ich es war! Ich wurde gefilmt wie ich auf der Parkbank saß und das Video ansah. Am Ende drehte sich die Kamera und das perverse Gesicht blickte grinsend in die Kamera. Mich überkam ein unbeschreiblich grauenvolles Gefühl. Ich wurde die ganze Zeit von diesem kranken Monster beobachtet... Dieses Gefühl ist scheußlich. Ich meldete es umgehend und hysterisch auf der Webseite der Polizei. Aber sie war gelöscht worden. Man konnte sie nicht wieder herstellen. Eine Frage brennt mir im Gewissen... Von LadyHaha Kategorie:Mittellang Kategorie:Artikel ohne Bilder Kategorie:Internet Kategorie:Geisteskrankheit Kategorie:Mord Kategorie:Verlorene Folgen Miley Cyrus, also known as Hannah Montana, or maybe That Person that Can't Sing, is, at age 16, an unordinary dog lover and loves to name her dogs after car-related situations (hence the name Roadie). Hannah Montana was a children's television comedy that aired on Disney Channel starring Miley Cyrus as Miley Stewart, an average girl who secretly performs as a famous singer named Hannah Montana. In the episode "Hannah in the Street with Diamonds," which first aired on July 20, 2008, Hannah Montana receives a diamond on a Hollywood street modeled after The Hollywood Walk of Fame. When she requests the location be moved due to overly frequent business in the area, she discovers the area her diamond was originally intended to be placed was given to a puppet character named Pancake Buffalo. When Miley attempts to ask the kindly host of Pancake's show (played by Edie McClurg) to switch diamonds, she only communicates (rudely) through Pancake and refuses. Pancake is a puppet built by the Jim Henson Company previously used on Animal Jam (where the puppet also went by the name Pancake) and the Puppet Up web series. Pancake was puppeteered by Victor Yerrid while Susie Geiser provided the character's voice. The series focuses on a girl who lives a double life as an average teenage school girl named Miley Stewart, played by Miley Cyrus, by day and a famous pop singer named Hannah Montana by night, concealing her real identity from the public, other than her close friends and family. In "Hannah Banana", Stewie Griffin is watching an episode of the show, in which Billy Ray Cyrus, who plays dad Robby Ray Stewart on the show, is intrigued when Miley angrily tells him he's not Hannah's dad, prompting him to ask her to put the wig on. At the end of the episode, an announcement regarding the concert tour is made. thumb Hannah Montana fue una serie original de Disney Channel, destinada al público juvenil e infantil, se enfoca en la vida de una chica adolescente que tiene "doble vida", como una chica normal y otra como una famosa cantante pop. The series focuses on a girl who lives a double life as an average teenage school girl named Miley Stewart (played by Miley Cyrus) by day and a famous pop singer named Hannah Montana by night, concealing her real identity from the public, other than her close friends, Lilly and Oliver, and family, her father, and brother Jackson. Hannah Montana is an Emmy Award-nominated American television series, which debuted on March 24, 2006 on Disney Channel. The series focuses on a girl who lives a double life as an average teenage school girl named Miley Stewart (played by Miley Cyrus) by day and a famous pop singer named Hannah Montana by night, concealing her real identity from the public, other than her close friends and family. Miley/Hannah starred in the self-autobiographical television series Hannah Montana that ran on Disney Channel, chronicling her various wacky adventures. She was previously known as "Hannah California", but this was changed by her father because California "wasn't white enough". The series has been nominated for a Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Children's Program from 2007 through 2010. Hannah Montana: The Movie was released in theaters on April 10, 2009. The third season of the series premiered on November 2, 2008 and ended on March 14, 2010. The show was renewed for the fourth and final season, which started production on January 18, 2010, and ended production on May 14, 2010. The final season premiered on July 11, 2010, and became the last Disney Channel sitcom to transition from standard definition to high definition in the process. The fourth season of Hannah Montana was promoted as Hannah Montana Forever. The one-hour series finale aired on January 16, 2011. Hannah Montana (Miley Cyrus) is one of the recurring characters of The Suite Life series. Hannah Montana was an American television series, which debuted on March 24, 2006 on the Disney Channel. The series focuses on a girl who lives a double life as an average teenage school girl named Miley Stewart (played by Miley Cyrus) by day and a famous pop singer named Hannah Montana by night, concealing her real identity from the public, other than her close friends and family. The series has been nominated for a Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Children's Program from 2007 through 2010. Hannah Montana: The Movie was released in theaters on April 10, 2009. The third season of the series premiered on November 2, 2008 and ended on March 14, 2010. The show was renewed for the fourth and final season, which started production on January 18, 2010, and ended production on May 14, 2010. The final season premiered on July 11, 2010, and became the last Disney Channel sitcom to transition from standard definition to high definition in the process. The fourth season of Hannah Montana was promoted as Hannah Montana Forever. The one-hour series finale aired on January 16, 2011. As the series went on, it received a lot of criticism, for appearing to have a negative influence on it's audience. Hannah Montana is an American television series, which debuted on March 24, 2006 on the Disney Channel. The series focuses on a girl who lives a double life as an average teenage school girl named Miley Stewart (played by Miley Cyrus) by day and a famous pop singer named Hannah Montana by night, concealing her real identity from the public, other than her close friends and family. Hannah Monata, též označována jako Hana Zmatlaná, Majlí Sajrajtus, Hanča Montérka či Hana Fontána je nejhorší současná hvězda (či spíše kometa) 21. století. Narodila se bůhví kde a bůhví komu, i když se spekuluje že je dcerka české popové hvězdy Hančy Magorové. Údajně si své 'písně' píše a zhudebňuje sama samotinká ve svém růžovoučkém pokoji. [[Soubor:Pica.jpg|thumb|left|180px|Odvážná emo (rozuměj strašná) fotečka z raného období umělecké tvorby.]] Hannah Montana sports a broken, bloody nose and inflated lips. her eyes are the wrong shape and her ears are pointy and hairy. Hannah Montana (Ovindoli, 23 novembre 458 a.C.), detta Hannah Puttana, Pannah Montata, Hanna Fontana, Cannah Fumata o Hannah Sfondata, è figlia del celeberrimo gangster Tony Montana, è una rockstar (ma ne siamo sicuri?) americana che oltre a cantare fa foto di dubbia moralità e le mette su internet. Utimamente Hannah copia canzoni solo per essere più truzza dato che non sa né cantare né scrivere musica. Però quando si leva la parrucca (solo Avril LaFogna e i suoi amici cerebrolesi del market non hanno ancora capito come faccia), diventa un'altra. Hannah ha una doppia identità: di giorno è Miley Cyrus, una studentessa modello dal nome impronunciabile, mentre di notte diventa una cantante trasgressiva e un po' zoccoletta. Oltre a questo, Hannah ha un altro segreto, ancora più torbido: ha la clamidia. Solo nell'ultimo episodio riesce finalmente a confessarlo ai suoi amici, ma ormai è tardi: l'infezione è progredita troppo oltre, e i medici sono costretti ad amputarle una gamba. All'inizio della seconda serie tuttavia, si scopre che Hannah è stata vittima di un terribile caso di malasanità, e che l'arto che le hanno rimosso... era quello sbagliato! Iniziano così nuove avventure per la giovane cantante, che ora alterna la sua vita tra i banchi di scuola e il centro di riabilitazione motoria. Miley, oltre a cambiare parrucca per trasformarsi in Hannah, è costretta anche a indossare delle protesi in legno e caucciù per deambulare. Nonostante questo, nessuno dei suoi fan si accorge della differenza, dato che a ballare era impedita anche prima. Secondo i Ricercatori Oral-B, verrà trasmessa anche una terza stagione della celebre Soap Opera. Gli studi sono stati confermati da Pannah Montata in persona, la quale ha dichiarato che le avventure della giovane rockstar stavolta non saranno ambientate a Los Angeles, bensì in un campo rom. Riuscirà quindi la nostra eroina a sopravvivere a tali disavventure? Certo che no! Infatti morirà dopo soli due giorni a causa di una terribile epidemia di tosse. Hannah Montana (si nella vita normale è una baldracchetta: le hanno anche dedicato una barbie: Barbiebaldracca) È chiaro che con la sua professione è facile essere montata. Qui sotto riassumiamo i suoi clienti più frequenti: * I Jonas Brothers (si tutti e tre insieme) * Il Padrino * Winnie the Pooh * tuo padre * Barbie * Homer * Rossana, la sua controparte AnimeTelevisiva. * L'Iphone * Il Blackberry * Pollon (sì, proprio lei hai capito bene) * Miley Cyrus stessa Hannah Montana (2006-2011) is about a teenager named Miley Stewart (played by Miley Cyrus) who seems like an ordinary girl to the kids at her school. But secretly, she is also teen pop sensation Hannah Montana, and the only people who know besides her family are her best friends, Lilly and Oliver. For its fourth and final season, the show was retooled and re-branded as Hannah Montana Forever. Now has a Character Sheet. * Adam Westing: Billy Ray Cyrus plays his own Captain Ersatz. * Adorkable: Much of the show's success can be attributed to Miley Cyrus' bright and energetic personality combined with her goofy mannerisms and a total willingness to look foolish on camera. She's even been compared favorably to comedy legends Lucille Ball and Carol Burnett. * Adjective Noun Fred: The title of the Japanese dub, Secret Idol Hannah Montana. * Affectionate Parody: The Hannah character, and much of the music, seems to parody the teen-pop images of the likes of Hilary Duff and the younger Britney Spears. * An Aesop: One per episode, generally. More prevalent during the series' early run - the third and fourth seasons have quite a few episodes that manage to avoid this trope. * Alliterative Name: * Oliver Oscar Oken, who gets double credit for this trope as he is played by Mitchel Musso. * Lilly's alter-ego, Lola Luftnagle. * Robbie Ray Stewart's alter-ego, Robbie Ray. * Miley and Jackson's deceased mother, Susan Stewart. * Amber Addison, the Alpha Bitch. * Karen Kunkle, Jackson's - and later, Miley's - Stern Teacher. * Music critic Barney Bittman - again, extra credit for Gilbert Gottfried. * Gary Green, radio DJ. * Movie producer Baz B. Berkley. * Special mention goes to Dandruff Danny, Liposuction Liza and Brainless Becky. * And finally, Ray Romano, Joe Jonas and Rob Reiner, appearing as themselves. * Alter Ego Acting: Miley is also a singer in Real Life -- as Hannah Montana as well as herself, no less. * Back for the Finale: Done of series of episodes where Lilly's Dad, Aunt Dolly, and Mamaw all return * Literally with Oliver who actually only comes back as a Plot Device. * Beneath the Mask: A major theme in the show. Thanks to the Hannah Montana persona, Miley is able to see people's True Colors. She isn't fooled by the facade put up by someone like Amber or Rico when they're dealing with Hannah, because as Miley, she knows what they are really like. In fact, everyone but her true friends treat her better when she is Hannah. * Be Yourself: The show's overarching Aesop, which seems ironic given that the series is all about a girl who puts on a disguise so she can live a life of fame and fortune... until you realize it merely sets up Miley for the supporting lesson, that friends and family are more important. * Big Damn Movie: Hannah has to save her Tennessee hometown from a land developer who wants to build a mall there. * Big Eater: * Lilly. Skinny as she is, one wonders where she puts it all. * Robbie Ray, leading to some people, including the President, teasing him about his waistline. * Blind Without'Em: Lilly can't tell a person from a post without her contacts. * Broken Record: In the movie, during the filming of the video for "The Best of Both Worlds", the CD that they're lip-syncing to keeps repeating, "Best of both, best of both, best of both..." until the CD player gets smacked, and it finally ends, "Best of both worlds." * Brother Chuck: A number of characters were quite unceremoniously Put on a Bus, including: * Two of Jackson's best friends -- Cooper, not seen since Season 1, and Thor, not seen since Season 2. * Roxy, not seen since early Season 2. * Mikayla, also not seen since early Season 2. Although there's probably a good reason for that. * Though Bridglet Mendler still guest stars on that show despite having one of her own. * Dandruff Danny, not seen since Season 1. * The Movie gives Hannah Montana a publicist played by Vanessa Williams who is never seen after the movie. * California University: * Jackson considered The State College of Santa Barbara, then attended Tennessee University for a time, before settling upon Malibu Community College. None of these institutions exist in real life. * Lilly and Miley both apply to Standford University. Yes, spelled like that -- it's quite visible on a couple of folders in the episode, and Miley clearly sounds out the first D more than once. There's no such school, and if you Google the name, the results pages will keep insisting you meant something else. * Can't Get Away with Nuthin': Jackson frequently incurs Robbie Ray's full wrath for infractions that would rate, at most, a stern talking-to for Miley. * Catch Phrase: * "Sweet niblets!" * "Dang flabbit!" * "TVTropeseditorsayWHAT?* * "What in the Sam Heck?" * "Hey-O!" * "Rrrrrrrico! Muahahahaha!" * "Eep!" * "Oh yeah! I went there!" * "Ya think?" * Celebrity Paradox: This trope is actually quite important, as Hannah and her father are often in many of the same settings and situations that their actors experience in Real Life. They even interact with many real celebrities playing themselves in the show. * Played straight for Miley Cyrus, even more so because her character is The Danza. Justified because the entire premise of the series requires that "Miley" be a girl who is not famous. People in the show have never heard the name before, and later struggle to remember it. For example, when Miley Stewart is dating Jake Ryan and she ends up being interviewed on TV, the host calls her "Milky" - and when corrected, doesn't care that he was wrong. * Given the above, you'd think the trope would also apply to her father, Billy Ray Cyrus. However, it's subverted when a direct reference is made. Robbie Ray puts on a mullet wig and claims to be Billy Ray - which couldn't happen if the celebrity did not exist. A double subversion occurs when the woman Robbie is talking to thinks he's crazy and quickly leaves. * Character Development: * Miley in the first season was a shy, timid, awkward girl. Somewhere along the line she managed to pick up large amounts of sass. She stayed clumsy though. * Lilly started out as a funny, quirky tomboy. By the time she got together with Oliver, she had turned into a giggling girly girl. * Child Prodigy: Rico starts out as one, eventually aging into a Teen Genius. He is in the same class as Miley and Lilly, despite being three years younger. * Chivalrous Pervert: Rico. * Clark Kenting: Miley as Hannah. * Comic Book Time: Averted. While there are some continuity errors, each season clearly shows the teenage cast progressing to a new school year. Dealing with the issues of growing up is a recurring theme in the series. * Commuting on a Bus: In Season 4, Mitchel Musso was removed from the billed cast, with Oliver only appearing in a couple of episodes. * Completely Missing the Point: When Hannah is signed up for a celebrity tennis game, Miley seems more concerned with having a signature grunt than you know...actually learning tennis. * Cool Loser: Lilly and Miley (and arguably, Oliver) qualify. Both girls are ranked at the very bottom of Amber and Ashley's 'Cool List', causing them to be shunned by the entire school. Matters improve somewhat in high school, though they're still pretty low in the pecking order. We're talking about two attractive, hip, trendy, charismatic girls who turn heads everywhere they go in Real Life. * Costume Porn * Crossover: Wizards of Waverly Place On Deck with Hannah Montana and That's So Raven Suite Life of Hannah Montana. Characters and settings from Cory in The House appear in the episode "Take This Job and Love It". Beacause Selena Gomez plays both Alex Russo and Hannah's rival, Mikayla, none of the Hannah Montana cast directly interact with any of the Wizards of Waverly Place cast. * The Danza: * Miley Stewart is played by Miley Cyrus. Averted at first, as the lead role was named Zoe Stewart, later changed to Chloe Stewart because Zoe was thought to be too similar to Zoey 101, and the character was established well before Cyrus came in. In fact, she originally auditioned (yes, auditioned) for the role of Lilly. It was changed to Miley as all of the aliases were becoming confusing to her in Real Life. Still an odd subversion because Miley wasn't her real first name -- it's Destiny Hope Cyrus, and Miley was a nickname she got as a baby -- but then she had her first name legally changed to Miley. * Played straight in the case of Heather Truscott, played by Heather Locklear. * Deadpan Snarker: * Miley/Hannah, in practically every episode -- especially after the first season. She's cute, she's funny, she can be downright obnoxious. It's why the audience can comfortably laugh at her when the Zany Scheme invariably backfires. * Lilly also tends to fall into this role -- she and Miley are best friends, after all. In some cases (such as the time where Miley and Jackson were thought to be dating) she basically spends the entire episode doing nothing but make snarky comments. * Deep South: Miley Cyrus hails from Franklin, Tennessee in Real Life, and her dad comes from Kentucky. The Stewarts, being Southerners, came from the fictional town of Crawley Corners, Tennessee, as The Movie makes quite clear. The show never lets you forget the Stewarts' Southern roots for too long, the strong accents Billy Ray and Miley have for starters. The episodes featuing Mammaw, Uncle Earl and/or and Aunt Dolly only reinforce the issue. * Defictionalization: Miley Cyrus' early music career consists entirely of songs from the show, including performances as Hannah Montana in real life. Arguably, this wasn't the original intention. Disney Consumer Products failed to produce any official Hannah Montana merchandise for the first holiday season following the show's initial airing in March 2006, indicating that they did not anticipate the popularity it would garner nor the demand it would generate. * Disney Owns This Trope: Rico owns his evil laugh. And the North American rights to the "Hey-yo!" Furthermore, his company is called "Muah-hah-hah Industries." * Dumb Blonde: Lilly, especially in Season 1. * Easily Forgiven: Robbie Ray will forgive anything that Miley messes up, as long as he's convinced she's genuinely contrite. * Lampshaded in "De-Do-Do-Do, De-Don't-Don't-Don't-Don't Tell My Secret": * * In "Been There All Along", Jackson actually has to explain this to Miley to stop her from trying another Zany Scheme. * Empathic Environment: When Miley lost an anklet her mother gave her, the weather in Hawai'i promptly turned sour. When Robbie Ray gives a speech telling her how her mother is always with her, anklet or no, the weather promptly turns gorgeous again. * Escapist Character: Hannah. Invoked in some of her songs, such as "Just Like You", which lets the audience identify with her more readily. * Everything's Sparkly with Jewelry: Many of Hannah's outfits from the earlier seasons were created by sticking thousands of rhinestones on perfectly ordinary clothes. Once the show's popularity took off, so did the budget, so her later costumes are mostly hand-made and fall into full Pimped-Out Dress territory -- but still play this trope straight. * Brought up in one of the DVD extras: * Executive Meddling: Possible -- In some of the episodes, there's an underlying feeling that the plot and even the show could have been brilliantly satirical, but that the Disney sitcom formula, as well as the target demographic being little girls, puts a limit on the writers' storytelling potential. * Expository Theme Tune: "Who would have thought that a girl like me -- would double as a superstar?". * Extraverted Nerd: Rico, again. * Flat What: At least once an episode. * Genre Savvy: Lilly has a fair amount of this. Several times she points out Miley's crazy schemes and why they wouldn't work. Sometimes it's even implied that Lilly agrees to play along only because she knows that Miley will learn something when the plan fails. * The Ghost: Uncle Earl and Aunt Pearl until Season 2, when Uncle Earl was finally portrayed in all his larger-than-life glory by David Koechner. Aunt Pearl remained The Ghost. * Good Feels Good: Sarah seems to really enjoy her goodie-two-shoes ways. * Gosh Dang It to Heck: "Sweet Niblets!" * "Dang Flabbit!" * Granola Girl: Sarah. * Groupie Brigade: Exaggerated in the first season, where just saying the name Hannah Montana too loudly can trigger a stampede of rabid fans trying to find her. Still played straight throughout the rest of the series, and is the justification behind Miley going to all the trouble of keeping a secret identity. * Happier Home Movie: In one episode, Miley watches a family Christmas from when her mom was still alive. * Heterosexual Life Partners: Miley and Lilly. * Hidden Depths: Jackson will loudly proclaim at every opportunity how disappointed he is that Robbie Ray had a second child, or how much he resents Hannah Montana taking precedence over any of his own plans -- especially because Miley never lets him forget it. However, when push comes to shove and Miley really needs his support, Jackson will sacrifice anything -- even his own happiness -- to protect his sister's hopes and dreams. * Hollywood Dateless: Jackson is portrayed as a uncouth, socially-awkward loser who couldn't get a date if his life depended on it. This in spite of the fact that he's played by the boyishly-handsome Jason Earles, takes a different girl out every third episode, and has even had a few random women come on to him (usually when he's not trying to be charming). * Honest John's Dealership: Rico charges exorbitant prices for mediocre food at his surf shop, has some questionably-legal business practices (eg: charging for restrooms, in the home state of the Congresswoman who that practice abolished, no less), and has had more than one run-in with the Health Department. * Hormone-Addled Teenager: Most (if not all) of them. Considering the hectic double life Miley has, the show spends a disproportionate amount of time on hers and the others' various crushes. * Hot Dad: They don't call Robbie Ray the "Honky Tonk Hearthrob" for nuthin'! * Hot Mom: * Heather Truscott, played by none other than Heather Locklear. * Susan Stewart, seen in flashbacks, played by Brooke Shields. * "I Am" Song: The series loves this trope, as several songs qualify. It begins with "Just Like You" and "The Other Side Of Me" in Season 1, progresses to Season 3's "Supergirl" and "Just A Girl", then finishes with "Ordinary Girl" in the final season. * Idol Singer: Hannah in the show, Miley in Real Life. * Emily Osment and Mitchel Musso have followed suit. * I'm a Man, I Can't Help It: Gender inverted with Miley in S2 Ep08, "Take This Job and Love It", where Miley gives this as the reason she didn't want to take Roxy, her overprotective bodyguard with her on a date. * Insufferable Genius: Rico. * Intergenerational Friendship: Between Robbie Ray and Rico. * I Should Write a Book About This: Subverted in one episode: * Jerk with a Heart of Jerk: Rico has been known to do right by people, but usually only when it serves his own interests. * Jerk with a Heart of Gold: However, Rico does manage, on rare occasions, to do something truly altruistic. * Keeping Secrets Sucks: Oh, does it ever. To maintain her secret identity, Miley has to lie to her friends, endure bullying at school, and suffer through constant discrimination or embarrassment... all the time knowing she could make all of it go away so easily. It's no picnic for Miley's family and friends either. Robbie Ray and Jackson both give up their own happiness to protect her, torching their respective relationships with Lorelai and Siena (albeit temporarily, as Miley eventually shares the secret with both). The realization that the secret demands too much sacrifice from her loved ones is what finally pushes Miley into going on national TV and revealing that she's Hannah Montana. * Kid Com * Laugh Track * Line-of-Sight Name: Miley is doing a radio interview from her kitchen while eating spaghetti and claims to be speaking from a cafe in Italy. When she is asked where she is, her father passes her the pasta box. She reads the first words she sees and claims to be in the small village of "Sodium Free". She immediately ammends this to "Sodium Freme" (said in an Italian accent). * Literary Allusion Title: Every episode title is a Shout-Out to a song. Many also end up becoming Pun Based Titles. * Loves Me Not: In the episode "Good Golly, Miss Dolly": * Love Triangle: Season 3 introduces Jesse, one of Hannah's band members, as a rival to Jake Ryan for her affections. An unusual situation when you realize that as far as the world knows, Jake is actually dating Hannah's alter-ego Miley Stewart, whom Jesse doesn't even know exists. The episode handles this by separating scenes between Miley/Jake and Hannah/Jesse - meaning Jesse is only aware that Hannah is dating somebody - but eventually the two guys end up confronting each other in front of Hannah. It is possible that Jesse just didn't know who Jake's girlfriend was supposed to be. * The Masquerade Will Kill Your Dating Life: A recurring trope throughout the series, with increasing significance each time. Early on, it's played for laughs, with Miley going on a date... to a Hannah Montana concert. Later on, she lets Jake in on her secret when the guilt of continually lying to him becomes too much to bear. In the movie, everything comes tumbling down when Miley tries to have a romantic dinner with Travis while simultaneously attending the mayor's banquet as Hannah. Finally, in Season 4, it's not even enough for Jesse to know that Miley is Hannah -- the burden of dealing with her dual identities puts a severe strain on their relationship. * Mean Character, Nice Actor: * Moises Arias, who plays Rico, is not as selfish and rotten as his character. In fact he promoted penguin preservation with the Disney MMORPG, Club Penguin. * The girls who played Amber and Ashley aren't really mean in real life either. * Nor is Romi Dames, the actress who plays stuck-up socialite Traci Van Horn. Quite the opposite, in fact. * Missing Mom: Miley and Jackson's mother died some time prior to the pilot. She does appear in a few episodes (played by Brooke Shields), in dream sequences. * Morality Chain: Often, Lilly is the only thing keeping a leash on Miley's diva-ness. * The Movie: Technically, two movies -- the first was a Concert Film, while the second was based on the show. * My Hair Came Out Green: Miley tries to dye her hair blonde and it ends up green. * New Season, New Name: The fourth and final season is re-branded Hannah Montana Forever. * Officially Shortened Title: Inverted for the Japanese adaptation, which is marketed as Secret Idol Hannah Montana. * Oh My Gods: Robbie Ray uses "Lord" in a theological context. * Only Sane Man: Jesse was the only person to make the connection between Hannah and Miley * Ooh, Me Accent's Slipping: Siena is played by Australian actress Tammin Sursok, whose accent lapses occasionally. In particular, she seems to struggle with saying "Hannah Montana". Fridge Logic kicks in when one realizes that Siena's nationality was never stated, and thus she has no need to affect an American accent. * Paper-Thin Disguise: How the cast's Secret Identities are kept secret. Lampshaded when Jackson points out the obviousness of Superman's Paper-Thin Disguise, and Miley agrees with him as she and Robbie Ray don theirs. * Robbie's Mustache is made even thinner as anyone could easily put 2 and 2 together that Robbie Ray and Robbie Ray Stewart are the same person especially when one considers that he never hides the fact that he is Robbie Ray even without the mustache. It very possible this is an attempt to Lampshade this trope as Robbie seems to be the same person with or without the mustache. * Picked Last: Happens to Miley whenever gym class involves teams, and is the setup for the episode "Cuffs Will Keep Us Together". As Hannah Montana, she has the coordination to dance onstage - sometimes in high heels and while also singing, no less - but when it comes to sports, she's unable to do things like catch a ball without using her face. * Platonic Life Partners: Miley and Oliver, Lilly and Oliver before their Relationship Upgrade in Season 3. * Porn Stache: Most of Robbie Ray's Paper-Thin Disguise consists of this. Lampshaded by Robbie repeatedly. * Promotion to Opening Titles: Moises Arias, as of Season 2. * Real Life Relative: Miley Stewart's father Robbie Ray Stewart is played by Miley Cyrus' father, Billy Ray Cyrus. (Yes, that Billy Ray Cyrus). * Reality Subtext: The fourth season deals with themes such as whether Hannah's audience would accept the change and growth in her work, Miley and Lilly growing up and out of the tastes and fashions they had when they were younger, and whether her fans would stay with her even after Miley stops being Hannah Montana and appears in public as the real Miley. This seems to reflect Miley's image change into a more adult and more edgy/personalized/reflective image and music style in Real Life, which began before the fourth season was filmed. * Relationship Upgrade: Lilly and Oliver, friends since kindergarten, become an Official Couple in Season 3. * Rich Bitch: Traci Van Horn, who has the unmitigated gall to tell Lola, to her face, how uncool she thinks she is, despite being friends with Hannah, who publicly humiliates herself just as often. * Running Gag: Several. * Robbie Ray's obsession with his hair to the point where his kids very first go-to move when bad news comes their way is to compliment his hair. * The fact that Robbie Ray is always making awful puns and Miley reminding him that 'you ain't funny'. In fact, you could say this is one of Robbie Ray's main schticks in the series. * In Season 4, Lilly gets a new job running the ticket exchange booth at the amusement park. One of the top prizes is a big stuffed toy tiger that costs 50,000 tickets - a ludicrous amount that would fill a large container. Guess what every kid tries to exchange his or her measly handful of tickets for. Lilly easily handles the initial incident in the first episode, cheerily explaining the three cheapest prizes that all those tickets are good for. Fast-forward several episodes and many more kids later, and she's just about ready to crack. * The Scrooge: Despite being filthy-stinkin'-rich from both his own and his daughter's record sales, Robbie Ray is notoriously, if a bit selectively, tight with a penny. * Secret Identity: Many episodes of the show revolve around Miley trying to keep people from learning she is Hannah Montana. Once, Miley tried to get a phone by taking a bad picture of her as Hannah but learned she was wearing a necklace labled "Miley". Lilly and Oliver adopted their own secret identities as well. * Selective Enforcement: Miley is Easily Forgiven, whereas Jackson Can't Get Away with Nuthin'. * Series Continuity Error: Oh so many! A few examples: * There are a number of instances where it seems the episode order (as aired on TV) had been changed from the intended order as they were written. Like when Miley mentions she will "be driving soon", in the episode after the one where she is driving by herself already. Or when Lilly says Hannah just starred in a movie, but the episode where she auditions for that movie hasn't happened yet. * Lilly's birthday, which was implied in The Movie to be in the summer, but came around again just seven months later in "Can't Get Home to You Girl". This could be related to the episode shuffling noted above. * In one episode, Lilly spectacularly butchers the pronunciation of "empanada" (so as to rhyme with "Canada, Eh?") but in another episode, is taking AP Spanish, and able to tutor another girl in exchange for her math tutoring services. * Lilly mentions a brother once, in Season 1 -- then never again. In Season 3, she says sometimes she wishes she had a brother. * Shallow Love Interest: Many, which is understandable given the main characters are all teenagers. Notable examples include Becca Weller and Gabe "Hottie Lamati with the Swimmer's Body" Lamati. * She Is All Grown Up: Lilly. In the Tomboy and Girly Girl pairing of her and Miley, she started out as the former, with actress Emily Osment drawing unflattering comments about being her brother Haley Joel with a wig. Jump to Season 4 -- Lilly dresses straight from the Hannah Closet and Oliver is just smitten. * Shouldn't We Be in School Right Now?: Hannah has been known to be on tour for weeks at a time, and engages in activities and publicity stunts during school hours, such as reading to a group of preschoolers. Yet, as regular old Miley Stewart, she attends a public school, and her absences are never referenced, nor do they arouse the suspicion of anyone at school. * Shout-Out: Many. Notably, the episodes are named after songs. * At one point, Miley tells Lilly that her dad's nickname for her is in fact "Miley". In real life, "Miley" was a nickname Billy Ray bestowed on his daughter. * A very subtle one in "O Say, Can You Remember the Words" in which Jackson makes Jack Nicholson's "Here's Johnny!" face before attacking a pair of chocolate bunnies. * There's also one in an episode where Miley is trying to learn to climb a rope. After Lilly is distracted by Sarah coming in to tell her (falsely) that Oliver is back from his tour, Miley is at the ceiling in no time. Unable to figure out how Miley pulled it off (she used a hidden wire harness), Lilly asks "Are you a vampire?" * Jake Ryan probably takes his name from the ever-so-perfect male lead in Sixteen Candles. * When Jackson tries to get in to a college: * Sidekick: At one point Lilly refers to herself as such saying that she's just a sidekick who needs to learn to say no. She almost never does. * Soapbox Sadie: The aforementioned "Saint" Sarah, crusading for such worthy causes as the California Low Flow Toilet Initiative. * Spiritual Successor: To Lizzie McGuire, particularly The Movie where Lizzie becomes a pop star and has a brunette double. * Stalker with a Crush: Oliver was one to Hannah until he found out who she really was. Lilly (in her Lola persona) was one to Orlando Bloom until she started dating Oliver. * Standardized Sitcom Housing: Almost to the point of an inversion of Friends Rent Control, considering it's supposed to be a Malibu beachfront house that two rock stars live in. Justified when you realize that it helps Miley pretend to be a normal girl. * Stylistic Suck: Sometimes, Hannah Montana gets an acting job. The character cannot act. * Three Amigos: Miley, Lilly and Oliver. * Token Minority: Subverted with Rico. He may be the only Latino in an otherwise monochrome cast, but he subverts the TV stereotype of Latinos by being intelligent, wealthy, and motivated. * Tomboy and Girly Girl: Played straight in the first two seasons with Lilly and Miley, respectively. Lilly eventually becomes more of a girly girl herself, though she remains much more athletic than Miley, who is terrible at sports. * Took a Level In Jerkass: By Season 4, Lilly has turned into an opportunistic snob who spends most of her screen time whining and complaining. * Trailers Always Spoil: The official promo for "I'll Always Remember You" showed very few clips from the first half of the episode, and almost entirely put emphasis on Hannah taking off her blonde wig and exposing her identity as Miley Stewart to the world. * Tsundere: Miley towards Jake Ryan. When they first meet, she treats him with disdain, calling his antics "disgusting" and turning him down three times when he asks her to a dance. It isn't until Hannah guest stars on Jake's TV show and they almost kiss during a scene that she realizes - or admits to herself - that she actually likes him. Lilly with her usual Genre Savvy is actually aware of Miley's true feelings from the start: * Unlimited Wardrobe: Miley calls it the Hannah Closet, but it's effectively a fashion boutique (that only stocks brightly-colored sparkly items for teenage girls) in her bedroom. Automated revolving carousels and remote-controlled sliding shelves filled with more clothes and accessories than the show has episodes ensure that Hannah never needs to wear the same thing twice. * Unsympathetic Comedy Protagonist: Miley ventures into this territory at times. * Vitriolic Best Buds: Jackson and Rico. It takes them until the series finale to admit it. * Wakeup Makeup: Miley and Lilly always seem to get out of bed with eye makeup, mascara, foundation and lip gloss perfectly in place. They also wear jewelry while sleeping. Averted with Robbie -- although never shown, he has a strict routine of grooming to always keep his hair looking nice. * We Named the Monkey "Jack": One episode revealed that Miley once had a pig named Luann. The later episode, "Torn Between Two Hannahs" features her obnoxious cousin, Luann, whom she had named it after. * What Could Have Been: Taylor Momsen, Jojo, and American Juniors finalist Jordan Mccoy were all considered for the role. And lets not forget Miley originally auditioned for the role of Lilly Romero and the various names that both the main character (Zoe, Chloe) and her alter ego (Anna Cabana, Alexis Texas, Samantha York) went through before they settled on Miley and Hannah Montana. * A Worldwide Punomenon: * Most of the episode titles are wordplay on the titles of popular songs. * Robbie Ray constantly makes puns. * Young Entrepreneur: Rico's dad gave him the business, but Rico knows how to keep it profitable. * Zany Scheme: A typical episode starts off with Miley doing something selfish or irresponsible, then instead of taking accountability for her actions, she comes up with some dubious, convoluted plan to cover her tracks. Said plan will often involve the use of a ridiculous animal costume. * Miley/Hannah herself lampshades this in "He Could Be the One": Das Hannah Montana Wiki sammelt alle Informationen zu der Serie. Es hat derzeit über 100 Artikel. Hannah Montana had all the characters in it Hannah Montana is a crazy liberal commie pinko. She is the daughter of Hillary Clinton and Joseph Stalin. Her songs are all liberal commie brainwash. Hannah Montana is part of the vast left-wing conspiracy. She also has sex with bears. She LOVES her family. "I mean, love is sex right? Me and my daddy and brother have one heck of a threesome" quote Hannah Montana. Hannah Montana es una serie televisiva de humor, que se emite por el canal Disney Channel desde marzo de 2006. Es protagonizada por la actriz y cantante Miley Cyrus, hija del famoso compositor de country Billy Ray Cyrus (que interpreta a Robby Ray Stewart, padre de la protagonista), la serie se ha convertido en todo un fenomeno mediático y televisivo. La protagonista es Miley Stewart, una chica que se muda a Malibú (California), con su padre y con su hermano, Jackson. A pesar de no ser muy popular en el instituto, la realidad es que es la famosa cantante Hannah Montana, pero no quiere que nadie se entere. 145px|thumb|Hannah Montana Día a día tiene que superar la vida en el instituto y no permitir que nadie sepa su gran secreto, con ayuda de sus amigos Lilly y Oliver. hannah montana er en stor jåle som er gift med Rico, en stor surfer som har vunnet mange priser og er 2.10 m høy. og hannah er også en stor sanger med to hovedfiender, Lilly og Oliver, oliver er alle jenters drøm og lilly er bare stygg med sine harry potter-briller. hannah flyttet for ikke lenge siden til alaska og det første hun gjorde var og vise alle at hun gikk på akkurat den skolen hun gikk på, og elsker at alle behandler henne annerledes "Jeg kan ikke tenke meg hvordan det ville være og bli behandlet som alle andre, jeg mener at det kan da ikke være noe gøy!" sier hannah i et intervju med PG. (Pjattets gang) hun har også to beste-venniner: ashley og amber. de er helt ovenpå og passer derfor perfekt med hannah. hannah montana er en serie som går på nrk1 3/4. og vises 5 ganger daglig.
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