| - Chop'aa is one of the minor bosses in the game. He uses a Basilisk war droid to try to kill Starkiller.
- Chop'aa Notimo, a Human male, was a Mandalorian mercenary who fought for the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars. After the end of the conflict, he briefly joined the Black Sun criminal organization before striking out on his own. Notimo took over criminal operations in the Bespin system, including the Cloud City mining colony. As an underworld kingpin, he employed a number of henchmen, including his second-in-command, the Gungan bounty hunter Kleef. In 2 BBY, Notimo kidnapped Senator Garm Bel Iblis on Cloud City, but was confronted shortly afterward by Darth Vader's Sith apprentice, Starkiller, who was searching for the Senator. Notimo engaged Starkiller in battle using his personal Basilisk war droid, but he was unable to defeat his opponent and was killed.
- ==Biography=====Early life=== Chop'aa Notimo was a Human male Mandalorian who operated as a mercenary during the Clone Wars, working for the Confederacy of Independent Systems. He did so because he believed that the Galactic Republic's clone troopers—cloned from the Mandalorian bounty hunter Jango Fett—were abominable corruptions of the Mandalorian legacy. After the Clone Wars ended, Notimo joined the Black Sun criminal organization, quickly rising through its ranks. He eventually left Black Sun and began to operate on his own, proving himself a cunning underworld leader. ===Cloud City brawl===
- Chop'aa Notimo, un humano varón, fue un mercenario Mandaloriano que luchó para Confederación de Sistemas Independientes durante las Guerras Clon. Después del final del conflicto, se unió por un tiempo a la organización criminal del Sol Negro. Notimo llevó a cabo operaciones criminales en el sistema Bespin, incluyendo la colonia minera Ciudad Nube. Cómo jefe de facto en el mundo bajo de la ciudad, empleó un gran número de ayudantes, incluyendo a su segundo al mando, el cazarrecompensas gungan Kleef. En el 2 ABY, Notimo secuestró al Senador Garm Bel Iblis en la Ciudad Nube, pero fue confrontado por el Aprendiz Sith de Darth Vader, Starkiller, que estaba buscando al senador. Notimo luchó con Starkiller usando su Droide de Guerra Basilisk personal, pero no pudo derrotar a su oponente y fue ase
- Chop'aa Notimo was a Human male Mandalorian who operated as a mercenary during the Clone Wars, working for the Confederacy of Independent Systems. He did so because he believed that the Galactic Republic's clone troopers—cloned from the Mandalorian bounty hunter Jango Fett—were abominable corruptions of the Mandalorian legacy. After the Clone Wars ended, Notimo joined the Black Sun criminal organization, quickly rising through its ranks. He eventually left Black Sun and began to operate on his own, proving himself a cunning underworld leader.