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- Ryloth
- Ryloth
- Ryloth
- Ryloth
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| - Ryloth, planeta ve Vnějším okraji, byla domovskou planetou Twi'leků. Převážnou část terénů tvořily džungle, pláně, údolí a sopky. Atmosféra byla dýchatelná pro Twi'leky a humanoidní druhy.
- Ryloth was a hot and humid planet that was the homeworld of the Twi'leks. The Twi'leks lived in caves carved in the mountains there. File:Land planet ryloth 02.png File:Space planet ryloth 01.png i
- Ryloth is the planet that served as the homeworld for the Twi'lek species. During the War of Darkness in 46 ABY, Krensus Adalar and Rannek attacked and overwhelmed the defenders in the Destruction of Ryloth. After enslaving a small number of the population, the Darkness fleet opened fire on the habitable belt near the equator destroying anything on the surface and killing much of the population. Many more died as survivors deep underground were forced to survive while rescuers dug through millions of tons of rock to free them. Since then, the planet has been abandoned by all but a few Twi'leks.
- Ryloth is a zerg broodmother and leader of the Ryloth Brood. During the Second Great War she kept her large brood out of harm's way until Sarah Kerrigan returned from Zerus. When she asked to rejoin the Swarm, Kerrigan ordered her to destroy Jontur II, a Dominion ship-building world. Her brood on Marek V was almost exterminated by Prometheus Company, but was saved by Kerrigan's brood.
- Ryloth, anche conosciuto come Twi'lek o Twi'lek Prime, è il pianeta natale della specie Twi'lek. Situato nell'ominimo sistema è prevalentemente roccioso, con alte montagne le cui cime sono celate dalle nebbie. Un emisfero è in perenne oscurità, mentre l'altra parte è sempre illuminata dal sole. Gli esseri viventi, tra cui i Twi'lek, vivono in catacombe sotterranee. È un mondo caratterizzato da un livello tecnologico antiquato. Mission Vao vi nasce nel 3.970 BBY.
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*Pellot ja niityt
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