| - LaTor era un Signore dei Sith e fidato consigliere di Kaan, che aveva un rango di quinto grado nella Fratellanza dell'Oscurità. Egli era molto istruito nelle arti oscure, e aiutò Kaan a sviluppare la Bomba del Pensiero. LaTor fu ucciso quando la Bomba del Pensiero esplose durante la Settima Battaglia di Ruusan. Il suo spirito restò intrappolato su Ruusan per mille anni. Probabilmente, Kyle Katarn liberò LaTor e il resto degli spiriti intrappolati nel 5 ABY.
- LaTor egy Sith nagyúr volt Lord Kaan bizalmasa, a Sötétség Testvérisége rangban ötödik leghatalmasabb Sith lordja. Nagyon jól ismerte a Sötét Oldalt, segített Kaannak kidolgozni a gondolatbombát. LaTor végül a gondolat bombaáldozata lett a hetedik ruusani csata során. A lelke azonban ittragadt és ezer éven át keringett. Kyle Katarn volt az, aki kiszabadította a bezárt lelkeket öt évvel a yavini csata után.
- LaTor was a male Sith Lord.
- LaTor kuoli, kun ajatuspommi räjäytettiin Ruusanin seitemännessä taistelussa. Hänen sielunsa joutui superaseen sisään, missä se pysyi yli tuhannen vuoden ajan. Lopulta Kyle Katarn vapautti LaTorin ja muiden vangittujen henget viisi vuotta Yavinin taistelun jälkeen.
- LaTor was a male fallen Jedi in service to Lord Kaan's and his Brotherhood of Darkness. When Kaan's number two, three, and four fell in battle, LaTor took their places, and would rally the troops for Kaan. LaTor was with Kaan for the creation of the thought bomb on Ruusan, and when Kyle Katarn experienced a dream of the past after he was knocked unconscious during later events on Ruusan, Katarn was impressed by his strength in the Force.
- LaTor was a male Dathomirian Zabrak Sith Lord who served as a member of the Brotherhood of Darkness. One of the most trusted advisors of Lord Kaan, LaTor was very knowledgeable in the dark arts and helped Kaan develop the Thought Bomb. Five years after the Battle of Yavin, Kyle Katarn freed LaTor and the trapped spirits from their prison. LaTor and Githany appeared to Kyle and thanked him for freeing the spirits and became one with the Force.