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  • Zombies
  • Zombies
  • Zombies
  • Zombies
  • .........
  • History of this race is unknown.
  • |} This Kill Task is one of 11 given by Sir Valinayle.
  • Die Zombies kamen durch das Zombietor in den USA, Ohio als erste fremde Rasse auf diese Welt. Neue Zombies entstehen ständig durch von Zombies infizierten Menschen oder Orks.
  • The Zombies are recurring enemies in Metal Slug 3 and Metal Slug 4.
  • Ghoulia Yelps and her sister Moanica Yelps are the zombies in Monster High and Ghoulia Yelps's boyfriend, Sloman "Slo Mo" Mortavitch and Neighthan Rot, on his father's side.
  • Zombies are "The Living Dead" zombification amongst stories occurs from the initial bite from another zombie because the bite transfers the virus in them onto you, once bit theres no going back within the week you will turn. And despite popular belief they dont actually eat their targets the bite is simply to transfer the virus although the common outlook on zombies now are they crave flesh which in my opinion is ok too :).
  • Zombies (ゾンビ, Zonbi) sind Menschen, welche vorher Menschen waren, jedoch starben und von einer anderen Person wiederbelebt wurden. Der Wissenschaftler Franken Stein war in der Lage, Sid Barett wieder zu beleben. Dabei änderte sich sein Körper drastisch: Seine Haut verfärbte sich blau, seine Augen waren eckig und besaß keine Pupillen mehr, sein Mund war stets offen, seine Zähne wurden größer und seine Nase ähnelte nun dem eines Schweines. Ansonsten ist ein Zombie genau wie ein Mensch und hat rotes Blut und scheint nicht unsterblich zu sein. Kategorie:Spezies
  • Bold text''Italic text''' my world's army is ruled by zombies they are undistructible. they can not die until there shot in the head. they can but dont need guns. my best zombie is hunter. he jumps on you and rips out your intestans.
  • 300px|right|Nazi ZombiesZombies sind verstorbene Menschen, die durch Element 115 wiederbelebt wurden. Sie sind die Gegner im Spielmodus mit dem gleichen Namen.
  • The legend of Zombies originated through the West African belief system of voodoo and has a storied history in Haiti. According to voodoo beliefs, a sorcerer, or bokor, could bring a person back from the dead and control their actions through supernatural powers. Many people consider this ancient practice a myth.
  • Zombies are reanimated walking corpses that are commonly featured throughout the Treehouse of Horror Series.
  • Klay World: Klay Holloween
  • Like a seduced milk man sugar
  • The Zombies are evil monsters created by the Insane Gray Doctor by gathering body parts of dead army men of all nations; Green, Tan, Gray, Blue, Black and Red. They appear in Army Men: Sarge's Heroes 2 and Army Men II. They also appear in Army Men: Toys in Space multiplayer if you enable the "Corpses Spawn Zombies" option. In the Toys in Space battle mode, zombies can be controlled as a glitch.
  • Zombies have had some influences in ROBLOX history and have been wandering around ROBLOXia since 2007.
  • The Zombie Master can currently create 5 different Zombie Types using the spawn menu. I already made this page... --LokiFoki 16:53, 16 January 2009 (UTC)
  • This is a MovieStarPlanet Show
  • Blockland Zombies are the second villains and they are seven classes of blockhead zombies from the hit game, Left 4 Dead. It is an AI system that shows up on the minigame maker. This mod was created by Rotondo. There goal is to kill anyone who plays survival games. There hobby is to kill players and tormenting players.
  • In many sci-fi Zombie stories, there's a Zombie Apocalypse in which a viral outbreak causes everyone to become infected and to beging turning into a Zombie. In many cases this leads to the end of Human civilization, with only a few survivors living in the now Zombie-infested world.
  • Zombies are the foot soldiers used by Empress Quita against the Star Force Rangers.
  • Zombies are the main form of enemy that Jimmy Hopkins encounters in the survival horror story Bully: The Undead Story and the anthology series The Undead Side-Stories, written by TheToughGuy.
  • Rankle ultimately unleashed this zombie army as a last-resort effort to stop Zim from returning GIR's movie rental, Intestines of War, to the Video Outhouse. Though they were sent out in large numbers, they were literally brainless, and did little more than shamble around, their feeble attempts to apprehend Zim hardly hindering him from reaching the video deposit slot. As far as appearances go, Rankle's zombies are not as gruesome as other zombies, but some have an eye missing.
  • The Curse of Unbelief is believed to be a spiritual as much as a physical contagion, hence its name, and the disease is held by the Ecclesiarchy to afflict only those lacking a pure faith in the Emperor. The disease is one of the multitudes of foul contagions spread by the Plague Fleets of Nurgle; most notably the warships of the Chaos Champion Typhus of the Death Guard Traitor Legion. Plague zombies act very much like the zombies in ancient films; they are mindless, shambling and cannibalistic. The main thing about plague zombies (and zombies in general) is that they are hard to kill and require an accurate shot to the head or complete dismemberment to put them down for good.
  • Zombies are an enemy group that appeared during the Halloween Event 2004, Halloween Event 2006, and Halloween Event 2007. They appear when players click on doors and get a "Trick".
  • Zombies are characters featured in the episode, "Grave Sights". They are awakened from ages of slumber when the Zombocalypse (3D) is put in the Zetamax 3D tape upside down. Mordecai and Rigby have to fight and defeat all of the zombies while Zombocalypse is on and everyone is watching. Different zombies appear in "It's Time" when the Zombie Dinner Party trailer is showing.
  • Zombies are basic undead creatures. They are corpses animated by necromancy, and exist only to serve their masters. Zombies have no intelligence of their own, and never speak, except the occasional "brains".
  • Zombies, mostly referred to in-universe as walkers, roamers, lurkers, biters and infected, are an antagonistic force that serve as the primary catalyst for the events within The Walking Dead universe. They serve as universal antagonists.
  • The zombies refer to the mob of people hypnotized by Yomotsu to help him kill his targets. There does not seem to be a limit to how many he can have at once, as he was able to control many people.
  • Zombies are the once living Sims of a city which have come back from the dead. Zombies have a bluish tint to their skin, and generally wander around at a slow pace. Although zombies have long been part of The Sims series, zombies only made their first appearance in SimCity 4.
  • Zombies are undead brain sucking soulless "living impaired" humans. Originally the inhabitants of Jakobs corporation's operation on Pandora at Jakobs Cove. After a terrible outbreak 97% of the population have been killed or turned into zombies. The plague has affected not just the town's inhabitants but many of the bandits in the area as well.
  • Shambling mindlessly forward, Zombies try to sink their opponent under a relentless wave of punches, bites and blows from improvised and ancient weapons. Slow and incapable of independent thought, zombies are usually deployed in large numbers.
  • Los Zombies son antagonistas de Un Show Más. Hicieron su debut en el episodio El Cementerio, cuando Rigby puso la película Zombocalypse 3D al revés en la cinta Zetamax 3D. Mordecai y Rigby tienen que luchar y derrotar a todos los zombies mientras Zombieapocalypse está encendida y todo el mundo está mirando. Aparecen otra vez en Un Mal Beso como cameo mientras Mordecai y Rigby persiguen al Mordecai de la Mañana. Luego reviven en Salida 9B junto con los otros antagonistas pero luego mueren.
  • The Karma Army has a tenuous link to Shaun of the Dead, as a few members of the former played zombies in the latter - plus several Join Me events have been based around the film. Joinee zombies include Joinee Jen, Silver Joinee Heulwen and Silver Joinee Knight. 'Non Joinee Zombies' appear as a card in Join Me Top Trumps. In real terms no zombies have ever sent in a passport photo to Join Danny (I assume), only zombie-actors have, so all genuine zombies are classified as Non Joinees.
  • Zombies are dead people but unlike skeletons still have a skin and flesh. They have their own town and their own football team the Calevera Zombies and are Super Villains. Nobody knows how they became what they are they might have something to do with Sartana who can summon skeletons but is also shown to be able to summon zombies shown in Zebra Donkey however they don't vanish when Sartana's guitar was broken so Sartana maybe hasn't anything to do with it. They mainly eat brains and are perfect dancers.
  • Zombies sind untote Kreaturen, die von Schwarzmagiern erschaffen werden können.
  • You can use the box below to create new pages for this mini-wiki. preload=Zombies/preload editintro=Zombies/editintro width=25
  • The zombies are upcomming villains in the 2011 film, Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides
  • Zombies are dead people who have been brought back to (un)life. They are shells of the humans they once were, but have some of the same drives, particularly violent motives.
  • In general day-to-day talks Zombies means dead persons or animals. In the World of Finance, the word Zombie has acquired a special meaning though almost similar to dead persons or animals. Insolvent companies which continue to carry on their business are called Zombies. It is not advisable to invest in companies which are Zombies as they shall mostly survive for a limited period. Investment in a Zombie company generally become bad investment. However, some venture capital companies
  • Zombies sind wohl die häufigste und einfachste Form der Untoten. Es Durch dunkle Magie wiederbelebte Leichen, welche meist gefräßig und aggressiv sind. Ihre Stärke hält sich in Grenzen, da sie nicht nur die Persönlichkeit, sondern auch einen Großteil ihrer Fähigkeiten aus ihrer Lebenszeit verloren haben. Zombies sind recht einfach zu erschaffen und deshalb oft Bestandteil von den Armeen Scatars oder des Lichkönigs. Kategorie:Völker Kategorie:Tiere&Monster
  • The Zombie team is made up of any players in the game who volunteered to play as the starting zombie or any survivors who have been killed during the round. Be it by zombies or environmental hazards, all killed humans will become zombies regardless of the cause of death. The undead team simply consists of the deceased survivors in a zombified state, bearing various injuries and some necrosis. Zombies must use teamwork and organized attacks if attempting to defeat the human team, as the humans will usually always defeat zombies who are not properly preparing attacks.
  • Zombie walks have taken place in cities from Toronto to Atlanta. All that is required for a zombie walk is a few people dressed and made up to look like living corpses. Usually they stumble around a city or another urban area. Looking at the success of the South Side walk in September, it shouldn’t be too surprising if Monroeville Mall is successfully inundated with the undead. “It could be 250, it could be 1000, I don’t know,” Menold said. “This is going to be all ages,” he said. In the South Side walk, no one under 21 could attend the event held at the Rex Theatre after the walk.
  • Definition according to www.dictionary.com. zom·bie /ˈzɒmbi/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[zom-bee] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation –noun 1. (in voodoo) a. the body of a dead person given the semblance of life, but mute and will-less, by a supernatural force, usually for some evil purpose. b. the supernatural force itself. 2. Informal. a. a person whose behavior or responses are wooden, listless, or seemingly rote; automaton. b. an eccentric or peculiar person. 3. a snake god worshiped in West Indian and Brazilian religious practices of African origin.
  • Their only purpose is to find, infect, and devour humans. They were previously human beings who were infected with the parasitic larvae of an unknown experimental wasp. Zombies are rather fragile and easier to kill than uninfected humans.
  • Zombies are pretty much your only allies in this game. Whenever Stubbs kills anybody by eating their brains, hitting them to death, or by a gut grenade, the person that was killed will reanimate as a zombie. Zombies will frantically attack any living person they see and are not that smart, which is shown when they completely ignored the landmines in front of the soldiers later in the game, and subsequently blew themselves up. They will always rush straight at the people even if they are out-manned and out-gunned. They are somewhat tough however, since a single zombie can take on two and maybe 3 armed police officers and win, but they will often get mowed down by the more powerful and more damaging enemies later in the game. Stubbs can get zombies to follow him by whistling if the zombies c
  • Initially, the reaction of most living people was to shoot and/or burn zombies on sight, but eventually a tense truce was reached between the two groups and zombies are now allowed to live a relatively normal existence. While the death toll attributed to zombies has been increasing in recent years, most consider it to be balanced out since those who are killed by zombies usually become zombies themselves, thus adding to the zombie workforce. Since zombies only require human brains to exist, food supplies and other resources are greatly preserved, and human brains are relatively easy to acquire by simply harvesting the young children of Third World countries, or other undesirables such as intellectuals, teachers , motor vehicle division clerks, and republicans.
  • Les Zombies vivent a Thriller Bark, il en existe plusieurs centaines. Plusieurs de ces créatures se composent de diverses bêtes et des monstres couramment trouvés dans la mythologie et des histoires d'horreurs. Ces zombies sont toutes les créations du Dr. Hogback. Ils sont commandés par le Quatre Mystérieux qui se compose de Gecko Moria, le Dr Hogback, Absalom et Perona. Bien que le docteur, Absalom et Perona sont aux commandements des créatures à des degrés divers, Moria seul a le contrôle absolu sur tous les zombies.
  • Zombies are shambling horrors that are used extensively by the Vampire Counts and other Undead powers to be used as simple cannon fodder, staggering towards the enemy battle line in a slow yet noisome horde. Grotesquely reanimated corpses, they are compelled by the Dark Magic of a Vampire or Necromancer, and driven by the will of their master to commit acts of extreme violence. Zombies are a truly foul thing to behold, living corpses that is wroth with decay and unclean flesh. A Zombie's skin hangs in strips from his tattered frame, revealing withered muscle and bloodless veins. With the use of Dark Magic, these Zombies stagger towards the enemies with grasping arms and teeths.[1a]
  • "Zombie" is a name assumed for the sake of convenience rather than accuracy, because it is really a misnomer - the zombies of HotD are a step removed from the conventional image of ravenous, putrescent shamblers. While it is possible to reanimate human corpses with certain drug treatments, the vast majority of 'zombies' are actually artificially cloned biological weapons. Indeed, the DBR Corporation was originally licensed to research and manufacture zombies for military purposes - they were designed to be disposable fighters, cheaper and less controversial in that they prevented real soldiers dying on the battlefield. Zombies were given the outward appearance of decay to touch on mankind's primal fears and so increase their aura of horror and intimidation, and the images of entropy and ob
  • A zombie is a reanimated human corpse. The means by which one reanimates a corpse may vary, but traditionally it is accomplished through supernatural practices. Stories of zombies originated in the Afro-Caribbean spiritual belief system of Vodou, which told of the people being controlled as workers by a powerful sorcerer. According to the tenets of Vodou, a dead person can be revived by a bokor or Voodoo sorcerer. Zombies remain under the control of the bokor since they have no will of their own. "Zombi" is also another name of the Vodou snake god Damballah Wedo, of Niger-Congo origin; it is akin to the Kongo word nzambi, which means "god". There also exists within the voudon tradition the zombi astral which is a human soul that is captured by a bokor and used to enhance the bokor's power.
  • Zombies are a mutated form of Humans or even Anybody. Zombies are so evil, they munch on your arms and turn you into one. There is lots of zombies in Raccoon City and in Call of Ducky: Black Ops. Chuck Norris and Bowser can't get turned into a zombie because they are just plain awesome and undefeatable. Also, Frank West became famous from killing lotsa Zombies. The easiest way of killing zombie is planting some plants in your backyard.
  • This theory states that the government has created either a chemical agent capable of turning someone into a zombie or that they created a disease capable of turning someone into a zombie. The theory doesn't actually mean the undead just someone who is in a kind of trance where they exhibit acts of violent behavior.
  • Zombies are undead creatures from the Wizard World that have appeared in some episodes. They are considered monsters, and they speak "zomb-ish". Alex explains in Get Along, Little Zombie that every wizard learns it when they are little, and she translates what Abercrombie, the Zombie said to Harper. Abercrombie thought, according to Alex, that her brains smelled "cute and tasty". They eat human brains. When he bit into Mr. Laritate, he turned him into a zombie and it is shown that they can control themselves and not eat everyone they see. Zombies were also in Wizards & Vampires Vs. Zombies , and it is shown that they can also speak English. They live in a graveyard and have ripped clothing. They were "invited" to a zombie prom that Max accidently sent to them, and came close to eating some
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