Yayoi Ulshade (弥生ウルシェード Yayoi Urushēdo) is Doctor Ulshade's granddaughter and assistant. She has a crush on Daigo, and joins the Kyoryugers by replacing her grandfather as Kyoryu Violet upon his retirement.
Yayoi Ulshade (弥生ウルシェード Yayoi Urushēdo) is Doctor Ulshade's granddaughter and assistant. She has a crush on Daigo, and joins the Kyoryugers by replacing her grandfather as Kyoryu Violet upon his retirement.
Yayoi Ulshade (弥生ウルシェード Yayoi Urushēdo?) is Doctor Ulshade's granddaughter and assistant. She has a crush on Daigo, and joins the Kyoryugers by replacing her grandfather as Kyoryu Violet upon his retirement.
Yayoi Ulshade (弥生ウルシェード Yayoi Urusheedo) jest drugim Kyoryu Fioletowym (キョウリュウバイオレット Kyouryuubaioretto, Kyoryu Violet) i jedną z dodatkowych Kyoryugersów.
Yayoi Ulshade (弥生ウルシェード Yayoi Urushēdo) is Doctor Ulshade's granddaughter and assistant. She has a crush on Daigo, and joins the Kyoryugers by replacing her grandfather as Kyoryu Violet upon his retirement.
Yayoi Ulshade (弥生ウルシェード Yayoi Urushēdo?) is Doctor Ulshade's granddaughter and assistant. She has a crush on Daigo, and joins the Kyoryugers by replacing her grandfather as Kyoryu Violet upon his retirement.
Yayoi Ulshade (弥生ウルシェード Yayoi Urusheedo) jest drugim Kyoryu Fioletowym (キョウリュウバイオレット Kyouryuubaioretto, Kyoryu Violet) i jedną z dodatkowych Kyoryugersów.