  • Lisa Simpson
  • Lisa Simpson
  • Lisa Simpson
  • Lisa Simpson
  • Lisa Simpson
  • Lisa Simpson
  • Lisa Simpson
  • Lisa Simpson
  • Lisa Simpson
  • Lisa simpson
  • Lisa Marie Simpson er datteren av Marge og Homer Simpson, og er den elstde datteren i familien Simpson. Hennes bror er Bart Simpson og søsteren Maggie. Skaperen heter Matt Groening. Lisa har blondt hår og er 8 år. Hun er en glup jente og blir av og til ertet for å være nerd. Hun er ofte seriøs, men kan av og til være useriøs f.k.s når hun ser på Itchy and Scratchy. Hun går i 2.klasse, og læreren heter Miss Hoover ( Elizabeth Hoover). Stemmen kommer fra Yeardley Smith.
  • Lisa Simpson is a fictional character on The Simpsons. Along with Lenny Leonard and Carl Carlson, Lisa Simpson is portrayed as a Buddhist on the show. Lisa is an extremely intelligent 8-year-old girl, one of the most intelligent characters on the show, with an I.Q. of either 156 or 159. She also plays the baritone saxophone. Another notable quality about her is that she is a vegetarian; she became one in the episode "Lisa the Vegetarian" in the seventh season.
  • Lisa was first born to Homer and Marge Simpson because they needed a marketing agent. Marge got pregnant, but first they traveled to a wise magician. They requested that he make their unborn daughter smart and intelligent. He granted their wish, and they had a marketing agent.
  • Lisa Marie Simpson on kuvitteellinen henkilö Simpsonit-piirrossarjassa. Lisan ääninäyttelijä on Yeardley Smith. Matt Groening nimesi Lisan siskonsa Lisa Groeningin ja Elviksen tyttären Lisa Marie Presleyn mukaan.
  • Lisa Marie Simpson är äldsta dottern i familjen Simpson. Hennes föräldrar är Homer och Marge Simpson. Hennes syskon är brodern Bart och systern Maggie. Lisas röst görs av Yeardley Smith. Hon har A i varenda ämne förutom idrott och har IQ på 167 hon spelar även saxofon. Lisa har en skräck för B-. Kategori:Släkten Simpson Kategori:Rollfigurer Kategori:Familjen Simpson Kategori:Springfield Elementary School
  • lisa simpson es un personaje de los simpson.
  • lisa simpson es un personaje de los simpson.
  • Lisa Simpson is a characther in the Kingdom Hearts series.
  • Lisa was curious by Harry and this caused her to live.When she learnt that Death was coming after them,She worked with Harry and Vera to save the others.
  • Lisa Simpson is a German STT for The Simpsons pack. It is already in the actual pack. It was given out with 3 other cards. These were: Bart Simpson, Homer Simpson and Moe Szyslak. Lisa Simpson is somehow rarer than the other 3.
  • In this rendition of the character, Lisa is now 12 years old and uses her ElecTaurus as a way of getting around like a real car.
  • Lisa Marie Simpson es un personaje ficticio e la serie e telefisión dibujos animaos Los Simpson. Lisa abarca una gran variedá de temas y está bastante más preocupá e los asuntos der mundo que los demá miembros e su familia, lo cual alude a la situación e la juventú real que son subestimaos por los adultos. Su gran preocupación po los problemas sociales le hace llegar a ser vegetariana y budista.
  • Performer(s) Appeared in Lisa Marie Simpson is a character from the animated television series . She is the middle child of Homer and Marge Simpson, and the smart sister of Bart and Maggie Simpson. She is a charismatic 8-year-old girl, who exceeds the standard achievement level of children her age. She is intellegent compared to Bart who is rebellious, bratty and idiotic.
  • She is the middle child of Homer Simpson and Marge. Her siblings are Bart and Maggie Simpson. She is also close friends with Milhouse Van Houten, Janey and Ralph Wiggum. She is rivals with Allison Taylor, and her major enemies are Cecil Terwiliger and Charles Montgomery Burns. She is the good-est person in all Springfield. The only person to hate her, is in fact, Cecil.
  • Lisa est extrêmement intelligente et même la personne la plus cultivée de la famille. Elle sait jouer du saxophone et est végétarienne depuis la saison sept, bouddhiste depuis la saison treize et soutient de nombreuses causes. Tout comme de nombreuses filles, elle est folle des poupées Malibu Stacy.
  • Lisa Marie Simpson ist das mittlere Kind von Marge und Homer, die jüngere Schwester von Bart und die ältere Schwester von Maggie Simpson. Sie ist 8 Jahre alt und geht in die Springfield Grundschule und ist dort die beste Schülerin, denn sie ist hochintelligent. Im Laufe der Serie wechselt sie zum Buddhismus und wird Vegetarierin. Sie spielt das Barithonsaxophon (in den alten folgen tenorsaxofon) in der Schule und sie liebt die Musik insbesondere Jazz, ihr Idol ist Jazzmusiker Zahnfleischbluter Murphy, der ihr Mut macht, wenn sie depressiv ist. Sie ist auch neben der Schule an zahlreichen politischen Themen und Tier- und Menschenrechten interessiert. Lisa ist das intellektuellste Mitglied ihrer Familie und steht häufig bei jenen Folgen im Mittelpunkt, die moralische oder philosophische Them
  • Lisa Marie Simpson (born April 2, 1981) is the tetartagonist of The Simpsons. She was named after a train called Lil' Lisa on her parents' 1st anniversary. She is a charismatic 8-year-old girl, who exceeds the standard achievement of intelligence level of children her age. Not to everyone's surprise, she is also the moral center of her family. In her upbringing, Lisa lacks parental involvement of Homer and Marge, which leads to hobbies such as playing saxophone and guitar, riding and caring for horses, and interest in advanced studies. In school, Lisa's popularity is affected by those who view her as a geeky overachiever, which leaves her with only a few friends. She focuses on her goals and strives to reach her potential, and at the age of eight she is already a member of MENSA with an IQ
  • Lisa è la sorella di Bart e di Maggie, nonché figlia secondogenita di Homer e Marge. Ha 8 anni, ma ha la maturità di un adulto (nel caso dei Simpson Lisa è "il cervello che gli adulti non hanno"), un Q.I. fuori dalla norma (154), un animo ecologista, è vegetariana e fraternizzante. La ricerca di una pace interiore l'ha portata ad aderire al buddhismo e sostenitrice del partito democratico. Inoltre la ragazza, per via dello studio, non ha amici ed è sempre sola.
  • Lisa Marie Simpson (born May 9th) is one of the tritagonists of The Simpsons. She is the middle child of Homer Simpson and Marge Simpson, the younger sister of Bart Simpson and the older sister of Maggie Simpson. She was named after a train called Lil' Lisa on her parents' 1st anniversary. She is a charismatic 9-year-old girl, who exceeds the standard achievement of intelligence level of children her age. Not to everyone's surprise, she is also the moral center of her family. In her upbringing, Lisa lacks parental involvement of her parents, which leads to hobbies such as playing saxophones and guitars, riding and caring for horses, and interest in advanced studies. In school, Lisa's popularity is affected by those who view her as a geeky overachiever, which leaves her with only a few frie
  • Lisa Marie Simpson (born May 9) is the cute, intelligent and very beautiful tetartagonist of The Simpsons. She is the intelligent middle child of the Simpson family. Voiced by Yeardley Smith, Lisa first appeared on television in The Tracey Ullman Show short "Good Night" on April 19, 1987. Cartoonist Matt Groening created and designed her while waiting to meet James L. Brooks. Groening had been invited to pitch a series of shorts based on his comic Life in Hell, but instead decided to create a new set of characters. He named the elder Simpson daughter after his younger sister Lisa Groening. After appearing on The Tracey Ullman Show for three years, the Simpson family were moved to their own series on Fox, which debuted on December 17, 1989. At eight years old, Lisa is the second child of Ho
  • Lisa Simpson è un androide venuto dal passato per cagare il cazzo al prossimo, ma è soprattutto la secondogenita della famiglia gialla più famosa della televisione, i Bonduelle. Dopo essere stata educata con tutti i sani valori americani sin dalla culla, Lisa Simpson è divenuta rispettivamente: vegetariana, animalista, buddhista, omosessuale, comunista, hippie e consumatrice assidua di profilattici all'ananas. Comunque sia rimane la più amata dalla famiglia, cocca della mamma, maestra, moglie del parroco e del benzinaio, provando la coerenza tipica del popolo americano.
  • To Make the world a better place
Primera aparición
  • "Good Night"
  • The Simpsons
  • American
Row 4 info
  • The Simpsons
  • Femenino
  • Weiblich
Erster Auftritt
Row 1 info
  • Springfield
type of hero
  • Passionate Kid Learner / Philanthropist / Big Good / Tomboy
Row 4 title
  • Origin
  • 250
  • "Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire"
  • Rubio
Row 2 info
  • The sames at "The Simpsons Game"
Row 1 title
  • Home world
  • 8
  • Schüler an der Grundschule von Springfield
Row 5 info
  • Yeardley Smith
Row 2 title
  • Summon item
  • siehe links
Row 5 title
  • Voiced by
  • Kvinna
Row 3 info
  • Ally
Row 3 title
  • Role
Box Title
  • Elizabeth M. Simpson
  • Emily Bouvier
  • Sister
  • Father: Homer Simpson
  • Grandfathers: Abraham Simpson and Clancy Bouvier
  • Grandmothers: Mona Simpson and Jacqueline Bouvier
  • Uncle: Herbert Powell
  • Aunts: Patty Bouvier, Selma Bouvier and Abbie Simpson
  • Brothers: Bart Simpson and Hugo Simpson II
  • Brother: Bart Simpson
  • '''Mother' Marge Simpson
  • ''See the [[#Other relationships
  • , Anna-Lisa Hardstone and
  • Aunts: Selma Bouvier, Patty Bouvier
  • Children: Tony Jr., Johnny, and Emelia
  • Cousins: Ling Bouvier
  • Daughter : Zia Simpson
  • Father-in-Law: Fat Tony D'Amico
  • Grandparents: Abraham Simpson and Mona Simpson
  • Husband : Milhouse Van Houten
  • Mother-in-Law: Anna Maria D'Amico
  • Nephews : Bart's Elder Son and Bart's Younger Son
  • Parents: Homer Simpson and Marge Simpson
  • Sister: Maggie Simpson
  • Spouse: Michael D'Amico
  • Nieces : Maggie's unnamed daughter and Maggie Simpson, Jr.
  • Founder of SpringFace
  • Future: President of the U.S.A , Housewife
  • Kids News anchor
  • Student at Springfield Elementary School, CTU Agent, Hall-monitor Former: Babysitter
  • Make the world a better place and defeat Mr. Burns
  • Lisa Marie Simpson
  • siehe links
  • Dark blue
  • The Simpsons
  • 9
  • High intelligence, a powerful imagination
  • Abuelos maternos: Jacqueline y Clancy Bouvier
  • Abuelos paternos: Abraham y Mona Simpson
  • Padres: Homer y Marge Simpson
  • Prima: Ling Bouvier
  • Futura Hija Zia Van Houten
  • Futura suegra Luann Van Houten
  • Futuro amante Nelson Muntz
  • Futuro suegro Kirk Van Houten
  • Hermanos: Bart y Maggie Simpson
  • Tíos y Tías: Patty y Selma Bouvier, Herb Powell, y Abbie Simpson
  • Futura Sobrina Maggie Jr. Futuro esposo Milhouse Van Houten
  • 8
  • 9
  • 32
Voiced by
  • Dead
  • Blonde
  • Germany
  • Lisa Simpson
  • Lisa Simpson
  • Lisa Maggie Simpson
  • Lisa Marie D'Amico
  • Lisa Marie Simpson
  • Lisa Marie Simpson
  • Skolans bästa student
  • Jake Boyman
  • Student
  • Big Maggie
  • Lady Penelope Ariel Ponyweather
  • Lie Smeller
  • Lisa Bouvier
  • Princess Helvetica
  • Raven Crow Neversmiles
  • Truth Teller
  • Li'l Lisa, Jake Boyman, Toilet, Truth Teller, Lie Smeller, Lady Penelope Ariel Ponyweather, Ravencrow Neversmiles
  • Complaining to her family, being an activist, eg "Free Tibet" and save the Amazon, trying to make the world a better place and playing her saxophone
  • 5.200000
  • Human
Image size
  • 200
  • Yellow
  • Lisa Simpson
  • 2010
  • Lisa2.png
  • LisaTheDramaQueen.jpg
  • Lisa_Every_Simpsons_Ever.png
  • Anarchiebonus
  • Beruhmtheit
  • Cleverness
  • Streber-Faktor
  • Sympathiewert
  • Verfressenheit
  • "The Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire"
  • Student of Springfield Elementary, Member of Mensa
  • 3029
  • Homer Simpson , Marge Simpson , Bart Simpson , Maggie Simpson , Hebert Powell , Patty Bouvier , Selma Bouvier , Abbie Simpson , Ling Bouvier , Abraham Simpson , Clancy Bouvier , Mona Simpson , Jacqueline Bouvier
  • Lisa Marie Simpson
  • German Simpsons Comic
Image File
  • Lisa Simpson.png
  • Female
  • 2007
  • 200
  • Lisa_Simpson.png
  • The Simpsons Haus 8.jpg
  • 250
  • Patricia Acevedo y Nallely Solís
  • Farföräldrar: Abe Simpson, Mona Simpson
  • Fastrar: Patty och Selma Bouvier
  • Föräldrar: Marge, Homer
  • Morföräldrar: Jacqueline Bouvier, Clancy Bouvier
  • Syskon: Bart, Maggie
  • "Good Night"
  • Lisa Marie Simpson er datteren av Marge og Homer Simpson, og er den elstde datteren i familien Simpson. Hennes bror er Bart Simpson og søsteren Maggie. Skaperen heter Matt Groening. Lisa har blondt hår og er 8 år. Hun er en glup jente og blir av og til ertet for å være nerd. Hun er ofte seriøs, men kan av og til være useriøs f.k.s når hun ser på Itchy and Scratchy. Hun går i 2.klasse, og læreren heter Miss Hoover ( Elizabeth Hoover). Stemmen kommer fra Yeardley Smith.
  • Lisa Simpson is a fictional character on The Simpsons. Along with Lenny Leonard and Carl Carlson, Lisa Simpson is portrayed as a Buddhist on the show. Lisa is an extremely intelligent 8-year-old girl, one of the most intelligent characters on the show, with an I.Q. of either 156 or 159. She also plays the baritone saxophone. Another notable quality about her is that she is a vegetarian; she became one in the episode "Lisa the Vegetarian" in the seventh season.
  • Lisa was first born to Homer and Marge Simpson because they needed a marketing agent. Marge got pregnant, but first they traveled to a wise magician. They requested that he make their unborn daughter smart and intelligent. He granted their wish, and they had a marketing agent.
  • Lisa Marie Simpson on kuvitteellinen henkilö Simpsonit-piirrossarjassa. Lisan ääninäyttelijä on Yeardley Smith. Matt Groening nimesi Lisan siskonsa Lisa Groeningin ja Elviksen tyttären Lisa Marie Presleyn mukaan.
  • Lisa Marie Simpson (born May 9th) is one of the tritagonists of The Simpsons. She is the middle child of Homer Simpson and Marge Simpson, the younger sister of Bart Simpson and the older sister of Maggie Simpson. She was named after a train called Lil' Lisa on her parents' 1st anniversary. She is a charismatic 9-year-old girl, who exceeds the standard achievement of intelligence level of children her age. Not to everyone's surprise, she is also the moral center of her family. In her upbringing, Lisa lacks parental involvement of her parents, which leads to hobbies such as playing saxophones and guitars, riding and caring for horses, and interest in advanced studies. In school, Lisa's popularity is affected by those who view her as a geeky overachiever, which leaves her with only a few friends. She focuses on her goals and strives to reach her potential, and at the age of eight, she is already a member of MENSA with an IQ of 159. In the Tracey Ullman Show shorts, Lisa was more of a mischief and was as equally mischievous as her brother Bart. As the series progressed, Lisa began to develop into a more intelligent and more emotional character with "Krusty Gets Busted" being one of the first episodes where her true intelligence is fully shown. Many episodes focusing on Lisa have an emotional nature, the first one being "Moaning Lisa". The idea for the episode was pitched by James L. Brooks, who had wanted to do an emotional episode where Lisa is sad because the show had done a lot of "jokey episodes". For a long time, Lisa's saxophone solos were provided by jazz baritone saxophonist Terry Harrington. In 2001, Lisa received a special "Board of Directors Ongoing Commitment Award" at the Environmental Media Awards. "Lisa the Vegetarian", an episode from the seventh season, won both an Environmental Media Award for "Best Television Episodic Comedy" and a Genesis Award for "Best Television Comedy Series, Ongoing Commitment". Lisa was also listed at number 11 in TV Guide's "Top 50 Greatest Cartoon Characters of All Time." In Japan, the broadcasters of the series found they were able to turn the apparent viewer dislike of the series around by focusing marketing attention on Lisa. Lisa's well-intended but ill-fated struggles to be a voice of reason and a force of good in her family and city stuck a chord with the Japenese. Lisa was the first identified Simpson in the series, being the only character who's name is mentioned in "Good Night."
  • Lisa Marie Simpson är äldsta dottern i familjen Simpson. Hennes föräldrar är Homer och Marge Simpson. Hennes syskon är brodern Bart och systern Maggie. Lisas röst görs av Yeardley Smith. Hon har A i varenda ämne förutom idrott och har IQ på 167 hon spelar även saxofon. Lisa har en skräck för B-. Kategori:Släkten Simpson Kategori:Rollfigurer Kategori:Familjen Simpson Kategori:Springfield Elementary School
  • Lisa è la sorella di Bart e di Maggie, nonché figlia secondogenita di Homer e Marge. Ha 8 anni, ma ha la maturità di un adulto (nel caso dei Simpson Lisa è "il cervello che gli adulti non hanno"), un Q.I. fuori dalla norma (154), un animo ecologista, è vegetariana e fraternizzante. La ricerca di una pace interiore l'ha portata ad aderire al buddhismo e sostenitrice del partito democratico. Inoltre la ragazza, per via dello studio, non ha amici ed è sempre sola. È la critica razionale di tutto uno stile di vita, del Sogno Americano e dell'American way of life, nel quale il padre Homer e il fratello Bart sono impunemente immersi, e nel quale la madre Marge è consapevolmente e amorevolmente accolta. Litiga spesso con Bart, e inoltre critica spesso le azioni del rozzo padre Homer anche se gli vuole bene e spesso lo aiuta quando si caccia nei guai. Suona straordinariamente bene il sax, ma a causa di un difetto fisico ereditato dal padre (le dita tozze) secondo un commesso di un negozio di musica non riuscirà a diventare una professionista affermata. File:Lisa sassofono.png Il suo divo è il jazzista defunto Gengive Sanguinanti Murphy, di cui era amica. Il giorno prima della sua morte, l'uomo le aveva persino regalato il suo sassofono. Per il semplice fatto di essere arrivata seconda alle "Olimpiadi di spelling" è l'abitante di Springfield più famosa della storia di questa fantasiosa città: in precedenza tale primato apparteneva ad un'ex fidanzata dell'attore Rock Hudson, come il sindaco Joe Quimby ricordò in una puntata. Alcuni flash-forward di diversi anni nel futuro, raccontati in alcuni episodi della serie, vedono Lisa ricoprire cariche importanti come quella di prima presidentessa donna eterosessuale degli Stati Uniti d'America.
  • lisa simpson es un personaje de los simpson.
  • lisa simpson es un personaje de los simpson.
  • Lisa Simpson is a characther in the Kingdom Hearts series.
  • Lisa Marie Simpson (born April 2, 1981) is the tetartagonist of The Simpsons. She was named after a train called Lil' Lisa on her parents' 1st anniversary. She is a charismatic 8-year-old girl, who exceeds the standard achievement of intelligence level of children her age. Not to everyone's surprise, she is also the moral center of her family. In her upbringing, Lisa lacks parental involvement of Homer and Marge, which leads to hobbies such as playing saxophone and guitar, riding and caring for horses, and interest in advanced studies. In school, Lisa's popularity is affected by those who view her as a geeky overachiever, which leaves her with only a few friends. She focuses on her goals and strives to reach her potential, and at the age of eight she is already a member of MENSA with an IQ of 159.
  • Lisa Marie Simpson ist das mittlere Kind von Marge und Homer, die jüngere Schwester von Bart und die ältere Schwester von Maggie Simpson. Sie ist 8 Jahre alt und geht in die Springfield Grundschule und ist dort die beste Schülerin, denn sie ist hochintelligent. Im Laufe der Serie wechselt sie zum Buddhismus und wird Vegetarierin. Sie spielt das Barithonsaxophon (in den alten folgen tenorsaxofon) in der Schule und sie liebt die Musik insbesondere Jazz, ihr Idol ist Jazzmusiker Zahnfleischbluter Murphy, der ihr Mut macht, wenn sie depressiv ist. Sie ist auch neben der Schule an zahlreichen politischen Themen und Tier- und Menschenrechten interessiert. Lisa ist das intellektuellste Mitglied ihrer Familie und steht häufig bei jenen Folgen im Mittelpunkt, die moralische oder philosophische Themenschwerpunkte setzen. Bezogen auf ihre politische Überzeugung ist sie liberal, sie setzt sich beispielsweise für die Freiheit von Tibet ein. Obwohl sie christlich erzogen wurde, entscheidet sie sich Buddhistin zu werden, da ihr der Glaube fehlt, nachdem sie den edlen achtfachen Pfad kennengelernt hat. In der Serie ist sie mit vielen Jungen befreundet z.B. Ralph Wiggum und Nelson Muntz. Milhouse van Houten ist sehr in sie verliebt, aber sie weist ihn immer wieder ab. In manchen Folgen ist sie nämlich in Nelson verliebt und er in sie. In einer Folge sind sie zusammen. Lisa und Bart streiten sich oft jedoch ist Lisa stärker als Bart.
  • Lisa was curious by Harry and this caused her to live.When she learnt that Death was coming after them,She worked with Harry and Vera to save the others.
  • Lisa Simpson is a German STT for The Simpsons pack. It is already in the actual pack. It was given out with 3 other cards. These were: Bart Simpson, Homer Simpson and Moe Szyslak. Lisa Simpson is somehow rarer than the other 3.
  • In this rendition of the character, Lisa is now 12 years old and uses her ElecTaurus as a way of getting around like a real car.
  • Lisa Simpson è un androide venuto dal passato per cagare il cazzo al prossimo, ma è soprattutto la secondogenita della famiglia gialla più famosa della televisione, i Bonduelle. Dopo essere stata educata con tutti i sani valori americani sin dalla culla, Lisa Simpson è divenuta rispettivamente: vegetariana, animalista, buddhista, omosessuale, comunista, hippie e consumatrice assidua di profilattici all'ananas. Comunque sia rimane la più amata dalla famiglia, cocca della mamma, maestra, moglie del parroco e del benzinaio, provando la coerenza tipica del popolo americano. Vive in un varco spazio temporale di nome Springfield che le permette di avere sempre 8 anni, di non finire a Guantanamo per via delle sue idee antigovernative e soprattutto di non doversi mai cambiare i vestiti. Nel tempo libero si dedica a suonare il sassofono, spacciare metanfetamine e sostenere cause perse.
  • Lisa Marie Simpson es un personaje ficticio e la serie e telefisión dibujos animaos Los Simpson. Lisa abarca una gran variedá de temas y está bastante más preocupá e los asuntos der mundo que los demá miembros e su familia, lo cual alude a la situación e la juventú real que son subestimaos por los adultos. Su gran preocupación po los problemas sociales le hace llegar a ser vegetariana y budista.
  • Performer(s) Appeared in Lisa Marie Simpson is a character from the animated television series . She is the middle child of Homer and Marge Simpson, and the smart sister of Bart and Maggie Simpson. She is a charismatic 8-year-old girl, who exceeds the standard achievement level of children her age. She is intellegent compared to Bart who is rebellious, bratty and idiotic.
  • She is the middle child of Homer Simpson and Marge. Her siblings are Bart and Maggie Simpson. She is also close friends with Milhouse Van Houten, Janey and Ralph Wiggum. She is rivals with Allison Taylor, and her major enemies are Cecil Terwiliger and Charles Montgomery Burns. She is the good-est person in all Springfield. The only person to hate her, is in fact, Cecil.
  • Lisa Marie Simpson (born May 9) is the cute, intelligent and very beautiful tetartagonist of The Simpsons. She is the intelligent middle child of the Simpson family. Voiced by Yeardley Smith, Lisa first appeared on television in The Tracey Ullman Show short "Good Night" on April 19, 1987. Cartoonist Matt Groening created and designed her while waiting to meet James L. Brooks. Groening had been invited to pitch a series of shorts based on his comic Life in Hell, but instead decided to create a new set of characters. He named the elder Simpson daughter after his younger sister Lisa Groening. After appearing on The Tracey Ullman Show for three years, the Simpson family were moved to their own series on Fox, which debuted on December 17, 1989. At eight years old, Lisa is the second child of Homer and Marge, younger sister of Bart and older sister of Maggie. She plays the baritone saxophone. She has been a vegetarian since season 7, converted to Buddhism in season 13 and advocates for a variety of liberal political causes, including the Tibetan independence movement. She has appeared in other media relating to The Simpsons – including video games, The Simpsons Movie, The Simpsons Ride, commercials and comic books – and inspired a line of merchandise. Yeardley Smith originally tried out for the role of Bart, while Nancy Cartwright (who was later cast as the voice for Bart) tried out for Lisa. Producers considered Smith's voice too high for a boy, so she was given the role of Lisa. In the Tracey Ullman Show shorts, Lisa was something of a "female Bart" who mirrored her brother's mischief, but as the series progressed she became a more sophisticated and intellectual character. Because of her unusual pointed hair style, many animators consider Lisa the most difficult Simpsons character to draw. Lisa is one of the most enduring characters on the series. TV Guide ranked her 11th (tied with Bart) on their list of the "Top 50 Greatest Cartoon Characters of All Time". Her environmentalism has been especially well received; several episodes featuring her have won Genesis and Environmental Media Awards, including a special "Board of Directors Ongoing Commitment Award" in 2001. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals included Lisa on their list of the "Most Animal-Friendly TV Characters of All Time". Yeardley Smith won a Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Voice-Over Performance in 1992, and in 2000 Lisa and her family were awarded a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.
  • Lisa est extrêmement intelligente et même la personne la plus cultivée de la famille. Elle sait jouer du saxophone et est végétarienne depuis la saison sept, bouddhiste depuis la saison treize et soutient de nombreuses causes. Tout comme de nombreuses filles, elle est folle des poupées Malibu Stacy.
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is Dueño of
is Nouveaux personnages of
is Relatives of
is Starring of
is main character(s) of
is Alies of
is Author of
is Alias of
is Founder of
is Character of
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is Family of
is Owner of
is Director of
is wikipage disambiguates of
is Integrantes of