  • Conventia
  • When seen from space, Conventia is colored in shades of light pink and purple, and is surrounded by a docking ring equipped with complimentary teleporters to the planet's surface. The ring purportedly features accommodations for almost any Irken fleet ship, and includes refueling lines for the convenience of its patrons. It should also be noted that those parking should remember where they docked their ship at Conventia, as finding it may prove to be a time-consuming process. The planet's sky and architecture are very similar to those of Irk.
  • None
First Appearance
  • The Nightmare Begins
  • Conventia
  • The planet's name is a pun on the word "convention".
  • native life forms presumably extinct;
  • Convention hall planet
  • When seen from space, Conventia is colored in shades of light pink and purple, and is surrounded by a docking ring equipped with complimentary teleporters to the planet's surface. The ring purportedly features accommodations for almost any Irken fleet ship, and includes refueling lines for the convenience of its patrons. It should also be noted that those parking should remember where they docked their ship at Conventia, as finding it may prove to be a time-consuming process. The planet's sky and architecture are very similar to those of Irk. Conventia was featured only in the first episode, The Nightmare Begins, and was where the Great Assigning was held; this event was hosted by the Irken leaders, the Almighty Tallest, and was a convention of the highest-ranked Irken military soldiers. Each soldier was assigned a planet to conquer as part of Operation Impending Doom 2. Zim, having been banished to Foodcourtia for single handedly ruining Operation Impending Doom 1, heard of The Great Assigning, and "invited himself". However, due to his short stature, his failure in the prior operation, and the fact that he was supposed to be banished, his attendance was not well-received. Zim was sent on a "secret mission" to Earth, a hypothesized planet at the time labeled as a question mark on a post-it note. GIR was assembled by the Almighty Tallest from junk in the Great Equipment Hall on Conventia as a replacement SIR unit for Zim.