  • Beastmaster (Tactics A2)
  • Unlike previously, the Beastmasters' abilities are limited. The controlled monster cannot execute command 'Move', but remain stationary and only rely on any adjacent target, or their ranged skills or magicks. The under 'Control' status is removed, and they are not able to be controlled until the Beastmaster's turn comes up again, unlike previously. As compensation, the Beast Lore ability ignores hit rate or the target monster's evasion.
  • Unlike previously, the Beastmasters' abilities are limited. The controlled monster cannot execute command 'Move', but remain stationary and only rely on any adjacent target, or their ranged skills or magicks. The under 'Control' status is removed, and they are not able to be controlled until the Beastmaster's turn comes up again, unlike previously. As compensation, the Beast Lore ability ignores hit rate or the target monster's evasion. The Beastmaster's impressive HP growth can be exploited through leveling, to compensate for the frailty of nu mou units. Although the nu mou have no physical job classes, this class is the closest to being one. It is available after finishing the quest "Knowing the Beast".