  • Morning glory
  • Morning Glory
  • Morning Glory
  • morning glory is a plant that only appears during the morning. When used it increases all stats by 3 for the rest of the morning. It can't be grown.
  • Morning Glory ist der Trivialname von über tausend verschiedene Pflanzenarten aus der Familie der Convolvulaceae (Windengewächse). Diese Pflanzen erfreuen sich bei Gärtner als rankende Zierpflanzen einer großen Beliebtheit. Im Kontext von Drogenkonsum meint man damit in der Regel die erginhaltigen Windenarten, welche nur einen sehr kleinen Anteil dieser Pflanzenarten ausmachen. Deren Wirkung und Verwendung sind im Artikel 'Ergin' beschrieben.
  • The Morning Glory is a dark blue, yellow-speckled herb found in the jungle area, near the pianola. If you don't want your creatures to drink coffee, this herb will wake them up. It gives: * Starch: 90 * Tiredness Decrease: 100 * Sleepiness Decrease: 100
  • Morning glory was a Rokugani plant cultivated because of the funnel-shaped flowers it produced, that opened up with the coming of each new day's sun.
  • Morning glories are only found in Stage 6 of Volcano Valley in the haunted house. They start off as buds and will only grow if they are pushed into a source of light by the Kirbys. Once they are fully in bloom, the petals will disintegrate and leave behind an item in a bubble. The player must be careful of enemies when moving the plant's pot; Helmees will do very little damage to it, but Grindarrs will crack the pot and squash the plant if given the chance.
  • Morning Glory is a Toradora! original soundtrack.
  • Name: Morning Glory Run Time: 4:52 Written By: Dave Cousins Year: 2003
  • Morning Glory (夕凪 Yuunagi?, "Evening Calm") is an Earth-elemental martial arte exclusive to Jude Mathis in Tales of Xillia 2.
  • Morning Glory is the debut album by Japanese pop singer Sora Asami. It was recorded in 2007 and finalized in 2008. Produced by Bloodshy & Avant (and one track by Sora), the album is upbeat and electronic (with the exception of two ballads) and is written completely by Asami. The release date is unknown, but is set to debut in the coming weeks.
  • Morning Glory is a flower crop available on FarmVille. They can be planted at level 13 and only take 12 hours to grow. They cost only 60 coins and can be sold for 123. They will only earn a farmer 1 experience for planting them. It was introduced on January 6, 2010.
  • This strain brings it all together: Excellent yields, relatively short flowering time, interesting flavors, and effects combining the best of both Sativa and Indica. The carefully selected genetics for this plant make it easy to grow. In their natural state, the buds have distinctly strong, citrus aromas, but the smoke is mild and just a bit earthy and spicy, with subtle hints of white pepper. The high is somehow soaring and relaxing at once. A plant that aptly demonstrates how careful cannabis breeding and husbandry can lead to fascinating results.
  • The Morning Glory is the PPC's quartermaster, and part of the Department of Operations. She was created by Rhysdux. As quartermaster, the Morning Glory's job is to distribute uniforms and other basic to PPC agents; her ability to use every inch of space to her full advantage comes in handy there. It's unknown if she supervises Kelemen Totth and his Supply Depot. She has held this job since before the Wisteria was in charge of Operations, but is ambitious by nature, and despite repeatedly being passed over for promotion she still hopes to one day become head of the department.
  • The Federation army is moving into position to finally lock down the Gekko. On the Gekko, Eureka remembers a straw trick Renton showed the kids, which he dropped water on it and made it seem like it was alive. Again, Eureka asks Gidget what love is, and after stammering, Gidget asks Eureka is that means she likes Renton, but Eureka is still struggling to understand her feelings. On the hanger, the Nirvash is bucking, violently unwilling to be piloted just by Eureka. Moondoggie reminds her that Holland promised to bring Renton back and mentions the city Guianas that Renton asked about earlier. The kids ask Eureka to fix the mechanical mouse Renton made, and ask when he's coming back. Maurice says he may not come back, but Maeter and Linck believe he will, and Eureka assures them that Hollan
  • Die ehrgeizige Nachrichten-Produzentin Becky Fuller träumt seit ihrer Kindheit von einer Anstellung bei der Today show, jedoch stößt sie aufgrund ihres Engagements bei potentiellen Arbeitgebern auf Ablehnung. Nach ihrer Kündigung bei der Sendung Good Morning New Jersey rät ihre Mutter, ihren Traum aufzugeben, bevor es zu peinlich wird. Doch Becky verschickt weiter mehrer Bewerbungen. Tatsächlich erhält sie einen Anruf des Senders IBS, der eine Produzentin der strauchelnden Show DayBreak sucht.
  • Unknown
  • Banana Ocean
  • 500
  • 1000
  • 1500
  • 2
  • 102.0
  • 6
  • Yukari Hashimoto
cost curr type
  • coin
xp gain type
  • player
  • 2010
Kinostart DE
  • 2011-01-13
harvest curr type
  • coin
harvest curr amt
  • 123
  • USA
  • Asagao
  • Englisch
  • #2fa0aa
grow time
  • 12
  • 6480.0
xp gain amt
  • 1
  • 12
  • #74CED7
Home Continuum
  • ★★★
cost curr amt
  • 60
  • FSK 6
level req amt
  • 13
level req type
  • Player
Box Title
  • Morning Glory
  • white-edged morning glory, picotee morning glory, ivy morning glory, Japanese morning glory
  • Morning Glory - Deutsches Filmplakat.jpg
  • Morning_glory.jpg
  • Morning Glory
  • Toradora Original Soundtrack
  • Morning_glory_extra100.PNG
  • Teddy Bear
  • Bloodshy & Avant, Sora Asami
  • N/A
  • Morning Glory
  • The Morning Glory
  • J-Pop, J-Urban
  • Magic
  • studio
  • 200
  • The Morning Glory, looking up as always
  • A Morning Glory that fell out of a pot.
Time to Grow
  • NA
Terrain needed to grow
  • NA
Growable by players?
  • no
Items produced
  • Morning glory flower
  • Morning_glory_00.PNG
  • Morning_glory_33.PNG
  • Morning_glory_66.PNG
  • Ipomoea nil
  • Japanese, English
Created by
  • Rhysdux
  • 3
  • Sapient morning glory
Last album
  • -
This Album
  • Morning Glory
  • Ipomoea nil
  • アサガオ
  • MorningGlory.jpg
  • 26
  • Convolvulaceae
  • 2006-10-21
Next album
  • -
  • TBA
  • Morning Glory
  • 100
  • Sora Asami
  • 2007
  • Quartermaster
  • 40000000
Cover size
  • 250
  • 60
  • Love Kulu Edge
  • 18
  • 1360
  • 2900
  • 50
  • 516
  • 600
  • 1230
  • 3160
  • 6880
  • 1040
  • 3960
  • 510
  • 1700
  • 290
  • 760
  • 510
  • 20
  • 132
  • 23
  • During combat, increases the effectiveness of Solar Drive by 5%.
  • Does 1.1x damage to 2 enemies.
  • 792
  • 2005-10-16
  • morning glory is a plant that only appears during the morning. When used it increases all stats by 3 for the rest of the morning. It can't be grown.
  • Morning Glory ist der Trivialname von über tausend verschiedene Pflanzenarten aus der Familie der Convolvulaceae (Windengewächse). Diese Pflanzen erfreuen sich bei Gärtner als rankende Zierpflanzen einer großen Beliebtheit. Im Kontext von Drogenkonsum meint man damit in der Regel die erginhaltigen Windenarten, welche nur einen sehr kleinen Anteil dieser Pflanzenarten ausmachen. Deren Wirkung und Verwendung sind im Artikel 'Ergin' beschrieben.
  • Die ehrgeizige Nachrichten-Produzentin Becky Fuller träumt seit ihrer Kindheit von einer Anstellung bei der Today show, jedoch stößt sie aufgrund ihres Engagements bei potentiellen Arbeitgebern auf Ablehnung. Nach ihrer Kündigung bei der Sendung Good Morning New Jersey rät ihre Mutter, ihren Traum aufzugeben, bevor es zu peinlich wird. Doch Becky verschickt weiter mehrer Bewerbungen. Tatsächlich erhält sie einen Anruf des Senders IBS, der eine Produzentin der strauchelnden Show DayBreak sucht. Nach einem enttäuschendem Bewerbungsgespräch mit Jerry Barnes, stößt Becky in einem Aufzug mit einem ihrer Helden, dem Fernsehjournalisten Mike Pomeroy ineinander. Sie wird rüde von ihm runtergeputzt, was aber typisch für ihn sei. Scheinbar wider besseres Wissen, heuert Jerry Becky als ausführenden Produzenten von Daybreak ein. An ihrem ersten Tag realisiert Becky, dass sie einen Vertrag für eine strauchelnde Show unterzeichnet hat. Der Show fehlt es vor allem an Geld. Nach einem Treffen mit die herben Moderatorin Colleen Peck, der Beckys kurzzeitiges Ablegen in der Show vorhersagt, entlässt sie Co-Moderator Paul McVee, sehr zur Freude ihrer Mitarbeiter. Becky wählt Mike als Colleens neuen Co-Moderator aus, sehr zu Mikes Missvergnügen. Mike ist seit jeher im Auftrag von IBS unterwegs, aber hat es geschafft, meist wird genutzt entkommen, während immer noch bezahlt. Becky findet eine Klausel in seinem Vertrag, mit dem er verpflichtet ist, ein offizielles Angebot anzunehmen oder sein Gehalt zu verlieren. Er akzeptiert widerwillig. Becky lernt Adam Bennett kennen, einen weiteren Produzenten bei IBS, der bereits mit Mike zusammengearbeitet hat. Sie beginnen, sich regelmäßig zu treffen. Er unterstützt sie in ihrem Engagement in ihrem Job. Pomeroy versucht zunächst, die Show zu sabotieren, da er eine tiefe Abneigung gegen Colleen hegt und über keine leichten Themen berichten möchte. Als die Quote weiter sinkt, wird Becky erklärt, dass die Sendung womöglich abgesetzt wird. Durch einige Änderungen gelingt Becky die Wende zum Besseren; den entscheidenden Beitrag leistet Mike Pomeroy mit einer hart recherchierten Enthüllungsgeschichte, die seinen professionellen Vorstellungen entspricht, wodurch die Show um ein weiteres Jahr verlängert wird. Mit seinem Sinneswandel und seiner neuen Bereitschaft auch über weiche Themen zu berichten, gewinnt er Becky in letzter Minute für die Daybreak zurück, nachdem diese bereits im Vorstellungsgespräch für die NBC-Sendung Today gesessen hatte. Obwohl die Today-Show seit jeher ihr Traumjob war, verzichtet Becky auf das Angebot und bleibt bei ihrem Team von Daybreak, das sie mittlerweile als ihre Familie betrachtet.
  • The Federation army is moving into position to finally lock down the Gekko. On the Gekko, Eureka remembers a straw trick Renton showed the kids, which he dropped water on it and made it seem like it was alive. Again, Eureka asks Gidget what love is, and after stammering, Gidget asks Eureka is that means she likes Renton, but Eureka is still struggling to understand her feelings. On the hanger, the Nirvash is bucking, violently unwilling to be piloted just by Eureka. Moondoggie reminds her that Holland promised to bring Renton back and mentions the city Guianas that Renton asked about earlier. The kids ask Eureka to fix the mechanical mouse Renton made, and ask when he's coming back. Maurice says he may not come back, but Maeter and Linck believe he will, and Eureka assures them that Holland has never broken a promise, even though the kids say he has many times before. Eureka corrects this, saying he has never broken a promise to her. The crew picks up the 606 is heading back, but not because of the military but because the Beams are heading towards them. Talho reminds him about Renton, but Holland says that the ship is more important and even a kid would understand that. Talho says that must mean Holland is less than a kid himself. He goes looking for Eureka and is shocked to see the Nirvash discombobulated, and heads to Eureka's room. He finds Renton's tracksuit and knows she still misses Renton. Eureka enters and snatches the tracksuit from him, and asks if he's found him yet. Holland says no, but the Gekko will be changing course because of Charles coming after them. Eureka still demands to know why he is not going to keep looking for Renton. They start to argue, and Holland shouts at her that they are in trouble and reminds her about how dangerous Charles really is. Eureka asks him if he really hates Renton, which Holland says no, but Eureka doesn't believe him because she knows how badly he treated the boy. Holland says that is because she is more important to him than Renton is, but Eureka rejects this and runs off. Frustrated, Holland struggles to understand why he can't have the kind of bond Eureka has with Renton. The Beams have allied with the Air Force and have deliberately left a tiny escape route open so Holland would think he had no choice but to take it. Talho asks Holland if running away is fine with him, and he says it is only a temporary escape. She repeats this question (implying that she knows he is really leaving Renton behind on purpose) and Holland, disappointed by Eureka's rejection and desperate to escape from the Beams, says yes. Eureka takes Gidget's board and realizes she can't trust Holland and the others anymore, so she will go look for Renton herself. She politely turns down Gonzy's offer for tea and jumps from the ship. She doesn't realize, however, that Renton is returning at the same time she is leaving. As they fly to their separate destinations, both plead for the other to wait for them. Gidget notices her board missing and the kids see Renton land on the ship. The Gekko gears itself to bust through and Holland is not bothered sending out the LFOs. Matthieu and Stoner bring Renton to the bridge, and Talho and the others are surprised but happy to see him. Matthieu tells him to make it a good apology, but Renton just stares at Holland, who asks him who gave him permission to come back. Charles is in front of his LFO and quoting Adroc's line "Don't make somebody else do it..." and wonders what Adroc was seeking. Renton tries to warn Holland that he is walking into a trap because the Beams are prepared, but Holland shouts at him and orders him to leave. Stoner tries to get Holland to admit that he searched for Renton, but Holland orders him to shut up and denies it. Renton, however, says he has no intention of rejoining the Gekko and only came back to see Eureka again. Eureka is still reffing her way towards Guianas through clouds and skyfish, and then comes across the Beams' ship and the military. Gidget gets a scrambled communication from Eureka, who is trying to warn the crew, just as Ray opens fire on Eureka. She drops her communication and tries to dodge the attacks. Holland says there is nothing on the screen, and Ken-Goh points out that it's coming from the Rainbow Sea. Hap tracks the communication to outside the ship, and Gidget realizes that Eureka has her board, which angers Holland that Eureka left the ship without permission. Realizing Eureka is in danger, Renton takes off and is able to launch the Nirvash. Launching his LFO, Charles tells Ray not to kill Eureka before he can get to her, but she says those were simply warning shots. Charles goes into a power-drive as Eureka laments she couldn't keep a promise to anybody and she may never get to see Renton again, and mentally apologizes to him and the children. Suddenly, energy bolts lash out and destroy one of the battleships while Holland decides he is an effective leader and gives out orders. Charles almost has Eureka before he is stopped by the Nirvash, and Charles quickly realizes it is Renton piloting it. Renton grabs Eureka's hand and pulls her into the cockpit. Charles is troubled that Renton saved her, and Ray reminds him about what she wants, which is having Renton back as their son, and he vows to give her what she wants. Eureka tells Renton she was able to do something crazy because of him, and her partner has to be him. She tries to confess her feelings to him, but he interrupts her by hugging her and telling her how relieved he is that she is alright. Eureka tearfully tells him that she has wanted to talk to him for a long time, and he says the same thing. Charles is angry at the Nirvash for saving Eureka and the commander of the Air Force ship figures strength in numbers will give him the Gekko, though he wonders if this matters to Charles. The Nirvash leaps into the fray, but it strikes by disabling the limbs of the KLFs, rather than destroy them, which Charles calls foolish. The Nirvash is happy that Renton is back, and he tells the Nirvash that he is happy, too, to Eureka's delight. She says "Let's go back together." and she puts her hand on his on the Compac Drive. A stream of new energy tears off not only the KLFs' weapons but also the reflection film on the ships. The commander calls retreat as Talho wonders what is happening. Holland says it's not the Seven Swell effect and what makes him mad about it is that only Renton can do it. Ray pouts that they have to retreat, but Charles says it's just for now. As they fly through a mass of skyfish, Renton and Eureka talk to make up for their time apart from each other. Renton talks about all the people he's met and he has finally understood what is most important to him. Eureka says the same thing and how everyone says she has changed, as everyone eavesdrops on the conversation from the communication. When it is cut off, Holland chuckles in defeat as he finally accepts the fact Eureka has chosen Renton to be her partner and tells Diane he knows what he has to do. Meanwhile, Charles aims his rifle and promises that he has not given up yet.
  • The Morning Glory is a dark blue, yellow-speckled herb found in the jungle area, near the pianola. If you don't want your creatures to drink coffee, this herb will wake them up. It gives: * Starch: 90 * Tiredness Decrease: 100 * Sleepiness Decrease: 100
  • Morning glory was a Rokugani plant cultivated because of the funnel-shaped flowers it produced, that opened up with the coming of each new day's sun.
  • Morning glories are only found in Stage 6 of Volcano Valley in the haunted house. They start off as buds and will only grow if they are pushed into a source of light by the Kirbys. Once they are fully in bloom, the petals will disintegrate and leave behind an item in a bubble. The player must be careful of enemies when moving the plant's pot; Helmees will do very little damage to it, but Grindarrs will crack the pot and squash the plant if given the chance.
  • Morning Glory is a Toradora! original soundtrack.
  • Name: Morning Glory Run Time: 4:52 Written By: Dave Cousins Year: 2003
  • Morning Glory (夕凪 Yuunagi?, "Evening Calm") is an Earth-elemental martial arte exclusive to Jude Mathis in Tales of Xillia 2.
  • Morning Glory is the debut album by Japanese pop singer Sora Asami. It was recorded in 2007 and finalized in 2008. Produced by Bloodshy & Avant (and one track by Sora), the album is upbeat and electronic (with the exception of two ballads) and is written completely by Asami. The release date is unknown, but is set to debut in the coming weeks.
  • Morning Glory is a flower crop available on FarmVille. They can be planted at level 13 and only take 12 hours to grow. They cost only 60 coins and can be sold for 123. They will only earn a farmer 1 experience for planting them. It was introduced on January 6, 2010.
  • This strain brings it all together: Excellent yields, relatively short flowering time, interesting flavors, and effects combining the best of both Sativa and Indica. The carefully selected genetics for this plant make it easy to grow. In their natural state, the buds have distinctly strong, citrus aromas, but the smoke is mild and just a bit earthy and spicy, with subtle hints of white pepper. The high is somehow soaring and relaxing at once. A plant that aptly demonstrates how careful cannabis breeding and husbandry can lead to fascinating results.
  • The Morning Glory is the PPC's quartermaster, and part of the Department of Operations. She was created by Rhysdux. As quartermaster, the Morning Glory's job is to distribute uniforms and other basic to PPC agents; her ability to use every inch of space to her full advantage comes in handy there. It's unknown if she supervises Kelemen Totth and his Supply Depot. She has held this job since before the Wisteria was in charge of Operations, but is ambitious by nature, and despite repeatedly being passed over for promotion she still hopes to one day become head of the department.
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