  • Jiralhanae
  • Jiralhanae
  • Jiralhanae
  • Jiralhanae
  • Jiralhanae
  • Los Jiralhanae, también conocidos como Brutes, designados por los Forerunner como Servus Ferox (Latín: Siervo Impetuoso), son una raza de guerreros aliados al Covenant además de ser una de las razas más leales al mismo, fueron una de las razas que se unieron al Covenant, incluso mucho antes de la cristalización de Harvest, pero a pesar de esto fueron una de las últimas en aparecer de forma oficial, los Jiralhanae son una especie rara de simios salvajes, enormes y fuertes y comparten una Intensa rivalidad con otra raza del Covenant, los Sangheili, por un hecho de superioridad de parte de éstos al mismo tiempo que los Sangheili temían de éstos debido a su conducta muy obsesiva. Los Jiralhanae son originarios del planeta Doisac. Tienen un profundo odio a los Sangheili.
  • I Jiralhanae, conosciuti dagli umani come Brute, sono una delle razze Covenant.
  • Exceedingly strong (surpassing the strength of both Sangheili and SPARTAN-IIs/IIIs), the Jiralhanae place a greater emphasis on brutality than wisdom and are on the whole a savage species. Preferring this potential for blind obedience, the High Prophet of Truth began plans to replace the Sangheili with Jiralhanae, slowly placing the latter in higher positions and giving them greater allowances than Sangheili troops would receive. Finally, on Truth's orders, the Jiralhanae began a galaxy-wide purge of Sangheili High Councilors and commanders, sparking a cataclysmic civil war known as the Great Schism that led to the dissolution of the Covenant. This civil war would continue well after the end of the Human-Covenant War.
  • The Jiralhanae (Latin, Servus ferox, translated to "Wild Slave"), known by humans as Brutes, are the most recent members of the Covenant. They are a large, bipedal, giant ape-like species from Doisac. The Jiralhanae have been part of the Covenant since before the destruction of the UNSC agricultural colony on Harvest, and were always resented by the Sangheili for their monomaniacal behavior. They are rated Native Tier 4/Adopted Tier 2 species by the Forerunner Technological Achievement Tier scale.
  • — Prophet of Truth Jiralhanae, more commonly known as Covenant Brutes, are a race of simians from the planet Doisac who have been inducted into the unified conglomerate races of the Covenant. The term "brute" comes from their extremely savage nature.
  • Die Jiralhanae (lateinisch "servux ferox", übersetzt "Wilder Sklave") sind eine intelligente, humanoid angehauchte Spezies von primatenähnlicher Abstammung, die sich auf dem Planeten Doisac entwickelt haben. Sie gelten als ein äußerst brutales Volk und sind bekannt für ihren tiefen Hass auf die Sangheili.
  • Jiralhanae, also known as Brutes, are large, bipedal, giant ape-like species who comprise the most members of the Covenant. Their homeworld is Doisac. The Brutes were the second Covenant species encountered by the humans following the Kig-Yar raid on the freighter. The Brutes have an extreme hatred over the Sangheili, fueled by the Brute's natural aggressive nature and the Sangheili's attitudes of superiority.
  • Οι Jiralhanae (λατινικά: Servous ferox, σημαίνοντας 'Άγριος σκλάβος'), γνωστός από τους Ανθρώπους ως Brutes, είναι τα πιο καινούρια μέλη των Covenant. Είναι ένα μεγάλο, δίποδο, πιθηκομορφικό είδος από τον Doisac. Οι Jiralhanae ήταν το δέυτερο είδος που ανακαλύφθηκε από τους Ανθρώπους, ακολουθώντας τα Kig-yar στην επιδρομή του πλοίου This End Up. Ήταν επίσης το πρώτο είδος των Covenant που ανακαλύφθηκε από τη αποικιακή εθνοφρουρά του Harvest. Οι Brutes έχουν ένα βαθύ μίσος με τους Sangheili, ατέργιαστο με κάθε άλλο μέσα στους Covenant, φλογισμένο από τον φυσικό χαρακτήρα των Jiralhanae. και την στάση εξουσίας των Sangheili.
  • The Jiralhanae are a race once allied to the Galactic Covenant. They became the Honor Guards of several Covenant officials, resulting in the removal of the Sanghelli from this traditional role. They have thick, gray skin, and are covered with matted, brown or white fur-like hair. They have very sharp teeth and sometimes use them as a weapon. They are immensely strong (to the point of overpowering armored stormtroopers in hand to hand combat, at least in raw strength) and fight hand-to-hand if they ever lose their weapon. Traditionally, Jiralhanae do not use energy shielding, as they are strong enough to withstand massive amounts of damage.
  • horny and have an over active sex drive, but MC just doesn't seem to be gay so he just kills them befo re they can reach him. Brutes are known to huff Grunts in their spare time, a practice which most frown upon for the obvious mental retardation effects as the Gruntiness begins to take effect. Brutes enjoy this effect. They have been known to castrate innocent Grunts just for the fact that they like the taste, and then hanging the "leftovers" on their crotches. Not much of a trophy, but bigger that what they have. Brute society is heavily fixated around large, phallic objects, especially dildos. Brutes also tend to attach knives to everything they own, from Spikers, to hammers, to
  • *Jiralhanae Energierüstung **Tarnausrüstung *Typ-2 Antiperson Stachelgranate *Typ-2 Gravitationshammer *Typ-3 Antiperson Brandbombe *Typ-25 Stachler *Typ-25 Brute-Gewehr *Typ-25 Brute-Plasmagewehr *Typ-33 Nadelwerfer *Typ-50 Strahlengewehr *Typ-50 Erschütterungsgewehr *Typ-51 Karabiner *Typ-52 Mauler *Blasenschild *Energieabsauger *Fackel *Radarstörer *Regenerator *Transportable Deckung
  • Brutos, Brutes
  • 259.0
  • true
  • 259.0
  • 250
type of hostile species
  • Soldiers
  • *Brutes Líderes de Guerra *Brutes Líderes *Brutes Especializados *Brutes de Infantería o Menores
  • Enormes bestias, con dientes muy afilados y sobresalientes, con mucho pelo, brazos y piernas
  • 680.0
  • * Allianz * Allianz Loyalisten
  • Overthrow the Sangheili and take their positiosn
  • Jiralhanae
  • Rifle de Plasma, Cañon Brute, Carabina Covenant, Spiker, Aplastador, Cañón de Combustible, Escopeta
  • Halo
  • Jiralhanae
  • * Brute Häuptling * Brute Kriegsführer * Brute Führer * Brute Ehrengardist * Brute Hauptmann Ultra * Brute Hauptmann Major * Brute Hauptmann * Brute Leibwächter * Brute Stalker * Jetpack Brute Hauptmann * Jetpack Brute Major * Jetpack Brute Minor * Brute Ultra * Brute Major * Brute Minor
  • Jiralhanae
  • Jiralhanae
  • Jiralhanae
  • Grey
  • Gray Skin; Light Gray, White, Brown, or Medium Brown fur.
  • Γκρί, Λευκό, Μαύρο ή Καφέ
  • *Atriox *Bracktanus *Ceretus *Decimus *Gargantum *Lepidus *Lydus *Maccabeus *Parabum *Tartarus *Unnamed Army Commander
  • *Bracktanus *Ceretus *Gargantum *Lepidus *Maccabeus *Parabum *Tartarus *Unnamed Army Commander
  • Fighting
descrizione immagine
  • Un Brute Minore in Halo 3
  • *Tartarus *Maccabeo
  • 680
  • Brutes
  • *Hair Ball *Fur Ball *Ape *Crazy Gorillas *Sasquatch *Baby Kongs *Gorilla *Brute *Bo-Bo *Mongrels *Big Scary Guy *Dumb Apes *Monkey *Bigfoot *Yeti
  • *Hair Ball *Fur Ball *Ape *Crazy Gorilla *Sasquatch *Baby Kong *Gorilla *Brute *Bo-Bo *Mongrels *Big Scary Guy *Dumb Ape *Monkey *Bigfoot *Yeti *Malodorous Leadfooted Nimrod
  • *Spectre *Wraith *Ghost *Banshee *Phantom *Prowler *Chopper
  • Fighting
  • 8
  • 4.0
  • 420.0
  • Brute_Soldato_Minore_Halo_3.png
  • Brute Plasma Rifle *Needler *Brute Shot *Carbine *Shotgun *Spiker *Incendiary Grenade *Spike Grenade *Plasma Grenade *Plasma Rifle *Plasma Cannon *Gravity Hammer *Mauler *Shade *Energy Sword
  • Humanoide
  • Gris
  • Huntched gait, fur, tough skin
  • 300
  • groß, muskulös, massig, scharfe Zähne, tiefe Stimme, ähneln Gorillas, humanoider Körper
  • Jiralhanae_H2A.png
  • Brown, Gray, White
  • Humanoid
  • Jiralhanae
  • Omnivorous
  • Jiralhanae
  • *Chieftain of the Jiralhanae *War Chieftain *Chieftain *Honor Guardsman *Captain Ultra *Captain Major *Captain *Bodyguard *Stalker *Jump Pack Trooper *Ultra *Major *Minor
  • BestiarumBrute.jpg
  • * Tartarus * Maccabeus * Bracktanus * Gargantum * Lepidus * Vorenus * Ritul * Strab * Calid * Druss * Grattius * Licinus
  • grau bis braun
  • Tartarus, Maccabeus, Lepidus, Gargantum, Bracktanus, Vorenus, Ritul, Strab, Grattius y Comandante Brute
  • Οι Jiralhanae (λατινικά: Servous ferox, σημαίνοντας 'Άγριος σκλάβος'), γνωστός από τους Ανθρώπους ως Brutes, είναι τα πιο καινούρια μέλη των Covenant. Είναι ένα μεγάλο, δίποδο, πιθηκομορφικό είδος από τον Doisac. Οι Jiralhanae ήταν το δέυτερο είδος που ανακαλύφθηκε από τους Ανθρώπους, ακολουθώντας τα Kig-yar στην επιδρομή του πλοίου This End Up. Ήταν επίσης το πρώτο είδος των Covenant που ανακαλύφθηκε από τη αποικιακή εθνοφρουρά του Harvest. Οι Brutes έχουν ένα βαθύ μίσος με τους Sangheili, ατέργιαστο με κάθε άλλο μέσα στους Covenant, φλογισμένο από τον φυσικό χαρακτήρα των Jiralhanae. και την στάση εξουσίας των Sangheili. Οι Jiralhanae ήταν μέρος των Covenant πρίν την καταστροφή του αγροτικού πλανήτη της UNSC, τον Harvest και οι Sangheili πάντα τους φοβόντουσαν για την μονομανιακή συμπεριφορά τους. Τα σχέδια των Jiralhanae για να καταστρέψουν την δύναμη των Sangheili ξεκίνησε με την συμμαχία με τον High Prophet of Truth κατά την διάρκεια της Πρώτης μάχης του Harvest και συνέχισε μέχρι την διάσπαση των Covenant. Πήραν τον ρόλο των τιμιτικών φρουρών των Prophets από τους Sangheili αφότου οι Sangheili απέτυχαν να αποτρέψουν τον θάνατο του High Prophet of Regret από τον SPARTAN Ιωάννη-117. Αυτό οδήγησε με τους Jiralhanae να αντικαταστήσουν τους Sangheili ως αρχηγούς των στρατιωτών των Covenant.
  • Die Jiralhanae (lateinisch "servux ferox", übersetzt "Wilder Sklave") sind eine intelligente, humanoid angehauchte Spezies von primatenähnlicher Abstammung, die sich auf dem Planeten Doisac entwickelt haben. Sie gelten als ein äußerst brutales Volk und sind bekannt für ihren tiefen Hass auf die Sangheili. Nachdem sie sich selbst vom Weltraumzeitalter in das Mittelalter durch einen Krieg zurück katapultierten, wurden sie durch Radiosignale vom Allianz Imperium aufgespürt. Sie waren damit das letzte beigetretene Volk, vor der Auflösung der Allianz. Innerhalb der Allianz erlebte das Volk eine Blitzkarriere und übernahm die Pflichten und Privilegien der Sangheili. Später bekamen sie die primäre Kontrolle im Militärsystem als Allianz Loyalisten unter der Führung vom Propheten der Wahrheit.
  • Jiralhanae, also known as Brutes, are large, bipedal, giant ape-like species who comprise the most members of the Covenant. Their homeworld is Doisac. The Brutes were the second Covenant species encountered by the humans following the Kig-Yar raid on the freighter. The Brutes have an extreme hatred over the Sangheili, fueled by the Brute's natural aggressive nature and the Sangheili's attitudes of superiority. The Brutes have been part of the Covenant since before the destruction of the UNSC agricultural colony on Harvest, and were always feared by the Sangheili for their monomanical behavior. The Brute's plans to seize power over the Sangheili began with their alliance with the High Prophet of Truth during the Battle of Harvest, and continued to gain headway until the eventual splitting of the Covenant Empire. They eventually took the role of the Prophet's Honor Guards from the Sangheili after they failed to prevent the assassination of the High Prophet of Regret by SPARTAN John 117. Regret's assassination culminated in the Brutes replacing the Sangheili as the leaders of the Covenant Military.
  • Los Jiralhanae, también conocidos como Brutes, designados por los Forerunner como Servus Ferox (Latín: Siervo Impetuoso), son una raza de guerreros aliados al Covenant además de ser una de las razas más leales al mismo, fueron una de las razas que se unieron al Covenant, incluso mucho antes de la cristalización de Harvest, pero a pesar de esto fueron una de las últimas en aparecer de forma oficial, los Jiralhanae son una especie rara de simios salvajes, enormes y fuertes y comparten una Intensa rivalidad con otra raza del Covenant, los Sangheili, por un hecho de superioridad de parte de éstos al mismo tiempo que los Sangheili temían de éstos debido a su conducta muy obsesiva. Los Jiralhanae son originarios del planeta Doisac. Tienen un profundo odio a los Sangheili.
  • I Jiralhanae, conosciuti dagli umani come Brute, sono una delle razze Covenant.
  • Exceedingly strong (surpassing the strength of both Sangheili and SPARTAN-IIs/IIIs), the Jiralhanae place a greater emphasis on brutality than wisdom and are on the whole a savage species. Preferring this potential for blind obedience, the High Prophet of Truth began plans to replace the Sangheili with Jiralhanae, slowly placing the latter in higher positions and giving them greater allowances than Sangheili troops would receive. Finally, on Truth's orders, the Jiralhanae began a galaxy-wide purge of Sangheili High Councilors and commanders, sparking a cataclysmic civil war known as the Great Schism that led to the dissolution of the Covenant. This civil war would continue well after the end of the Human-Covenant War.
  • horny and have an over active sex drive, but MC just doesn't seem to be gay so he just kills them befo re they can reach him. Brutes are known to huff Grunts in their spare time, a practice which most frown upon for the obvious mental retardation effects as the Gruntiness begins to take effect. Brutes enjoy this effect. They have been known to castrate innocent Grunts just for the fact that they like the taste, and then hanging the "leftovers" on their crotches. Not much of a trophy, but bigger that what they have. Brute society is heavily fixated around large, phallic objects, especially dildos. Brutes also tend to attach knives to everything they own, from Spikers, to hammers, to bottles, to knives, to knifes, to children's dolls,to condoms. Brutes are prone to throwing stick-like grenades aimed directly at the target. This shows that brutes are too retarded to realize grenades arc downwards. Should the player's testicles be incinerated from this, one must then teabag the brute as they drool a cool saliva upon the thought of cooked testicles. (Cause they are reely just sensitive queers with to much free time and will go to hell where satan will admister a case of the explovise shits.)
  • The Jiralhanae are a race once allied to the Galactic Covenant. They became the Honor Guards of several Covenant officials, resulting in the removal of the Sanghelli from this traditional role. They have thick, gray skin, and are covered with matted, brown or white fur-like hair. They have very sharp teeth and sometimes use them as a weapon. They are immensely strong (to the point of overpowering armored stormtroopers in hand to hand combat, at least in raw strength) and fight hand-to-hand if they ever lose their weapon. Traditionally, Jiralhanae do not use energy shielding, as they are strong enough to withstand massive amounts of damage. The Jiralhanae have a primitive cultural structure, and are split into tribes called "packs", all led by a single "Chieftain". The way a Jiralhanae moves up in rank or stature is unknown. In general, Jiralhanae have a pronounced dislike of the Sanghelli. They believe that they can protect the officers of the Galactic Covenant better than them.
  • The Jiralhanae (Latin, Servus ferox, translated to "Wild Slave"), known by humans as Brutes, are the most recent members of the Covenant. They are a large, bipedal, giant ape-like species from Doisac. The Jiralhanae have been part of the Covenant since before the destruction of the UNSC agricultural colony on Harvest, and were always resented by the Sangheili for their monomaniacal behavior. They are rated Native Tier 4/Adopted Tier 2 species by the Forerunner Technological Achievement Tier scale.
  • — Prophet of Truth Jiralhanae, more commonly known as Covenant Brutes, are a race of simians from the planet Doisac who have been inducted into the unified conglomerate races of the Covenant. The term "brute" comes from their extremely savage nature.
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