  • Eruption
  • Eruption
  • Eruption
  • Eruption
  • Eruption
  • Coming Soon!
  • Eruption can be combined with other symbols in Star Ocean: The Second Story. It was the only Fire-elemental symbol capable of combining .
  • Eruption is part of the Omega Squad on the first day of the class. Eruption is part of the team analysis for one of the class exercises. Eruption is one of the team facing Bladedancer in a Red Team exercise. Eruption is part of the board for the Order of the Worn Wrench advancement hearings in April 2007. He is very bigoted. He is removed from the vote for Loophole. As he became a senior, he was part of the Honor Roll and had won the Westinghouse silver Medal.
  • Eruption, to opowiadanie napisane przez Johna Ostrandera w 2013 roku.
  • 2025: 7 (Online: 7) 4.1: 7 (Online: 7) 2025: Emergency support request. Giant spiders have emerged from underground. They've invaded the city and are attacking citizens. These are a formidable enemy and there are a great many of them. The Air Raiders are taking point. Air Raiders, move out! 4.1: Emergency support request: Giant spiders have emerged from underground. They've invaded the city and are attacking civilians. These are a formidable enemy and there are a great many of them, so the Air Raiders are taking point. Air Raiders, move out! MAP: City 2
  • Eruption ist ein Zauber des Elements Feuer.
  • Heavy Weapon - Melee Damage - Knock Up
  • Inferno is a n advanced track.
  • Eruption (ふんか, Eruption) is a damage-dealing Fire-type move introduced in the third generation.
  • Power depends on user's remaining HP. (max. 150)
  • The team that wins the Temple Mission receives all the power and determines which two teams have to trek to the Endurance Temple. The pressure to win causes some participants to compromise their morals and promises.
  • Eruption is a multiplayer map for StarCraft. It supports up to eight players. The map reappears in StarCraft 64. However, this version can only support up to six players.
  • Volcanic fissures form in the ground, emitting deadly geysers of molten flame and fiery chunks of brimstone.
  • Eruption is a spell of the Elementalist. It causes a pillar of flame to erupt directly below the caster.
  • Eruption is a black robot armed with a striped black and yellow flipper. It is very small, compact, fast and armed with a very potent weapon however it has a limited CO2 supply for the weapon. Eruption has a featherweight called Explosion which was built first. It is the second heavyweight in history to retain its title in the UK Championships twice in a row in 2014.
  • Eruption is a level 3 Glyphword you can have crafted by the Runewright. === Crafting Requirements ===
  • Eruption is an energy wave technique developed by Cuber. To use it, Cuber waves his hands in a wide circular motion, each hand leaving a trail of blue ki. When both trails touch each other to form a large circle, Cuber cups his hands in front of himself. The ki circle-trail then shrinks into a sphere within Cuber's palms. As Cuber continues charging, he rotates his hands cupped 180 degrees. After the charging is finished, Cuber slams his palms into the ground, creating a massive exploding wave around him.
  • A powerful hammer attack that deals a large amount of damage in a column in front of you and knocks enemies into the air. Sets impaired state. * Active * Cast time : Instant * Recast time : 45.0 * AP Cost 50 * Column: Affects up to 6 enemies in a 6 meter wide by 9 meter long area in front of you. * You smash your hammer into the ground, creating a column of molten spikes in front of you that deals 144 physical damage. If hit, your target becomes Impaired and knocked into the air for 3.5 seconds. See also:
  • Eruption er en kort historie skrevet af John Ostrander, som blev vist i Star Wars Insider 141. Historien handler om Hawk Ryo og Lanoree Brock. Eruption's lydbog er inkluderet med Dawn of the Jedi: Into the Void lydbogen, fortalt af January LaVoy.
  • Eruption is a heavyweight robot which competed in Series 8-9 of Robot Wars. Eruption entered the show with much experience from live events, where it has enjoyed huge success as a double FRA UK Heavyweight champion. Although it only reached the Head-to-Head stage of Series 8, it finished as the runner-up of Series 9, having flipped four robots out of the arena consecutively along the way. Eruption also went undefeated in the whiteboard matches of Series 8, and won its Heat Final against Cherub in under seven seconds.
  • Eruption was a Counter Attack on Bakugan Dimensions, exclusive to Lava Floes.
  • Full: Cause an Eruption at target foe's location. Each second for 5 seconds, foes near this location are struck for 10...34 earth damage and are Blinded for 10 seconds. Concise: Deals 10...34 earth damage each second (5 seconds). Hits foes near target's initial location. Inflicts Blindness condition (10 seconds). __TOC__
  • __NOWYSIWYG__ Eruption Battle Data Affected by Contest Data Contests (RSE) Super Contests (DPPt) Contest Spectaculars (ORAS) Eruption is a Fire-type move introduced in Generation III.
  • Eruption (噴火 Funka) is Ike's Neutral Special Move. Ike lifts his sword and then plunges it in front of him which then explodes in a burst of flames. It can be charged up to 5 seconds, and the fire greatly increases its range. Like most of Ike's moves, it is powerful enough that charging is not required for it to be effective. It can KO at low percentages, if charged for a decent time.
  • When a player manages to hold 20,000 MD or more, the player will have a chance of running into an eruption. Eruptions may occur when the player mines a volcano. This can be stopped by using the No Eruption Cards (subscribers only). Depending on the player's stats, the chance of an eruption occurring is 1:50, or 2%. If the player is unlucky enough to run into an eruption, an amount of Mars Dollars between 20 and 2000 is lost.
  • Level: Gargoyle 6 Spell Resistance: yes Calling to you the energy of the stars, orbs of light spin around the point of your deadly claw and destroy the surrounding area. As a standard action, Creatures within a 20 foot burst centered on the Gargoyle must succeed in a Reflex saving throw DC:16+ Strength modifier or take normal damage as well as an additional 1d6 damage per level (Max 20d6). Half of the damage is fire, and half is force. Creatures that succeed take half damage, creatures that fail must make the save again or take 1/2 damage in the following round, and then 1/2 of that damage on the round after that.
  • [[Category:]] Eruption was a powerful conjuration and flame spell that was used by high-ranking members of the Brotherhood of the True Flame in Zakhara.
  • Eruption is a small, under developed, and new nation at 0 days old with citizens primarily of British ethnicity whose religion is Christianity. It is a backwards nation when it comes to technology and many refer to it unkindly as a 'Third World Nation'. Its citizens pay extremely high taxes and many despise their government as a result. The citizens of Eruption work diligently to produce Marble and Aluminum as tradable resources for their nation. It is a mostly neutral country when it comes to foreign affairs. It will usually only attack another nation if attacked first. Eruption is currently researching nuclear technology for the use of nuclear power plants but believes nuclear weapons should be banned. Plans are on the way within Eruption to open new rehabilitation centers across the nat
  • Eruption is the short process in which a normal human is changed into a Nova. Usually in times of great stress, the Mazarin-Rashoud Node activates and opens the body of the soon-to-be Nova to vast quantities of Quantum energies. The sheer amount of power is too great for a normal human to comprehend and in nanoseconds he forms this raw potentional into set "powers" that he can comprehend more easily. These powers are usually something he needs to survive or overcome his highly traumatic and dangerous situation.
  • The trilogy is set in the near-future. In his afterword, Turtledove states that whenever a person happens to read Eruption, "it opens the following Memorial Day weekend." Thus, for a person reading it between December 6, 2011 and Memorial Day, 2012, the book opens in 2012. For a person reading after Memorial Day, 2012, the book opens in 2013, and so on. (Whether this vague approach will continue to be tenable as the trilogy progresses remains to be seen.) Roughly a year after the book begins, the Yellowstone Supervolcano erupts, effectively destroying the state of Wyoming along with other areas within a radius under 300 miles. However, the entire midwest is soon covered in ash and debris, effectively killing the breadbasket of America. Metropolitan areas such as Denver and Salt Lake City,
  • "Eruption" is an instrumental guitar solo by Van Halen from their first album, Van Halen. Written and primarily performed by Eddie Van Halen, this electric guitar solo showcase is considered one of the most influential rock instrumentals of all time, appearing on many 'greatest guitar solos' lists, including a Guitar World poll. On the radio, it is usually played together with "You Really Got Me," which follows the song on the album Van Halen. The song is featured in Guitar Hero: Van Halen and is considered one of, if not the, most difficult songs in the game.
  • Eruption typically involves several waves of magma pulsing out of the ground. Originally, as a follow-up, fireballs rain down over the affected area, but this part faded out after Tales of Eternia. Tales of the Abyss, however, began the tradition of including an actual volcano as part of the spell.
  • III
  • 1
  • 2
  • 200
  • 1
  • 102.0
  • 37
  • 52.818000
ingredient 1 amount
  • 1
story name
  • Eruption
  • Prohibit
  • 20
  • 1
  • 70
  • Beauty
ep num
  • 7.200000
  • 12
  • 0
  • 1
season num
  • 1980
  • 2012-02-09
  • Earth
  • 0
  • Giftable
  • Active
  • 166.369000
  • Both foes
  • 330
robot name
  • Eruption
  • Ash
  • 2.400000
  • 1.0
  • 20.0
  • None
  • 1
  • 29.990000
  • This track unlocks in the Wilderness Volcano.
  • No
  • 31221.0
  • 5
  • 8
  • 8
  • 599
  • Special
  • 300.0
  • 70
  • 5
  • Super Smash Bros. Brawl
  • Super Smash Bros. 3DS/Wii U
  • 2013
pub date
  • 2011-12-06
  • Invade
  • Team Eruption
  • 2010-10-14
  • 40
  • *Deon Aarlaa *Betolo *Dalien Brock *Lanoree Brock *Eomin Dessain *Oma Dessain *Hawk Ryo *Volnos Ryo *Arko Santis *Brom Santis
  • 25793
  • 2
  • 150
  • Varies
  • 12.0
  • 12.6
  • 0
  • 6
  • Level 3
  • *Comlink *Knife *Slugthrower *Sword
team members
  • Adrian Oates
  • Michael Oates
  • Michael Oates and Adrian Oates
  • 2012-02-09
  • *Rescue on Zerist *Wookiee land wars
  • 260
  • Eruption
  • Eruption
  • Dawn of the Jedi: Eruption
Release Date
  • 2013-04-30
  • Eruption
  • 180
  • 180
  • English
  • 2002-12-14
  • ???
  • The Cybertronian Potential
  • Categories: Pyrus, Interrupt, Fast
  • Eruption in Series 9 with its spinning weaponry
flag type
  • National flag of Eruption
  • A ground targeted spiritual attack that deals moderate Fire damage to all enemies in the area.
  • Orange Team
  • 2012-02-09
Mission Winner
  • Blue Team
Name of Mission
  • Eruption
  • Capitalist
  • English
  • Pound
  • No
  • 0
  • 100.0
  • 109.0
Appears In
  • *Ash *Chair *Death *Exile *Fire *The Force **Dark side of the Force **Force Jump **Force sense **Light side of the Force **Telekinesis ***Force Grip ***Force Pull ***Force Push *Fostering *Marriage *Meditation *Poison *Settled Worlds *Table *Volcano *Wine **Vaisamond red wine
  • Eruption
  • 0
  • 0
Air Date
  • 1980-10-18
  • *Cloud Chaser *Great Generation ship
  • -2
  • 6
  • Magma
  • Extended Agility courses
  • 1.500000
  • *Human *Twi'lek
  • Eruption
  • 338.0
  • Flipper
  • Flipper and interchangeable top weapons
  • Eruption.jpg
  • Eruption.png
  • War
  • 11528
  • Рассвет_Джедаев_:_Прорыв
  • Рассвет_Джедаев_:_Прорыв
  • Special
next no
  • 3
  • Eruption.ogg
  • &
  • 0
  • Christianity
  • ふんか Eruption
  • Peace
  • British
  • Eruption
  • Rare
  • 100
  • 100.0
  • 506924
  • Eruption
  • 2009-06-22
track no
  • 2
  • 1978-02-10
  • Around
  • Burn
  • N/A
  • Together We Can Erupt the World
Published in
  • 1977
  • Enemies on fire from Igni explode upon death and set fire to others.
  • Sam Jones, Adam Bond
  • All Hail The Volcano Gods
  • *Clan Ryo **Bodyguard **Crime lord ***Baron *Dessain family *Dessain Mining *Je'daii Order **Je'daii Council **Je'daii Ranger *Servant
  • United Kingdom.png
  • Deals 238.6-265.1 Fire + 100% of focus damage.
  • Deals 247.7-275.2 Fire + 100% of focus damage.
  • Deals 257-285.5 Fire + 100% of focus damage.
  • Deals 266.7-296.4 Fire + 100% of focus damage.
  • Deals 276.5-307.2 Fire + 100% of focus damage.
  • Deals 287-318.9 Fire + 100% of focus damage.
  • Deals 297.8-330.8 Fire + 100% of focus damage.
  • Deals 309-343.3 Fire + 100% of focus damage.
  • Deals 318.5-353.9 Fire + 100% of focus damage.
  • Deals 329.3-365.8 Fire + 100% of focus damage.
  • 6.250000
  • *Tython system **Furies Gate ***Fury Station **Obri ***Zerist ****Kainnan *****Kainnan spaceport ****Sokar volcano **Shikaakwa **Ska Gora **Tython ***Bogan
Followed By
  • 8
prev no
  • 1
  • 2034
  • 0
  • 128
  • 84
ingredient 3 amount
  • 1
ingredient 2 amount
  • 1
  • 0
Reprinted In
  • Dawn of the Jedi: Into the Void
  • Coming Soon!
  • Eruption is the short process in which a normal human is changed into a Nova. Usually in times of great stress, the Mazarin-Rashoud Node activates and opens the body of the soon-to-be Nova to vast quantities of Quantum energies. The sheer amount of power is too great for a normal human to comprehend and in nanoseconds he forms this raw potentional into set "powers" that he can comprehend more easily. These powers are usually something he needs to survive or overcome his highly traumatic and dangerous situation. Image:StubAberrant.png This Aberrant-related article is a stub. You can help WWWiki by fixing it.
  • Eruption typically involves several waves of magma pulsing out of the ground. Originally, as a follow-up, fireballs rain down over the affected area, but this part faded out after Tales of Eternia. Tales of the Abyss, however, began the tradition of including an actual volcano as part of the spell. In Tales of Symphonia, Genis Sage learns this spell after mastering the spell Fire Ball if he is on the "Technical" branch of artes, its "Strike" counterpart being Flame Lance. Kratos Aurion and Zelos Wilder learn the spell, regardless whether or not they are "Technical" or "Strike" disposed. In the game's sequel, Genis and Zelos learn this spell. Genis already knows this spell when he joins the party in Triet Ruins, and Zelos learns the spell after he joins the party in Chapter 7. In Tales of Legendia, both Will Raynard and Grune learn this Eres, both possessing identical animations, though Will recites an incantation, while Grune does not. In Tales of the Abyss, Jade Curtiss can only access this spell by using Stalagmite in a fully-charged Fire or Light FOF Change. Philia Philis, on the other hand, can use it by itself. Eruption appears as an altered arte learned by Rita Mordio in Tales of Vesperia. It is altered from the Fire Ball spell with the "Crucible" skill equipped.
  • Eruption can be combined with other symbols in Star Ocean: The Second Story. It was the only Fire-elemental symbol capable of combining .
  • Eruption is part of the Omega Squad on the first day of the class. Eruption is part of the team analysis for one of the class exercises. Eruption is one of the team facing Bladedancer in a Red Team exercise. Eruption is part of the board for the Order of the Worn Wrench advancement hearings in April 2007. He is very bigoted. He is removed from the vote for Loophole. As he became a senior, he was part of the Honor Roll and had won the Westinghouse silver Medal.
  • Eruption, to opowiadanie napisane przez Johna Ostrandera w 2013 roku.
  • 2025: 7 (Online: 7) 4.1: 7 (Online: 7) 2025: Emergency support request. Giant spiders have emerged from underground. They've invaded the city and are attacking citizens. These are a formidable enemy and there are a great many of them. The Air Raiders are taking point. Air Raiders, move out! 4.1: Emergency support request: Giant spiders have emerged from underground. They've invaded the city and are attacking civilians. These are a formidable enemy and there are a great many of them, so the Air Raiders are taking point. Air Raiders, move out! MAP: City 2
  • Eruption ist ein Zauber des Elements Feuer.
  • Heavy Weapon - Melee Damage - Knock Up
  • Inferno is a n advanced track.
  • Eruption (ふんか, Eruption) is a damage-dealing Fire-type move introduced in the third generation.
  • Power depends on user's remaining HP. (max. 150)
  • The team that wins the Temple Mission receives all the power and determines which two teams have to trek to the Endurance Temple. The pressure to win causes some participants to compromise their morals and promises.
  • Eruption is a multiplayer map for StarCraft. It supports up to eight players. The map reappears in StarCraft 64. However, this version can only support up to six players.
  • Volcanic fissures form in the ground, emitting deadly geysers of molten flame and fiery chunks of brimstone.
  • Eruption is a spell of the Elementalist. It causes a pillar of flame to erupt directly below the caster.
  • The trilogy is set in the near-future. In his afterword, Turtledove states that whenever a person happens to read Eruption, "it opens the following Memorial Day weekend." Thus, for a person reading it between December 6, 2011 and Memorial Day, 2012, the book opens in 2012. For a person reading after Memorial Day, 2012, the book opens in 2013, and so on. (Whether this vague approach will continue to be tenable as the trilogy progresses remains to be seen.) Roughly a year after the book begins, the Yellowstone Supervolcano erupts, effectively destroying the state of Wyoming along with other areas within a radius under 300 miles. However, the entire midwest is soon covered in ash and debris, effectively killing the breadbasket of America. Metropolitan areas such as Denver and Salt Lake City, while not destroyed in the blast, are also soon covered in ash, and those people who didn't immediately flee are subject to disease and starvation. As is typical with Turtledove's work, the story focuses on a group of conventional "everymen", with the bulk of the POVs made up of members of the Ferguson Family. Colin Ferguson is a detective in the (fictional) town San Atanasio California. At the beginning of the book, he is recovering from his divorce from his wife, Louise, who has left him for another man. Their eldest son, Rob plays bass in a modestly successful band called Squirt Frog and the Evolving Tadpoles. Their middle daughter, Vanessa, earns a living as a technical writer and editor. About the same time her parents were divorcing, she was breaking up with her boyfriend, Bryce Miller. Oddly, Miller maintains a friendship with Vanessa's father. The youngest Ferguson child, Marshall, is a perpetual college student. Kelly Birnbaum is a geologist studying the volcano before and after its eruption. By chance, she meets Colin Ferguson nearly two years before the actual eruption. In short order, they fall in love. When the eruption does happen, how characters conduct themselves depends entirely on where they are in the country. Colin, Louise, and Marshall are in California, and the impact on them is negligble at first. Vanessa is forced to evacuate Denver, only to wind up in a series of refugee camps in Kansas. Kelly is trapped in Montana, Bryce in Nebraska, and Rob on the East Coast. When the temperatures cool down considerably, leading to early winter blizzard conditions, Rob and his bandmates are stranded in rural Maine. The inner workings are not examined. The impact on the world is hinted at when hostilities between Iran and Israel begin to escalate. The book ends with several characters still trapped in precarious living conditions, while others manage to prosper or fail without much impact from the eruption. However, Turtledove makes it clear that the status quo will not return for the foreseeable future, and hard times are on the horizon for all of humanity.
  • Eruption is a black robot armed with a striped black and yellow flipper. It is very small, compact, fast and armed with a very potent weapon however it has a limited CO2 supply for the weapon. Eruption has a featherweight called Explosion which was built first. It is the second heavyweight in history to retain its title in the UK Championships twice in a row in 2014.
  • Eruption is a level 3 Glyphword you can have crafted by the Runewright. === Crafting Requirements ===
  • Eruption is an energy wave technique developed by Cuber. To use it, Cuber waves his hands in a wide circular motion, each hand leaving a trail of blue ki. When both trails touch each other to form a large circle, Cuber cups his hands in front of himself. The ki circle-trail then shrinks into a sphere within Cuber's palms. As Cuber continues charging, he rotates his hands cupped 180 degrees. After the charging is finished, Cuber slams his palms into the ground, creating a massive exploding wave around him.
  • A powerful hammer attack that deals a large amount of damage in a column in front of you and knocks enemies into the air. Sets impaired state. * Active * Cast time : Instant * Recast time : 45.0 * AP Cost 50 * Column: Affects up to 6 enemies in a 6 meter wide by 9 meter long area in front of you. * You smash your hammer into the ground, creating a column of molten spikes in front of you that deals 144 physical damage. If hit, your target becomes Impaired and knocked into the air for 3.5 seconds. See also:
  • Eruption is a small, under developed, and new nation at 0 days old with citizens primarily of British ethnicity whose religion is Christianity. It is a backwards nation when it comes to technology and many refer to it unkindly as a 'Third World Nation'. Its citizens pay extremely high taxes and many despise their government as a result. The citizens of Eruption work diligently to produce Marble and Aluminum as tradable resources for their nation. It is a mostly neutral country when it comes to foreign affairs. It will usually only attack another nation if attacked first. Eruption is currently researching nuclear technology for the use of nuclear power plants but believes nuclear weapons should be banned. Plans are on the way within Eruption to open new rehabilitation centers across the nation and educate its citizens of the dangers of drug use. Eruption allows its citizens to protest their government but uses a strong police force to monitor things and arrest lawbreakers. It has an open border policy, but in order for immigrants to remain in the country they will have to become citizens first. Eruption believes in the freedom of speech and feels that it is every citizen's right to speak freely about their government. The government gives foreign aid when it can, but looks to take care of its own people first. Eruption will not make deals with another country that has a history of inhuman treatment of its citizens. Eruption was born from the ashes of Mount Aralalala. When the great volcano gods destroyed the lands that lay before Eruption's birth, a small native community rose from underground caves. They began to build small settlements upon the ash and rock. On September 2, 2012, the community announced their existence to the world. Under the rule of the Volcano God, Magma, the community began to expand and spread across the land of Eruption. The nation is ruled by the gods. The Volcano God, Magma, is recognised as the head of state of Eruption. No man or woman is permitted to ever question the existence of Magma. Severe punishment will be given to any person who may do so. Magma acts in ways that are unexplainable to mere mortals. Sometimes, he may give the community tens of miles of land to expand, he may reward them with new technology and he may provide new materials for the community to grow. He shall never be questioned, abused or forgotten. File:Stub.png This nation page contains only basic information. Please improve it by adding information such as history or other role-play details.
  • Eruption er en kort historie skrevet af John Ostrander, som blev vist i Star Wars Insider 141. Historien handler om Hawk Ryo og Lanoree Brock. Eruption's lydbog er inkluderet med Dawn of the Jedi: Into the Void lydbogen, fortalt af January LaVoy.
  • Eruption is a heavyweight robot which competed in Series 8-9 of Robot Wars. Eruption entered the show with much experience from live events, where it has enjoyed huge success as a double FRA UK Heavyweight champion. Although it only reached the Head-to-Head stage of Series 8, it finished as the runner-up of Series 9, having flipped four robots out of the arena consecutively along the way. Eruption also went undefeated in the whiteboard matches of Series 8, and won its Heat Final against Cherub in under seven seconds.
  • Eruption was a Counter Attack on Bakugan Dimensions, exclusive to Lava Floes.
  • Full: Cause an Eruption at target foe's location. Each second for 5 seconds, foes near this location are struck for 10...34 earth damage and are Blinded for 10 seconds. Concise: Deals 10...34 earth damage each second (5 seconds). Hits foes near target's initial location. Inflicts Blindness condition (10 seconds). __TOC__
  • __NOWYSIWYG__ Eruption Battle Data Affected by Contest Data Contests (RSE) Super Contests (DPPt) Contest Spectaculars (ORAS) Eruption is a Fire-type move introduced in Generation III.
  • Eruption (噴火 Funka) is Ike's Neutral Special Move. Ike lifts his sword and then plunges it in front of him which then explodes in a burst of flames. It can be charged up to 5 seconds, and the fire greatly increases its range. Like most of Ike's moves, it is powerful enough that charging is not required for it to be effective. It can KO at low percentages, if charged for a decent time.
  • When a player manages to hold 20,000 MD or more, the player will have a chance of running into an eruption. Eruptions may occur when the player mines a volcano. This can be stopped by using the No Eruption Cards (subscribers only). Depending on the player's stats, the chance of an eruption occurring is 1:50, or 2%. If the player is unlucky enough to run into an eruption, an amount of Mars Dollars between 20 and 2000 is lost.
  • Level: Gargoyle 6 Spell Resistance: yes Calling to you the energy of the stars, orbs of light spin around the point of your deadly claw and destroy the surrounding area. As a standard action, Creatures within a 20 foot burst centered on the Gargoyle must succeed in a Reflex saving throw DC:16+ Strength modifier or take normal damage as well as an additional 1d6 damage per level (Max 20d6). Half of the damage is fire, and half is force. Creatures that succeed take half damage, creatures that fail must make the save again or take 1/2 damage in the following round, and then 1/2 of that damage on the round after that.
  • "Eruption" is an instrumental guitar solo by Van Halen from their first album, Van Halen. Written and primarily performed by Eddie Van Halen, this electric guitar solo showcase is considered one of the most influential rock instrumentals of all time, appearing on many 'greatest guitar solos' lists, including a Guitar World poll. On the radio, it is usually played together with "You Really Got Me," which follows the song on the album Van Halen. "Eruption" starts with a short accompanied introduction with brother Alex Van Halen on drums and Michael Anthony on bass. The highlight of the solo is the use of fretboard tapping. "Eruption" was played on the Frankenstrat, with a phaser. A 1960s Marshall tube amp, an Echoplex, a Univox echo box, and studio plate reverb helped define the distinctive tone of the track. The Frankenstrat was tuned a half-step down from regular guitar tuning. "Eruption" begins in the key of A flat and ends on a E flat note that is a twelfth fret, 6th string harmonic processed through a Univox echo box effect and lowered an octave by an Echoplex. The "Eruption' introduction is based on "Let Me Swim" by Cactus . Later in the introduction, an E-flat major quotation of the Etude No. 2 by Rodolphe Kreutzer is heard. The piece that would later be named "Eruption" had existed as part of Van Halen's stage act at least as far back as 1976, when it initially featured no tapping. [1] "Eruption" popularized the guitar tapping trend of the 1980s. Although one-handed tapping (hammer-ons and pull-offs) had been previously done by many guitarists, Van Halen introduced two-handed tapping to the mainstream popular rock audience. The main tapping part of Eruption uses a chord structure and style similar to Baroque music. Similarly, Baroque-like tapping had been recorded by Steve Hackett of Genesis in 1971/1972. Initially, "Eruption" was not considered a song for Van Halen. Eddie Van Halen used it as a studio warm up; however, producer Ted Templeman overheard the solo and asked that it appear as a track on the album. Eddie recalled "I didn't even play it right. There's a mistake at the top end of it. To this day, whenever I hear it I always think, 'Man, I could've played it better.'" "Spanish Fly", an acoustic instrumental on Van Halen II, can be viewed as a nylon-string version of Eruption, expanding on similar techniques. Similarly, it was suggested by Templeman for inclusion on the album after he heard Eddie Van Halen playing a classical guitar. In March 2005, Q magazine placed "Eruption" at number 29 in its list of the 100 Greatest Guitar Tracks. "Eruption" has also been named the 2nd greatest guitar solo by Guitar World magazine. The song is featured in Guitar Hero: Van Halen and is considered one of, if not the, most difficult songs in the game.
  • [[Category:]] Eruption was a powerful conjuration and flame spell that was used by high-ranking members of the Brotherhood of the True Flame in Zakhara.
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is Winner of
is M4P of
is M1P of
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is Name of
is notable robots of
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is After of
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