  • Boomslang
  • Boomslang
  • A supervillain.
  • Boomslang never does anything the easy way. Devious and crafty, believes an enemy defeated through guile will be humbled and more easily controlled. He is a deceiver; the truth is not in him. Able to bend energy around himself, making him difficult to lock onto with missiles, shoot with energy weapons, or even see. Armed with a hypervelocity gun that magnetically accelerates a nickle-iron slug to one-fifth the speed of light; can punch a fist-sized hole through a bank vault from twenty miles away. F/A-18 mode is fast and well-armed. Not quite as smart as he thinks he is, his complex schemes often go awry.
  • A boomslang (Dispholidus typus) is a relatively small, venomous colubrid snake native to sub-Saharan Africa. It is currently the only species in its genus, although several species and subspecies have been described in the past. Its name means "tree snake" in Afrikaans and Dutch (boom meaning "tree" (a cognate of "beam", which means a long and large piece of wood, generally a support in a building), and slang meaning "snake"). In Afrikaans, the name is pronounced . The snake is thought to be closely related to members of the genera Thelotornis, Thrasops, Rhamnophis, and Xyelodontophis, with which it forms the taxonomic tribe Dispholidini.
  • <default>Boomslang</default> Status Klasyfikacja Ministerstwa Magii Naturalne występowanie Pokrewne gatunki Alternatywne nazwy gatunku Pokarm Skóra Oczy Włosy Pióra Wzrost Długość Rozpiętośc skrzydeł Śmiertelność Cechy szczególne Przynależność Uzyskiwane składniki eliksirów Boomslang — stosunkowo mały, jadowity wąż pochodzący z Afryki Subsaharyjskiej. Skórka Boomslanga jest najczęściej zielona - u samców i brązowa - u samic. Żywi się głównie małymi jaszczurkami i żabami, które połyka w całości, choć od czasu do czasu odżywia się również ssakami i ptakami (i ich jajami). Ich jad jest silnie trujący, jednak działa bardzo powoli.
  • During his first mission, Boomslang joined Cobra and Copperhead as they poisoned Washington D.C.'s water supply, turning the citizens into horrifying snake-like creatures. He and Copperhead were quickly dispatched by Captain America, but Cobra was able to escape.
  • Żółte
  • Zielone łuski
  • F/A-18E Super Hornet
  • Boomslang.jpg
  • Decepticon
  • Black
  • LC
  • Extant
  • Zwierzę
  • Animalia
  • Boomslang
  • OC
  • Commando
status system
  • iucn3.1
  • Sentient
  • 100
  • D. typus
  • Boomslang
  • Dispholidus
  • Non-magical
binomial authority
  • Dispholidus typus
  • Green
  • Brown
  • Chordata
Pokrewne gatunki
  • * Wąż
Naturalne występowanie
  • Afryka Subsaharyjska
  • A supervillain.
  • Boomslang never does anything the easy way. Devious and crafty, believes an enemy defeated through guile will be humbled and more easily controlled. He is a deceiver; the truth is not in him. Able to bend energy around himself, making him difficult to lock onto with missiles, shoot with energy weapons, or even see. Armed with a hypervelocity gun that magnetically accelerates a nickle-iron slug to one-fifth the speed of light; can punch a fist-sized hole through a bank vault from twenty miles away. F/A-18 mode is fast and well-armed. Not quite as smart as he thinks he is, his complex schemes often go awry.
  • A boomslang (Dispholidus typus) is a relatively small, venomous colubrid snake native to sub-Saharan Africa. It is currently the only species in its genus, although several species and subspecies have been described in the past. Its name means "tree snake" in Afrikaans and Dutch (boom meaning "tree" (a cognate of "beam", which means a long and large piece of wood, generally a support in a building), and slang meaning "snake"). In Afrikaans, the name is pronounced . The snake is thought to be closely related to members of the genera Thelotornis, Thrasops, Rhamnophis, and Xyelodontophis, with which it forms the taxonomic tribe Dispholidini.
  • During his first mission, Boomslang joined Cobra and Copperhead as they poisoned Washington D.C.'s water supply, turning the citizens into horrifying snake-like creatures. He and Copperhead were quickly dispatched by Captain America, but Cobra was able to escape. Boomslang continued to serve with the Society, but when he was sent to spy on Diamondback, he was confronted by Captain America. Boomslang quickly fled the scene, but ran into a gang of teenage thugs. The gang shot Boomslang numerous times, and Captain America immediately took him to the hospital. Boomslang has not been seen with the Serpent Society since, and has possibly reformed after his near-death experience.
  • <default>Boomslang</default> Status Klasyfikacja Ministerstwa Magii Naturalne występowanie Pokrewne gatunki Alternatywne nazwy gatunku Pokarm Skóra Oczy Włosy Pióra Wzrost Długość Rozpiętośc skrzydeł Śmiertelność Cechy szczególne Przynależność Uzyskiwane składniki eliksirów Boomslang — stosunkowo mały, jadowity wąż pochodzący z Afryki Subsaharyjskiej. Skórka Boomslanga jest najczęściej zielona - u samców i brązowa - u samic. Żywi się głównie małymi jaszczurkami i żabami, które połyka w całości, choć od czasu do czasu odżywia się również ssakami i ptakami (i ich jajami). Ich jad jest silnie trujący, jednak działa bardzo powoli.
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