  • Benjamin Linus
  • Benjamin Linus
  • Benjamin Linus
  • Benjamin Linus
  • Benjamin Linus
  • Benjamin Linus
  • Benjamin Linus
  • Benjamin Linus
  • Benjamin Linus
  • Main Characters: Ben • Bernard •Claire • Desmond • Eloise • Frank • Hurley • Jack • Kate • Miles • Penny • Richard • Rose • Sawyer • Sayid
  • Benjamin Linus is one of the Others.
  • Benjamin Linus is a member of the Others who was captured by Rousseau and turned over to Sayid for interrogation inside the Hatch/Swan Station. Initially he claimed that his name was Henry Gale.
  • He remained, however, an expert manipulator, a liar and a murderer, and he served as a villain for much of the series; he was the true main antagonist of Season 2, main antagonist of Season 3 and anti-hero in later seasons. He is portrayed by Micheal Emerson, who played William Hinks on The Practice, Zep Hindle in Saw, and voiced Doctor Venom in an episode of G.I. Joe: Renegades and Joker in The Dark Knight Returns: Part 1 and 2.
  • Ben urodził się 22 grudnia 1963 roku jako pierwsze i jedyne dziecko Emily i Rogera Linusów. Był wcześniakiem, przyszedł na świat na początku 3 trymestru ciąży. Nieoczekiwany poród odbył się w lesie, 32 mile od Portland. Tuż po nim matka Bena, Emily, zmarła. Jej ostatnią wolą było, by chłopca nazwać "Benjamin" („The Man Behind the Curtain”)
  • Benjamin Linus, auch Ben genannt, ist Mitglied der Anderen und hat dort den Rang eines Anführers. Seine Mutter Emily starb bei der Geburt und im Alter von 8 Jahren kommt er mit seinem Vater Roger auf die Insel und wird Teil der DHARMA Initiative. Während dieser Zeit begegnet Ben den Anderen und wird einer von ihnen. Später ist Ben bei der Säuberung dabei. Nachdem die Oceanic 6 die Insel verlassen konnten, bewegte Ben die Insel. Er steht in einem stetigen Wettkampf mit Charles Widmore, der ebenso die Insel für sich beansprucht.
  • In 2004, after Oceanic Flight 815 crashed on the Island, the survivors came face-to-face with Ben and the Others on many occasions. He was captured and held prisoner by the survivors for six days under the alias Henry Gale. His story proved to be false but he was freed by Michael, who had made a deal with the Others. With Jack, Kate, and Sawyer being held prisoner, he persuaded Jack to remove his tumor. Ben also met face-to-face with John Locke, manipulating him and later being threatened by him when Locke claimed to have heard Jacob, leading him to try and kill Locke. Ben later tried to stop the survivors from contacting a nearby Kahana for rescue, knowing the people on the boat were sent by Charles Widmore to capture him and, he claimed, kill everyone else. He ordered the Others to the T
  • Titolo Attore AltCasting Doppiatore AltDoppiatore Prima Ultima Apparizione Menzionato Count Centric Nome AKA Età Nascita Morte EpMorte Luogo Professione PerchéAustralia PerchéDestinazione PerchéIsola Familiari Connessioni Benjamin Linus, meglio conosciuto come Ben, da lungo tempo sull' Isola, è l'ex leader degli Altri. La madre, Emily, muore poco dopo il parto, e all'età di otto anni Ben arriva sull' Isola con il padre, Roger, a cui viene assegnato il lavoro di "workman", o inserviente, per la DHARMA Initiative. Riceve la sua educazione sull'Isola, e dopo un incontro casuale nella giungla con Richard si sente molto affascinato dagli Ostili. A dodici anni, Ben cerca di unirsi a loro, ma viene colpito da un proiettile sparato da un Sayid in viaggio nel tempo, che sperava di ucciderlo per c
  • Benjamin Linus, mais conhecido como Ben, é um antigo residente da Ilha. Ele chegou quando criança, levado por seu pai Roger, que trabalhou para a Iniciativa DHARMA. Depois de ser educado na ilha, Ben se tornou um faxineiro da Iniciativa. Em algum momento, ele se aliou com os Hostis contra a Iniciativa e a destruiu. Depois dessa Purgação, Ben se tornou o líder dos hostis, conhecidos como Os Outros. Em Setembro de 2004, quando o voo 815 da Oceanic Airlines caiu na ilha os sobreviventes se encontraram com Ben várias vezes. Ben mandou os Outros irem até o Templo como segurança e se tornou cativo pelo grupo de Locke. Ben parece poder invocar o monstro e em 31 de Dezembro de 2004, Ben faz o que Jacob ordena e move a ilha - sacrificando sua presença na ilha e sua liderança dos Outros para Locke -
  • Benjamin Linus is a long-time resident of the Island and a leader of the Others. Though often a calm, eloquent antagonist, Ben's insecurity and jealousies sometimes brought out a petulant, reckless side. He remained, however, an expert manipulator, a liar and a murderer, and he served as a main adversary for much of the series. After death, Ben was a teacher of his previous 'daughter', Alex. As his acquaintances from the Island moved on, he chose to stay behind to work out his issues.
  • Benjamin Linus est l'ancien chef des Autres. Arrivé sur l'île environ à l'âge de dix ans avec son père qui travaillait en tant qu'agent d'entretien pour le Projet DHARMA, Ben se lie d'amitié avec une jeune fille nommée Annie et souffre du comportement de son père qui le tient pour responsable de la mort de sa mère. Il rencontre également les natifs de l'île qu'il aidera une fois adulte à organiser une violente purge contre les membres du Projet DHARMA. Il devient par la suite le chef de ces natifs, appelés aussi les Autres. Quelques années plus tard, Ben est à de nombreuses occasions confronté aux survivants du vol 815. Lorsqu'il tente de les arrêter alors qu'ils sont en route vers la Tour radio pour appeler le cargo de Naomi, il est battu puis fait prisonnier par Jack. Il est finalement r
  • Benjamin Linus, ook wel bekend als Ben, was de leider van De Anderen voor zo'n 12 jaar. Tijdens Bens geboorte sterft zijn moeder en sinds die tijd houdt zijn vader, Roger Linus, hem verantwoordelijk voor haar dood. Als hij 8 jaar is, komt hij naar het eiland omdat zijn vader werk heeft gevonden bij het DHARMA-Initiatief. Bij het DHARMA-Initiatief voelt hij zich echter nooit thuis en op de een of andere manier voelt hij zich wel aangetrokken tot de Vijandigen, ook al heeft hij er nog nooit een gezien. Zijn vader neemt Ben de dood van zijn moeder nog steeds kwalijk en als Roger zijn verjaardag vergeet, loopt Ben boos weg de jungle in, waar hij zijn moeder eerder heeft gezien. Eerst keert hij terug naar het DHARMA-Initiatief maar na een paar dagen gaat hij toch weer terug de jungle in, waar h
  • Benjamin Linus, más conocido como Ben, es el último líder conocido de los Otros y residió durante largo tiempo en la Isla. Llegó cuando era niño acompañando a su padre Roger, que venía a trabajar para la Iniciativa Dharma. Después de ser educado en la Isla, Ben se convirtió en operario de la Iniciativa. Sin embargo, a mediados de los años 90 se alió con los Hostiles. Tras la destrucción de la Iniciativa durante la Purga, en la que el propio Ben tomó parte, se convirtió en uno de los más importantes personajes del grupo que evolucionó de los Hostiles, conocido como los Otros. En 1992 aproximadamente, luego de obtener el exilio de Charles Widmore, asume como su único líder. En 2004, cuando el vuelo 815 de Oceanic se estrelló en la Isla, los supervivientes entraron en conflicto con Ben y los
  • Benjamin Linus is a formerly cunning, most likely racist, manipulative bastard who's kind of been reduced to "bitch" (sometimes known as "tool") status by (fake) John Locke. Although frequently insisting that he was born on the island, Ben was actually born miles outside Portland, Oregon in the middle of a forest. It's unclear as to whether Ben perpetuates this lie because Portland, Oregon is considerably lamer than a mystical island that the U.S. Army dropped a radioactive bomb on or because Richard violated Ben within the walls of the Temple until he could no longer remember earlier parts of his life. Ben's innocence is a casualty of both his father's alcoholism and his dead ghost mother's unwillingness to let Ben have a happy adolescence. Anyone with a higher self-esteem would've told t
  • Character appearances#Benjamin LinusS6
  • Oregon, USA
  • Benjamin Linus
  • Mężczyzna
  • BenS6.jpg
  • Benjamin Linus
  • Lider Innych
  • 43
  • One of "The Others"/ Former DHARMA Initiative Work man
  • Benjamin
  • Linus
  • Ben-mini.jpg
  • Vivant en 2007
Data urodzenia
  • 19
  • 2
  • 60
  • Epilog
  • Ben/Galerie photos
  • Alex - Adoptowana córka
  • Emily Linus - Matka
  • Roger Linus - Ojciec
  • Michael Emerson
  • Alexandra Rousseau - Fille adoptive
  • Emily Linus - Mère
  • Roger Linus - Père
  • Portland, Oregon, USA
  • Benjamin Linus to syn Emily i Rogera Linusów. Początkowo razem z ojcem był członkiem Inicjatywy Dharma, lecz w końcu dołączył do rdzennych mieszkańców wyspy, aż osiągnął pozycję ich przywódcy. Benjamin to człowiek tajemniczy, niebezpieczny i bezwzględny. Gdy rozbitkowie spotykają go po raz pierwszy, ten przedstawia się im jako Henry Gale, jednak wkrótce jego kłamstwa wychodzą na jaw.
  • --12-19
  • ehemaliger Anführer der Anderen
  • ehemaliger DHARMA Arbeiter
  • Ben
  • Dean Moriarty
  • Henry Gale
  • Portland, USA
  • Alexandra Rousseau † - Pflegetochter
  • Emily Linus † - Mutter
  • Roger Linus † - Vater
  • 1964-12-19
  • Portland, Oregon, États-Unis
  • 1
  • Benjamin Linus
  • Benjamin Linus
  • 46
  • Benjamin Linus
  • Seitwärtsblenden
  • "The Incident, Part 2"
  • New story Part 2
  • Alexandra, hija adoptiva
  • Emily Linus, madre
  • Roger Linus, padre
  • 43
  • 44
  • 46
  • 1.3569768E9
  • Alive
  • Żyje
  • am Leben
  • Vivo
  • Alive
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 501
  • 607
  • Ben-kills-wid.jpg
  • BenSahara.jpg
  • BenWidmoreTape.jpg
  • Benjamin-end.jpg
  • Des_punching_Ben.png
  • Dr-linus-089.jpg
  • DrBen.png
  • Epilogue BenSaysNamaste.jpg
  • Epilogue_BenAndWalt.jpg
  • Fallen.jpg
  • Henrygettingcaught.jpg
  • KingOfTheCastle.jpg
  • MPx6 JulietBenHydra.jpg.jpg
  • S4X03 BensPass.JPG
  • ScaredBen.jpg
  • ben-introduce.jpg
  • Portland, Oregon, Estados Unidos
  • Michael Emerson
  • Michael Emerson
  • Michael Emerson
  • Michael Emerson
  • Michael Emerson
  • Sterling Beaumon
  • Benjamin Linus
  • Benjamin Linus
  • Benjamin Linus
  • Benjamin Linus
  • 250
  • 19
  • New story Part 2
  • Alexandra - Figlia adottiva
  • Emily Linus - Madre
  • Roger Linus - Padre
  • para seu pai trabalhar na DHARMA
  • Robotnik, Przywódca Innych
  • Mário Tupinambá
  • Ben
  • 150
  • 200
  • Dean Moriarty
  • Dean Moriarty
  • Henry Gale
  • Henry Gale
  • 19
  • Benjamin Linus
  • Benjamin Linus
  • Benjamin Linus
  • Benjamin Linus
  • Benjamin LinusS6.jpg
  • left
  • right
  • Number Two
  • Henry Gale
  • Dean Moriarty
  • Dean Moriarty
  • Dean Moriarty
  • Dean Moriarty
  • Dean Moriarty
  • Henry Gale
  • Henry Gale
  • Henry Gale
  • Henry Gale
  • L'uomo dietro le quinte
  • Numero due
  • The Man Behind The Curtain
  • para voltar para A Ilha
  • após movê-la para protegê-la de Charles Widmore
  • para convencer os 6 da Oceanic a voltar para A Ilha
  • Benjamin Linus
  • Benjamin Linus
  • Advisor to protector of island
  • Advisor to the protector of the island
  • Agent d'entretien
  • Chef des Autres
  • Faxineiro, Iniciativa DHARMA
  • Leader of the Others
  • Leider van de Anderen
  • Professor de História Europeia
  • Second d'Hurley
  • Werkman, DHARMA-Initiatief
  • Workman, DHARMA Initiative
  • BenS6.jpg
  • 1964-12-19
  • infância e adolescência
Miejsce urodzenia
  • Portland, Oregon, USA
  • Adopted Daughter - Alexandra Rousseau
  • Alex Rousseau - Adoptive daughter
  • Alexandra - Adoptive daughter
  • Alexandra Rousseau - Filha adotiva
  • Alexandra – Geadopteerde dochter
  • Emily Linus - Moeder
  • Emily Linus - Mother
  • Emily Linus - Mãe
  • Father - Roger Linus
  • Mother - Emily Linus
  • Roger Linus - Father
  • Roger Linus - Pai
  • Roger Linus - Vader
  • Portland, Oregon, USA
  • Portland, Oregon, EUA
  • Portland, Oregon, USA
  • Male
  • Images of Benjamin Linus
  • Afbeeldingen van Benjamin Linus
  • Ben Linus
  • Líder de los Otros :Exempleado de la Iniciativa Dharma
  • 0
  • 1
  • 48
  • 51
  • 60
  • 61
  • 1964-12-19
  • Ben is knocked unconscious by Sun as they leave for the main Island.
  • Ben at the Santa Rosa Mental Health Institute with Walt.
  • "I'll stay here for a while."
  • Ben recalls the moment he shot Locke, while the latter searches for Horace Goodspeed.
  • Danielle tells Ben that he is the closest thing Alex has ever had to a father.
  • Ben claims that calling Naomi's boat would be "the beginning of the end."
  • Alex orders Ben to follow Locke's commands.
  • Ben agrees to help Hurley with his new task.
  • Ben and Jack look down at the late Jeremy Bentham.
  • Ben and Jack prepare to get Hurley.
  • Ben apologizes to Ilana for murdering Jacob.
  • Ben asks Hawking what will happen if he fails.
  • Ben asks permission to leave with Locke.
  • Ben at Colleen's funeral
  • Ben at breakfast with Kate
  • Ben becomes Locke's prisoner for the second time.
  • Ben communicates with the Others via a mirror.
  • Ben examines Jacob's tapestry inside the statue.
  • Ben explains he shot Locke because he "heard him."
  • Ben explains the reason of his visit to Penny.
  • Ben formally introduces himself to Jack.
  • Ben gives Sun her husband's wedding ring.
  • Ben introduces Locke to Jacob.
  • Ben introduces himself to .
  • Ben is visited by Mr. Eko.
  • Ben kills Charles Widmore.
  • Ben learns that Locke wants to kill Jacob.
  • Ben lectures Jack on Thomas the Apostle.
  • Ben makes contact with Richard via the Flame.
  • Ben says goodbye to his daughter.
  • Ben shows Locke the video of Charles Widmore.
  • Ben strangles John Locke to death.
  • Ben treats Sayid's gunshot wounds.
  • Ben wakes up in the Sahara.
  • Ben wakes up, shocked to see a living John Locke.
  • Ben witnesses the crash of Oceanic Flight 815.
  • Ben's fake Swiss passport
  • Ben is told by Bonnie and Greta about their visitor at the underwater station.
  • Desmond tries to help Ben remember.
  • Juliet shows Ben his X-ray.
  • Juliet shows a stunned Ben the damage Walt did.
  • Michael frees Ben after killing two survivors.
  • Ben crawls under his house, in order to summon the Monster.
  • Ben reveals to Sawyer he turned off the electricity.
  • Locke spares Ben after he provides vital information about the captive.
  • Young Ben arrives on the Island.
  • Ben meets up with Richard, moments after the purge.
  • Ben confronts Charles Widmore about his daughter's murder.
  • shows up on Ben's front door
  • Locke explains the many reasons why Ben would want Jacob dead.
  • Ben wakes up during the surgery, asking to see Juliet.
  • A captive Ben claims that the man with the beard is no one compared to "him".
  • Ben discovers that John had been dead the whole time.
  • Ben arrives at the Pala Ferry dock, and welcomes his four prisoners.
  • Ben is shocked when Keamy calmly shoots his daughter, and changes the rules.
  • Ben attempts to convince Locke to kill his father in front of the Others.
  • Ben pleads his innocence to Sayid under the alias of Henry Gale.
  • Ben shows a shocked Sawyer that they are on a different island.
  • Ben departs the DHARMA Logistics Warehouse with "Namaste".
  • Ben admits he attempted to take Kate's son through Dan Norton.
  • By turning the wheel below the Orchid, Ben is expelled from the Island and transported to the year 2005.
  • Ben confronts Principal Reynolds with his inappropriate e-mails
  • Ben calmly watches on as Juliet cries over Goodwin's body.
  • Ben plays a game of chess with Jack at the Barracks.
  • Ben tells a captive Locke about the Island's magic box.
  • Jacob falls against Ben after being stabbed and touches Ben's arm.
  • Leader degli Altri
  • Operaio, Progetto DHARMA
  • Michael Emerson
  • Fabrizio Temperini
  • Jean-Luc Kayser
  • ...ritornare sull'Isola
  • ...returning to the Island
  • Main Characters: Ben • Bernard •Claire • Desmond • Eloise • Frank • Hurley • Jack • Kate • Miles • Penny • Richard • Rose • Sawyer • Sayid
  • Benjamin Linus, auch Ben genannt, ist Mitglied der Anderen und hat dort den Rang eines Anführers. Seine Mutter Emily starb bei der Geburt und im Alter von 8 Jahren kommt er mit seinem Vater Roger auf die Insel und wird Teil der DHARMA Initiative. Während dieser Zeit begegnet Ben den Anderen und wird einer von ihnen. Später ist Ben bei der Säuberung dabei. Nach dem Absturz von Flug 815 landet er in einer von Danielle Rousseaus Fallen. Sie übergibt ihn den Überlebenden, die ihn in der Schwan-Station gefangen halten und herausfinden, dass er einer der Anderen ist. Er wird von Michael freigelassen, der dafür seinen Sohn Walt zurückbekommt. Nachdem die Oceanic 6 die Insel verlassen konnten, bewegte Ben die Insel. Er steht in einem stetigen Wettkampf mit Charles Widmore, der ebenso die Insel für sich beansprucht.
  • Benjamin Linus is one of the Others.
  • Benjamin Linus is a member of the Others who was captured by Rousseau and turned over to Sayid for interrogation inside the Hatch/Swan Station. Initially he claimed that his name was Henry Gale.
  • Benjamin Linus est l'ancien chef des Autres. Arrivé sur l'île environ à l'âge de dix ans avec son père qui travaillait en tant qu'agent d'entretien pour le Projet DHARMA, Ben se lie d'amitié avec une jeune fille nommée Annie et souffre du comportement de son père qui le tient pour responsable de la mort de sa mère. Il rencontre également les natifs de l'île qu'il aidera une fois adulte à organiser une violente purge contre les membres du Projet DHARMA. Il devient par la suite le chef de ces natifs, appelés aussi les Autres. Quelques années plus tard, Ben est à de nombreuses occasions confronté aux survivants du vol 815. Lorsqu'il tente de les arrêter alors qu'ils sont en route vers la Tour radio pour appeler le cargo de Naomi, il est battu puis fait prisonnier par Jack. Il est finalement récupéré par le groupe de Locke qui l'emmène aux Baraquements. Ben réussit néanmoins à convaincre Locke de le libérer en échange de réponses à propos du cargo. Il échappe quelques jours plus tard aux mercenaires du navire venus le capturer mais ne parvient pas à empêcher la mort d'Alex. Il accompagne ensuite Locke et Hurley jusqu'à la Cabane d'Horace pour savoir que faire. Il apprend ainsi que l'île doit être déplacée pour être protégée et décide de le faire lui-même, ce qui le contraint à ne plus pouvoir revenir sur l'île. Après avoir tourné la roue gelée derrière la chambre forte de l'Orchidée, Ben atterrit dans le désert du Sahara en 2005. Il profite alors de l'occasion pour recruter Sayid en tant que tueur à gages et pour prévenir Charles Widmore, l'homme qui a envoyé le cargo, qu'il tuera sa fille Penelope pour venger la mort d'Alex. Par la suite, il étrangle John Locke dans sa chambre d'hôtel et entreprend de terminer sa mission : réunir les Six du vol Oceanic pour les ramener sur l'île. Il tente également d'abattre Penny mais il abandonne en apercevant son fils Charlie. Après être revenu sur l'île à bord du vol Air Ajira 316, Ben est jugé par le Monstre qui le manipule en prenant l'apparence d'Alex et de John Locke pour qu'il assassine Jacob. __TOC__
  • Benjamin Linus is a formerly cunning, most likely racist, manipulative bastard who's kind of been reduced to "bitch" (sometimes known as "tool") status by (fake) John Locke. Although frequently insisting that he was born on the island, Ben was actually born miles outside Portland, Oregon in the middle of a forest. It's unclear as to whether Ben perpetuates this lie because Portland, Oregon is considerably lamer than a mystical island that the U.S. Army dropped a radioactive bomb on or because Richard violated Ben within the walls of the Temple until he could no longer remember earlier parts of his life. Ben's innocence is a casualty of both his father's alcoholism and his dead ghost mother's unwillingness to let Ben have a happy adolescence. Anyone with a higher self-esteem would've told their dead ghost mom to go away...permanently. Glasses-fitted, teenage, spineless Ben lacked these necessary attributes. Ben does, however, become validated after murdering a pretty much obsolete group of hippy scientists and stealing multiple babies. In time, Ben's mid-life pubescent streak interferes with Charles Widmore's most likely English form of leadership, leading to an internal conflict within the Others. During his tenure of leadership within the Others, Ben presumably kidnaps a fertility doctor, a Russian warlord, Tom Cruise's cousin, and a flight attendant that LOST fans pay too much attention to. Richard doubts that these people are of any importance and a spinal tumor would suggest that they are not. Learning of his spinal tumor and imminent demise, Ben infiltrates the Losties' Camp and begins a really convoluted campaign to convince Jack Shephard to operate on him. It, for the most part, does not work as Jack takes charge while performing the procedure by cutting an anatomical sac that few non-medical personnel have ever heard of. After a successful surgery though, Ben's hold over the Others diminishes due to a born-again cripple named John Locke. Ben's initial reaction to Locke is to shoot him. This almost works before the Producers are forced to bring back an African American character to not only save Locke but ABC's racial relations as well. Ben is, then, abandoned by his people and captured by the Losties who beat him to a pulp one or three times during his stay with them. Ben, being the sneaky little creeper he is though, negotiates with Locke earning freedom. This new found freedom is followed by him inciting an assassin to murder his not-really-daughter. Following that goof, Ben turns a frozen donkey wheel and displaces himself in the middle of a desert. Recognizing the badassery achieved by knifing two Tunisians, Ben proceeds to knife two Tunisians. Upon breaking into his arch-nemesis Widmore's penthouse, Ben does absolutely nothing. He then recruits Sayid to kill a number of assorted Europeans. This is followed by Ben shooting Desmond (one last European) before he returning to the island, at which point he murders the dude he's been taking orders from, Jacob.
  • Benjamin Linus, ook wel bekend als Ben, was de leider van De Anderen voor zo'n 12 jaar. Tijdens Bens geboorte sterft zijn moeder en sinds die tijd houdt zijn vader, Roger Linus, hem verantwoordelijk voor haar dood. Als hij 8 jaar is, komt hij naar het eiland omdat zijn vader werk heeft gevonden bij het DHARMA-Initiatief. Bij het DHARMA-Initiatief voelt hij zich echter nooit thuis en op de een of andere manier voelt hij zich wel aangetrokken tot de Vijandigen, ook al heeft hij er nog nooit een gezien. Zijn vader neemt Ben de dood van zijn moeder nog steeds kwalijk en als Roger zijn verjaardag vergeet, loopt Ben boos weg de jungle in, waar hij zijn moeder eerder heeft gezien. Eerst keert hij terug naar het DHARMA-Initiatief maar na een paar dagen gaat hij toch weer terug de jungle in, waar hij een Vijandige tegenkomt, genaamd Richard. Richard vertelt hem dat hij ooit bij hun mag horen, maar dat hij daar eerst heel goed over na moet denken. Als Sayid aangezien wordt voor Vijandige, denkt Ben dat hij hem op komt halen en hij weet hem te bevrijden. Sayid schiet hem echter neer waardoor LaFleur en Kate hem naar Richard brengen, die hem weet te genezen in de Tempel. Als Ben wakker wordt, bevindt hij zich in het kamp van de Anderen en wordt hij gerustgesteld door Charles Widmore. Jaren later krijgt hij het bevel om met kleine Ethan Danielle Rousseau te vermoorden, maar hij komt erachter dat ze een kind heeft genaamd Alex en hij neemt Alex mee. Sinds die tijd voedt hij Alex op en in het jaar 1992 vermoordt hij zijn vader. Samen met de Anderen roeit hij het hele DHARMA-Initiatief uit. Sinds die tijd is Ben hun leider en hij laat Charles Widmore verbannen omdat Charles de regels verbroken heeft. In het jaar 2001 laat hij Juliet naar het eiland komen om het zwangerschapsprobleem dat op het eiland heerst op te lossen. Juliet ontdekt dat Ben een tumor heeft. Een dag later stort Oceanic vlucht 815 neer. Ben stuurt Ethan en Goodwin erop af om informatie te vergaren. Een paar weken later gaat Ben zelf de jungle in, waar hij gevangen wordt genomen door Danielle Rousseau, die hem naar de overlevenden brengt. Uiteindelijk weet Ben te ontsnappen met de hulp van Michael, die een afspraak heeft gemaakt met de Anderen om hem te bevrijden in ruil voor zijn zoon. Met Michaels hulp laat hij Jack, Kate en Sawyer ontvoeren op bevel van Jacob. Ben weet Jack over te halen om hem te opereren en zijn kanker te verwijderen. Een paar weken later komt er een vrouw naar het eiland en Ben gaat naar de overlevenden om haar te stoppen. Hij weet dat Charles Widmore een boot naar het eiland heeft gestuurd en heeft er een spion erop gezet. Ben wordt echter in elkaar geslagen door Jack en gaat mee naar het kamp van John waar een paar dagen later de huursoldaten van Charles Widmore komen en zijn dochter vermoorden. Ben stuurt echter het monster op hen af en nadat hij gehoord heeft dat John het eiland moet verplaatsen, gaat hij naar de Orchidee. Daar verplaatst hij het eiland. Hij wordt naar het vaste land geteleporteerd en daar dwarsboomt hij Charles Widmore. Hij vermoordt John Locke waardoor Jack terug wil keren naar het eiland. Met de hulp van Eloise Hawking weet Ben terug te keren naar het eiland en hij wordt daar berecht door het Monster dat hem vertelt dat hij John Locke overal moet volgen. John beveelt hem Jacob te vermoorden, wat hij aangeslagen doet, omdat hij zelf nooit uitgekozen is door Jacob.
  • Benjamin Linus is a long-time resident of the Island and a leader of the Others. Though often a calm, eloquent antagonist, Ben's insecurity and jealousies sometimes brought out a petulant, reckless side. He remained, however, an expert manipulator, a liar and a murderer, and he served as a main adversary for much of the series. Ben came to the Island a polite, quiet eight-year-old, the son of an abusive DHARMA Initiative janitor. He met the island's natives, who healed him after a prisoner he freed shot him, and he remained in touch as he grew and worked for the DHARMA Initiative. Ben eventually helped these "Hostiles" kill the Initiative members, and he later ousted and replaced their leader, Charles Widmore. As their new leader, Ben tried to solve the Island's pregnancy issues, and he raised an adoptive daughter, Alex, as one of the Others. In 2004, Ben developed cancer, but the crash brought a surgeon, Jack Shephard. After entering the survivors' camp as a prisoner under the name Henry Gale, Ben kidnapped Jack and manipulated him into operating. He also met John Locke, who threatened his leadership, and Ben's older rival Widmore meanwhile sent a ship to the Island to capture him. A mercenary from the boat killed Alex thanks to Ben's negligence. To protect the Island, Ben moved it, letting several survivors escape and leaving Locke as his successor. He spent the next few years on the mainland, and though he failed to kill Widmore's daughter as promised, he eliminated much of the man's organization using Sayid, a survivor who escaped. He murdered Locke, who'd come to retrieve those who'd left, but he continued Locke's mission and returned the survivors to the Island. There, the monster judged him for Alex's death and took the form of Locke, convincing Ben to kill Jacob, the Island's protector. Confidence and power lost, Ben became the survivors' apologetic ally. Hurley became the new protector, and Ben served for years as his advisor. After death, Ben was a teacher of his previous 'daughter', Alex. As his acquaintances from the Island moved on, he chose to stay behind to work out his issues.
  • He remained, however, an expert manipulator, a liar and a murderer, and he served as a villain for much of the series; he was the true main antagonist of Season 2, main antagonist of Season 3 and anti-hero in later seasons. He is portrayed by Micheal Emerson, who played William Hinks on The Practice, Zep Hindle in Saw, and voiced Doctor Venom in an episode of G.I. Joe: Renegades and Joker in The Dark Knight Returns: Part 1 and 2.
  • Benjamin Linus, mais conhecido como Ben, é um antigo residente da Ilha. Ele chegou quando criança, levado por seu pai Roger, que trabalhou para a Iniciativa DHARMA. Depois de ser educado na ilha, Ben se tornou um faxineiro da Iniciativa. Em algum momento, ele se aliou com os Hostis contra a Iniciativa e a destruiu. Depois dessa Purgação, Ben se tornou o líder dos hostis, conhecidos como Os Outros. Em Setembro de 2004, quando o voo 815 da Oceanic Airlines caiu na ilha os sobreviventes se encontraram com Ben várias vezes. Ben mandou os Outros irem até o Templo como segurança e se tornou cativo pelo grupo de Locke. Ben parece poder invocar o monstro e em 31 de Dezembro de 2004, Ben faz o que Jacob ordena e move a ilha - sacrificando sua presença na ilha e sua liderança dos Outros para Locke - sendo transportado para o deserto do Sahara, avançando dez meses no futuro. Ben descobriu que os 6 da Oceanic saíram da ilha e recrutou Sayid em sua guerra contra Charles Widmore e jurou matar a filha de Charles, Penny, em vingança da morte de sua filha Alex. Mais tarde, convenceu Jack que todos que saíram da Ilha teriam que retornar para salvar aqueles que ficaram para trás. Então, embarcou no voo 316 e voltou para a Ilha.
  • In 2004, after Oceanic Flight 815 crashed on the Island, the survivors came face-to-face with Ben and the Others on many occasions. He was captured and held prisoner by the survivors for six days under the alias Henry Gale. His story proved to be false but he was freed by Michael, who had made a deal with the Others. With Jack, Kate, and Sawyer being held prisoner, he persuaded Jack to remove his tumor. Ben also met face-to-face with John Locke, manipulating him and later being threatened by him when Locke claimed to have heard Jacob, leading him to try and kill Locke. Ben later tried to stop the survivors from contacting a nearby Kahana for rescue, knowing the people on the boat were sent by Charles Widmore to capture him and, he claimed, kill everyone else. He ordered the Others to the Temple for safety, but failed in his attempt to stop Jack from calling the boat and became a captive of John Locke's group on the Island. After the mercenaries from the freighter attacked the Barracks and killed his daughter, Ben and Locke went to Jacob's cabin, where they were told how to protect the Island. Ben went to the Orchid station and moved the Island, sacrificing his presence there and his leadership over the Others, leaving Locke as his successor. Ben was transported to the Sahara desert ten months into the future, and soon discovered that several of the crash survivors had also left the Island. He enlisted the help of Sayid in his war against Widmore, and vowed to kill Widmore's daughter, Penelope, in revenge for the death of his own, but ultimately failed. Discovering that Locke was off the Island, Ben killed him and used his body, and the Oceanic Six, to return to the Island aboard Ajira Flight 316. Once back on the Island, he was judged by the Monster for the death of Alex and was then used by the Man in Black, who was posing as a resurrected John Locke, to kill Jacob. After stabbing Jacob, Ben was touched by Jacob. Later, he joined Ilana's group when they traveled to the Temple (burying John Locke on their way). Miles read the ashes of Jacob and confirmed to Ilana that it was Ben who killed him. Ilana forced Ben to dig his own grave, but Ben apologized and was accepted into the group. After Ilana's death, Ben went with Richard and Miles to the Barracks to find explosives to blow up the Ajira plane to stop the Man in Black from leaving the Island. Once he reached the Barracks, Ben discovered that Widmore had returned to the Island and was finally able to kill him after the Man in Black promised that he would have the Island all to himself. When Ben learned that the Man in Black was going to destroy the island, Ben sided with the survivors and was willing to go down with it. After Jack did his job relighting the Source, Hurley was the new protector and made Ben his advisor. In the flash-sideways, Ben was the teacher of his previous 'daughter', Alex. As his friends from the island moved on, he chose to stay.
  • Benjamin Linus, más conocido como Ben, es el último líder conocido de los Otros y residió durante largo tiempo en la Isla. Llegó cuando era niño acompañando a su padre Roger, que venía a trabajar para la Iniciativa Dharma. Después de ser educado en la Isla, Ben se convirtió en operario de la Iniciativa. Sin embargo, a mediados de los años 90 se alió con los Hostiles. Tras la destrucción de la Iniciativa durante la Purga, en la que el propio Ben tomó parte, se convirtió en uno de los más importantes personajes del grupo que evolucionó de los Hostiles, conocido como los Otros. En 1992 aproximadamente, luego de obtener el exilio de Charles Widmore, asume como su único líder. En 2004, cuando el vuelo 815 de Oceanic se estrelló en la Isla, los supervivientes entraron en conflicto con Ben y los Otros en muchas ocasiones. Ben se hizo pasar por Henry Gale, un hombre que se estrelló en la Isla viajando en globo, para infiltrarse entre los supervivientes y obtener información sobre ellos. Fue rescatado por Michael. Cuando los Otros capturaron a Jack, Kate y Sawyer, Ben logró convencer a Jack para que le operase el tumor que tenía en la columna. Más tarde, en un viaje con Locke, Ben le mostró la cabaña de Jacob e intentó matarlo, pues lo veía como una amenaza para su liderazgo ante los Otros. Ante la llegada del carguero, Ben ordenó a los Otros que se ocultaran en un lugar llamado El Templo, y entonces se convirtió en prisionero del grupo de John Locke. Ben consigue invocar al Monstruo para repeler a los hombres de Widmore. El 31 de diciembre, Ben cumplió las órdenes de Jacob (que en realidad eran para Locke) cuando movió la Isla; al hacer esto sacrificó su estancia en la Isla y su liderazgo sobre los Otros - le dijo a Locke que tomara su puesto. Ben fue desterrado al desierto del Sahara diez meses en el futuro (2005), y entonces descubrió que los Oceanic Six también habían escapado de la Isla. Consiguió la ayuda de Sayid en su guerra contra Charles Widmore, y juró matar a la hija de este, Penelope, como venganza por la muerte de la suya. Cuando descubrió que Locke había salido de la Isla, obtuvo la información necesaria para regresar y mató a Jeremy Bentham. En 2008, junto a los Seis de Oceanic regresa a la Isla, para ser «juzgado» por sus pecados. El Monstruo le juzga y le perdona, pero le ordena que cumpla las órdenes de El hombre de negro, que en ese momento poseia el cuerpo de John Locke. Locke le ordena que mate a Jacob, y Ben, dejándose llevar por la rabia, le clava un cuchillo y lo termina matando.
  • Ben urodził się 22 grudnia 1963 roku jako pierwsze i jedyne dziecko Emily i Rogera Linusów. Był wcześniakiem, przyszedł na świat na początku 3 trymestru ciąży. Nieoczekiwany poród odbył się w lesie, 32 mile od Portland. Tuż po nim matka Bena, Emily, zmarła. Jej ostatnią wolą było, by chłopca nazwać "Benjamin" („The Man Behind the Curtain”)
  • Titolo Attore AltCasting Doppiatore AltDoppiatore Prima Ultima Apparizione Menzionato Count Centric Nome AKA Età Nascita Morte EpMorte Luogo Professione PerchéAustralia PerchéDestinazione PerchéIsola Familiari Connessioni Benjamin Linus, meglio conosciuto come Ben, da lungo tempo sull' Isola, è l'ex leader degli Altri. La madre, Emily, muore poco dopo il parto, e all'età di otto anni Ben arriva sull' Isola con il padre, Roger, a cui viene assegnato il lavoro di "workman", o inserviente, per la DHARMA Initiative. Riceve la sua educazione sull'Isola, e dopo un incontro casuale nella giungla con Richard si sente molto affascinato dagli Ostili. A dodici anni, Ben cerca di unirsi a loro, ma viene colpito da un proiettile sparato da un Sayid in viaggio nel tempo, che sperava di ucciderlo per cambiare il futuro. Dopo questo episodio Ben viene curato nel Tempio, dove lo porta Richard Alpert, e perde la sua "innocenza". In quest'occasione Richard dice che Ben non avrebbe ricordato nulla, per cui non è chiaro se si ricordi di Sayid una volta incontrato nel futuro. Anni dopo divene a sua volta inserviente per la Dharma Initiative, ma in realtà è già alleato degli Ostili e del loro leader, Charles Widmore. A un certo punto dopo la fine della Dharma sull'Isola a causa della Purga, Ben organizza l'esilio di Charles e diviene il nuovo leader degli Altri. Anni dopo sviluppa un tumore alla spina dorsale, e si preoccupa del significato dell'accaduto, visto che, di solito, la gente sull'isola non si ammala. Nel 2004, dopo il crash del volo 815 sull'Isola, i sopravvissuti hanno a che fare con Ben e gli Altri in diverse occasioni. Ben è catturato e tenuto prigioniero per sei giorni con lo pseudonimo Henry Gale. Viene smascherato, ma è liberato da Michael, che ha stretto un accordo con gli Altri. Tiene prigionieri Jack, Kate e Sawyer, e convince Jack a rimuovergli il tumore. Ben ha a che fare anche con John Locke, lo manipola e si sente minacciato da lui quando Locke sostiene di aver sentito Jacob, per cui cerca anche di ucciderlo. In seguito, Ben cerca di impedire ai sopravvissuti di contattare la Kahana per chiedere soccorso, perché sa che l'equipaggio della nave è stato mandato da Charles Widmore per catturare lui e, a sua detta, uccidere tutti gli altri. Ordina agli Altri di dirigersi al Tempio per cercare rifugio, ma fallisce nel tentativo di impedire a Jack di chiamare la nave, per poi finire prigioniero di Locke e del suo gruppo sull'Isola. Dopo che i mercenari uccidono sua figlia, Ben e Locke si recano alla capanna di Jacob, dove Locke riceve istruzioni su come proteggere l'Isola. Ben si dirige con Locke e Hurley alla stazione Orchidea e sposta l'Isola, sacrificando così la sua leadership e lasciando il campo a Locke, suo successore. Ben viene teletrasportato nel deserto del Sahara, dieci mesi dopo, e presto scopre che alcuni sopravvissuti all'incidente hanno lasciato l'Isola. Ingaggia Sayid nella sua guerra contro Widmore che intende eseguire con l'uccisione della figlia del rivale, Penelope, per vendicarsi della morte della sua. Il piano, tuttavia, fallisce. Alla scoperta che anche Locke è fuori dall'Isola, Ben lo uccide e ne usa il corpo, insieme con gli Oceanic Six per fare ritorno nuovamente sull'Isola grazie al volo Ajira Flight 316 indicato da Eloise Hawking. Ritornato sull'Isola, viene giudicato dal Mostro per la morte di Alex e quindi usato dall'Uomo in Nero, che si rivela come un redivivo Locke, per uccidere Jacob. Dopo aver pugnalato Jacob, viene toccato proprio da quest'ultimo. Successivamente si unisce al gruppo di Ilana nel loro viaggio verso il Tempio (seppellendo il vero John Locke lungo il percorso). Miles legge le ceneri di Jacob e conferma a Ilana che Ben ne è l'omicida. Ilana costringe Benjamin a scavare la propria tomba, ma Ben si scusa e viene accettato dal gruppo. Dopo la morte di Ilana, Ben va con Richard e Miles alla Barracks per trovare esplosivi con cui far saltare in aria l'aereo dell'Ajira, con lo scopo di impedire all'Uomo in Nero di lasciare l'Isola. Raggiunto il luogo, Ben scopre che Charles Widmore ha fatto ritorno sull'Isola e che finalmente è in grado di ucciderlo (prima dichiara allo stesso Widmore di esserne impossibilitato), basandosi sulla promessa dell'Uomo in Nero di avere l'Isola tutta per sé. Alla fine Ben prenderà il posto di Richard Alpert diventando il secondo di Hurley, proprio come Alpert era il secondo di Jacob.
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