  • John Locke
  • John Locke
  • John Locke
  • John Locke
  • John Locke
  • John Locke
  • John Locke
  • John Locke
  • John Locke
  • John Locke
  • John Locke
  • John Locke
  • Johnathan "John" Locke 是815大洋航班中部地带的幸存者之一。在坠机到小岛上的同时他的瘫痪立刻痊愈了,这让他最终意识到他 和小岛之间有着某种特殊的联系。有时他表现出Benjamin Linus对立的立场,展现出许多独特的人格,如与Jacob交谈。与Jack Shephard两人在哲学观点上的对立与曾经成为幸存者们共同的领导者使得两人看起来针锋相对。Locke现在把自己与幸存者们隔绝起来,开始组织起自己的小帮派,包括Hurley, Claire, Ben, Danielle Rousseau, Alex, Karl, 和 Sawyer。
  • During the course of our research we have discovered the foundation of our human nature through John Locke’s perspective. Even though we read two different books written by John Locke we have come to the same conclusion that all humans are selfish.
  • right John Locke — административный аккаунт в Викиреальности. Управляется в основном Serebr'ом и dream'ом. Называет себя основателем Викиреальности. Возглавляет её правление. Занимается зачисткой неугодной ему информации, блокировками и вознёй. Категория:Виртуалы Категория:Викиреальность
  • John Locke was aboard Oceanic Flight 815 returning to Los Angeles after he was attempting to attend an Australian walkabout tour but was denied as he neglected to inform them that he was currently in a wheelchair. Locke was a foster child, and he had been previously employed by a toy store, and as a collections supervisor for a cardboard box company.
  • John Locke is one of the middle-section survivors of Oceanic Flight 815.
  • Johnathan „John“ Locke ist einer der Überlebenden aus dem Mittelteil des Fluges 815 der Oceanic Fluggesellschaft. Vor dem Absturz saß er im Rollstuhl. Seine Querschnittslähmung ist nach dem Absturz auf der Insel wie durch ein Wunder geheilt. Wenig später hat er eine Begegnung mit einer schwarzen Rauchwolke. Locke will seit dem die Insel nicht mehr verlassen, aus Angst wieder im Rollstuhl zu landen. Er fängt auch an zu verhindern, dass die Überlebenden gerettet werden, weil er glaubt, dass alle aus einen bestimmten Grund auf der Insel seien. Einige von solchen Aktionen war, dass er den Transceiver und das U-Boot zerstört hat. Er selbst betrachtet sich als einen "Mann des Glaubens".
  • Sadly - Locke's plan to beat death with a big stick was temporarily delayed when some Nameless Jerk stole his ticket back to the land of the living. No worries - Locke needed the nap anyways.
  • John Locke is één van de overlevenden van de middelsectie van Oceanic-vlucht 815.
  • John Locke era uno dei sopravvissuti della sezione centrale del Volo Oceanic 815. La sua paralisi è stata curata immediatamente subito dopo lo schianto sull'Isola, che gli ha fatto credere di avere una sorte di connessione speciale con l'Isola. É stato visto qualche volta in opposizione a Benjamin Linus, geloso dell'abilità di John di mettersi in comunione con Jacob. Visto come antitetico di Jack Shephard, lui e Jack sono opposti filosoficamente ed erano soliti condividere la leadership tra i sopravvissuti durante le varie missioni. John alla fine si divide dal resto del gruppo, e conduce un gruppo di supportatori alle Baracche, dove diventano i primi abitanti dell'Isola ad essere attaccati dai mercenari del cargo. John poi prende contatto con Jacob attraverso Christian, che gli dice che l
  • John Locke (ou Lockness) est avant tout un personnage de la série Lost: Les disparus, interprété par l'acteur du destin : Terry O'Quinn, né le 15 juillet 1952. En effet, celui-ci est un rescapé qui a survécu au crash de la frégate des pirates de l'espace. Mais malheureusement ses projets sont souvent voués à l'échec. Il était en route sur la planète Ether pour y faire du racket de Phazon afin d'améliorer les performances de son entreprise de boîte, bien qu'il était incapable de marcher sur ses pieds (en fauteuil roulant)... mais un miracle eut lieu ! John réussit enfin à se tenir debout, eh oui ! Il est capable de faire quelque chose! « On ne dit jamais que John n'est pas capable de faire quelque chose ! Bien sûr que j'en suis capable ! », dit-il.
  • John Locke, alongside with Thomas Hobbes, is considered to be one of the Founding Fathers of Classical Liberalism. Locke accepted that human beings can be selfish but he also believed that people were reasonable and tolerant. Locke believed that in a natural state human beings have a natural right to defend their “life, health, liberty, or possessions”. This is partially echoed in the United States constitution which gives men, (hopefully also women) the inalienable right to “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”. Locke advocated the Separation of powers which is an important factor in democratic systems. Locke noted that once money was established unlimited accumulation of wealth became possible because money doesn’t spoil or perish. Locke recognised the problems that unequal distri
  • 200px|left|thumb|Rysunek Locke w wieku 5 lat przypominajacy potwora wyspy. Urodził się 30 maja 1956 roku jako syn Emily Locke i Anthony'ego Coopera. Noworodek przeżył przedwczesny poród (w siódmym miesiącu ciąży) oraz liczne choroby, czym zyskał sobie u pielęgniarek przydomek cudu. W dzień po porodzie w szpitalu pojawił się Richard Alpert. Ponieważ Emily miała tylko 15 lat, jej matka zdecydowała o oddaniu dziecka do adopcji. John wychowywał się w kilku rodzinach zastępczych. Pierwsze lata życia spędził z przybraną matką Florence, dwoma przyrodnimi siostrami - Melissą i Jeannie oraz przyrodnim bratem, z którym grywał w "Pułapkę na myszy". Kiedy John miał 5 lat, ponownie odwiedził go Richard Alpert, jako przedstawiciel szkoły dla szczególnych dzieci. Pokazał mu kilka przedmiotów i kazał wybr
  • John LOCKE [ĝan lak] (naskiĝis 1632, mortis 1704) estis angla filozofo (hej... vere), kiu disvolvigis kaj popularigis la bazan politikan filozofion de mojosa demokratio. Li estis konsiderita unu el plej influaj penisuloj el la epoko de la Klerismo kaj estis konata kiel "Patro de la klasika liberalismo" Locke fondis la skolon de bruta empiriismo, seksante la tradicion de Sir Francis Bacon, kiu staris kontraŭ tiu de raciismo fondita de Kartezio. Lia figuro estas same grava kiel la teorio de la socialisma kontrakto. Lia verkaro ege tuŝis la disvolvigon de la epistemologio kaj de la politika filozofio. Lia verkoj influis super Voltaire kaj Rousseau, super multaj penisuloj de la Skota Klerismo, same kiel ĉe la usonaj revoluciuloj. Liaj kontribuoj al la klasika respublikismo kaj al la liberala t
  • Johnathan "John" Locke é um dos sobreviventes da parte intermediária do voo 815. John foi criado por pais adotivos, e só encontrou seus pais biológicos após os 40 anos. Seu pai, Anthony Cooper, lhe aplicou um golpe e o empurrou do oitavo andar, deixando-o paralítico. Tentando provar para si mesmo que a paralisia não era um obstáculo, ele foi para a Austrália numa jornada de auto-descobrimento. Sua paralisia cessou imediatamente após cair na ilha, o que o levou a acreditar que ele tem alguma conexão especial com a ilha. Nos primeiros dias ele foi um mistério com os sobreviventes. Mobilizou caça para conseguir comida e se mostrou muito útil quando foi necessário lutar contra Os Outros. Ficou obcecado em Apertar o Botão, mas logo perdeu a fé na Ilha.
  • John Locke is also a main character in the hit TV Series Lost. In the third season it is revealed that he was never paralyzed, he was just a lazy guy who allowed his evil daddy to defenestrate him. His alternate personality (he had dissociative identity disorder) was Jesus of Nazareth. He also created a modified form of the ontological argument for his existence, which follows: 1. * Goodness is a necessary attribute of Locke. 2. * All things good must exist. 3. * Therefore, Locke must exist and is necessarily good. 4. * Therefore, John Locke is wrong.
  • Dr. John Locke was a psychologist and director of the Psychohormonal Research program at the University of Southern California . He contributed a psychological profile to the Westside Strangler Task Force in 1990, and later wrote the books The Private Sex Life of the Public Porn Princess and Black Hearts. His profile of the Westside Strangler differed in several significant respects from Norman Church, the actual killer. However, he admits that his profile was not 100% accurate, and he does not doubt that Church was the Strangler.
  • John Locke was a survivor of Oceanic Flight 815 and a previously disabled man who found himself able to walk once he arrived on the Island. He, Rose, and Walt Lloyd were the only people among the survivors that wanted to stay on the Island, believing his special destiny was to protect the miraculous place. In service to this cause, he pushed his friends away, committed murder, and eventually lost his life. After death, Locke dealt with his guilt for what he'd done while alive and came to terms with his limitations before moving on with his friends.
  • Jonathan «John» Locke était l'un des survivants de la section du milieu du Vol Oceanic 815. Suite à une chute d'un immeuble de 8 étages, il est resté paralysé durant 4 ans avant d'être miraculeusement guéri sur l'île après le crash. Il vouait alors un véritable culte à cet endroit et a entrepris de faire le maximum pour le protéger ou pour empêcher quiconque de le trouver. Suivant les ordres du Monstre sous la forme de Christian Shephard, il a décidé de déplacer l'île pour l'éloigner de Charles Widmore mais a cédé sa place à Ben au dernier moment.
  • John Locke fue uno de los supervivientes de la sección central del vuelo 815 de Oceanic. Su parálisis fue curada inmediatamente tras estrellarse en la Isla, lo que lo llevó a creer que tenía una conexión especial con la isla. A menudo se le ha mostrado como la antítesis de Benjamin Linus, compartiendo ambos rasgos como la capacidad de comunicarse con Jacob. También es contrario en la forma de pensar a Jack Shephard, aunque ambos han compartido el liderazgo del grupo. De todos modos las diferencias de ambos han llegado al límite de dividir en dos al grupo de supervivientes. Su grupo fue el primero en ser atacado por los mercenarios. Locke fue elegido por Jacob para salvar la Isla. En algún punto del futuro, usando el alias Jeremy Bentham. Locke contactó con cada miembro de los 6 de Oceanic
  • exp
  • Character appearances#John LockeS6
  • Character appearances#John LockeS6
  • Tustin, CA, USA
  • John Locke
  • Mężczyzna
  • LockeS6.jpg
  • --01-01
  • --11-29
  • --12-24
  • Księgowy w firmie produkującej pudełka
  • Lider Innych
  • John Locke
  • Przywódca grupy niewyczekującej ludzi z Kahany
  • Przywódca rozbitków
  • 48
  • Formerly a Department Store Employee, Owner of Welcome Home Professional Home Inspections, Regional Collection Supervisor for a Box Company
  • John
  • 18
  • Locke
  • Imágenes de John Locke
  • Locke-mini.jpg
  • Décédé
  • 2007
Data urodzenia
  • 30
  • 101
  • John/Galerie photos
  • Terry O'Quinn
  • Frère d'accueil de Locke
  • Anthony Cooper - Père
  • Bea Jones - Grande tante
  • Emily Annabeth Locke - Mère
  • Florence - Mère d'accueil
  • Jeannie - Sœur d'accueil
  • Melissa - Sœur d'accueil
  • Mme Locke - Grand-mère maternelle
  • Tustin, California, Stati Uniti
  • John Locke to jeden z rozbitków z lotu 815. Urodził się w 1956 roku. Początkowo był wychowywany przez matkę, lecz później został oddany do adopcji. Przeszedł przez wiele rodzin zastępczych. Urodził się jako wcześniak i jako dziecko przeszedł wiele ciężkich chorób, przez co zyskał miano „dziecka-cudu”, co potwierdziło się w przyszłości, gdy przeżywał wypadki, których nikt inny by nie przeżył. Locke to człowiek szczery i otwarty, który nie boi się iść drogą wyznaczoną mu przez przeznaczenie, a Wyspę traktuje jako wybawienie. Z czasem okazuje się, że jego rola jest większa niż ktokolwiek mógłby przypuszczać.
  • --05-30
  • 2006
  • 48
  • Anführer der Anderen
  • ehemaliger Besitzer der Welcome Home Hausinspektionsfirma
  • ehemaliger Betriebsassistent eines Einkaufszentrums
  • Regionaler Vertriebsassistent einer Verpackungsfabrik
  • Jeremy Bentham
  • Tustin, Kalifornien, Vereinigte Staaten
  • Anthony Cooper † - Vater
  • Bea Jones - Großtante
  • Emily Locke - Mutter
  • Florence † - Pflegemutter
  • Jeannie † - Pflegeschwester
  • Ungenannter Pflegevater
  • 1956-05-30
  • Strangled by Ben Linus
  • Tustin, Californie, États-Unis
  • 1
  • Dezembro de 2007
  • John Locke
  • John Locke
  • 48
  • John Locke
  • Seitwärtsblenden
  • Anthony Cooper - Padre
  • Bea Jones - Tía abuela
  • Emily Locke - Madre
  • Florence - Madre adoptiva
  • Hermano adoptivo
  • Jeannie - Hermana adoptiva
  • Melissa - Hermana adoptiva
  • Sra. Locke - Abuela materna
  • 48
  • [48 ]
  • Overleden
  • Morto
  • Nie żyje
  • verstorben
  • 仍然在生
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 400838
  • Locke Numbers.JPG
  • OffAxis.jpg
  • AnthonyLockeTackle3x13.jpg
  • The fork in the Outlet.jpg
  • AintDeadSon.jpg
  • Cooper_on_the_Ruins.jpg
  • Dead_Eko.jpg‎
  • Do you remember.jpg
  • Lockdown-promo11.jpg
  • Locke Hunter.jpg
  • LockeLeader.jpg
  • LockeSub3x13.jpg
  • Normal 4x11-promo02.jpg
  • Normal glass-promo37.jpg
  • Normal science-faith25.jpg
  • Normal_LOST_Y4_074_006.jpg
  • destiny.jpg
  • Tustin, California, Estados Unidos
  • John Locke
  • John Locke
  • Johnathan Locke
  • Johnathan Locke
  • Johnathan Locke
  • 250
  • 30
  • Mr. Locke
  • dbkwik:resource/bCbgdIi_PzxJUsQuavkB1w==
  • Anthony Cooper - Padre
  • Bea Jones - Prozia
  • Emily Locke - Madre
  • Florence - Madre adottiva
  • Jeannie - Sorella adottiva
  • Melissa - Sorella adottiva
  • Mrs. Locke - Nonna materna
  • Mauro Ramos
  • Locke
Miejsce śmierci
  • Los Angeles, Kalifornia, USA)
  • 130
  • 140
  • 150
  • 200
Data śmierci
  • 2007
  • 30
  • John Locke
  • John Locke
  • John Locke
  • John Locke
  • Johnathan Locke
  • Education
  • Region
  • Era
  • Died
  • Born
  • LockeS6.jpg
  • left
  • right
  • Jeremy Bentham
  • Jeremy Bentham
  • Jeremy Bentham
  • Jeremy Bentham
  • ser levado para a Ilha
  • para tentar fazer todos voltarem para a Ilha
Maniera della morte
  • Strangolato da Ben
  • John Locke
  • John Locke
  • Leader of the Others
  • Leider van de Anderen
  • Superviseur Régional d'une compagnie fabricant des boîtes en carton
  • Ajudante, departamento de loja
  • Assistant manager, department store
  • Assistent manager, winkelafdeling
  • Commune member
  • Dono, Welcome Home
  • Owner, Welcome Home Professional Home Inspections
  • Supervisor regional, empresa de caixas
  • 前百货公司助理经理 :Welcome Home专业家居检查公司的前拥有者 :一间盒子公司的地区催收主管
  • Eigenaar, Welcome Home Professional Home Inspections
  • Regional collections supervisor, cardboard manufacturer
  • Regional collections supervisor, cardboard manufacturer
  • LockeS6.jpg
  • 1956-05-30
  • Asesinado y suplantado
Miejsce urodzenia
  • Tustin, Kalifornia, USA
  • Tustin, California, USA
  • Tustin, Califórnia, EUA
  • Tustin, California, VS
  • 美国加州Tustin
  • Male
  • Images of John Locke
  • John Locke
  • Afbeeldingen van John Locke
  • 【John Locke】圖片頁面
  • 2007
  • director asistente de departamentos de tiendas. : Empleado de "Welcome Home Professional", supervisor de viviendas. :Supervisor regional de una compañía fabricante de cajas de cartón.
  • 99
  • 101
  • 1956-05-30
  • As Jeremy Bentham, John fails to reunite the Oceanic Six.
  • Ben explains to John how Desmond was trying to help them let go.
  • Jack hands Locke his business card for a free consultation.
  • Locke fulfills his destiny and moves the frozen wheel back onto its axis.
  • Locke is told by Richard that in order to save the Island, he will have to die.
  • Locke using his crutches, after the lockdown incident.
  • A five-year-old John, listening to Richard
  • A light appears in the hatch.
  • Betrayed, John holds Eddie at gunpoint.
  • Helen rejects John's proposal.
  • Hugo helps Locke.
  • Jack says that he wishes John had believed him.
  • John "moving on" with his friends.
  • John Locke as he appears in Via Domus.
  • John Locke is finally buried.
  • John Locke's corpse back on the Island
  • John dies at the hands of Ben.
  • John holds Cooper's hand before surgery.
  • John remembers his time on the Island.
  • John sees his father tied to a pillar.
  • Locke and Boone, during Locke's vision
  • Locke and Charlie carrying Eko out of the cave.
  • Locke and Helen share a tender moment.
  • Locke and Jack begin tracking Ethan.
  • Locke finally confronting Jack at the radio tower.
  • Locke is injured after a hit-and-run by Desmond.
  • Locke looks down into the submarine.
  • Locke plays the chess game in the Flame.
  • Locke receives the "code 14-J".
  • Locke seeing the Monster for the first time.
  • Locke stands before his people.
  • Locke, enjoying his hunt.
  • Sawyer disagrees to Locke's demand of keeping Hurley.
  • The Man in Black explains why he is Locke.
  • The late John Locke
  • Boone and Locke exchange their reasons for being in Australia.
  • Locke, entering the Numbers into the Swan computer.
  • Nikki, Paulo, Desmond and Sayid watch as Locke checks Eko's body.
  • Locke keeping Ben under close watch as his prisoner.
  • John wakes up in Tunisia, moments after turning the wheel.
  • Locke communes with "Christian Shephard" in the cabin.
  • Locke takes full authority over his camp, but does not remain unquestioned by some of his followers.
  • Sawyer tells Locke about Kate's plan to spring Ben.
  • Cooper tackles Locke, forcing him to fall eight stories out a window.
  • Locke discovering his paralysis was cured immediately after the crash.
  • Locke and Jack argue over what to do upon the opening of the hatch.
  • Locke takes off his splint while the other survivors bury Ana Lucia and Libby.
  • A sixteen-year-old John is told that he cannot be normal because he is special.
  • "Don't tell me what I can't do!" — Locke refuses to be denied his destiny.
  • Ispettore regionale in una fabbrica di scatole
  • Terry O'Quinn
  • 2007-11-17
Powód śmierci
  • Uduszony przez Bena
  • Rodolfo Bianchi
  • 1632-08-29
  • 17
  • Western Philosophy
  • University of Oxford
  • 1704-10-28
  • Michel Le Royer
  • Om deel te nemen aan een Walkabout
  • participate in a walkabout tour out of Melbourne
  • ...去参加一个叫walkabout tour 的途步旅行,走出墨尔本
  • Foi participar de uma 'Walkabout' pelas selvas da Austrália
  • participar en una expedición de turismo a las afueras de Melbourne.
  • Pour retourner aux États-Unis
  • Rückkehr in die USA
Powód samolot
  • Powrót do USA po odmowie uczestnictwa
  • return home
  • ...body returned to the Island
  • ...回家
  • Keerde terug naar huis
  • Lichaam keerde terug naar het Eiland
  • Voltando para os EUA após ter sido impedido de participar da 'Walkabout'
  • de regreso a casa.
  • Will an einem Walkabout teilnehmen
  • Pour participer à un circuit aventure
  • Estrangulado por Ben.
  • Partecipare a un viaggio avventuroso nell'entroterra australiano: walkabout tour
Powód Australia
  • Uczestnictwo w wyprawie
  • True
  • True
  • True
  • John Locke era uno dei sopravvissuti della sezione centrale del Volo Oceanic 815. La sua paralisi è stata curata immediatamente subito dopo lo schianto sull'Isola, che gli ha fatto credere di avere una sorte di connessione speciale con l'Isola. É stato visto qualche volta in opposizione a Benjamin Linus, geloso dell'abilità di John di mettersi in comunione con Jacob. Visto come antitetico di Jack Shephard, lui e Jack sono opposti filosoficamente ed erano soliti condividere la leadership tra i sopravvissuti durante le varie missioni. John alla fine si divide dal resto del gruppo, e conduce un gruppo di supportatori alle Baracche, dove diventano i primi abitanti dell'Isola ad essere attaccati dai mercenari del cargo. John poi prende contatto con Jacob attraverso Christian, che gli dice che l'unico modo per salvare l'Isola è "spostarla". Dopo che l'Isola viene spostata, John assume la leadership degli Altri, ma viene immediatamente separato da loro come risultato dei salti temporali dell'Isola. Locke lascia l'Isola attraverso l' Orchidea, nel tentativo di fermare gli irregolari flash nel tempo e riportare indietro tutti quelli che erano andati via. Dopo averci provato e aver fallito, John tenta di togliersi la vita, solo per essere fermato e poi strangolato da Ben. La sua morte viene usata per convincere gli altri a tornare all'Isola. Il corpo di John è stato posto su Ajira 316 e si è schiantato sull' Idra insieme con il piano del 2007. Dopo l'incidente, Locke sembrava essere stato resuscitato, ricongiungendosi con gli Altri e imbarcarsi in una missione per assassinare Jacob. Tuttavia, il suo corpo è stato scoperto nella stiva del volo 316 qualche giorno dopo. John era morto per tutto il tempo ed era stato sostituito dal mostro. Dopo diversi giorni finalmente il suo corpo è stato sepolto nel cimitero.
  • Johnathan "John" Locke 是815大洋航班中部地带的幸存者之一。在坠机到小岛上的同时他的瘫痪立刻痊愈了,这让他最终意识到他 和小岛之间有着某种特殊的联系。有时他表现出Benjamin Linus对立的立场,展现出许多独特的人格,如与Jacob交谈。与Jack Shephard两人在哲学观点上的对立与曾经成为幸存者们共同的领导者使得两人看起来针锋相对。Locke现在把自己与幸存者们隔绝起来,开始组织起自己的小帮派,包括Hurley, Claire, Ben, Danielle Rousseau, Alex, Karl, 和 Sawyer。
  • John Locke (ou Lockness) est avant tout un personnage de la série Lost: Les disparus, interprété par l'acteur du destin : Terry O'Quinn, né le 15 juillet 1952. En effet, celui-ci est un rescapé qui a survécu au crash de la frégate des pirates de l'espace. Mais malheureusement ses projets sont souvent voués à l'échec. Il était en route sur la planète Ether pour y faire du racket de Phazon afin d'améliorer les performances de son entreprise de boîte, bien qu'il était incapable de marcher sur ses pieds (en fauteuil roulant)... mais un miracle eut lieu ! John réussit enfin à se tenir debout, eh oui ! Il est capable de faire quelque chose! « On ne dit jamais que John n'est pas capable de faire quelque chose ! Bien sûr que j'en suis capable ! », dit-il. C'est aussi un personnage charismatique et mystérieux, un très bon chasseur de prime talentueux ayant de grandes connaissances sur la destinée. Il est souvent aux côtés de Jack pour prendre les grandes décisions. Cependant ils sont régulièrement en opposition. Se définissant lui-même comme un "homme de foi" (Man of faith), leur survie n'est pas due au hasard : c'est le destin. Son nom vient du philosophe du XVIIe siècle John Locke, un empiriste anglais.
  • 200px|left|thumb|Rysunek Locke w wieku 5 lat przypominajacy potwora wyspy. Urodził się 30 maja 1956 roku jako syn Emily Locke i Anthony'ego Coopera. Noworodek przeżył przedwczesny poród (w siódmym miesiącu ciąży) oraz liczne choroby, czym zyskał sobie u pielęgniarek przydomek cudu. W dzień po porodzie w szpitalu pojawił się Richard Alpert. Ponieważ Emily miała tylko 15 lat, jej matka zdecydowała o oddaniu dziecka do adopcji. John wychowywał się w kilku rodzinach zastępczych. Pierwsze lata życia spędził z przybraną matką Florence, dwoma przyrodnimi siostrami - Melissą i Jeannie oraz przyrodnim bratem, z którym grywał w "Pułapkę na myszy". Kiedy John miał 5 lat, ponownie odwiedził go Richard Alpert, jako przedstawiciel szkoły dla szczególnych dzieci. Pokazał mu kilka przedmiotów i kazał wybrać te, które już do niego należą. Kiedy John zdecydował się na nóż, zawiedziony Richard wyszedł, mówiąc, że John nie jest jeszcze gotowy by uczęszczać do ich szkoły. („Cabin Fever”) W kilka lat później jego przyrodnia siostra Jeannie skręciła kark na placu zabaw. Florence obwiniała się za jej śmierć. Gdy w domu pojawił się Golden Retriever, uznała, że to duch Jeannie usiłuje jej przekazać, że wypadek nie był jej winą. Pies pozostał w rodzinie 5 lat, do czasu śmierci Florence, po czym zniknął. („Outlaws”) Gdy Locke miał 16 lat otrzymał propozycję udziału w obozie naukowym organizowanym przez Mittelos Laboratories. John nie był zainteresowany, gdyż jego dobre wyniki w nauce przysporzyły mu wiele nieprzyjemności wśród rówieśników. Nauczyciel próbował go przekonać mówiąc, że John nie nadaje się na sportowca, na co zirytowany John odpowiedział: "Nie mów mi, czego nie mogę robić". („Cabin Fever”)
  • John Locke, alongside with Thomas Hobbes, is considered to be one of the Founding Fathers of Classical Liberalism. Locke accepted that human beings can be selfish but he also believed that people were reasonable and tolerant. Locke believed that in a natural state human beings have a natural right to defend their “life, health, liberty, or possessions”. This is partially echoed in the United States constitution which gives men, (hopefully also women) the inalienable right to “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”. Locke advocated the Separation of powers which is an important factor in democratic systems. Locke noted that once money was established unlimited accumulation of wealth became possible because money doesn’t spoil or perish. Locke recognised the problems that unequal distribution of wealth cause but did not work hard on finding a solution. He just says vaguely that governments should do something.
  • During the course of our research we have discovered the foundation of our human nature through John Locke’s perspective. Even though we read two different books written by John Locke we have come to the same conclusion that all humans are selfish.
  • right John Locke — административный аккаунт в Викиреальности. Управляется в основном Serebr'ом и dream'ом. Называет себя основателем Викиреальности. Возглавляет её правление. Занимается зачисткой неугодной ему информации, блокировками и вознёй. Категория:Виртуалы Категория:Викиреальность
  • John Locke was aboard Oceanic Flight 815 returning to Los Angeles after he was attempting to attend an Australian walkabout tour but was denied as he neglected to inform them that he was currently in a wheelchair. Locke was a foster child, and he had been previously employed by a toy store, and as a collections supervisor for a cardboard box company.
  • Johnathan "John" Locke é um dos sobreviventes da parte intermediária do voo 815. John foi criado por pais adotivos, e só encontrou seus pais biológicos após os 40 anos. Seu pai, Anthony Cooper, lhe aplicou um golpe e o empurrou do oitavo andar, deixando-o paralítico. Tentando provar para si mesmo que a paralisia não era um obstáculo, ele foi para a Austrália numa jornada de auto-descobrimento. Sua paralisia cessou imediatamente após cair na ilha, o que o levou a acreditar que ele tem alguma conexão especial com a ilha. Nos primeiros dias ele foi um mistério com os sobreviventes. Mobilizou caça para conseguir comida e se mostrou muito útil quando foi necessário lutar contra Os Outros. Ficou obcecado em Apertar o Botão, mas logo perdeu a fé na Ilha. O incidente de 2004 no Cisne o fez perceber como era importante. Ajudou Kate a resgatar Jack quando ele foi sequestrado pelos Outros. Porém, ao ver a oportunidade de ter mais respostas, se juntou aos antigos inimigos. Locke conseguiu ouvir uma voz pedindo ajuda, na suposta cabana de Jacob, por isso Ben atirou nele e jogou-o na Vala. Ele foi salvo pela Ilha e numa visão, Walt disse parar ele que deveria impedir o Cargueiro de vir à Ilha. Locke matou Naomi e liderou o grupo dos que o apoiavam para a vila dos Outros, onde eles se tornaram os primeiros habitantes da Ilha a serem atacados pelos mercenários do cargueiro. Depois de suas falhas, Locke com Christian, que lhe informou a maneira de salvar a Ilha: movendo-a. Ben porém, se prontificou a mover a Ilha, para que Locke ficasse como líder dos Outros. Após a Ilha ser movida por Ben, a roda saiu de seu eixo e Locke enfrentou vários desafios em diferentes viagens temporais, até perceber que para parar os "pulos temporais" ele deveria mover a Ilha de novo. Ele girou a Roda Congelada e saiu da Ilha sob o pseudônimo de Jeremy Bentham. Locke fez contato com cada alguns membros do Oceanic Six em uma tentativa de trazê-los de volta à Ilha. Um tempo depois, Locke iria se matar, mas foi impedido por Ben Linus, que apenas queria extrair dele a informação de como voltar à Ilha, e logo em seguida, mata-lo. O corpo de Locke estava à bordo do Voo 316 que pousou na Ilha acidentalmente. O Inimigo tomou a forma de Locke e o corpo de John foi encontrado por Ilana e Bram.
  • John LOCKE [ĝan lak] (naskiĝis 1632, mortis 1704) estis angla filozofo (hej... vere), kiu disvolvigis kaj popularigis la bazan politikan filozofion de mojosa demokratio. Li estis konsiderita unu el plej influaj penisuloj el la epoko de la Klerismo kaj estis konata kiel "Patro de la klasika liberalismo" Locke fondis la skolon de bruta empiriismo, seksante la tradicion de Sir Francis Bacon, kiu staris kontraŭ tiu de raciismo fondita de Kartezio. Lia figuro estas same grava kiel la teorio de la socialisma kontrakto. Lia verkaro ege tuŝis la disvolvigon de la epistemologio kaj de la politika filozofio. Lia verkoj influis super Voltaire kaj Rousseau, super multaj penisuloj de la Skota Klerismo, same kiel ĉe la usonaj revoluciuloj. Liaj kontribuoj al la klasika respublikismo kaj al la liberala teorio estas respegulitaj en la Usona Deklaro de Sendependo. Locke plejparte filozofiis pri la naturo de scio kaj pri politiko. La teorio pri menso de Locke estas ofte citata kiel origino de la mojosaj konceptoj de identeco kaj memo, figurante elstare en la verkaro de postaj filozofoj kiaj Hume, Rousseau, kaj Kant. Locke estis la unua kiu difinia la memon pere de kontinueco de konscio. Li postulis, ke je nasko la menso estas plena tabulo aŭ tabula rasa. Male al la Kartezia filozofio bazita sur antaŭ-eksistantaj konceptoj, li asertis, ke oni naskiĝas sen denaskaj ideoj, kaj ke scio estas anstataŭe determinita nur de la sperto derivita el la sensa percepto. 300px|right
  • John Locke is one of the middle-section survivors of Oceanic Flight 815.
  • Dr. John Locke was a psychologist and director of the Psychohormonal Research program at the University of Southern California . He contributed a psychological profile to the Westside Strangler Task Force in 1990, and later wrote the books The Private Sex Life of the Public Porn Princess and Black Hearts. His profile of the Westside Strangler differed in several significant respects from Norman Church, the actual killer. However, he admits that his profile was not 100% accurate, and he does not doubt that Church was the Strangler. In November of 1993, he testified in the wrongful death lawsuit brought by Deborah Church against LAPD detective Harry Bosch. He later met with Bosch and profiled a potential second killer (the Follower) whose murders had been attributed to the Dollmaker four years earlier. Locke noted similar copycat cases, notably the Freeway Killer in the 1980's in LA. and Orange Counties.
  • John Locke is also a main character in the hit TV Series Lost. In the third season it is revealed that he was never paralyzed, he was just a lazy guy who allowed his evil daddy to defenestrate him. His alternate personality (he had dissociative identity disorder) was Jesus of Nazareth. John Locke wrote many philosophical works which were very boring and hard to read, so they were only bought by insecure people who wanted to seem intelligent by owning them. His main contribution to philosophy was the ignoring of many unpleasant truths pointed out by Thomas Hobbes. Therefore, he is mostly remembered today for his knife-fighting skills (on Lost he enjoys throwing knives at trees). One of his most famous duels was that against Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Danielle Rousseau's brother. A drunk Rousseau claimed that people were better in a state of nature, and corrupted by civilization. John Locke was voted "sexiest political philosopher" by Time magazine, beating Karl Marx, Gandhi and even Plato! Locke went around proclaiming that the people were the source of all political power. He spent many months in a mental institution because of this democratic attitude. This is the origin of the phrase 'crazy as Locke.' John Locke eventually went on to assassinate Grover Cleveland using his insane ninja skills (see the Jee Man) and was imprisoned for 11 months after being released by Socrates and Ubermensch. He also created a modified form of the ontological argument for his existence, which follows: 1. * Goodness is a necessary attribute of Locke. 2. * All things good must exist. 3. * Therefore, Locke must exist and is necessarily good. 4. * Therefore, John Locke is wrong. Premise four does not follow, but it is typical Locke logic to pull conclusions out of the air. (Don't even try telling him what he can't do; he thinks he's Jesus, remember?) Locke was also famous for the way in which he died. He once challenged Prince Albert to give up his place as successor to the throne and give it to Locke. Since Albert believed in the divine right of kings, Locke argued, he had nothing to worry about: under the theory God would never let a believer in popular sovereignty ascend the throne. This culminated in the War of Locke, also known as Warlock. The term warlock originated from this war, because John Locke was mistaken for an insane sorcerer by artist Pablo Picasso. The day the King died, Locke was tragically maimed by the cyborg arm and laser eye of the time-travelling Jesus Marx. John Locke is also the father of Knuckles the Echidna. Knuckles was born when John raped an echidna at the zoo while helping her to escape, like the so-called coyotes that help Mexicans across the American border (that's where Mexican werewolves come from). Knuckles was born, and swore to protect the Master Emerald, AKA the Manhattan Project. So whatever you do, keep John Locke away from echidnas. Or hedgehogs. Or porcupines. Actually, just make sure he stays the fuck away from any animal. Oh, and never ever tell him what he can't do! John Locke is also known for experimenting on dinosaurs, he hides all the dinosaurs in his under ground cave: Lockeness monster. He was also famous in his time for inventing, the LOCKE. Of course, this was much different from the Lock, invented by Thomas Jefferson, Locke's third cousin. This was a machine that was supposed to unlock Thomas Jefferson's LOCK but it was too easily confused. Image:British flag.gif Barmy British Stuff Image:British flag.gif
  • Johnathan „John“ Locke ist einer der Überlebenden aus dem Mittelteil des Fluges 815 der Oceanic Fluggesellschaft. Vor dem Absturz saß er im Rollstuhl. Seine Querschnittslähmung ist nach dem Absturz auf der Insel wie durch ein Wunder geheilt. Wenig später hat er eine Begegnung mit einer schwarzen Rauchwolke. Locke will seit dem die Insel nicht mehr verlassen, aus Angst wieder im Rollstuhl zu landen. Er fängt auch an zu verhindern, dass die Überlebenden gerettet werden, weil er glaubt, dass alle aus einen bestimmten Grund auf der Insel seien. Einige von solchen Aktionen war, dass er den Transceiver und das U-Boot zerstört hat. Er selbst betrachtet sich als einen "Mann des Glaubens".
  • Sadly - Locke's plan to beat death with a big stick was temporarily delayed when some Nameless Jerk stole his ticket back to the land of the living. No worries - Locke needed the nap anyways.
  • Jonathan «John» Locke était l'un des survivants de la section du milieu du Vol Oceanic 815. Suite à une chute d'un immeuble de 8 étages, il est resté paralysé durant 4 ans avant d'être miraculeusement guéri sur l'île après le crash. Il vouait alors un véritable culte à cet endroit et a entrepris de faire le maximum pour le protéger ou pour empêcher quiconque de le trouver. Suivant les ordres du Monstre sous la forme de Christian Shephard, il a décidé de déplacer l'île pour l'éloigner de Charles Widmore mais a cédé sa place à Ben au dernier moment. Après que Ben a tourné la roue gelée, John subit les déplacements successifs dans le temps, durant lesquels Richard lui demande de ramener tous ceux qui sont partis. A son tour, John tourne la roue pour stopper les voyages dans le temps et se retrouve en Tunisie fin 2007. Charles Widmore lui donne une nouvelle identité, celle de Jeremy Bentham, puis l'encourage à rencontrer les Six du vol Oceanic pour les convaincre de revenir sur l'île. Néanmoins, il échoue et tente de se suicider. Ben intervient juste à temps pour l'en dissuader puis lui soutire quelques informations. Après avoir obtenu ce qu'il voulait, il l'étrangle puis maquille sa mort en suicide. Le cadavre de John est ensuite ramené sur l'île à bord du vol Ajira Air 316 dans lequel se trouvent également les Six du vol Oceanic. Le Monstre prend sa forme pour manipuler Ben, laissant croire à tout le monde que Locke est ressuscité. La vérité sera finalement révélée au grand jour par Ilana, qui montrera le corps sans vie de John à Richard. Il sera finalement enterré au cimetière des survivants aux côtés de Scott Jackson, Boone Carlyle, Shannon Rutherford, Ana Lucia Cortez, Libby et le couple Nikki Fernandez et Paulo.
  • John Locke is één van de overlevenden van de middelsectie van Oceanic-vlucht 815.
  • John Locke fue uno de los supervivientes de la sección central del vuelo 815 de Oceanic. Su parálisis fue curada inmediatamente tras estrellarse en la Isla, lo que lo llevó a creer que tenía una conexión especial con la isla. A menudo se le ha mostrado como la antítesis de Benjamin Linus, compartiendo ambos rasgos como la capacidad de comunicarse con Jacob. También es contrario en la forma de pensar a Jack Shephard, aunque ambos han compartido el liderazgo del grupo. De todos modos las diferencias de ambos han llegado al límite de dividir en dos al grupo de supervivientes. Su grupo fue el primero en ser atacado por los mercenarios. Locke fue elegido por Jacob para salvar la Isla. En algún punto del futuro, usando el alias Jeremy Bentham. Locke contactó con cada miembro de los 6 de Oceanic en un intento de convencerles de que volvieran a la Isla. Al fracasar en su intento, Locke moriría supuestamente por suicidio, siendo el homicidio por parte de Benjamin Linus la causa real de su muerte. Dió a entender que había resucitado al llegar a la Isla en el Ajira 316, acompañó a Benjamin Linus debajo de el Templo para su "juicio" ante El Monstruo. Después de eso fue a reunirse con Richard Alpert y los demás miembros de Los Otros en la playa. John Locke se encontró con Richard Alpert y éste le dijo que lo encontraba muy cambiado. Locke le pidió a Richard que le llevara ante Jacob y éste accedió de modo que todos juntos y bajo su liderazgo se dirigieron hacia el lugar donde se encuentra Jacob para, según le confesó a Ben más tarde, matarlo. Finalmente, se descubre que el verdadero John Locke no resucitó después de ser asesinado por Ben, y estuvo desde ese momento guardado en un baúl, ya que el Locke que aparentemente resucitó era el Hombre de Negro, quién quería vengarse de Jacob desde cientos de años atrás.
  • John Locke was a survivor of Oceanic Flight 815 and a previously disabled man who found himself able to walk once he arrived on the Island. He, Rose, and Walt Lloyd were the only people among the survivors that wanted to stay on the Island, believing his special destiny was to protect the miraculous place. In service to this cause, he pushed his friends away, committed murder, and eventually lost his life. Locke grew up in foster care but, later in life, he met his father, who conned him out of a kidney, ruined his relationship with his girlfriend and finally pushed him out of a window, breaking his back and confining him to a wheelchair. Locke spent the next four years of his life paralyzed from the waist down and looking for his purpose in life. He was then told to attend an Australian Walkabout, after which he found himself aboard Flight 815. On the Island, he served as a friendly, caring mentor, giving Boone a purpose, helping Claire with her pregnancy and child, treating Charlie's addiction, and teaching Walt skills. But his faith and questionable decisions sparked a rivalry with Jack, his philosophical opposite. When Locke discovered a Hatch on the Island, he was determined to open it, believing his purpose lay inside. He briefly lost faith in the Island while in there, but he left it with his belief renewed, and he set off on a new quest - to join the Island's people. He became their leader, taking the position from Ben Linus, trying meanwhile to protect the Island from new invaders. But once he assumed leadership, the Island began dangerously flashing through time. Locke learned he had to leave the Island and sacrifice his life to retrieve survivors who had left. He tried but thought he failed this mission, and he attempted suicide - only to be stopped and then strangled by Ben. No one attended his funeral. After death, Locke dealt with his guilt for what he'd done while alive and came to terms with his limitations before moving on with his friends.
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