  • Jack Shephard
  • Jack Shephard
  • Jack Shephard
  • Jack Shephard
  • Jack Shephard
  • Jack Shephard
  • Jack Shephard
  • Jack Shephard
  • Jack Shephard
  • Jack Shephard
  • Jack Shephard
  • __TOC__
  • Jack Shephard (born 1969) was aboard Oceanic Flight 815 because he was returning his father's body to the United States to be buried. Jack is a Spinal surgeon at St. Sebastian Hospital in Los Angeles, CA, USA.
  • Jack Shephard 是迷失的角色,由系列的製作團隊創作,他在第1季第1集登場。
  • Jack Shephard était l'un des survivants de la section du milieu du vol 815. Avant le crash, il était neurochirurgien et avait de gros problèmes familiaux, notamment avec sa femme et son père. Sur l'île, Jack s'impose rapidement comme leader des survivants et développe une relation amoureuse avec Kate. Plus tard, il fait la connaissance de Juliet, ce qui remet en cause ses sentiments.
  • Dr. Jack Shephard is a fictional character and the protagonist of the ABC television series Lost, played by Matthew Fox. Lost follows the journey of the survivors of Oceanic Airlines flight 815 on a mysterious island and their attempts to survive and escape, slowly uncovering more of the much broader island history they are a part of. The character was originally conceived by creator J. J. Abrams, though the direction of storylines owes more to co-creator Damon Lindelofand fellow showrunner Carlton Cuse. J.J. Abrams, the creator of Lost, once told Entertainment Weekly, "Jack Shephard may be the greatest leader in any television series." Actor Matthew Fox would have some influence on the character during the course of the series' production. For example, Fox's own tattoos were incorporated
  • El Dr. Jack Shephard es un cirujano medular y el líder de facto de los supervivientes del vuelo 815 de Oceanic. Jack tiene dificultades para lidiar con situaciones que no puede arreglar. Sin embargo, esta habilidad para resolver problemas a través de la razón le ha dado la habilidad de reaccionar bien ante las crisis. Jack lleva el control de su propia vida y de sus emociones y es capaz de mantener la cabeza fría. Los supervivientes lo ven como un líder y se lleva bien con todos, especialmente con Kate y Juliet. Más tarde, Jack y otros cinco supervivientes consiguieron escapar de la isla a bordo de un helicóptero que llegó desde el carguero, aunque se vieron obligados a dejar a los demás atrás cuando Ben movió la isla. Desde el rescate, Jack se ha enterado de su conexión con Claire y Aaron
  • Titolo Attore AltCasting Doppiatore AltDoppiatore Prima Ultima Apparizione Menzionato Count Centric Nome AKA Età Nascita Morte EpMorte Luogo Professione PerchéAustralia PerchéDestinazione PerchéIsola Familiari Connessioni Il dottor Jack Shephard è un ex neurochirurgo spinale ed è di fatto il leader dei sopravvissuti a seguito dello schianto del Volo Oceanic 815. Jack riesce a contenere divergenze e problemi personali per poter sistemare i conflitti sull'Isola. Grazie a questa abilità di risolvere i problemi attraverso la ragione, è capace di dare il meglio di sè durante le crisi e di condurre parecchie missioni. Viene comunemente visto come il leader dei sopravvissuti ed instaura un buon rapporto con tutti, specialmente con Kate e Juliet. Jack e altri cinque sopravvissuti riescono a fugg
  • As a kid, Jack got into fights a lot. One day he saw a bully and, inspired by his recent viewing of a Christmas Story, decided it would be a good idea to take on said bully (fans have pointed out the irony that Zack Ward played both Scut Farkus and older Mark Silverman). After both kids were beaten to a pulp, Jack went home to his father, Christian Shephard - who went on a weird speech on life and rules and how dated Penny Marshall in the 60's and how his life could have been better if he had listened to his dad and married her instead of Margo and how Jack was an unexpected pregnancy and how Penny would have gone through with the abortion. This bothered Jack (justifiably so) and started his daddy issues.
  • Dokter Jack Shephard is een voormalig chirurg en was de "de facto" leider van de overlevenden van Oceanic-vlucht 815. Voor de crash had Jack problemen die hij niet kon oplosssen, wat uiteindelijk zorgde voor een scheiding van zijn vrouw en zijn slechte relatie met zijn vader, Christian Shephard. Op het Eiland werd Jack een waardig lid van de overlevenden en hij hield het gezag in handen van de groep.
  • Jack Shephard é considerado o protagonista principal de Lost. Ele era um cirurgião especializado na coluna cervical e o antigo líder de facto dos sobreviventes do Voo Oceanic 815. Jack teve problemas de auto-controle e para lidar com situações que ele não pode corrigir, arruinando seu casamento e seu relacionamento com quase todas as pessoas que conheceu. Ironicamente, uma vez que esteve na Ilha, estes problemas de auto-controle, fizeram com que Jack fosse o melhor líder possível, fazendo com que os sobreviventes conseguissem sobreviver o suficiente na Ilha.
  • Dr. Jack Shephard was an American spinal surgeon and the plane crash survivors' de facto leader. Before the crash, his obsessive personality wrecked his marriage and his relationship with his father. On the Island, though, the survivors sought his guidance during many crises and missions, and he united them until they cooperated and formed a society.
  • Han er tidligere gift med en kvinde han lavede et mirakel på, under en operation. Hans Far er/var også kirurg, men blev afsat efter Jack fortalte nogen folk at han havde indtaget alkohol inden en operation. Jack, er lederen af alle på øen, kan man vidst godt sige. Han er tidligere gift med en kvinde han lavede et mirakel på, under en operation. Hans Far er/var også kirurg, men blev afsat efter Jack fortalte nogen folk at han havde indtaget alkohol inden en operation. Jack, er lederen af alle på øen, kan man vidst godt sige. Kategori:Oceanic Flight 815 Besætning og Passagerer
  • Dr. Jack Shephard ist Wirbelsäulenchirurg und Anführer der Überlebenden der Mittelsektion von Oceanic Flug 815. Er hat Führungsprobleme und Schwierigkeiten mit Situationen, die er nicht in Ordnung bringen kann. Allerdings verleiht ihm seine Eigenschaft, Probleme mit Vernunft anzugehen, die Fähigkeit, sich in Krisen gut zu verhalten.
  • 112
  • 死亡
  • 1966
  • 美國 加利福尼亞州 洛杉磯
  • 41
  • Character appearances#Jack ShephardS6
  • Character appearances#Jack ShephardS6
  • Character appearances#Jack ShephardS6
  • "L'incidente, seconda parte"
  • Los Angeles, CA, USA
  • Dott. Jack Shephard
  • Mężczyzna
  • JackS6.jpg
  • 2007
  • --09-22
  • --12-21
  • --12-24
  • Neurochirurg Strażnik serca wyspy
  • 男性人類
  • Strażnik Źródła Życia
  • Przywódca rozbitków
  • Jack Shephard
  • Przywódca grupy wyczekującej ludzi z Kahany
  • Jackson Shephard
  • Spinal Surgeon at St. Sebastian Hospital
  • Jack
  • 2007
  • Shephard
  • Imágenes de Jack Shephard
  • Décédé
  • 2007
Data urodzenia
  • 3
  • 4
  • 113
  • Jack/Galerie photos
  • Christian Shephard - Ojciec
  • Ray Shephard - Dziadek
  • Aaron Littleton - Siostrzeniec
  • Claire Littleton - Przyrodnia siostra
  • David Shephard- Syn
  • Kate Austen - Była narzeczona
  • Margo Shephard - Matka
  • Sarah Shephard - Była żona
  • Matthew Fox
  • Christian Shephard - Père
  • Ray Shephard - Grand-père paternel
  • Margo Shephard - Mère
  • Aaron Littleton - Neveu
  • Claire Littleton - Demie-sœur
  • Sarah - Ex-femme
  • Los Angeles, California, Stati Uniti
  • --12-03
  • 2007
  • Wirbelsäulenchirurg im St. Sebastian Krankenhaus
  • Los Angeles
  • Christian Shephard - Vater
  • Aaron Littleton - Neffe
  • Claire Littleton - Halbschwester
  • Margo Shephard - Mutter
  • Ray Shephard - Grossvater
  • Sarah Shephard - Ex-Frau
  • Stabbed by the Man in Black
  • Los Angeles, Californie, États-Unis
  • 1
  • para levar o corpo de seu pai
  • voltando para a Ilha
  • Jack Shephard
  • Jack Shephard
  • Mitte 30
  • Jack Shephard
  • Seitwärtsblenden
  • 37
  • 1.1676312E9
  • Deceased
  • Levend
  • Morto
  • Muerto
  • Nie żyje
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 509
  • 800
  • SuicideJack.jpg
  • Dus4.jpg
  • TheLastRecruit-3.jpg
  • JackBoard1x11.jpg
  • C8c9b5ec28ff82eac7da1f3632032e24.jpg
  • Christian Jack.jpg
  • Jack Frank.jpg
  • Jack Operation.jpg
  • Jack Sarah.jpg
  • JackCarole.jpg
  • JackDiesWithVincent.jpg
  • JackEye.jpg
  • JackLies.jpg
  • JackMeetDes.jpg
  • JackMiles.jpg
  • Jackstigmate.jpg
  • JacobJackApollo.jpg
  • Jateafterlife.jpg
  • Normal_lost6x01-0807.jpg
  • S29848_ps3_8.jpg
  • S5-finale-one-of-these-is-yours.jpg
  • Sarahpullsalocke.jpg
  • Sonfatherreunion.jpg
  • Wereback.jpg
  • Young jack.jpg
  • Young_Jack_Shephard.jpg‎
  • Young_Jack_Shephard.jpg‎
  • Los Angeles, California, USA
  • Matthew Fox
  • Matthew Fox
  • John O'Hara
  • Matthew Fox
  • Matthew Fox
  • Matthew Fox
  • Matthew Fox
  • Jack Shephard
  • Jack Shephard
  • Dr. Jack Shephard
  • Jack Shephard
  • Jack Shephard
  • 250
  • Aaron Littleton - nipote
  • Christian Shephard - padre
  • Claire Littleton - sorellastra
  • Kate Austen - ex fidanzata
  • Margo Shephard - madre
  • Ray Shephard - nonno
  • Sarah Shephard - ex moglie
  • Baraki
  • Philippe Maia
  • Jack
  • DHARMA.png
  • 150
  • 200
  • 220
  • Jack Shephard
  • Dr. Jack Shephard
  • Dr. Jack Shephard
  • Dr. Jack Shephard
  • Jack Shephard
  • Jack.jpg
  • left
  • right
  • right
  • left
  • Jack
  • Jack
  • Jack
  • The doctor
  • Jack Shephard
  • Jack Shephard
  • Jack_Sheppard.png
  • Protector of the Island
  • Faxineiro, Iniciativa DHARMA
  • Workman, DHARMA Initiative
  • Chirurg, St. Sebastian Hospital
  • Cirujano espinal, Hospital St. Sebastian
  • Cirurgião, Hospital São Sebastião
  • Concierge, DHARMA Initiative
  • Conserje de la Iniciativa Dharma
  • Neurochirurgien à
  • Rygsøjle kirurg på St. Sebastian Hospital
  • Spinal surgeon, St. Sebastian Hospital
  • l'hôpital Saint-Sébastien
  • JackS6.jpg
  • infância
Miejsce urodzenia
  • Los Angeles, Kalifornia, USA
  • Oceanic
  • Christian Shephard - Father
  • Christian Shephard - Pai
  • Christian Shephard - Vader
  • Father - Christian Shephard
  • Ray Shephard - Avô Paterno
  • Aaron Littleton - Half-Neef
  • Aaron Littleton - Half-Nephew
  • Aaron Littleton - Halv-Nevø
  • Aaron Littleton - Medio sobrino
  • Aaron Littleton - Sobrinho
  • Christian Shephard - Far
  • Christian Shephard - Padre
  • Claire Littleton - Half-Sister
  • Claire Littleton - Half-zuster
  • Claire Littleton - Halv-Søster
  • Claire Littleton - Irmã
  • Claire Littleton - Medio hermana
  • David Shephard - Son
  • Ex-Fiancée - Kate Austen
  • Ex-Wife - Sarah Shephard
  • Juliet Carlson - Ex-Wife
  • Kate Austen - Ex pareja
  • Kate Austen - Ex-Fiancé
  • Kate Austen - Ex-Noiva
  • Kate Austen - Ex-Verloofde
  • Margo Shephard - Madre
  • Margo Shephard - Moeder
  • Margo Shephard - Mor
  • Margo Shephard - Mother
  • Margo Shephard - Mãe
  • Mother - Margo Shephard
  • Nephew - Aaron Littleton
  • Ray Shephard - Abuelo
  • Ray Shephard - Grootvader
  • Ray Shephard - Paternal Grandfather
  • Sarah - Ex-Esposa
  • Sarah Shephard - Ex mujer
  • Sarah Shephard - Ex-Kone
  • Sarah Shephard - Ex-Vrouw
  • Sarah Shephard - Ex-Wife
  • Sister - Claire Littleton
  • Los Angeles, California, USA
  • Los Angeles, Califórnia, EUA
  • Los Angeles, California, USA
  • Los Angeles, California, VS
  • Male
  • Images of Jack Shephard
  • Billeder af Jack
  • Afbeeldingen van Jack Shephard
  • Jack Shephard
  • Shephard
  • Shephard
  • Shephard
  • 2007
  • 110
  • 112
  • 113
  • 1969-12-03
  • = 3 de diciembre de 1969
  • Jack and Ana Lucia talk at the beach.
  • Jack talks to Ben, with Alex watching them.
  • Jack and Locke look into the Hatch.
  • Sawyer instructs Jack.
  • The board of St. Sebastian Hospital meets with Jack and Christian Shephard.
  • Jack attempts to commit suicide, after learning of Bentham's death.
  • Luego de discutir con su padre, Jack habla con Jacob.
  • Jack blackmailing the Others during Ben's operation.
  • Ben shows Jack a recording of the Boston Red Sox winning the World Series.
  • Jack is shocked to learn of his relation to Claire, from her mother.
  • Christian reunites with his son.
  • David with Juliet and Jack.
  • El matrimonio de Jack se deteriora.
  • Jack explaining to Chrissy why it is so important to load his father's body onto the plane.
  • Jack and Juliet reveal their allegiance with Danielle Rousseau.
  • Jack and Kate are together as they move on.
  • Jack and Kate chat on the golf course.
  • Jack and Sarah, on their wedding day.
  • Jack arrive at the Temple for the very first time.
  • Jack as a boy.
  • Jack as he appears in Via Domus
  • Jack conoce a Desmond.
  • Jack de niño.
  • Jack dies in the bamboo grove, but not alone.
  • Jack fights Ethan again.
  • Jack finds himself in a bamboo grove.
  • Jack holds Jughead over the future-Swan station.
  • Jack is recruited to the DHARMA Initiative.
  • Jack lying under oath during Kate's trial.
  • Jack meets a hostile Miles.
  • Jack notices a cut on his neck.
  • Jack prevents Locke from entering the code.
  • Jack takes the job as an act of choice.
  • Jack thinks about his purpose.
  • Jack tries to phone the freighter.
  • Jack wakes up immediately after the crash.
  • Jack's tattoo
  • Jack, Kate and Hurley are back on the Island.
  • John O'Hara as Young Jack
  • Juliet rushes to Jack's aide when he collapses.
  • Jack and Locke look down the hatch, moments after blowing it open.
  • Sayid tells Jack about his suspicions of Michael.
  • The Oceanic Six return home.
  • Jack closes his eyes and passes away in the final shot of the series.
  • At Pala Ferry, Jack, Kate, Hurley, and Sawyer are taken captive by The Others.
  • Jack tells David what his father never told him: "I will always love you, no matter what you do. In my eyes you can never fail."
  • Jack once again meets Frank Lapidus on board Flight 316.
  • Jack, Hurley, and Charlie discussing the water shortage.
  • Jack le dice a Sarah que nunca más podrá caminar.
  • Christian y Jack se pelean en un encuentro con Alcohólicos Anónimos.
  • A man hands Jack the candy bar which was stuck in the machine.
  • Jack finally makes the call that might get them off the Island.
  • Inserviente del Progetto DHARMA
  • Neurochirurgo
  • all'Ospedale St. Sebastian
  • Matthew Fox
  • --12-06
Powód śmierci
  • Potwór zranił go nożem
  • Vittorio Guerrieri
  • Jack Shephard
  • Jack.png
  • Xavier Fagnon
  • ... per riportare a Los Angeles il corpo del padre morto
  • ...finding his father
  • ...for at finde sin far
  • procurando seu pai
  • Het stoffelijk overschot van zijn vader identificeren
  • buscando a su padre para llevarlo de vuelta a casa.
  • Pour ramener le corps de son père
  • Die sterblichen Überreste seines Vaters zurück nach Los Angeles bringen
Powód samolot
  • Przewieźć ciało ojca do Los Angeles.
  • ...returning to the Island
  • ...for at bringe sin fars lig hjem
  • ...returning his father's body
  • Terugkeren met het stoffelijk overschot van zijn vader
  • Keerde terug naar het Eiland
  • para volver con el cuerpo de su padre a Los Ángeles .
  • volviendo a la Isla .
  • Seinen Vater finden und ihn nach Hause bringen
  • Pour retrouver son père
  • Apuñalado por el Hombre de Negro.
  • ... per ritrovare il padre
Powód Australia
  • Znaleźć i sprowadzić ojca do domu.
  • 2007
  • __TOC__
  • Jack Shephard é considerado o protagonista principal de Lost. Ele era um cirurgião especializado na coluna cervical e o antigo líder de facto dos sobreviventes do Voo Oceanic 815. Jack teve problemas de auto-controle e para lidar com situações que ele não pode corrigir, arruinando seu casamento e seu relacionamento com quase todas as pessoas que conheceu. Ironicamente, uma vez que esteve na Ilha, estes problemas de auto-controle, fizeram com que Jack fosse o melhor líder possível, fazendo com que os sobreviventes conseguissem sobreviver o suficiente na Ilha. Na Ilha, Jack acordou num bambuzal e logo começou a formar um romance com Kate, que lhe rendeu uma longa rivalidade com Sawyer. Ele ajudou Locke a abrir a escotilha, mas por causa dela - e da falta de fé de Jack, e do excesso de fé de Locke - os dois se tornaram inimigos. Dias depois, Jack foi levado pelos Outros, para que realizasse uma cirurgia em Ben e salvasse sua vida. Enquanto esteve com eles, Jack conheceu e formou uma boa amizade com Juliet, que continuou com Jack mesmo depois que ele foi libertado, para que ela tentasse sair da Ilha com os sobreviventes. Assim que foi possível, Jack usou o telefone de Naomi para ligar para o cargueiro e tentar sair da Ilha. Apesar de ter separado o grupo, finalmente, o helicóptero do Cargueiro tirou Jack e mais cinco sobreviventes da Ilha, junto de Desmond e Frank. Ao ser resgatado, Jack descobriu que era irmão de Claire, fez o funeral de seu pai e noivou com Kate. Apesar disso, Jack não conseguiu sobreviver fora da Ilha, sabendo que os demais tinham ficado para trás, e novamente, seus problemas arruinaram sua relação com Kate. Três anos depois de sair da Ilha, Jack foi visitado por Locke, que o convenceu de que ele deveria voltar para a Ilha, tornando Jack, num "homem de fé". Subsequente a morte de Locke, Jack formou uma aliança com Ben e reuniu os demais sobreviventes que tinham deixado a Ilha, para voltarem até lá, pelo voo 316 da Ajira Airways. O que Jack não sabia porém, é que quando ele voltasse para a Ilha, ele estaria em 1977. Preso no passado com os demais sobreviventes e todos que tinham ficado na Ilha, Jack tentou alterar a história detonando uma bomba de hidrogênio, onde - no presente - se localiza a escotilha. Ele falhou e logo, voltou ao presente na detonação da bomba, que infelizmente matou Juliet. Jack descobriu que ele deveria substituir Jacob como o protetor da Ilha e a luz, para impedir que o Homem de Preto saísse de lá e aceitou o cargo. Apagando a luz, juntos, Jack, Kate, Sawyer, Hurley, Desmond e Ben, conseguiram impedir que o Homem de Preto deixasse a Ilha, porém, ele esfaqueou Jack durante seu embate. Quando a Ilha começou a afundar, Jack voltou até o coração da Ilha, para acender a luz e salvar a todos que ficassem por lá. Jack se despediu de Kate, seu verdadeiro amor e salvou a Ilha, entregando a proteção da luz, para Hurley. Ele viu o avião, do voo 316, partir da Ilha, com Kate, Claire, Sawyer, Miles, Richard e Frank, enquanto morreu no mesmo lugar em que tinha chegado na Ilha.
  • Jack Shephard était l'un des survivants de la section du milieu du vol 815. Avant le crash, il était neurochirurgien et avait de gros problèmes familiaux, notamment avec sa femme et son père. Sur l'île, Jack s'impose rapidement comme leader des survivants et développe une relation amoureuse avec Kate. Plus tard, il fait la connaissance de Juliet, ce qui remet en cause ses sentiments. Après avoir quitté l'île, Jack devient l'un des Six du vol Oceanic et apprend qu'il est le demi-frère de Claire, une survivante du crash qui n'a pas été secourue. Il débute également une relation avec Kate mais celle-ci se termine à cause de ses penchants pour l'alcool suite à des visions de son père décédé. Rongé par la culpabilité d'avoir laissé ses amis sur l'île, Jack devient dépressif. Il commence alors à boire et à se droguer avec des médicaments, réalisant qu'avoir quitté l'île était peut-être une erreur. Il essaie néanmoins d'y retourner par tous les moyens, empruntant plusieurs vols dans l'espoir qu'ils s'écrasent sur l'île. Suivant les recommandations d'Eloise Hawking, Jack retourne finalement sur l'île avec Kate, Hurley, Sun, Sayid, Ben et Frank à bord du vol Air Ajira 316. Cependant, Jack et une partie du groupe sont transportés en 1977, époque à laquelle se trouvent les derniers survivants du crash depuis trois ans, ayant rejoint le Projet DHARMA. Jack apprend qu'un Incident est sur le point d'avoir lieu sur le chantier du Cygne et décide de changer le cours du temps en faisant exploser une bombe H. Néanmoins, l'explosion les ramène dans le présent, où Jacob vient d'être tué par une manipulation de son antagoniste ayant pris l'apparence de John Locke. Après un court passage au Temple pour sauver Sayid, Jack mène son groupe sur la plage pour échapper à l'Homme en noir. Par la suite, ils le suivront car celui-ci prétend vouloir les aider à quitter l'île. Cependant, il s'organise pour éliminer un maximum de survivants, qui s'avèrent être les derniers candidats à la succession de Jacob. Jack décide alors de l'assassiner et retire le bouchon de la source de l'île, provoquant le début de sa destruction. Il est ensuite gravement blessé lors d'un combat avec l'Homme en noir et parvient à le tuer. Il retourne ensuite à la source pour remettre le bouchon et empêcher l'île de couler puis meurt dans la jungle à l'endroit où il est s'est réveillé lors de son premier jour sur l'île.
  • Jack Shephard (born 1969) was aboard Oceanic Flight 815 because he was returning his father's body to the United States to be buried. Jack is a Spinal surgeon at St. Sebastian Hospital in Los Angeles, CA, USA.
  • El Dr. Jack Shephard es un cirujano medular y el líder de facto de los supervivientes del vuelo 815 de Oceanic. Jack tiene dificultades para lidiar con situaciones que no puede arreglar. Sin embargo, esta habilidad para resolver problemas a través de la razón le ha dado la habilidad de reaccionar bien ante las crisis. Jack lleva el control de su propia vida y de sus emociones y es capaz de mantener la cabeza fría. Los supervivientes lo ven como un líder y se lleva bien con todos, especialmente con Kate y Juliet. Más tarde, Jack y otros cinco supervivientes consiguieron escapar de la isla a bordo de un helicóptero que llegó desde el carguero, aunque se vieron obligados a dejar a los demás atrás cuando Ben movió la isla. Desde el rescate, Jack se ha enterado de su conexión con Claire y Aaron, honró a su padre con un funeral, y se prometió con Kate. Por desgracia, algunos eventos, incluyendo una visita de Jeremy Bentham y varias visiones de su padre, han hecho que su determinación se derrumbe. Ahora es un hombre desquiciado adicto a las pastillas y al alcohol, y toma un vuelo cada semana con la esperanza de que se estrelle y encuentre el camino de nuevo hasta la Isla, para poder arreglar todas las cosas terribles que han ocurrido allí desde su partida. A pesar de todo, Ben le ha informado de que la Isla no le dejará volver solo; todos los que salieron deben volver, incluyendo a Bentham. Jack, más tarde, vuelve a la Isla luego de que el avión vuelo 316 de Ajira Airways se estrellara. En 1977, trabajó en la Iniciativa Dharma como conserje de limpieza e intentó cambiar el pasado explosionando con la bomba de hidrógeno Jughead en el sitio de construcción del Cisne. El intento falló, pero los llevó nuevamenet hacia 2007, y luego descubrió que era uno de los candidatos para reemplazar a Jacob como protector de la Isla, él adquirió más confianza y decidió quedarse en la Isla. También le cedió la toma de decisiones a Sawyer, superando sus problemas de control. Él decidió convertirse en protector de la Isla y por poco fue asesinado por el Hombre de Negro, pero con ayuda de Kate logró dispararle en la espalda poco antes de que escapara de la Isla. Luego se sacrificó así mismo para devolverle la luz al Corazón de la Isla, salvándola de su destrucción. Luego de su muerte, él imaginó un hijo y a una ex esposa para llegar a un acuerdo con sus malas relaciones. Su personalidad mezcló ciencia, pero sintió nuevamente la obligación de fijar las demás. Su terquedad regresó y a diferencia de sus amigos, se resistió a recordar su vida, incluso luego de experimentar los flashes. Eventualmente, sin embargo, él recordó todo y luego de ver a su padre otra vez, pudo ser finalmente capaz de "dejarlo ir", y finalmente pudo reunirse con Kate y sus amigos, hasta que se movieron en la iglesia.
  • Dr. Jack Shephard ist Wirbelsäulenchirurg und Anführer der Überlebenden der Mittelsektion von Oceanic Flug 815. Er hat Führungsprobleme und Schwierigkeiten mit Situationen, die er nicht in Ordnung bringen kann. Allerdings verleiht ihm seine Eigenschaft, Probleme mit Vernunft anzugehen, die Fähigkeit, sich in Krisen gut zu verhalten. Als Arzt ist er der, der sich oft um Verletzungen der Überlebenden kümmern muss. Im Gegensatz zu Locke glaubt er nicht an das Schicksal und versucht alles, um die Insel zu verlassen und die Überlebenden zu retten. Auf der Insel erscheint ihm sein toter Vater, dessen Sarg er von Sydney nach L.A. bringen wollte. Er beginnt auch, sich mit Kate anzufreunden. Sie geraten in Gefangenschaft der anderen Inselbewohner, aber nachdem Jack ihrem Anführer einen Tumor operiert und sie ihn später vor den Söldnern gerettet haben, gelingt es Jack schließlich mit fünf anderen, die Insel zu verlassen. Wieder zurück, hat er immer noch Visionen von seinem Vater und bekommt schwere Depressionen, die ihn veranlassen, wieder zur Insel zurückkehren zu wollen.
  • Titolo Attore AltCasting Doppiatore AltDoppiatore Prima Ultima Apparizione Menzionato Count Centric Nome AKA Età Nascita Morte EpMorte Luogo Professione PerchéAustralia PerchéDestinazione PerchéIsola Familiari Connessioni Il dottor Jack Shephard è un ex neurochirurgo spinale ed è di fatto il leader dei sopravvissuti a seguito dello schianto del Volo Oceanic 815. Jack riesce a contenere divergenze e problemi personali per poter sistemare i conflitti sull'Isola. Grazie a questa abilità di risolvere i problemi attraverso la ragione, è capace di dare il meglio di sè durante le crisi e di condurre parecchie missioni. Viene comunemente visto come il leader dei sopravvissuti ed instaura un buon rapporto con tutti, specialmente con Kate e Juliet. Jack e altri cinque sopravvissuti riescono a fuggire dall'Isola usando l'elicottero del cargo alla fine della quarta stagione, nonostante siano costretti ad abbandonare tutti gli altri quando Ben sposta l'Isola ( fine quarta stagione). Dal salvataggio, Jack apprende la sua parentela con Claire e Aaron, rispettivamente sua sorella e suo nipote, celebra una veglia per suo padre , si fidanza e convive con Kate. Sfortunatamente, certi eventi, inclusa la visita di Jeremy Bentham e le visioni di suo padre, portano Jack ad un crollo emotivo ed un esaurimento. Dipendendo da pillole e alcool (come suo padre, alcolizzato), Jack prende l'aereo ogni settimana con la speranza che questo si schianti in modo da poter tornare sull'Isola, così da poter redimersi ed aiutare quelli rimasti indietro dopo che se ne sono andati, e le cose orribili che stanno loro capitando. Tuttavia, Ben lo informa che l'Isola non l'avrebbe lasciato ritornare da solo; tutti quelli che se ne sono andati, incluso il deceduto Bentham, ovvero John Locke devono tornare indietro, insieme. Jack riesce insieme agli altri, alcuni dei quali restii ad andare, a tornare sull'Isola, col volo Volo Ajira 316 durante il quale avviene un salto spazio-temporale. Capita la situazione dopo essersi incontrati coi loro ex compagni, Jack si vedrà costretto a lavorare come inserviente, per il Progetto DHARMA dove ha cercato di cambiare il passato cercando di detonare una bomba a idrogeno.
  • Jack Shephard 是迷失的角色,由系列的製作團隊創作,他在第1季第1集登場。
  • Dr. Jack Shephard is a fictional character and the protagonist of the ABC television series Lost, played by Matthew Fox. Lost follows the journey of the survivors of Oceanic Airlines flight 815 on a mysterious island and their attempts to survive and escape, slowly uncovering more of the much broader island history they are a part of. The character was originally conceived by creator J. J. Abrams, though the direction of storylines owes more to co-creator Damon Lindelofand fellow showrunner Carlton Cuse. J.J. Abrams, the creator of Lost, once told Entertainment Weekly, "Jack Shephard may be the greatest leader in any television series." Actor Matthew Fox would have some influence on the character during the course of the series' production. For example, Fox's own tattoos were incorporated into the character's backstory. Although at an early stage in the show's development, the character was originally intended to die in the pilot, the writers soon changed this plan, and Jack became the show's main character from its pilot episode onwards. The de facto leader of the crash survivors, in the show's first four seasons, Jack is very much a man of science. He serves as the antithesis of man of faith John Locke; however, his experiences in season five mold Jack into a believer, to the point of becoming John Locke's spiritual successor in the final season. His leadership role culminates in him taking briefly over as protector of the island from its immortal guardian, Jacob, and being the one to engage one of the series' villains, the Man in Black, in a climactic battle to the death. Jack's storylines have included the exploration of his relationships with various love interests: fellow survivor Kate Austen, and Juliet Burke, who is initially a member of the mysterious Others, who are the series' visible antagonists for the majority of its run. Other key relationships in the show involve Claire Littleton, whom he discovers is his half-sister; Hugo "Hurley" Reyes as his right-hand man; and Sawyer, his rival for the affections of Kate, even when at some points, Sawyer calls him the nearest thing he has as a friend.
  • Han er tidligere gift med en kvinde han lavede et mirakel på, under en operation. Hans Far er/var også kirurg, men blev afsat efter Jack fortalte nogen folk at han havde indtaget alkohol inden en operation. Jack, er lederen af alle på øen, kan man vidst godt sige. Dr. Jack Shephard Image:Jack.jpg Spillet af Matthew Fox John O'Hara (Barn) Først set Pilot, Part 1 Sidst set Var med i Nævnt i Afsnit som handler om Jack Shephard "Pilot, Part 1""White Rabbit""All the Best Cowboys Have Daddy Issues""Do No Harm""Exodus, Part 1""Man of Science, Man of Faith""The Hunting Party""A Tale of Two Cities""Stranger in a Strange Land""Through the Looking Glass""Something Nice Back Home""There's No Place Like Home" Navn Jack Shephard Også kendt som Fødselsdag Dødsdag () Kommer fra Los Angeles, California, USA Profession Rygsøjle kirurg på St. Sebastian Hospital I Australien... ...for at finde sin far På flyet... ...for at bringe sin fars lig hjem På øen... Familie medlemmer Christian Shephard - FarMargo Shephard - MorSarah Shephard - Ex-KoneClaire Littleton - Halv-SøsterAaron Littleton - Halv-Nevø Forbundet med en:Jack Shephard Dr. Jack Shephard er en tidligere rygsøjle kirurg, og var lederen af de overlevende fra styrtet af Oceanic Filght 815. Han er tidligere gift med en kvinde han lavede et mirakel på, under en operation. Hans Far er/var også kirurg, men blev afsat efter Jack fortalte nogen folk at han havde indtaget alkohol inden en operation. Jack, er lederen af alle på øen, kan man vidst godt sige. Kategori:Oceanic Flight 815 Besætning og Passagerer
  • Dr. Jack Shephard was an American spinal surgeon and the plane crash survivors' de facto leader. Before the crash, his obsessive personality wrecked his marriage and his relationship with his father. On the Island, though, the survivors sought his guidance during many crises and missions, and he united them until they cooperated and formed a society. Jack developed romantic relationships with Kate and later Juliet. Jack and Sawyer's shared romantic interest in Kate sparked a jealous rivalry between them for her affections. His rationality, so useful when solving problems, prevented him from accepting the Island's mystic properties and caused friction with "man of faith" John Locke. Problems arose that Jack could not fix despite his obsession and self-sacrifice. Though he tried to repress his guilt, at times he would resort to physical or emotional outbursts. After suffering a kidnapping and almost negotiating his own rescue, Jack escaped the Island with five other survivors. Off-island, he laid his father to rest and proposed to Kate, but visits from John Locke and the ghost of his father sent him towards depression and substance abuse. Yet he gained new faith, and he led the survivors back to the island, believing it was his destiny. He then found himself in the past, where he tried to reset his own life and the lives of the others and prevent the crash of Oceanic 815. The attempt failed, sending Jack to a new low. But after discovering he was a candidate to replace Jacob as Protector of the island, he gained confidence and decided to stay on the island. He also ceded decision-making to Sawyer, overcoming his control issues. He chose to become the Island's new protector and was almost killed by the Man in Black, but with Kate's help, he killed him before he could leave the Island. He then sacrificed himself to relight the Heart, saving the Island from destruction. Post-death, he imagined a son and an ex-wife to come to terms with his bad relationships. His personality mixed science and faith, but he again felt the compulsion to fix others. His stubbornness returned, and unlike his friends, he resisted remembering his life, even after experiencing flashes. Eventually though, he remembered everything and after seeing his father again, he was able to "let go", reuniting with Kate and his friends, to finally move on in the church.
  • As a kid, Jack got into fights a lot. One day he saw a bully and, inspired by his recent viewing of a Christmas Story, decided it would be a good idea to take on said bully (fans have pointed out the irony that Zack Ward played both Scut Farkus and older Mark Silverman). After both kids were beaten to a pulp, Jack went home to his father, Christian Shephard - who went on a weird speech on life and rules and how dated Penny Marshall in the 60's and how his life could have been better if he had listened to his dad and married her instead of Margo and how Jack was an unexpected pregnancy and how Penny would have gone through with the abortion. This bothered Jack (justifiably so) and started his daddy issues. However, Jack - being the masochist he is - decided to go work with his dad in a lifelong profession: giving Christian ample opportunity to bring his son down even further with quick remarks. Like in surgery, whenever Jack is stressed, his phone goes after receiving a text from his father. It usually reads: "Count to 5 son - LOLZ". Jack doesn't like this. So Jack spent the next 5 years of his career setting up evidence to get his dad kicked off the board. It worked. Jack was enjoying his father's defeat and decided his little game had gone on long enough. He was going to explain to the board that it was all a ruse to get his dad to back off, when his mother explained that he had gone to Australia to kill himself. Jack's victory was short-lived.
  • Dokter Jack Shephard is een voormalig chirurg en was de "de facto" leider van de overlevenden van Oceanic-vlucht 815. Voor de crash had Jack problemen die hij niet kon oplosssen, wat uiteindelijk zorgde voor een scheiding van zijn vrouw en zijn slechte relatie met zijn vader, Christian Shephard. Op het Eiland werd Jack een waardig lid van de overlevenden en hij hield het gezag in handen van de groep. Jack had goede relaties met de overlevenden, die hem zagen als een leider, en hij ontwikkelde een relatie met Kate en later Juliet. Hij vormde rivaliteit met Sawyer en John Locke. Hij hielp met het opblazen van het luik van De Zwaan en nam de beslissing om om de beurt op de knop te drukken, hoewel John Locke "de man van geloof" was en Jack de "man van wetenschap". Jack werd later gevangengenomen door de Anderen en verrichtte een operatie op Benjamin Linus. Later, na het verkrijgen van een radiotelefoon, wist Jack het vrachtschip de Kahana te bereiken wat uiteindelijk zorgde voor zijn redding als één van de zes van Oceanic. Na de redding ontdekte Jack dat Claire zijn halfzus was en dat Aaron zijn halfneef was. Hij was later verloofd met Kate maar door het onverwachte bezoek van John Locke en zijn visioenen van zijn overleden vader, raakte hij depressief. Hij werkte samen met Benjamin Linus om de overlevenden weer terug naar het Eiland te brengen aan boord van Ajira Vlucht 316. Om te ontsnappen aan het verleden probeerde Jack de toekomst te veranderen door een waterstofbom in het Zwaan-station te laten ontploffen, dat voor hun eerste crash zorgde. Hij faalde blijkbaar en keerde terug naar het heden waar hij leerde dat hij een kandidaat was om Jacob op te volgen. Jacob gelooft nu dat hij op het Eiland moet blijven en werd emotioneel om het verlies van zijn vrienden Sayid, Jin en Sun die omgekomen waren in de onderzeeër door een bom van Jacobs broer.
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