  • Stegosaurus
  • Stegosaurus
  • Stegosaurus
  • The Stegosaurus was one of the first dinosaurs seen in King Kong It was wounded in the leg and couldn't get up so the search party just walked around it, hoping that its thorney tail wouldn't stab them or wound anyone. Once they got past the herbivore they went deeper into the jungle of Skull Island. In Peter Jackson's remake of the 1933 movie, the Stegosaurus was not featured. However, in the book The World of Kong: A Natural History of Skull Island, it did have a descendent on the Island called Atercerisaurus.
  • Stegosaurus is an adoptable animal in Zoo Tycoon and Zoo Tycoon 2 expansion packs. It is the largest member of the stegosaur family of dinosaurs. When it was originally found, it was thought that its plates lay flat on the animal's roof, hence the name "stegosaurus," meaning "roof lizard." It is now known, however, that the plates extend straight up out of its back. Stegosaurus was one of the less intelligent dinosaurs, and had a brain about the size of a walnut.
  • The Stegosaurus was released in May 2010. It was Retired in October 2010. Its pet specific food is the Primitive Pan Pizza and its pet specific food is the Prehistoric Plant.
  • The Stegosaurus is a non-mailable Rank 4 Item, used for clicking on a Dino Grazing Module, Rank 2, and allows a user to get up to 10 Dino Scales.
  • Der Stegosaurus ist eine ausgestorbene Tierart der Erde. Er gehört der Reptiliengruppe der Dinosaurier an und lebt während des Jura-Zeitalters vor ungefähr 155 bis 145 Millionen Jahren. Der Stegosaurus ist ein Pflanzenfresser. Commander Charles Tucker erwähnt gegenüber Lieutenant Malcolm Reed, dass er, hätte er die Möglichkeit durch die Zeit zu reisen, würde er gern einen Stegosaurus sehen. (ENT: )
  • The Stegosaurus also appears in the video game, LEGO Jurassic World.
  • Stegosauruses are first encountered on B9F. These bulky dinosaurs can inflict splashing damage with Great Spike, but are vulnerable to elemental attacks. They can take quite a few hits, making them rather annoying if you want to farm, but with the help of skills, they should die easily.
  • Stegosaurus is a genus of armoured Dinosaur from the Late Jurassic period.
  • Stegosaurus is a genus of stegosaurian from the Kimmeridgian and early Tithonian stages of the Late Jurassic epoch. There are three known species; S.sulcatus, S.ungulatus and S.stenops.
  • Like the other dinosaurs, scientists treat the Stegosaurus sightings as dubious. In particular, the Stegosaurus had been extinct long before other reported dinosaurs had existed. Stegosaurs did, however, live in packs with many other animals of their kind. The Stegosaur's front legs were far shorter than their back, meaning that the creature would be unable to run. The rows of plates on the back of the creature has been the subject of speculation, the most popular theory being that they were for regulating body heat. For defense, the creature had a tail with four large spikes on it.
  • Stegosaurus is monster #148, from Series 6 , the Dinosaurs. It had a points value of 150, and was rereleased in the Secret Skeleton Dinosaurs range. A version of this dinosaur was also released with Hardee's Kids' Meals as part of the Dinosaur in My Pocket range, as a small single-colour figurine, with a points value of 135.
  • Stegosaurus was a species of Predentate Dinosaur of the late Jurassic Period. The Fighting Fantasy Stegosaurus is obviously based on this, although there are differences. The one illustrated on the cover of Portal of Evil has the wrong kind of teeth for a real-world Stegosaurus, which had a toothless beak and covered batteries of cheek teeth.
  • Stegosaurus is a Genus of jurassic ornithischian dinosaur.
  • Height: TBA Weight: TBA Origin: Prehistoric Earth
  • The Stegosaurus is a limited edition animal on FarmVille. It was originally released on the March 28th, 2012 as part of the Prehistoric Event, available to purchase from the market for with File:XP-icon.png experience gain. The Stegosaurus cannot be sent as a gift to the neighbors.
  • Stegosaurus is one of the many Disney characters encountered in Kingdom Hearts II ½.
  • The Stegosaurus is a dinosaur that appears in Turok: Evolution and were to make an appearance in Turok, but they were removed. They are peaceful herbivores that only attack when they themselves are attacked.
  • Stegosaurus was a dinosaur that lived in the Late Jurassic Period of North America. Stegosaurus is famous for the armored plates that ran along its back and the four spikes on its tail.
  • A large, heavily built, herbivorous quadruped, Stegosaurus had a distinctive and unusual posture, with a heavily arched back, short forelimbs, head held low to the ground and a stiffened tail held high in the air. Its array of plates and spikes has been the subject of much speculation. The spikes were most likely used for defense, while the plates have also been proposed as a defensive mechanism, as well as having display and thermoregulatory (heat control) functions. Stegosaurus was the largest of all the stegosaurians (bigger than genera such as Kentrosaurus and Huayangosaurus) and, although roughly bus-sized, it nonetheless shared many anatomical features (including the tail spines and plates) with the other stegosaurian genera.
  • Stegosaurus (IPA: /ˌstɛgəˈsɔrəs/) is a genus of stegosaurid armoured dinosaur from the Late Jurassic period (late Kimmeridgian to Early Tithonian) in what is now western North America.
  • Stegosaurus ("roof lizard") is a genus of armored stegosaurid dinosaur, that lived during the Late Jurassic period, some [152-144] in what is now western North America. Stegosaurus appears in the episode "Bloodiest Battle".
  • It was long believed that the stegosaurus was extinct since the Mesozoic age, however, some still lived in areas of the Earth that were hidden for millions of years, such as underground jungles. An orange stegosaurus was seen by the Mole family in the subterranean land of Molesville.
  • The Stegosaurus is the Venture League faction pet. Only members of Venture League may tame this pet, which is found in Nexus Tower. Like the other faction pets, it must be lured out of its hiding place in order to be tamed. This is done by holding out a Stego Treat, which is made by Coalessa, and its instructions of use are given by Hael Storm.
  • Stegosaurus was bigger than your car. Imagine a larger version of your car, replace its wheels with elephantine feet, stick a head on the front and a tail on the end, and then add two rows of dinner plates along the top. Drive four stakes into the end of it, and you have yourself a crude model of what scientists imagine Stegosaurus to have looked like.
  • The stegosaurus are large orange, grey, or brown dinosaurs which live on the planet of Steggos. Although their brains are small, they are very intelligent, imaginative, and brave. Teggs, a major character in the Astrosaurs and Astrosaurs Academy books, is a stegosaurus, and so are Zed Abee, Zac, and Gazell. They are closely related to the kentrosaurus of Kentros.
  • Stegosaurus is am medium sized dinosaur that is protected by a spiked tail with a limited night vision and is a bone breaker and bleed type dinosaur with a temperament of a passive and clumsy nature and noted with an overall stamina of a low metabolic rate.
  • The huge Stegosaurus, with its very sharp, spiny plates, is usually a peaceful animal in the valley of Eodon. If avoided, it normally shows no interest in fighting. However, should it become angered, it is more than capable of defending itself, shredding opponents with its spiked tail. Even the mighty Tyrannosaurus avoids it when possible.
  • Stegosaurus lived in the Late Jurassic period around 155 to 145 million years ago. It is among the most easily recognized dinosaurs, due to the distinctive double row of kite-shaped plates on its back and the long spikes on its tail. The armor was necessary as it lived with such meat-eating theropods such as Allosaurus and Ceratosaurus. The use of the plates are still in dispute today. Some say it`s for mating porposes, others to ward off predators.
  • The Stegosaurus is a new species of dinosaur that you can find in the play The Penguins that Time Forgot. It was a new dinosaur in the Prehistoric Party 2014. Polo Field posted a sneak peek of it on the Club Penguin Blog.
  • Stegosaurus is a dinosaur that lived approximately 165-136 million years ago, mainly during the Tithonian Jurassic Period. It is a character of Fantasia, appearing in the "Rite of Spring" segment.
  • The Stegosaurus was an Earth dinosaur that lived in the Jurassic period. In 2152, Commander Charles Tucker III mentioned to Lieutenant Malcolm Reed that he always wanted to meet a Stegosaurus, whereupon Reed stated that it would probably make a quick meal out of the commander. Nonetheless, this would have been impossible since, as Tucker corrected the lieutenant, Stegosaurus was a herbivore. (ENT: "Future Tense") A picture of a creature resembling a stegosaurus was seen on a cave wall at an unnamed planet in "Vanishing Point"
  • A stegosaurus was a gargantuan, herbivorous, herd dinosaur found in Chult.
  • Stegosaurus is an ornithiscian, Stegosaurid plant-eater that lived approximately 152-141 million years ago in the United States.
  • Stegosaurus was a stegosaurian dinosaur from the Jurassic. It is characterized for its distinctive spinal plates and thagomizer.
  • Stegosaurus is a genus of stegosaurid armoured dinosaur from the Late Jurassic period (late Kimmeridgian to Early Tithonian) in what is now western North America. In 2006, a specimen of Stegosaurus was announced from Portugal, showing that they were present in Europe as well. Due to its distinctive tail spikes and plates, Stegosaurus is one of the most recognizable dinosaurs, along with Tyrannosaurus, Triceratops, and Apatosaurus. The name Stegosaurus means "roof-lizard" and is derived from the Greek , stegos- ("roof") and , -sauros ("lizard"). At least three species have been identified in the upper Morrison Formation and are known from the remains of about 80 individuals. They lived some 150 to 145 million years ago, in an environment and time dominated by the giant sauropods Diplodocus,
  • A Stegosaurus was a dinosaur indigenous to planet Earth millions of years ago. Stegosaurs were noted for being herbivorous and for having spiked tails. In 2152, Charles Tucker III mentioned to Malcolm Reed that he always wanted to meet a stegosaurus. (ENT episode: "Future Tense") In the year 2268 of an alternate timeline Earth, Doctor Leonard McCoy conjectured that a large, buffalo-sized animal that was phaser stunned by Captain Kirk, may have evolved from stegosaurs due to its spiked tail. (TOS novel: First Frontier)
  • Stegosaurus (/ˌstɛɡəˈsɔːrəs/) is a type of armored dinosaur. Their fossilbones have been found in rocks dated to the Late Jurassic period(Kimmeridgian to early Tithonian ages), between 155 and 150 million years ago, in the western United States and Portugal. Several species have been classified in the upper Morrison Formation of the western U.S, though only three are universally recognized; S. stenops, S. ungulatus and S. sulcatus. The remains of over 80 individual animals of this genus have been found. Stegosaurus would have lived alongside dinosaurs such as Apatosaurus, Diplodocus, Brachiosaurus and Allosaurus and Ceratosaurus; the latter two may have been predators of it.
  • Stegosaurus is one of many dinosaurs/animals in the sequence, mixed in with Permian, Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous species. When the Tyrannosaurus first appears, he is shocked like many of them. When the Tyrannosaurus lunges for the herbivores, the Stegosaurus is slow in getting away and fights the Tyrannosaurus in an effort to save himself. However, he is killed and eaten by the T-Rex.
  • The Stegosaurus is a prehistoric dinosaur and is also seen in Land of the Dinosaurs. He is also somehow land breathing and aquatic, possibly due to the trident's powers. The Stegosaurus was freed by Ariel and the other dinosaurs. Then he sees the Tyrannosaurus Rex and battles the hungry carnivore. The Stegosaurus goes on a rampage with T-Rex nad Triceratops and they destroy the vacation area. The Stegosaurus and the Triceratops are scared away by the humback whale family.
  • Der Stegosaurus ist ein thyreophorer Dinosaurier aus der Familie der Stegosauridae und damit ein Vertreter der Ornithischia (Vogelbeckendinosaurier), der vor 155–145 Millionen Jahren im Oberjura (Kimmeridgium bis frühes Tithonium) lebte. Mindestens drei verschiedene Arten wurden aus der unteren Morrison-Formation im westlichen Nordamerika geborgen, die Überreste stammen insgesamt von etwa 80 Individuen. Ein Fund aus Portugal im Jahr 2006 hat gezeigt, dass die Gattung auch in Europa vorkam. Mit seinen imposanten Knochenplatten und Schwanzstacheln ist Stegosaurus – zusammen mit Tyrannosaurus, Triceratops, Apatosaurus und Velociraptor – einer der populärsten Dinosaurier überhaupt. Der Name Stegosaurus bedeutet so viel wie „Dachechse“, abgeleitet von den altgriechischen Wörtern στέγος-, stegos
  • His card, along with his Move Card, was activated in Cambodia after falling from the wall of a temple. It was believed by the locals to be a monster that could only stopped by a goddess (mistaking that goddess to be Helga). The locals tried to capture him in a hole, but it escaped and scared them off. Then Rod summoned Terry to battle him. After Terry bit him and dodge his tail swipe, Rod was about to use a Move Card. However, Stegosaurus used Spike Arrows to defeat Terry and almost attacked Rod and Laura, but then Helga came to rescue then. Max summoned Chomp to battle him, but because Helga jumped on and rode him, the locals thought that she'd summoned him. He knocked Stegosaurus down, but when he used Spike Arrows again, Helga protected Chomp. Chomp then used Thunder Bazooka, which defe
  • thumb Descarga (37).jpg Elemento: Tierra. Primera aparición: ( Ep.38) Lugar donde se encontraba: Angkor Wat, Camboya. Como se activó: Su carta cayo al suelo. Quien lo obtuvo: Holga lo consiguió para Rod y Laura quienes se la entregaron a Seth. Después el Team D. Dinosaurios derrotados por él: Terry y Tiranosaurio negro Movimientos: Flechas espina.
  • thumb|400px Significa reptil con tejado. El extraño aspecto del Stegosaurus se debía a que su cuerpo era descomunal en relación a su pequeña cabeza, y a que sobre su espalda tenía numerosas placas en forma de hoja que aumentaban el tamaño relativo del animal y lo convertían en un monstruo acorazado. Antes se creía que estas placas estaban colocadas en horizontal, pero ahora se sabe que estaban colocadas en vertical y que servían para regular la temperatura del animal como si fuera un panel solar y que también servían como exhibición. Existen dos teorías sobre la disposición de ests placas, una dice que estaban colocadas en una hilera, y la otra, más aceptada dice que las placas estaban dispuestas en dos hileras alternadas. Pero detrás de esta apariencia se escondía un "tímido" herbívoro, m
  • The stegosaurus was a type of dinosaur, characterised by flat plates on its back and spikes on its tail. They were herbivores and existed during the Jurassic period. The Third Doctor encountered some during Operation Golden Age. (TV: Invasion of the Dinosaurs) They were approximately 3.2 meters long and 4.1 meters high. (TV: The Lost Boy) A stegosaurus was worth 500 points in the I-Spyder Book of Earth Creatures if spotted. (PROSE:The Last Dodo) A zoo on an Earth-like planet exhibited a stegosaurus or a stegosaurus-like creature. (COMIC: The Didus Expedition)
  • Neutral
  • y
  • Series 6
  • Dinosaur in My Pocket
  • The Penguins that Time Forgot, Holiday Party 2012, Holiday Party 2013, and the Prehistoric Party 2014, Prehistoric Party 2016
  • 29.500000
  • 1500.0
  • 9.0
  • 30.0
  • To not be eaten or die
  • 50
  • 344
cost curr type
  • cash
  • 8
Row 4 info
  • Skull Island
  • N/A
  • USA, North America
  • Fire, Ice, Volt
Items Needed
  • 10
xp gain type
  • home
Row 1 info
  • 23
Zoo Tycoon
  • Yes
harvest curr type
  • coin
  • 0
  • Drought, Tyrannosaurus Rex
Row 4 title
  • Home
  • Voiced by
  • Turf
harvest curr amt
  • 200
  • Slow, friendly, strong, tough, firm, defensive
  • None
  • No
  • Spiked Tail
Row 2 info
  • 14
  • Neutral
  • spines tail, strength, speed, senses, spines and endurance
Row 6 info
  • First appearance: "Bloodiest Battle"
Row 1 title
  • Species
  • Name
  • Home world
  • 180
Row 5 info
  • King Kong
  • Late Jurassic 155-144 Ma
  • Thick Hide
Row 2 title
  • Size
  • Role
  • Abilities and Weapons
  • Triceratops, Parasaurolophus, Diplodocus, Brontosaurus, Gryposaurus
grow time
  • 48
Row 6 title
  • Appearances
How to Obtain
  • Trade Shadow 5 Purple Bricks or send him a message saying "No"
xp gain amt
  • 1800
  • Always neutral
  • y
  • 135
  • 150
Row 5 title
  • First Appearance
  • Timespan
Row 3 info
  • Strength
  • Roar
  • Tail spines
  • Rite of Spring
  • Plated hide
  • Spike-tailed dinosaur
Row 3 title
  • Origin
  • Occupation
  • Defense/weaponry/ability
cost curr amt
  • 18
  • 148
  • Stegosaurus Stenops
  • Quadrupedal
Box Title
  • Herbivores
  • Stegosaurus
  • Campbell Morton
  • Alleged dinosaur army
  • Zoo Tycoon 2: Extinct Animals
  • Zoo Tycoon: Dinosaur Digs
  • Great Spike
  • 4.891428E15
  • Food, eating, water
  • Extinct
  • Pointable
  • 4
  • Large brown dinosaur with plates on its back and four spikes at the end of its tail
  • Large brown herbivorous dinosaur with plates on its back and four spikes at the end of its tail
  • Massive Herbivore
  • LEGO Jurassic World (game)
  • Jurassic Park: Builder
  • The Lost World: Jurassic Park
  • Jurassic Park
  • Jurassic Park III: The DNA Factor
  • Jurassic World: The Game
  • Jurassic Park III: Park Builder
  • Jurassic Park: Explorer
  • Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis
  • Warpath: Jurassic Park
  • Worlds of Ultima: The Savage Empire
  • Jurassic Park Dinosaur Battles
  • Jurassic Park III: Dino Defender
  • Jurassic Park: Trespasser
  • Stegosaurus
  • Family Stegosauridae. This beast dates to the late Jurassic era , was some 25 feet long, and weighs around four tons. An herbivore, it is notable for the series of spiny plates which protrude from its spine, and for the knot of sharp spikes at the end of its tail - its most formidable weapon. I regret to say that I cannot settle the debate over whether the spiny plates are actually armor or a mere heat - dispersal mechanism; none of these plated beasts has allowed me to get close enough to determine this. However, the natives of the Kurak Tribe say that monsters such as the Sharptooth circumspectly avoid the spines when attacking the Stegosaurus, which is some evidence that they play a definite defensive role.
  • Ornithischian
  • Slow, friendly, strong, tough
  • autosize
  • A stegosaurus in King Kong
  • Stegosaurus from The Savage Empire Cluebook
  • A stegosaurus defends itself from a pteranodon and a ceratosaur.
  • None
  • Strength
  • Gargantuan
  • 7
Fatalities caused
  • Unknown
  • 15
  • 20
birth type
  • Egg
Creature type
  • Thyreophoran Dinosaur
  • The Little Mermaid
  • The Little Mermaid (TV series)
  • 2082
  • Killed by Tyrannosaurus Rex in their fight and other stegos and brontosaurus trapped in mud and died of heat exhaustion
name meaning
  • "Hoofed roof Lizard"
  • 4
  • 5
  • Roofed lizard
  • None
  • 33
  • Inkworks Jurassic Park III Premium Trading Cards #63
  • Stegosaur Fin, Predatory Fang
  • Charles R. Knight
  • None
  • 9
  • 480.0
  • 4.0
  • Stegosaurus
  • Stegosaurus
  • Stegosaurus ungulatus
  • Grazing on Dino Grazing Rank 2
  • Spiked tail
  • Stegosaurus Stenops
  • Rank 4
Image size
  • 250
  • 300
  • A Rank 2 Plant Eating Dinosaur
  • An herbivore saurian with a unique dorsal fin. It's cowardly, but uses its fin to attack when angry.
  • No
  • Black
Weight Class
  • Extra Large
  • Slash, Pierce
  • Strength
  • 32
  • Bony back plates along spine
  • Spiked tail
  • Stego
  • None
c1 encounters
  • yes
  • 450
c1 look
  • 0.600000
  • 45
  • 60
c1 smell
  • 0.400000
c1 rank
  • Novice
c1 length
  • 7
c1 description
  • This is a good dinosaur for the beginning hunter. This is an easy dinosaur to recognize due to the giant plates protruding from their backs, in two staggered rows and spikes on the end of his tail. This bus-sized herbivore, weighing up to six tons has an average sense of sight, a low sense of smell, and an average sense of hearing. The target-zone on this specimen is the head area.
c2 look
  • 0.600000
c2 basescore
  • 7
c2 encounters
  • yes
c1 hear
  • 0.800000
c2 smell
  • 0.400000
c2 hear
  • 0.800000
c1 basescore
  • 7
c2 length
  • 7
  • 2000
  • Stegosaurus The Isle.png
  • Stegosaurus stenops
  • 5
  • Stegosaurus
  • Herbivore
  • Leader of the herbivorous dinosaurs
Time Period
  • Late Jurassic
  • 600
  • 628
  • Fantasia
  • Fantasia 2000
  • Triceratops Parasaurolophus, Diplodocus, Brontosaurus, Gryposaurus, other herbivores, Dimetrodon
  • USA, North America
  • None
  • Late Jurassic, 155-150 mya
  • 400
  • Plant
  • Herbivore
  • herbivore
Image File
  • Images2.jpg
  • Stego2.jpg
  • stegosaurus.png
  • 3447
  • No
  • Stop-motion
  • Yes
  • Ultimate Adventures Magazine
  • Orange/Grey legs
  • Charles R. Knight
HM Number
  • HM465
  • NA
  • None
  • No
  • 4
  • Huge
  • Tyrannosaurus, Utahraptor, Dinosaurus
  • Dinosaur, Pteranodon, Tyrannosaurus, Triceratops, Apatosaurus.
  • Day
  • Plants and Fruit
theme park
  • Jurassic Park: River Adventure
c2 cost
  • 20
c1 health
  • 5
c2 mass
  • 7
c2 health
  • 7
c1 mass
  • 7
  • The Stegosaurus was one of the first dinosaurs seen in King Kong It was wounded in the leg and couldn't get up so the search party just walked around it, hoping that its thorney tail wouldn't stab them or wound anyone. Once they got past the herbivore they went deeper into the jungle of Skull Island. In Peter Jackson's remake of the 1933 movie, the Stegosaurus was not featured. However, in the book The World of Kong: A Natural History of Skull Island, it did have a descendent on the Island called Atercerisaurus.
  • Stegosaurus is an adoptable animal in Zoo Tycoon and Zoo Tycoon 2 expansion packs. It is the largest member of the stegosaur family of dinosaurs. When it was originally found, it was thought that its plates lay flat on the animal's roof, hence the name "stegosaurus," meaning "roof lizard." It is now known, however, that the plates extend straight up out of its back. Stegosaurus was one of the less intelligent dinosaurs, and had a brain about the size of a walnut.
  • The Stegosaurus was released in May 2010. It was Retired in October 2010. Its pet specific food is the Primitive Pan Pizza and its pet specific food is the Prehistoric Plant.
  • The Stegosaurus is a non-mailable Rank 4 Item, used for clicking on a Dino Grazing Module, Rank 2, and allows a user to get up to 10 Dino Scales.
  • Der Stegosaurus ist eine ausgestorbene Tierart der Erde. Er gehört der Reptiliengruppe der Dinosaurier an und lebt während des Jura-Zeitalters vor ungefähr 155 bis 145 Millionen Jahren. Der Stegosaurus ist ein Pflanzenfresser. Commander Charles Tucker erwähnt gegenüber Lieutenant Malcolm Reed, dass er, hätte er die Möglichkeit durch die Zeit zu reisen, würde er gern einen Stegosaurus sehen. (ENT: )
  • Stegosaurus (/ˌstɛɡəˈsɔːrəs/) is a type of armored dinosaur. Their fossilbones have been found in rocks dated to the Late Jurassic period(Kimmeridgian to early Tithonian ages), between 155 and 150 million years ago, in the western United States and Portugal. Several species have been classified in the upper Morrison Formation of the western U.S, though only three are universally recognized; S. stenops, S. ungulatus and S. sulcatus. The remains of over 80 individual animals of this genus have been found. Stegosaurus would have lived alongside dinosaurs such as Apatosaurus, Diplodocus, Brachiosaurus and Allosaurus and Ceratosaurus; the latter two may have been predators of it. These were a large, heavily built, herbivorous quadrupeds with rounded backs, short fore limbs, long hind limbs, and tails held high in the air. Due to their distinctive combination of broad, upright plates and tail tipped with spikes, Stegosaurus is one of the most recognizable kinds of dinosaur. The function of this array of plates and spikes has been the subject of much speculation among scientists. Today, it is generally agreed that their spikes were most likely used for defense against predators, while their plates may have been used primarily for display, and secondarily for thermoregulatoryfunctions. Stegosaurus had a relatively low brain-to-body mass ratio. They had short necks and small heads, meaning they most likely ate low-lying bushes and shrubs. One species, Stegosaurus ungulatus, is the largest known of all the stegosaurians (bigger than related dinosaurs such as Kentrosaurus and Huayangosaurus). Stegosaurus remains were first identified during the "Bone Wars" by Othniel Charles Marsh. The first known skeletons were fragmentary and the bones were scattered, and it would be many years before the true appearance of these animals, including their posture and plate arrangement, became well understood. The name Stegosaurus means "roof lizard" or "covered lizard", in reference to its bony plates. Despite its popularity in books and film, mounted skeletons of Stegosaurus did not become a staple of major natural history museums until the mid-20th century, and many museums have had to assemble composite displays from several different specimens due to a lack of complete skeletons.
  • The Stegosaurus is a prehistoric dinosaur and is also seen in Land of the Dinosaurs. He is also somehow land breathing and aquatic, possibly due to the trident's powers. The Stegosaurus was freed by Ariel and the other dinosaurs. Then he sees the Tyrannosaurus Rex and battles the hungry carnivore. The Stegosaurus goes on a rampage with T-Rex nad Triceratops and they destroy the vacation area. The Stegosaurus and the Triceratops are scared away by the humback whale family. The Stegosaurus is last seen happy with the Triceratops and the Brontosaurus family on land where Triton found their island home.
  • The Stegosaurus also appears in the video game, LEGO Jurassic World.
  • Stegosaurus is a genus of stegosaurid armoured dinosaur from the Late Jurassic period (late Kimmeridgian to Early Tithonian) in what is now western North America. In 2006, a specimen of Stegosaurus was announced from Portugal, showing that they were present in Europe as well. Due to its distinctive tail spikes and plates, Stegosaurus is one of the most recognizable dinosaurs, along with Tyrannosaurus, Triceratops, and Apatosaurus. The name Stegosaurus means "roof-lizard" and is derived from the Greek , stegos- ("roof") and , -sauros ("lizard"). At least three species have been identified in the upper Morrison Formation and are known from the remains of about 80 individuals. They lived some 150 to 145 million years ago, in an environment and time dominated by the giant sauropods Diplodocus, Camarasaurus, and Apatosaurus. A large, heavily built, herbivorous quadruped, Stegosaurus had a distinctive and unusual posture, with a heavily arched back, short forelimbs, head held low to the ground and a stiffened tail held high in the air. Its array of plates and spikes has been the subject of much speculation. The spikes were most likely used for defense, while the plates have also been proposed as a defensive mechanism, as well as having display and thermoregulatory (heat control) functions. Stegosaurus was the largest of all the stegosaurians (bigger than genera such as Kentrosaurus and Huayangosaurus) and, although roughly bus-sized, it nonetheless shared many anatomical features (including the tail spines and plates) with the other stegosaurian genera.
  • Stegosauruses are first encountered on B9F. These bulky dinosaurs can inflict splashing damage with Great Spike, but are vulnerable to elemental attacks. They can take quite a few hits, making them rather annoying if you want to farm, but with the help of skills, they should die easily.
  • Stegosaurus is a genus of armoured Dinosaur from the Late Jurassic period.
  • Stegosaurus is a genus of stegosaurian from the Kimmeridgian and early Tithonian stages of the Late Jurassic epoch. There are three known species; S.sulcatus, S.ungulatus and S.stenops.
  • Like the other dinosaurs, scientists treat the Stegosaurus sightings as dubious. In particular, the Stegosaurus had been extinct long before other reported dinosaurs had existed. Stegosaurs did, however, live in packs with many other animals of their kind. The Stegosaur's front legs were far shorter than their back, meaning that the creature would be unable to run. The rows of plates on the back of the creature has been the subject of speculation, the most popular theory being that they were for regulating body heat. For defense, the creature had a tail with four large spikes on it.
  • Stegosaurus is monster #148, from Series 6 , the Dinosaurs. It had a points value of 150, and was rereleased in the Secret Skeleton Dinosaurs range. A version of this dinosaur was also released with Hardee's Kids' Meals as part of the Dinosaur in My Pocket range, as a small single-colour figurine, with a points value of 135.
  • Stegosaurus was a species of Predentate Dinosaur of the late Jurassic Period. The Fighting Fantasy Stegosaurus is obviously based on this, although there are differences. The one illustrated on the cover of Portal of Evil has the wrong kind of teeth for a real-world Stegosaurus, which had a toothless beak and covered batteries of cheek teeth.
  • His card, along with his Move Card, was activated in Cambodia after falling from the wall of a temple. It was believed by the locals to be a monster that could only stopped by a goddess (mistaking that goddess to be Helga). The locals tried to capture him in a hole, but it escaped and scared them off. Then Rod summoned Terry to battle him. After Terry bit him and dodge his tail swipe, Rod was about to use a Move Card. However, Stegosaurus used Spike Arrows to defeat Terry and almost attacked Rod and Laura, but then Helga came to rescue then. Max summoned Chomp to battle him, but because Helga jumped on and rode him, the locals thought that she'd summoned him. He knocked Stegosaurus down, but when he used Spike Arrows again, Helga protected Chomp. Chomp then used Thunder Bazooka, which defeated Stegosaurus. Despite that, Helga claimed the cards and gave them to Rod and Laura, who brought them to Seth. Later, Zoe gave his card to Laura, who summoned him in a fight against the Black T-Rex, using Spike Arrows in the Fusion Move that defeats him.
  • Stegosaurus is a Genus of jurassic ornithischian dinosaur.
  • Height: TBA Weight: TBA Origin: Prehistoric Earth
  • The Stegosaurus is a limited edition animal on FarmVille. It was originally released on the March 28th, 2012 as part of the Prehistoric Event, available to purchase from the market for with File:XP-icon.png experience gain. The Stegosaurus cannot be sent as a gift to the neighbors.
  • Stegosaurus is one of the many Disney characters encountered in Kingdom Hearts II ½.
  • The Stegosaurus is a dinosaur that appears in Turok: Evolution and were to make an appearance in Turok, but they were removed. They are peaceful herbivores that only attack when they themselves are attacked.
  • Stegosaurus was a dinosaur that lived in the Late Jurassic Period of North America. Stegosaurus is famous for the armored plates that ran along its back and the four spikes on its tail.
  • A large, heavily built, herbivorous quadruped, Stegosaurus had a distinctive and unusual posture, with a heavily arched back, short forelimbs, head held low to the ground and a stiffened tail held high in the air. Its array of plates and spikes has been the subject of much speculation. The spikes were most likely used for defense, while the plates have also been proposed as a defensive mechanism, as well as having display and thermoregulatory (heat control) functions. Stegosaurus was the largest of all the stegosaurians (bigger than genera such as Kentrosaurus and Huayangosaurus) and, although roughly bus-sized, it nonetheless shared many anatomical features (including the tail spines and plates) with the other stegosaurian genera.
  • Stegosaurus (IPA: /ˌstɛgəˈsɔrəs/) is a genus of stegosaurid armoured dinosaur from the Late Jurassic period (late Kimmeridgian to Early Tithonian) in what is now western North America.
  • Stegosaurus ("roof lizard") is a genus of armored stegosaurid dinosaur, that lived during the Late Jurassic period, some [152-144] in what is now western North America. Stegosaurus appears in the episode "Bloodiest Battle".
  • It was long believed that the stegosaurus was extinct since the Mesozoic age, however, some still lived in areas of the Earth that were hidden for millions of years, such as underground jungles. An orange stegosaurus was seen by the Mole family in the subterranean land of Molesville.
  • The Stegosaurus is the Venture League faction pet. Only members of Venture League may tame this pet, which is found in Nexus Tower. Like the other faction pets, it must be lured out of its hiding place in order to be tamed. This is done by holding out a Stego Treat, which is made by Coalessa, and its instructions of use are given by Hael Storm.
  • Stegosaurus was bigger than your car. Imagine a larger version of your car, replace its wheels with elephantine feet, stick a head on the front and a tail on the end, and then add two rows of dinner plates along the top. Drive four stakes into the end of it, and you have yourself a crude model of what scientists imagine Stegosaurus to have looked like.
  • thumb|400px Significa reptil con tejado. El extraño aspecto del Stegosaurus se debía a que su cuerpo era descomunal en relación a su pequeña cabeza, y a que sobre su espalda tenía numerosas placas en forma de hoja que aumentaban el tamaño relativo del animal y lo convertían en un monstruo acorazado. Antes se creía que estas placas estaban colocadas en horizontal, pero ahora se sabe que estaban colocadas en vertical y que servían para regular la temperatura del animal como si fuera un panel solar y que también servían como exhibición. Existen dos teorías sobre la disposición de ests placas, una dice que estaban colocadas en una hilera, y la otra, más aceptada dice que las placas estaban dispuestas en dos hileras alternadas. Pero detrás de esta apariencia se escondía un "tímido" herbívoro, más bien lento y pesado y que solo tenía un arma para defenderse, las cuatro púas de su cola, que utilizaba moviendo la cola e intentando clavárselas a sus rivales. La cabeza y por lo tanto el cerebro eran muy pequeños (de hecho el cerebro tenía el tamaño de una nuez) lo que hace suponer que no tenía los sentidos muy desarrollados. En el extremo del hocico tenía un pico córneo que servía para cortar las hojas. Las mandíbulas del Stegosaurus tenían de muchos dientes pequeños y afilados que no permitían triturar el alimento. Por ello se cree que el Stegosaurus tenía un gran estómago y tenía que tragar piedras estomacales para triturar el alimento en el estómago. Categoría:Reptiles Categoría:Dinosaurios Categoría:Ornitisquios Categoría:Stegosaurios Categoría:Fauna del Jurásico
  • thumb Descarga (37).jpg Elemento: Tierra. Primera aparición: ( Ep.38) Lugar donde se encontraba: Angkor Wat, Camboya. Como se activó: Su carta cayo al suelo. Quien lo obtuvo: Holga lo consiguió para Rod y Laura quienes se la entregaron a Seth. Después el Team D. Dinosaurios derrotados por él: Terry y Tiranosaurio negro Movimientos: Flechas espina. Otros Datos: Los habitantes de la región lo confundieron con un monstruo místico. Fue derrotado por Holga . Ayudó a vencer al Tyrannosaurus negro.En la segunda temporada Seth lo hizo mutante para Zapper y al final de la serie vuelve a la normalidad y lo recupera la pandila alpha Categoría:Dinosaurios del anime
  • Stegosaurus is one of many dinosaurs/animals in the sequence, mixed in with Permian, Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous species. When the Tyrannosaurus first appears, he is shocked like many of them. When the Tyrannosaurus lunges for the herbivores, the Stegosaurus is slow in getting away and fights the Tyrannosaurus in an effort to save himself. However, he is killed and eaten by the T-Rex. Later, other stegosaurs appears in the group of dinosaurs marching through the drought. They are trapped in a muddy pit with Brontosaurus and Diplodocus then they are killed by heat exhaustion and attacked by desperately hungry Ceratosaurs.
  • Der Stegosaurus ist ein thyreophorer Dinosaurier aus der Familie der Stegosauridae und damit ein Vertreter der Ornithischia (Vogelbeckendinosaurier), der vor 155–145 Millionen Jahren im Oberjura (Kimmeridgium bis frühes Tithonium) lebte. Mindestens drei verschiedene Arten wurden aus der unteren Morrison-Formation im westlichen Nordamerika geborgen, die Überreste stammen insgesamt von etwa 80 Individuen. Ein Fund aus Portugal im Jahr 2006 hat gezeigt, dass die Gattung auch in Europa vorkam. Mit seinen imposanten Knochenplatten und Schwanzstacheln ist Stegosaurus – zusammen mit Tyrannosaurus, Triceratops, Apatosaurus und Velociraptor – einer der populärsten Dinosaurier überhaupt. Der Name Stegosaurus bedeutet so viel wie „Dachechse“, abgeleitet von den altgriechischen Wörtern στέγος-, stegos- („Dach“) und σαῦρος, -sauros („Echse“). Stegosaurus war ein großer, schwergebauter und quadrupeder (vierbeinig laufender) Herbivore mit einer ungewöhnlichen Körperhaltung: Der Rücken war stark gewölbt, die Vorderbeine waren kurz. Den Schwanz hielt das Tier hoch in der Luft, während der Kopf nahe über dem Boden gehalten wurde. Seine verschiedenen Knochenplatten und Schwanzstacheln boten Stoff für viele Spekulationen. Während letztere sehr wahrscheinlich zur Verteidigung dienten, wurden für die Knochenplatten Funktionen wie Verteidigung, Temperaturregulierung oder Brautwerbung vorgeschlagen. Stegosaurus war mit bis zu 9 Metern Länge der größte bekannte Vertreter der Stegosauria, teilte aber viele anatomische Merkmale, wie z. B. die Schwanzstacheln, mit seinen Verwandten.
  • The stegosaurus are large orange, grey, or brown dinosaurs which live on the planet of Steggos. Although their brains are small, they are very intelligent, imaginative, and brave. Teggs, a major character in the Astrosaurs and Astrosaurs Academy books, is a stegosaurus, and so are Zed Abee, Zac, and Gazell. They are closely related to the kentrosaurus of Kentros.
  • Stegosaurus is am medium sized dinosaur that is protected by a spiked tail with a limited night vision and is a bone breaker and bleed type dinosaur with a temperament of a passive and clumsy nature and noted with an overall stamina of a low metabolic rate.
  • The huge Stegosaurus, with its very sharp, spiny plates, is usually a peaceful animal in the valley of Eodon. If avoided, it normally shows no interest in fighting. However, should it become angered, it is more than capable of defending itself, shredding opponents with its spiked tail. Even the mighty Tyrannosaurus avoids it when possible.
  • The stegosaurus was a type of dinosaur, characterised by flat plates on its back and spikes on its tail. They were herbivores and existed during the Jurassic period. The Third Doctor encountered some during Operation Golden Age. (TV: Invasion of the Dinosaurs) They were approximately 3.2 meters long and 4.1 meters high. (TV: The Lost Boy) A stegosaurus was worth 500 points in the I-Spyder Book of Earth Creatures if spotted. (PROSE:The Last Dodo) On an alternate Earth, stegosaurus was one of the creatures bought back from extinction by the Silurians and were allowed to roam free (PROSE: Blood Heat) A zoo on an Earth-like planet exhibited a stegosaurus or a stegosaurus-like creature. (COMIC: The Didus Expedition) The last stegosaurus was exhibited in the Museum of the Last Ones. (PROSE: The Last Dodo)
  • A Stegosaurus was a dinosaur indigenous to planet Earth millions of years ago. Stegosaurs were noted for being herbivorous and for having spiked tails. In 2152, Charles Tucker III mentioned to Malcolm Reed that he always wanted to meet a stegosaurus. (ENT episode: "Future Tense") In the year 2268 of an alternate timeline Earth, Doctor Leonard McCoy conjectured that a large, buffalo-sized animal that was phaser stunned by Captain Kirk, may have evolved from stegosaurs due to its spiked tail. (TOS novel: First Frontier) Neon's species had long tails that were spiked like a stegosaurus'. (TOS novel: The Entropy Effect)
  • Stegosaurus lived in the Late Jurassic period around 155 to 145 million years ago. It is among the most easily recognized dinosaurs, due to the distinctive double row of kite-shaped plates on its back and the long spikes on its tail. The armor was necessary as it lived with such meat-eating theropods such as Allosaurus and Ceratosaurus. The use of the plates are still in dispute today. Some say it`s for mating porposes, others to ward off predators.
  • The Stegosaurus is a new species of dinosaur that you can find in the play The Penguins that Time Forgot. It was a new dinosaur in the Prehistoric Party 2014. Polo Field posted a sneak peek of it on the Club Penguin Blog.
  • Stegosaurus is a dinosaur that lived approximately 165-136 million years ago, mainly during the Tithonian Jurassic Period. It is a character of Fantasia, appearing in the "Rite of Spring" segment.
  • The Stegosaurus was an Earth dinosaur that lived in the Jurassic period. In 2152, Commander Charles Tucker III mentioned to Lieutenant Malcolm Reed that he always wanted to meet a Stegosaurus, whereupon Reed stated that it would probably make a quick meal out of the commander. Nonetheless, this would have been impossible since, as Tucker corrected the lieutenant, Stegosaurus was a herbivore. (ENT: "Future Tense") A picture of a creature resembling a stegosaurus was seen on a cave wall at an unnamed planet in "Vanishing Point"
  • A stegosaurus was a gargantuan, herbivorous, herd dinosaur found in Chult.
  • Stegosaurus is an ornithiscian, Stegosaurid plant-eater that lived approximately 152-141 million years ago in the United States.
  • Stegosaurus was a stegosaurian dinosaur from the Jurassic. It is characterized for its distinctive spinal plates and thagomizer.
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