  • King Columbus
  • King Columbus is an upcoming villian in King Columbus Saga in Dragon Ball (BurningCow Version). He was one of the great sons of Frieza, a mutant and a treacherous ruler of Planet Columbus. The Columbus is a pun for high freezing fruits up to 10 Celcias. He put up the Multiverse TOURnament to anhilate Goku Jr. and his comrades who put an end to his army. Details coming soon or later!.
  • King Columbus is an upcoming villian in King Columbus Saga in Dragon Ball (BurningCow Version). He was one of the great sons of Frieza, a mutant and a treacherous ruler of Planet Columbus. The Columbus is a pun for high freezing fruits up to 10 Celcias. He put up the Multiverse TOURnament to anhilate Goku Jr. and his comrades who put an end to his army. Details coming soon or later!.