  • Chumbley
  • The Doctor deduced they were blind because they seemed to feel their way around the exterior of the TARDIS. Later, he determined they had the ability to detect sound waves and heat. They were powered by a form of magnetism and could be immobilised by ensnaring them in a metal mesh. They resisted gunfire by voluntary deactivation. When they switched themselves off, their bodies telescoped down, reducing their height by roughly half. The concentric rings of metal that comprised their bodies folded into each other, thereby protecting the interior of the robot.
  • Rills
  • Chumbley
  • The Doctor deduced they were blind because they seemed to feel their way around the exterior of the TARDIS. Later, he determined they had the ability to detect sound waves and heat. They were powered by a form of magnetism and could be immobilised by ensnaring them in a metal mesh. They resisted gunfire by voluntary deactivation. When they switched themselves off, their bodies telescoped down, reducing their height by roughly half. The concentric rings of metal that comprised their bodies folded into each other, thereby protecting the interior of the robot. Their primary task was to act as a translator between the Rills and other beings. They could analyse the speech patterns of other beings and allow the thoughts of the Rills to be "spoken" through their onboard speakers in the language of the listener. They continued to appear around the Drahvins' ship because the Rills were merely trying to communicate. The Chumblies assisted the Rills in other ways. Because the Rills could not metabolise oxygen, the Chumblies were the only way the Rills could experience oxygen-rich planets, such as the one on which they had crashed. They were thus a kind of probe, sending data back to their masters. (TV: Galaxy 4)