  • TV
  • TV
  • Tv
  • Tv
  • Tv
  • TV
  • TV
  • TV
  • Tv
  • Tv
  • Tv
  • Television
  • Momentan schreiben wir an Artikeln: (bearbeiten) Hilfe Um einen neuen Artikel zu erstellen, musst du nur den Artikelnamen in diese Box schreiben: Diese Artikel brauchen deine Hilfe. __NOEDITSECTION__
  • TV (aka. television, telly, the idiot's lantern) is a magic box that shows pictures and sound. It is a tool of Satan and is most likely powered by voodoo. In 2013 79% of the world's households owned a TV. The other 21% entertain themselves by masturbating.
  • TV is a box that shows all different stuff. A TV always has channels. This is the TV Channel Guide for all all the cities' TVs in the ocean.
  • Auch Fernsehen genannt. Groß angelegte Aktion, um möglichst breite Schichten der Bevölkerung ruhig zu stellen und unter Kontrolle zu halten, in dem man ihr bunte, laute und bewegte Bilder direkt ins eigene Heim sendet. Fernsehen ist definitiv auch der Feind.
  • Eintrag im WikiIndex ansehen Kategorie:Projektbeschreibungen TV ist ein Wiki rund um alle Fernsehsender und -sendungen. Es wird auch Informationen über Hintergründe und vieles weitere beinhalten.
  • TV is a character in Elmo's World. Elmo uses it to watch channels and his home movies which regularly include The Lecture Lady lecturing about the topic of the day.
  • "TV" is an original English song by Creep-P featuring Ruby. According to the producer, the song is about how the media blames the victims and hurts minorities for just fighting back.
  • Tv is the forty seventh episode of the series Weebl & Bob. Posted: 16th October, 2003 Summary: Ever wondered what gets watched on TV in Weebl land? Here's your chance to find out! Tune: 68 Pie - Banana Overlord Credits: Weebl and Skoo
  • In the UK there are three main free to air operators - ITV (privately owned), Channel 4 (public owned) and the BBC (government owned). There is analogue TV transmission and increasingly digital as well - from Freesat and Freeview. BBC programs can also be played on an Internet connected PC or device using iPlayer. For pay television the main player has has been Sky (also known as BSkyB) and there are a range of other players also. Setanta has also gained ground as it has picked up the rights for football. If TV is watched in the UK then a TV license fee must be paid.
  • TV er en gjenstand som følger med hoved-pakken i alle Sims-spillene. Det kommer selvfølgelig nye TV'er etter vært i ulike utvidelsespakker. Det er bare i The Sims 2 og The Sims 3 at man kan lære ferdigheter ved hjelp av en TV.
  • TV is a city in New Jersey, with a population of 15,000.
  • This is the TV Channel Guide for all cities TVs in USA
  • Slang for Observer Mode. Guilds in the top 100 have all their games displayed on "TV". Often when a guild finds out that its random opponent is a top 100 guild, players say "We're on TV!" and "Don't make us look bad guys, this one's on TV". Playing on TV adds pressure to guilds who are not used to it. Being on TV makes it hard for guilds to try out innovative ideas because anything they do in a general ladder match is displayed automatically, so anyone can copy them.
  • En TV är en , Äh? Gaga... stor fyrkantig svart sak där det ibland kommer flimmer uppå skärmen. Visar den någon gång bild visar , vad heter det nu? Gagli Gugg... den alltid reklam , därav namnet (De va' som fan = Te've so faaan=Teve) Det är TV som lärt , Va ä' dä' där vi-iga nu? Jo! oss Tvmiddag, för att nämna en.
  • Bekannt als Suchtmittel ist es für viele verschiedene Arten von Lebewesen notwendiger Lebensinhalt. Es gibt viele verschiedene Programme. Die wichtigsten sind RTL, RTL 2, Super RTL, 9Live, DSF, Home Shopping, Beate Uhse TV und Al-Qaida. Dass das Fernsehen so wichtig ist, erkennt man auch an vielen wichtigen Sendungen in denen Scheiße zu Gold gemacht wird. Beispielsweie wären dort DSDS (Deutschland sucht den Supersturm) und die Dschungel-Show zu nennen.
  • A TV, or television, is an item of furniture obtainable in the Animal Crossing series. Like in real life, TVs broadcast an assortment of programs when turned on, such as game shows, cartoons, or plays. TVs also feature weather forecasts that tell the player the weather of the following day. In Animal Crossing, TVs play one show that can be viewed only on a certain TV. Interestingly, most TVs in the Animal Crossing series series appear to be based on CRT monitors (which were standard among households from the late 1940's to the late 2000's), with only a select few based on HD LED monitors (which have been standard among households since the late 2000's).
  • The Boob-Tube, the Idiotbox, the Telly, the Goggle Box. Whatever name takes your fancy, they all do the same thing. 96.7% of American households plop down in front of their Television, and spend hours watching their favorite programming. Almost zombie-like, families across America watch their Television-sets in complete silence, only breaking their social-ineptitude when the inevitable five-minutes of paid-programming from the network's sponsors interrupt their show for short breaks. One family, the Adams, had the most unique experience. File:"TV"
  • TV est l'acronyme utilisé pour Temps Vivants. Il s'agit de l'intervalle de temps débutant en l'an 30 875 006 Il s'achève en 49 994 000 Il s'agit ainsi de l'un des intervalles de temps parmis les plus longs qui furent avec sa durée de presque 20 millions d'années. Il succède aux Temps d'Effroi (TE) et prècede la Rupture du Temps (RT) L'an 0 TV correspond à la destruction du monde Neverat, origine de la créature connue sous la dénomination du Leviathan d'argent.
  • TV's were used in the mideval times to watch training programs and to find out how to sever the neck of civilians gone wrong. People with swords who got mad at TV's freezing up during a storm would shoot the TV with a gun. However, due to lack of targeting skills and aiming, the TV unfortunately survived through several ice ages to end up to be used in modern times. The things on TV often show many various actors, such as Jim Carrey, Adam Sandler, Will Smith, & Thomas Jefferson.
  • The TV/television is located in the Living Room on Chibi-Robo!. It appears to be on all the time, receiving two channels during the day (news and the Drake Redcrest Show), and no signal during the night. One of the minor tasks for Chibi-Robo is to change channels for Mr. Sanderson as the story progresses.
  • 10000
  • "TV"
original upload date
  • Dec.2.2016
  • DerAndre
  • 2016-12-02
  • 10072008
  • Inaktiv
  • Commercials
  • The Doctor explains how the TARDIS can be bigger on the inside
  • Furniture
  • "TV"
  • 15
  • Used for killing time.
  • black; color:white
  • Creep-P * Prisma * Kuma
  • You've discovered Television, haven't you? Then by showing an enormous building on your television screen, you can do what seemed impossible!
  • 2
wikipage disambiguates
  • Retro TV Commercial
  • TV
  • Apple TV Commercial
  • Snowman TV Commercial
  • Television
  • Momentan schreiben wir an Artikeln: (bearbeiten) Hilfe Um einen neuen Artikel zu erstellen, musst du nur den Artikelnamen in diese Box schreiben: Diese Artikel brauchen deine Hilfe. __NOEDITSECTION__
  • TV (aka. television, telly, the idiot's lantern) is a magic box that shows pictures and sound. It is a tool of Satan and is most likely powered by voodoo. In 2013 79% of the world's households owned a TV. The other 21% entertain themselves by masturbating.
  • TV is a box that shows all different stuff. A TV always has channels. This is the TV Channel Guide for all all the cities' TVs in the ocean.
  • The Boob-Tube, the Idiotbox, the Telly, the Goggle Box. Whatever name takes your fancy, they all do the same thing. 96.7% of American households plop down in front of their Television, and spend hours watching their favorite programming. Almost zombie-like, families across America watch their Television-sets in complete silence, only breaking their social-ineptitude when the inevitable five-minutes of paid-programming from the network's sponsors interrupt their show for short breaks. In today's day-and-age, commercials are a thing of the past. We've got our Tivo, DVR, Netflix, and so-on. These technological advances in media have rendered most forms of media-related advertisement virtually unwatched. In the early 90's, the company ElmCorp began development on a piece of technology that does what most modern DVR devices do today. It would give every-day Americans the ability to pause, fast-forward, rewind, and even record their favorite shows onto a small cable-box. On June 20, 1993, near one-hundred prototypes had been released to households around America. Many of the families were confused at first, due to the device's lack of any means to plug it into their TV set. The small box simply needed to be set atop or near a television, and the remote-controller user-interface would display on the screen. User reports state that children, aged 5–12, would act strange after constant exposure to the ElmCorp device. Aggressive behavior, anti-social behavior, and in rare cases, nosebleeds. Many of the beta-testers had been forced to send the prototype back to the company because of the constant image distortion during programs. A few families even claimed to hear distorted dialogue, completely unrelated to the corresponding program. It was always a deep gravely inaudible voice, seemingly whispering gibberish. One family, the Adams, had the most unique experience. "In the first few months, the product worked like a charm! It was everything that we thought it would be, and more. Our fourteen-year-old son enjoyed the product most of all. Being able to record his favorite shows, and access them at any time was a big deal for him! Every day, he would come home from school at around 4:00pm. My husband and I would come home from our jobs around 6 or 7. Our son's job was to do his chores, finish his homework. Watching one of his action-shows. He wouldn't respond to me. I kept shouting his name, but he wouldn't turn around. Something was wrong. The TV started making these strange noises. Like, coughing almost. The TV set had displayed random colors on the screen. When we looked at our son... His eyes. They were glazed. There were scars all over his face. It was terrifying. He was still conscious, breathing. We took him to the hospital, where he died. He'd developed some sort of brain-tumor. I don't know how this happened, but we pray this doesn't happen to anyone else." The beta-test had ended on August 10, 1994, a day after the death of the Adams child. Every last box had been returned to the company. ElmCorp's CEO, Ned R. Elmsman had nothing to say regarding the boy's death, or any other strange incident for that matter. The final version of the product had never been released. The company eventually fell apart a year later, and other companies began to develop working versions of the product. It's strange, actually. I had obtained the phone numbers of several ElmCorp employees, only to have a dropped calls every time, always after I'd asked about the man who owned the company. I've tried getting ahold of this man, asking around, looking through old yellow-pages. Nothing. It's as if the man had vanished into thin air. File:"TV"
  • Auch Fernsehen genannt. Groß angelegte Aktion, um möglichst breite Schichten der Bevölkerung ruhig zu stellen und unter Kontrolle zu halten, in dem man ihr bunte, laute und bewegte Bilder direkt ins eigene Heim sendet. Fernsehen ist definitiv auch der Feind.
  • TV est l'acronyme utilisé pour Temps Vivants. Il s'agit de l'intervalle de temps débutant en l'an 30 875 006 Il s'achève en 49 994 000 Il s'agit ainsi de l'un des intervalles de temps parmis les plus longs qui furent avec sa durée de presque 20 millions d'années. Il succède aux Temps d'Effroi (TE) et prècede la Rupture du Temps (RT) L'an 0 TV correspond à la destruction du monde Neverat, origine de la créature connue sous la dénomination du Leviathan d'argent. Cet intervalle fut relativement calme comparé à l'épisode des Temps de l'Effroi, l'apparition d'une créature vivant au beau milieu du Néant en étant quasiment l'un des seuls fait notables. On note cependant durant toute cette période une très forte augmentation de l'activité de la Création, ainsi qu'une plus grande diversification dans la population des mondes. De nombreux élémentaux Maître se mettent à s'interresser singulièrement aux êtres vivants, notamment les Ténèbres qui se lancent dans la construction des 7 cités des Ténèbres. C'est également vers la fin de cet intervalle que fut lancé le projet des Vierges d'Ether.
  • Eintrag im WikiIndex ansehen Kategorie:Projektbeschreibungen TV ist ein Wiki rund um alle Fernsehsender und -sendungen. Es wird auch Informationen über Hintergründe und vieles weitere beinhalten.
  • Bekannt als Suchtmittel ist es für viele verschiedene Arten von Lebewesen notwendiger Lebensinhalt. Es gibt viele verschiedene Programme. Die wichtigsten sind RTL, RTL 2, Super RTL, 9Live, DSF, Home Shopping, Beate Uhse TV und Al-Qaida. Dass das Fernsehen so wichtig ist, erkennt man auch an vielen wichtigen Sendungen in denen Scheiße zu Gold gemacht wird. Beispielsweie wären dort DSDS (Deutschland sucht den Supersturm) und die Dschungel-Show zu nennen. Jederzeit sind bestimmte Trends zu erkennen. Telenovelas, die pubertären Mädchen mit Minderwertigkeitskomplexen ein anderes Leben zum Ausheulen vorgaukeln sind ganz groß im Rennen.
  • TV is a character in Elmo's World. Elmo uses it to watch channels and his home movies which regularly include The Lecture Lady lecturing about the topic of the day.
  • The TV/television is located in the Living Room on Chibi-Robo!. It appears to be on all the time, receiving two channels during the day (news and the Drake Redcrest Show), and no signal during the night. One of the minor tasks for Chibi-Robo is to change channels for Mr. Sanderson as the story progresses. Later toward the end of the game (when all stickers are collected), Chibi-Radar seems to always detect something at/behind the TV channel changer, but nothing is revealed with Chibi-Blaster or spoon. (However, knocking on the channel changer with the spoon seems to cause Mr. Prongs to appear in the next round?)
  • "TV" is an original English song by Creep-P featuring Ruby. According to the producer, the song is about how the media blames the victims and hurts minorities for just fighting back.
  • Tv is the forty seventh episode of the series Weebl & Bob. Posted: 16th October, 2003 Summary: Ever wondered what gets watched on TV in Weebl land? Here's your chance to find out! Tune: 68 Pie - Banana Overlord Credits: Weebl and Skoo
  • In the UK there are three main free to air operators - ITV (privately owned), Channel 4 (public owned) and the BBC (government owned). There is analogue TV transmission and increasingly digital as well - from Freesat and Freeview. BBC programs can also be played on an Internet connected PC or device using iPlayer. For pay television the main player has has been Sky (also known as BSkyB) and there are a range of other players also. Setanta has also gained ground as it has picked up the rights for football. If TV is watched in the UK then a TV license fee must be paid.
  • TV er en gjenstand som følger med hoved-pakken i alle Sims-spillene. Det kommer selvfølgelig nye TV'er etter vært i ulike utvidelsespakker. Det er bare i The Sims 2 og The Sims 3 at man kan lære ferdigheter ved hjelp av en TV.
  • A TV, or television, is an item of furniture obtainable in the Animal Crossing series. Like in real life, TVs broadcast an assortment of programs when turned on, such as game shows, cartoons, or plays. TVs also feature weather forecasts that tell the player the weather of the following day. In Animal Crossing, TVs play one show that can be viewed only on a certain TV. Interestingly, most TVs in the Animal Crossing series series appear to be based on CRT monitors (which were standard among households from the late 1940's to the late 2000's), with only a select few based on HD LED monitors (which have been standard among households since the late 2000's). File:AppleTVeCardSeries4.jpg
  • TV is a city in New Jersey, with a population of 15,000.
  • This is the TV Channel Guide for all cities TVs in USA
  • Slang for Observer Mode. Guilds in the top 100 have all their games displayed on "TV". Often when a guild finds out that its random opponent is a top 100 guild, players say "We're on TV!" and "Don't make us look bad guys, this one's on TV". Playing on TV adds pressure to guilds who are not used to it. Being on TV makes it hard for guilds to try out innovative ideas because anything they do in a general ladder match is displayed automatically, so anyone can copy them.
  • TV's were used in the mideval times to watch training programs and to find out how to sever the neck of civilians gone wrong. People with swords who got mad at TV's freezing up during a storm would shoot the TV with a gun. However, due to lack of targeting skills and aiming, the TV unfortunately survived through several ice ages to end up to be used in modern times. The things on TV often show many various actors, such as Jim Carrey, Adam Sandler, Will Smith, & Thomas Jefferson. When people use the TV, they are probably sitting on the couch and eating potato chips instead of doing something fun like mowing the lawn or washing the dishes.
  • En TV är en , Äh? Gaga... stor fyrkantig svart sak där det ibland kommer flimmer uppå skärmen. Visar den någon gång bild visar , vad heter det nu? Gagli Gugg... den alltid reklam , därav namnet (De va' som fan = Te've so faaan=Teve) Det är TV som lärt , Va ä' dä' där vi-iga nu? Jo! oss Tvmiddag, för att nämna en.
is Mentions of
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is Story of
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