  • Resurrection gauntlet
  • The right-hand gauntlet was recovered from Cardiff Bay by Torchwood Three circa 1967. (TV: Everything Changes) It had a strange but unspecified connection to the "Life knife", an alien artefact made of the same type of metal. (TV: They Keep Killing Suzie) Jack Harkness suspected the glove was not lost like most things that fell through the Cardiff Space-Time Rift, but was disposed of, guessing the original owner wanted to be rid of it. He also could not blame them either for wanting to be rid of it.
  • Resurrection gauntlet
  • Resurrection device
  • Everything Changes
  • Bringing back the dead - Torchwood - BBC
  • Owen back from the dead! - Torchwood - BBC Sci-Fi
  • The right-hand gauntlet was recovered from Cardiff Bay by Torchwood Three circa 1967. (TV: Everything Changes) It had a strange but unspecified connection to the "Life knife", an alien artefact made of the same type of metal. (TV: They Keep Killing Suzie) Jack Harkness suspected the glove was not lost like most things that fell through the Cardiff Space-Time Rift, but was disposed of, guessing the original owner wanted to be rid of it. He also could not blame them either for wanting to be rid of it. The right hand gauntlet could revive the dead, though only for a few minutes before their second, permanent death. The length of time someone came back depended on the user's empathy, in other words someone like Gwen Cooper could bring a person back for a few minutes but someone like Owen Harper would not even "get a twitch" out of a corpse. Jack put Suzie Costello in charge of testing the glove. Costello became obsessed with the possibility of being able to bring people back to life, though only for minutes at a time. The gauntlet was more effective on recent, violent trauma victims. Suzie Costello began to murder residents of Cardiff with the Life Knife in order to improve her proficiency in using the glove. (TV: Everything Changes) She conceived an elaborate plan to use the Life Knife and the gauntlet to bring herself back from the dead, permanently. (TV: They Keep Killing Suzie) Following the exposure of Costello as a murderer, she shot herself in the head, killing herself. The Glove was placed in Jack's safe and sealed with a "DO NOT USE" tag. (TV: Everything Changes) Costello had already set into motion murders committed on her behalf so that Harkness would revive her, enabling her to come back to life, permanently. Gwen Cooper was the only Torchwood Three team member at that time with the degree of empathy required to operate the glove without Suzie. When the glove was used on Suzie, Gwen's life force was slowly drained from her into Suzie and she even began developing the same wound as Suzie in the back of her head where Suzie's was. Toshiko Sato destroyed the gauntlet to break the connection, saving Gwen and killing Suzie again. (TV: They Keep Killing Suzie)