  • Roboform
  • The Roboforms were robots with featureless, vaguely skull-like heads that were cream-coloured. They were typically seen wearing full length black cloaks which concealed most of their bodies, with only the robotic faces visible. (TV: The Runaway Bride) When on Earth during Christmas, they tracked the Doctor there as they could "smell" regeneration energy. They wore bullet-proof Santa Claus suits and metal masks to blend in (giving them the nickname of Robot Santas). (TV: The Christmas Invasion, The Runaway Bride) They also played music in public with instruments such as trombones and tubas which were ostensibly used as flamethrowers and guns or rocket launchers. Remotely controlled Christmas tree (TV: The Christmas Invasion) and bombs disguised as Christmas ornaments. (TV: The Runaway Bride
  • Roboform
  • The Christmas Invasion
  • Doctor Who - Taxi vs Tardis - BBC
  • Robot Santas, Pilot Fish
  • The Roboforms were robots with featureless, vaguely skull-like heads that were cream-coloured. They were typically seen wearing full length black cloaks which concealed most of their bodies, with only the robotic faces visible. (TV: The Runaway Bride) When on Earth during Christmas, they tracked the Doctor there as they could "smell" regeneration energy. They wore bullet-proof Santa Claus suits and metal masks to blend in (giving them the nickname of Robot Santas). (TV: The Christmas Invasion, The Runaway Bride) They also played music in public with instruments such as trombones and tubas which were ostensibly used as flamethrowers and guns or rocket launchers. Remotely controlled Christmas tree (TV: The Christmas Invasion) and bombs disguised as Christmas ornaments. (TV: The Runaway Bride) They also used basic machine guns when controlled by the Empress of the Racnoss. (TV: The Runaway Bride)