  • Primary
  • Primary
  • Primary
  • A Primary rule is one that is elemental to Roleplay; without it, Roleplay would be practially impossible.
  • Prefix Title earned by gaining 40,000 (amiable) faction with the The Watchers of Timorous in Gorowyn.
  • Primary weapons are the larger weapons in the game. These store in slot number 4 and include: * Shotgun * Rifle * Mac 10 They are powerful weapons at the cost of low ammunition.
  • A primary is a celestial body at the exact centre of a crystal sphere. In a standard system planets usually orbit a primary. Most primaries are suns (large fire bodies), but primaries can also be earth bodies, air bodies or water bodies.
  • A primary is a dress rehearsal for a real election. And like a real election, the votes might count.
  • The Primary was a Wraith queen who was in control of an alliance of several Hive Ships. When "Todd" planned a go-ahead for Dr. Jennifer Keller's plan from Michael's database, to eliminate the Wraith's need to feed, "Todd" wanted to convince the primary. However, the Primary would only talk to another queen. Since "Todd" had none, they used Teyla Emmagan to work undercover as a Queen. Teyla originally thought that she was to convince her of the plan. However, when the two were alone with "Todd", he took out a knife and stabbed the Primary in the side of her neck, killing her. After that, Teyla had to take the blame and temporarily act as the new Primary, in order for Todd to take over the alliance and eventually enact their plan. (SGA: "The Queen")
  • Primary is an organization within The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints that is for the children of the Church between the ages of three and eleven. On Sundays, Primary meetings are held for a two-hour block, engaging the children in various lessons and activities listed below. The current general president of the Primary is Cheryl C. Lant. “All thy children shall be taught of the Lord; and great shall be the peace of thy children” (Isaiah 54: 13; 3 Nephi 22:13). ~The Primary theme
  • Primary var en Wraith drottningen som var i kontroll över en allians av flera Hive skepp. När "Guide" planerade ett klartecken för Doktor Jennifer Kellers plan från Lastlight's databas för att eliminera Wraith behov av att utfodra, "Guide" ville övertyga primära. Skulle dock den primära bara tala till en annan drottning. Eftersom "Guide" hade ingen, använde de Teyla Emmagan för att arbeta under täckmantel som en drottning. Teyla trodde först att hon var för att övertyga henne om planen. Men när de två var ensamma med "Guide", tog han fram en kniv och högg den primära på sidan av halsen och dödade henne. Efter det fick Teyla att ta skulden och tillfälligt fungera som den nya primära, för Guide att ta över alliansen och så småningom anta sin plan. (ATL: "The Queen")
  • Herself
  • 2008
  • Sig själv
  • Kvinna
  • "The Queen"
  • Primary
  • Primary
  • 2008
  • Female
  • A Primary rule is one that is elemental to Roleplay; without it, Roleplay would be practially impossible.
  • Prefix Title earned by gaining 40,000 (amiable) faction with the The Watchers of Timorous in Gorowyn.
  • Primary weapons are the larger weapons in the game. These store in slot number 4 and include: * Shotgun * Rifle * Mac 10 They are powerful weapons at the cost of low ammunition.
  • A primary is a celestial body at the exact centre of a crystal sphere. In a standard system planets usually orbit a primary. Most primaries are suns (large fire bodies), but primaries can also be earth bodies, air bodies or water bodies.
  • A primary is a dress rehearsal for a real election. And like a real election, the votes might count.
  • The Primary was a Wraith queen who was in control of an alliance of several Hive Ships. When "Todd" planned a go-ahead for Dr. Jennifer Keller's plan from Michael's database, to eliminate the Wraith's need to feed, "Todd" wanted to convince the primary. However, the Primary would only talk to another queen. Since "Todd" had none, they used Teyla Emmagan to work undercover as a Queen. Teyla originally thought that she was to convince her of the plan. However, when the two were alone with "Todd", he took out a knife and stabbed the Primary in the side of her neck, killing her. After that, Teyla had to take the blame and temporarily act as the new Primary, in order for Todd to take over the alliance and eventually enact their plan. (SGA: "The Queen")
  • Primary is an organization within The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints that is for the children of the Church between the ages of three and eleven. On Sundays, Primary meetings are held for a two-hour block, engaging the children in various lessons and activities listed below. The current general president of the Primary is Cheryl C. Lant. “All thy children shall be taught of the Lord; and great shall be the peace of thy children” (Isaiah 54: 13; 3 Nephi 22:13). ~The Primary theme
  • Primary var en Wraith drottningen som var i kontroll över en allians av flera Hive skepp. När "Guide" planerade ett klartecken för Doktor Jennifer Kellers plan från Lastlight's databas för att eliminera Wraith behov av att utfodra, "Guide" ville övertyga primära. Skulle dock den primära bara tala till en annan drottning. Eftersom "Guide" hade ingen, använde de Teyla Emmagan för att arbeta under täckmantel som en drottning. Teyla trodde först att hon var för att övertyga henne om planen. Men när de två var ensamma med "Guide", tog han fram en kniv och högg den primära på sidan av halsen och dödade henne. Efter det fick Teyla att ta skulden och tillfälligt fungera som den nya primära, för Guide att ta över alliansen och så småningom anta sin plan. (ATL: "The Queen")
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