  • Good Faith
  • Good faith
  • Good faith, or in Latin bona fide, is the mental and moral state of honesty, conviction as to the truth or falsehood of a proposition or body of opinion, or as to the rectitude or depravity of a line of conduct, even if the conviction is objectively unfounded. This concept is important in law, especially equitable matters.
  • GOOD FAITH (Rank 3): Use of this Gift causes all Garou in the presence of its user to become inspired with a sense of great purpose. They put aside their differences to work together in almost all cases; those who continue to resist and bargain in bad faith become loudly and uncontrollably flatulent each time they state their position. NATIVE TO: Children of Gaia
  • Green and Cassady investigate an arson turned homicide when a body found in a burned church turns out to have been murdered before the fire started. While they solve the other church arsons, they discover the arsonists, a pair of college students are not the killers. Eventually they learn the killer is the fanatically religious father of one of the victim's students. He claims that he feared God's wrath for his daughter being exposed to the theory of evolution and McCoy demands a psych evaluation to determine if he's competent to stand trial. Before it comes back, they realize that the guidance counselor was lying about when he'd last seen the daughter, Mary and figure out he was having an affair with her. The counselor confesses and agrees to testify in exchange for not going to prison fo
  • Murder Book
  • March
  • Cassady Green In Good Faith.jpg
  • Good Faith
  • L&O
  • 17
  • 17017
  • 17
  • 2007
  • 30
  • Bling
  • Good Faith
  • Good faith, or in Latin bona fide, is the mental and moral state of honesty, conviction as to the truth or falsehood of a proposition or body of opinion, or as to the rectitude or depravity of a line of conduct, even if the conviction is objectively unfounded. This concept is important in law, especially equitable matters.
  • GOOD FAITH (Rank 3): Use of this Gift causes all Garou in the presence of its user to become inspired with a sense of great purpose. They put aside their differences to work together in almost all cases; those who continue to resist and bargain in bad faith become loudly and uncontrollably flatulent each time they state their position. NATIVE TO: Children of Gaia
  • Green and Cassady investigate an arson turned homicide when a body found in a burned church turns out to have been murdered before the fire started. While they solve the other church arsons, they discover the arsonists, a pair of college students are not the killers. Eventually they learn the killer is the fanatically religious father of one of the victim's students. He claims that he feared God's wrath for his daughter being exposed to the theory of evolution and McCoy demands a psych evaluation to determine if he's competent to stand trial. Before it comes back, they realize that the guidance counselor was lying about when he'd last seen the daughter, Mary and figure out he was having an affair with her. The counselor confesses and agrees to testify in exchange for not going to prison for it. They confront the father and daughter having realized that the father found out about the affair because Mary got an STD and she lied about who it was. The father then murdered who he thought was sleeping with his daughter. To protect his daughter from consequences, the father pleads guilty to all charges and McCoy tells his attorney that he's planning to ask for 25 years to life in prison given the severity of the crimes.
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