  • BID
  • Bid
  • Bid
  • Navigate: Investing Glossary... (edit) See also: Acronyms... Bond Glossary... Buzzwords... Glossary of Technical Analysis... Life Insurance Glossary... (edit) __NOEDITSECTION__
  • A bid is an "offer submitted in response to a bid solicitation."
  • An amount of money a player sets aside in escrow to attempt to buy an item put up for auction at an Auction House.
  • An amount of money a player sets aside in escrow to attempt to buy an item put up for auction at an Auction House.
  • In the auction, players make calls in turn. A call which includes a level and a denomination (♣, ♦, ♥, ♠, NT) is called a bid. The last bid of the auction, along with any double or redouble after, becomes the final contract. The level is an integer from 1 to 7, which specifies the number of trick needed above the book (first 6). Therefore, a 1-level bid requires 7 tricks while a 7-level bid requires all 13 tricks. The denomination specifies the trump suit, or no trump.
  • The delegate that manages bids. A bid puts PU's in the player's treasury. It can be set at the start of the game. The placeBid delegate actually places the units, if omitted the money stays in the treasury. There is no requirement that bid take place first, a bid can be put into the sequence allowing a player a fixed amount of income each turn. The bid can be limited to a given number of turns.
  • When you go the Auction House, you can buy a wide range of different items that other players have put up for auction (or just look at all the neat gear and items that have been put up). When you choose Bid, you will be able to browse all the different of items that have been put up for sale. If you want to see more information on an item, just click on the item and a list of options will appear:
  • Navigate: Investing Glossary... (edit) See also: Acronyms... Bond Glossary... Buzzwords... Glossary of Technical Analysis... Life Insurance Glossary... (edit) __NOEDITSECTION__
  • A bid is an "offer submitted in response to a bid solicitation."
  • When you go the Auction House, you can buy a wide range of different items that other players have put up for auction (or just look at all the neat gear and items that have been put up). When you choose Bid, you will be able to browse all the different of items that have been put up for sale. If you want to see more information on an item, just click on the item and a list of options will appear: Price History Bid Sort Price History Choosing this option will show you a list of the ten last sales, who sold the item, and who bought it for how much. If you click on a particular entry, it will also show the time of purchase in your chat window. Bid This option is only available if someone has put that item up for sale. If you choose this option, you can enter a price that you're willing to pay for the item and enter a bid. If any sellers have put the item up for lower than your bid, you will get it! If not, it will tell you that you were unable to buy it. You can keep bidding higher and higher (but no more than the amount that you have...) if you're willing to. Your sale goes to the person who has their item listed for the lowest amount, or in the event of a tie, the one who listed the item first. Sort You can sort the lists of items with this button. For weapons and armor, you are given an option of sorting choices (see below), and for all other items, it will automatically sort them alphabetically. If you click the sort button again, it will reset the list to its original order. A note: if you have your weapon or armor list sorted one way and want to sort it another, reset the list first, then choose the new sort option. Weapons can be sorted by Damage, by Delay, by Level, by Job, or by Race. Armor can be sorted by Defense, by Resistance, by Level, by Job, or by Race.
  • An amount of money a player sets aside in escrow to attempt to buy an item put up for auction at an Auction House.
  • An amount of money a player sets aside in escrow to attempt to buy an item put up for auction at an Auction House.
  • In the auction, players make calls in turn. A call which includes a level and a denomination (♣, ♦, ♥, ♠, NT) is called a bid. The last bid of the auction, along with any double or redouble after, becomes the final contract. The level is an integer from 1 to 7, which specifies the number of trick needed above the book (first 6). Therefore, a 1-level bid requires 7 tricks while a 7-level bid requires all 13 tricks. The denomination specifies the trump suit, or no trump.
  • The delegate that manages bids. A bid puts PU's in the player's treasury. It can be set at the start of the game. The placeBid delegate actually places the units, if omitted the money stays in the treasury. There is no requirement that bid take place first, a bid can be put into the sequence allowing a player a fixed amount of income each turn. The bid can be limited to a given number of turns.