  • Inhibitor
  • Inhibitor
  • |BGCOLOR="#ffdead" colspan="3"|Price: 9925 gil |- BGCOLOR="#ffdead" !width="30%"|Name !width="35%"|Location !width="35%"|Type |- BGCOLOR="#e3e6ff" |Yoyoroon |Nashmau (G-6) |Standard Merchant |}
  • [platzhalter]
  • The Inhibitors are an enigmatic race of beings that originated from an unknown region of the galaxy. They were only recently known to exist at all as they first emerged during the assault on organic life within the Milky Way galaxy. They are known as cunning and frighteningly intelligence servants to the Reapers who maintain a certain degrees of individualism unlike most beings who serve the Reapers. They recently returned to the galaxy after the activation of Hive.
  • An inhibitor is a treatment used to combat the Chimeran virus. Different inhibitor stages combat different stages of the virus. It is administered in a direct injection into the subject's brain stem, and is mainly used before important missions along with an I-Pack (a gas version of the inhibitors carried around in a backpack like object). However, Dr. Fyodor Malikov stated that his inhibitors only slow down and keep the virus under control, or at best to alter its final effects. Inevitably it will overcome those that are infected. And if the subject is too far along in the conversion process the inhibitors will have no effect at all.
  • Ein Inhibitor ist ein Mittel, mit dem man den Neuropeptidspiegel eines Patienten senken kann. Als Captain Sisko 2372 einen Drehkörperschatten hat, stellt Dr. Bashir fest, dass er einen Überschuss an Neuropeptiden im Körper hat. Mit dem Inhibitor kann er den Neutopeptidspiegel senken. (DS9: )
  • Once an enemy team's inhibitor is destroyed, the Nexus will start spawning Super Minions (replacing the siege minions with Super Minions if the wave normally includes one) along with giving a boost of roughly 100 health to all the melee minions, 50 to the caster minions, and 200 to the siege minions in the corresponding lane for future waves. Only minions spawned in the destroyed inhibitor's lane receive additional attack damage while the inhibitor is down.
  • Inhibitor
  • Mind control device
  • Sirens of Ceres
  • |BGCOLOR="#ffdead" colspan="3"|Price: 9925 gil |- BGCOLOR="#ffdead" !width="30%"|Name !width="35%"|Location !width="35%"|Type |- BGCOLOR="#e3e6ff" |Yoyoroon |Nashmau (G-6) |Standard Merchant |}
  • Once an enemy team's inhibitor is destroyed, the Nexus will start spawning Super Minions (replacing the siege minions with Super Minions if the wave normally includes one) along with giving a boost of roughly 100 health to all the melee minions, 50 to the caster minions, and 200 to the siege minions in the corresponding lane for future waves. Only minions spawned in the destroyed inhibitor's lane receive additional attack damage while the inhibitor is down. Each team has 3 Inhibitors on Summoner's Rift and 2 on Twisted Treeline, of which at least one must be destroyed for the Nexus and its turrets to be vulnerable to attack. Every inhibitor is protected by a turret; while this turret is up, the inhibitor is invulnerable to attacks. When all of the enemy team's inhibitors are destroyed, each lane spawns two Super Minions per minion wave. Destroyed inhibitors respawn after 5 minutes, resulting in Super Minions no longer being trained and the removal of normal minions' bonus health. Once its protecting turret is destroyed the inhibitor is extremely susceptible to backdooring. An enemy will be able to take down an unprotected inhibitor before a defending champion can File:Recall.png Recall and walk to defend it. Additionally, one can't directly File:Teleport.png Teleport to it. Destroying an inhibitor can often be worth more than a few champion kills because of the immense lane pressure that Super Minions will provide, as well as strengthing the melee and ranged minions in the destroyed inhibitor's lane (As of patch 3.14, destroyed inhibitors no longer increase the strength of all minions in all lanes).
  • [platzhalter]
  • The Inhibitors are an enigmatic race of beings that originated from an unknown region of the galaxy. They were only recently known to exist at all as they first emerged during the assault on organic life within the Milky Way galaxy. They are known as cunning and frighteningly intelligence servants to the Reapers who maintain a certain degrees of individualism unlike most beings who serve the Reapers. They recently returned to the galaxy after the activation of Hive.
  • An inhibitor is a treatment used to combat the Chimeran virus. Different inhibitor stages combat different stages of the virus. It is administered in a direct injection into the subject's brain stem, and is mainly used before important missions along with an I-Pack (a gas version of the inhibitors carried around in a backpack like object). However, Dr. Fyodor Malikov stated that his inhibitors only slow down and keep the virus under control, or at best to alter its final effects. Inevitably it will overcome those that are infected. And if the subject is too far along in the conversion process the inhibitors will have no effect at all.
  • Ein Inhibitor ist ein Mittel, mit dem man den Neuropeptidspiegel eines Patienten senken kann. Als Captain Sisko 2372 einen Drehkörperschatten hat, stellt Dr. Bashir fest, dass er einen Überschuss an Neuropeptiden im Körper hat. Mit dem Inhibitor kann er den Neutopeptidspiegel senken. (DS9: )
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