  • Episode 5880 (1st November 2004)
  • Charlie makes a pass at Liz. The factory girls make Kelly feel uncomfortable. Sonia makes a point of making her feel unwelcome. Angela warns her to keep out of the Rovers. In a crisis meeting, Frankie remembers the cab driver's son had joined the army. Eileen thinks they will be able to find him from that. Eileen, Fiz, Kirk and Patrick joke about the bath "love tub" that Les has bought for Cilla. Liz tells Betty and Deirdre that she is not happy about Charlie. Betty discusses with Shelley whether Charlie is really the right man for her. Danny finds Kelly by herself at her machine. The other factory girls are in the Rovers. Danny asks Kelly out for a drink after work to cheer her up. Les and Kirk try to get the bath upstairs. Les drops the bath and hurts his back. Suresh, Sunita's father, q
story associates
  • 5880
  • 2004-10-31
Executive Producer
  • 2004-11-01
script editor
Production code
Story Editor
  • 2004-11-01
  • Charlie makes a pass at Liz. The factory girls make Kelly feel uncomfortable. Sonia makes a point of making her feel unwelcome. Angela warns her to keep out of the Rovers. In a crisis meeting, Frankie remembers the cab driver's son had joined the army. Eileen thinks they will be able to find him from that. Eileen, Fiz, Kirk and Patrick joke about the bath "love tub" that Les has bought for Cilla. Liz tells Betty and Deirdre that she is not happy about Charlie. Betty discusses with Shelley whether Charlie is really the right man for her. Danny finds Kelly by herself at her machine. The other factory girls are in the Rovers. Danny asks Kelly out for a drink after work to cheer her up. Les and Kirk try to get the bath upstairs. Les drops the bath and hurts his back. Suresh, Sunita's father, questions Dev as to why she is in prison. Danny and Kelly meet for a drink in the Weatherfield Arms. They talk suggestively. Dev and Suresh urge Tom Duggan as their only witness to tell the police about dropping a woman off outside a Registry Office. Unwilling to get involved with the police, Tom Duggan says that he'll deny everything and drives off. Liz and Shelley come to a head about Charlie. Liz tells her to stick her bedroom and her job.