  • Underground
  • Underground
  • Underground
  • Underground
  • Underground
  • Underground
  • Write the first section of your article here.
  • Underground refers to a network of supporters of fugitives from the law. "The underground, not unlike the French resistance movement during World War II, consisted of a network of people who thought enoughn liek you to risk opening their lives and home to fugitives in order to protect them from capture by the authorities. In the language of criminal law, their help was "harboring." In wartime, it would be called "aiding the enemy." Susan Rosenberg. 2011. An American Radical: Political Prisoner in My Own Country. New York: Citadel Press. p. 8
  • The Underground is a large criminal enterprise run by Decker in 2161. They are located under the Maltese Falcon in the Downtown district of the Hub.
  • Underground is a mission in Vengeance in Los Santos it is given by E-Wash.
  • Underground - jugosłowiańsko-niemiecko-francusko-węgierski komediodramat z 1995 roku w reżyserii Emira Kusturicy z muzyką Gorana Bregovića. Film przedstawia historię Jugosławii w latach 1941 (II Wojna Światowa) i 1991 (Wojna w Jugosławii).
  • "Underground" was the primary cantina on Tilnes. It was located at the center of the tunnel networks of the mining moon, and it served as a gathering place for individuals from the different mining companies. The politics of the companies were forgotten here. "The Underground" was run by a Rodian named Maris Gen.
  • The leader of Underground in the Leboa-Sako region is Father Maliya. He offers the player missions, during which the player can obtain medicine for malaria in exchange for passports. Before the player leaves the church or an Underground location, the person there warns the player the Underground location which the player is heading to is under attack by mercenaries. There are five Underground location in Leboa-Sako. Out of the five locations, four location on the outer areas of the region have to be found during an Underground mission.
  • Underground – ucieczka drużynowa występująca w Need for Speed: World. Jest ona otwarta dla samochodów z każdej klasy. Odbywa się w Downtown Rockport. Zaczyna się na autostradzie Highway 201 i kończy niedaleko wjazdu do Materson Harbour (Camden Beach). W ucieczce może uczestniczyć tylko dwóch graczy. Mają oni do dyspozycji 4 minuty czasu na ucieczkę oraz 2 nakazy. Ucieczka toczy się na 4 poziomie pościgu.
  • Underground is a Survival Map featured in Zombie Panic: Source.
  • The Underground was a rebel movement in Haven City introduced in Jak II. They were united for the cause to dethrone the de facto ruler of the city, Baron Praxis, and reinstitute the House of Mar as the ruling dynasty. The Underground was led by the Shadow and Torn, and was headquartered at the hideout in the Slums.
  • The setting of the Underground takes Prince Duncan to the depths of the castle, through the Basement, in which Duncan chooses weather he wants to go to the Catacombs or Dungeon. If he chooses the Catacombs then he must find his way through the low ceilinged area, avoiding snakes and a Burning Eye, finally arriving at a mysterious Orb This level includes Beyond Dark Castle's Dungeon, where you appear if you fall off the screen in any of the other levels.
  • As Matthias is lost deep in Asmodeus' caverns, Cluny digs his way under Redwall, taking advantage of the exhausted Redwallers and the absence of Matthias. After a terrifying river adventure, Matthias returns with the shrews to defend Redwall-- but not before he is almost trapped by Cluny and only just saved by Cornflower. Cluny flees at the sight of Martin the Warrior's "ghost" while Matthias at last gets to wear his hero's armor.
  • Underground is a zone located in the Blight.
  • The Underground (aka UnderGround) was an organization in Raseir. It is a movement to overthrow the corrupt government of Raseir and restore the old ways.
  • The Underground is a German resistance group that appears in Beyond Castle Wolfenstein and Wolfenstein 3D.
  • Underground is a multiplayer map featured in Condemned 2: Bloodshot. Deathmatch, Crime Scene, and Team Deathmatch games can be played here. It is an extremely dark level with several narrow hallways, though there is some open space as well. The level seems to be based off the subway tunnels from Condemned: Criminal Origins.
  • Underground is een plek die je kan bezoeken in Pokémon Diamond, Pearl en Platinum Version Om er te komen heb je een Explorer kit nodig. Vervolgens kan je onder de grond en fossielen gaan zoeken.
  • You can use the box below to create new pages for this mini-wiki. preload=Underground/preload editintro=Underground/editintro width=25
  • Underground (黒蔓 (アンダーグラウンド) Andāguraundo?, literally meaning "Dark Influence") is an underworld organization, led by President Ribeye. It is responsible for illegal transactions and activities, that are hidden from the Government's eyes. They also manipulate agents and other World Government workers, by bribing or threatening them, and, by doing so, they keep their identities hidden and their work undercover. The main members of Underground usually call themselves by "Famiglia", an Italian term meaning "family" or "household", that represents the bond shared by the members as partners in crime.
  • "Underground" is the villain song of Madame Gasket sung in the 2005 animated movie Robots.
  • Underground (англ. Метро) — карта для мультиплеера и режиме Выживания в Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3.
  • Underground is one of the TNT Run maps on Minecraft Central. It was added 20th November 2015 and was made by Finwick.
  • "Underground" is the eighth episode of the first season of Stargate: Atlantis.
  • The London Underground not to be confused with the London Underground is the world first and oldest Underground system. It probably wasn't constructed by about 300,000 moles or just one fucking huge one, but about 300,000 men known as workmen, all of whom would most likely be dead by now. Later, Undergrounds were set up in all the major cities of the world, apart from Delhi.
  • thumb|274pxUnderground ist eine Mehrspielerkarte in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3. Wie alle Mehrspielerkarten lässt sie sich auch im Überlebensmodus spielen.
  • Underground is a song from F.E.A.R. Perseus Mandate. The song is track 8 on the unofficial soundtrack and was composed by Nathan Grigg. The tune plays when Sergeant and Steve Chen exploring the Old Underground Metro Area right after the surface city is devastated by Origin Facility Explosion.
  • Underground is the tenth episode of Armada. It first aired in the United States on November 01, 2002 on Cartoon Network.
  • Underground is a track in the Biohazard (2002) Best Track Collection.
  • Sekretne pomieszczenie dodane w marcu 2006.Jest jednym z pierwszych dodanych pokoi.
  • The Underground is a location from the Mega Man Battle Network series. It is a giant hole in Central Area and is where the Cybeasts were sealed when they rampaged on the Net. There is a Bug Frag Trader Machine located there. The Underground is a two-part area with a giant platform in the second. Whenever a character enters, there is a large roar.
  • The under ground is a Acess pass area only. you can wear any type of clothing includeing your pannties and boxers. At the stoor there they sell many dierent things there. Thank you knaeva for being so supportive!
  • Underground – miejsce pod ziemią, w którym znaleźć możemy wielu artystów wybierających swoich fanów spośród ludzi, którzy chcą być inni niż wszyscy. Inne (bardziej dworne, medialne (!) i „true”) określenie dla sztuki undergroundowej to sztuka offsetowa.
  • The Underground is an area that exists in Custom Robo Arena. A ton of Illegal activity exists within this area. The hero will be able to access this area once he obtains the Dark Commander Mark from the Doppelganger.
  • On the Hogan's Heroes television series, the Underground is the name given to the German resistance movement to the Nazis. In the TV series, the Underground would assist Colonel Hogan's men and the Allies in general by collecting military intelligence, rescuing Allied pilots, spying on the Nazi German military and sabotaging the German war effort. The Underground is mainly made up of ordinary Germans who do not agree with the policies of the Nazi regime, but also include certain members of the elite and the military, especially towards the end of the war when they realize that the war is lost.
  • Underground is the 141st level in Chip's Challenge 1. All that is required to defeat Underground is patience and knowing where a paramecium moves; this is also good practice for trapping paramecia or for releasing them. Once these basic maneuvers are mastered, this level becomes easy, as can be seen in the AVI. At its quickest, Underground's solution spans a mere 31 seconds. While slower solutions often trap paramecia progressively, this speed solution is able to do them perfectly in line with normal moving.
  • Underground – mapa w trybie multiplayer w Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3.
  • The Underground (地下街 Chikagai?) is a subterranean city beneath the innermost land in the capital city of Mitras. Similar underground cities were planned for towns such as Stohess District, but were abandoned and fell into ruin.
  • La palabra anglosajona Underground tiene sus raíces en la historia de los movimientos de resistencia bajo regímenes represivos, donde el término era empleado para referirse a la necesaria clandestinidad de los resistentes. La Cultura Underground (bajo tierra, en castellano) es un término que describe varias contraculturas que se consideran a sí mismas como diferentes del mainstream (la mayoría) de la sociedad y cultura, o que son consideradas así por otros.
  • Gaining its name from its geography, The Underground is the basement level of one of the many buildings in the commercial sector. It is currently closed, a sign posted that it will reopen soon under new management. No word about a date for the reopening.
  • "Underground" is the main/closing title song from Labyrinth, performed by David Bowie. The song was released on 12" and 7" singles worldwide. The 12" contained three remixes of the title track while the 7" contained an edited version of Underground with an instrumental version on the B-side. The song was produced by David Bowie and Arif Mardin. Additional production and re-mix was by Steve Thompson and Michael Barbiero.
  • Rei wakes up and stretches. She goes inside the bathroom and takes a shower. Josh walks inside the room after going for a walk, he sits down on the bed and stretches more and he changes into his normal clothes. Rei finishes her shower and she gets on a towel and she hugs Josh. Josh blushes and hugs back and they kiss. Web announces that everyone must regroup in the main hall. Rei gets on clothes and Josh and Rei run to the hall, where the others are. Web breaths and starts talking. "Okay lady and gentlemen. Today is the first official day of business for Syndicate Japan. So don't ruin our reputation like I did..." John stares at Web and John looks at the other members. "We have not identified the masked man as of now. We can all say that he has connections to JAHC." Bagel sits up. "Wario,
  • "Buried and forgotten beneath the Siberian wastelands, this underground bunker still endures. Cold War-era construction makes for monstrously large spaces, and endless tunnels ensure there's always an enemy lurking around the bend."
  • The Underground is one of the Fortune City, Nevada locations in the game Dead Rising 2. The Underground, as its name implies, is the underground network of tunnels beneath the city that is inaccessible until Chuck progresses to Case 2-2: Ticket to Ride. It is similar to the Maintenance Tunnels in Dead Rising's Willamette Parkview Mall, but made for trains instead of cars. Each plaza/casino in Fortune City has an access to the tunnels.
  • The Underground, or UG, is a parallel plane of existence of Shibuya that only Reapers and Players of the Reapers' Game can see. It exists in the same space/time as the Realground (RG) but has a higher vibration frequency. Those in the RG cannot generally see, hear, or in any way perceive events and people in the UG, while those in the UG can perceive RG events freely (though physical interaction remains difficult). It is said in a report that the Noise plane straddles both the UG and the RG. Certain people are able to see the UG or the Noise plane from the RG, what causes this being unclear. Joshua is the most prominent example, though certain random NPCs have scan dialogue indicating they are at least able to perceive the existence of Noise symbols while still living in the RG.
  • The first section of the London Underground was opened on January 10th, 1863. It was built from then on in great part by the Freemasons. While this provided a convenient and economical means of transport for the inhabitants of London, it also marked the fevered conclusion of the Templar scheme to protect the capital city of England.
  • One day, a human named Chara walked to Mt. Ebott and unfortunately tripped on a vine, causing them to fall into a pit and enter the Underground. Chara was discovered by Asriel, the son of Asgore and Toriel, and was adopted into their family. However, the human one day grew ill and eventually died from the illness, but wished to see the flowers in their home village. After Chara had died, Asriel absorbed their SOUL, becoming a powerful entity that was able to cross the Barrier, and picked up their corpse and carried it out of the Underground. However, the humans from the outside world attacked Asriel, under the assumption that he killed Chara, forcing him to return to the Underground with Chara's corpse where he succumbed to his wounds.
  • 141
  • 137.0
  • 211.0
  • 1355.0
tytuł filmu
  • Underground
gatunek filmu
English (Dubbed)
  • Underground
  • 8.36
Episode (lifetime)
  • 382
  • ???
Ending (Japanese)
Data premiery
  • 1995-10-25
  • None
  • Underground
Opening (Japanese)
chips available
  • 15
  • アンダーグラウンド
New Header
  • Deviant Undergrounds; No Image Team.jpg
  • Mutant Undergrounds; No Image Team.jpg
ep num
  • 12
  • serbski, angielski, niemiecki
difficulty lynx
  • 2
  • Лондон, Великобритания
Debut Manga
  • 300
  • 2006-04-26
bold lynx
  • 969
season num
  • 1
  • NFSWTrackUnderground.png
  • Underground
  • Secret Lab
  • Warehouse A
  • Warehouse B
  • Warehouse C
  • Warehouse D
  • Warehouse E
Japanese (Katakana)
  • ちか
  • MCJE
  • Underground
  • Secret Lab
  • Warehouse A
  • Warehouse B
  • Warehouse C
  • Warehouse D
  • Warehouse E
Debut Anime
  • 856
Ending (English)
Japanese (Romanized)
  • Chika
  • 1
bold difficulty ms
  • 3
  • 163.0
Episode (season)
  • 10
bold ms
  • 968
bold complexity ms
  • 2
difficulty ms
  • 2
  • 818
bold difficulty lynx
  • 3
Episode (series)
  • 10
bold complexity lynx
  • 2
English (Translated)
  • Underground
  • 1
  • No
  • This track unlocks at the dramen tree in Entrana Dungeon.
  • No
Opening (English)
chips required
  • 15
  • 2007-12-15
Debut visual novel
  • 2
  • 71
  • 151
  • Dance
  • mp_underground
  • Brak
  • FO1
  • $3000 Street Races
  • Andāguraundo
  • 1986
  • --
  • Marzec 206
  • ???
map size
  • Medium-Large
  • Active
  • 130
  • 112
  • Ari Cohen as Tyrus
  • Colm Meaney as Cowen
  • Craig Veroni as Dr. Peter Grodin
  • Darren Hird as Cocooned Victim
  • Erin Chambers as Sora Tyrus
  • 27
  • Story
  • Underground
  • Underground
  • 2002-11-01
  • Breakbeats
  • Dark House
  • 2004-08-27
  • 2014-11-01
  • Chikagai
  • Fanon
  • Underground
  • The Blight
Czas trwania
  • 163
  • 240.0
Oryginalny Tytuł
  • Underground
  • Станция Лондонского метрополитена
  • 5
Notable f. Inhabitants
  • * Levi Ackerman * Kenny Ackerman * Furlan Church * Isabel Magnolia
  • 250
  • 300
  • Krew
  • Vin
  • Ashelin Praxis
Preceded By
  • "Poisoning the Well"
  • Miejski
  • 108
Air Date
  • 2001-04-16
  • 0
  • Underground
  • 地下街
  • Underground
  • RS2 Music player and fixes
  • Underground
  • 216.0
  • Underground
  • 2015-11-20
  • Underground.ogg
  • Locations
  • 2003-03-14
  • 1.800000
  • Wszystkie, Survival
  • 254
  • F.E.A.R. Perseus Mandate OST - Underground
  • 2004-03-15
  • No
  • Nathan Grigg
  • Ian Taylor
  • FFC90E
  • Jones Music and Brookwood Productions KY
  • Special Air Service vs. Spetsnaz
  • #
  • The Hub under the Maltese Falcon
Followed By
  • "Home"
  • 12
  • Finwick
  • Rumplebarc
wikipage disambiguates
Who participated?
Who for?
  • E-Wash
What game?
  • Los Santos
Conditions of failure
  • Wasted/Busted, E-Wash Dies, E-Wash loses the Race, Race is Disbanded
  • Средние
Od lat
  • 25
  • 260
  • President
map creator
  • SotaPoika
recommended players
  • 8
map mode
  • Survival
  • Write the first section of your article here.
  • Underground refers to a network of supporters of fugitives from the law. "The underground, not unlike the French resistance movement during World War II, consisted of a network of people who thought enoughn liek you to risk opening their lives and home to fugitives in order to protect them from capture by the authorities. In the language of criminal law, their help was "harboring." In wartime, it would be called "aiding the enemy." Susan Rosenberg. 2011. An American Radical: Political Prisoner in My Own Country. New York: Citadel Press. p. 8
  • La palabra anglosajona Underground tiene sus raíces en la historia de los movimientos de resistencia bajo regímenes represivos, donde el término era empleado para referirse a la necesaria clandestinidad de los resistentes. La Cultura Underground (bajo tierra, en castellano) es un término que describe varias contraculturas que se consideran a sí mismas como diferentes del mainstream (la mayoría) de la sociedad y cultura, o que son consideradas así por otros. El término se ha utilizado para designar varias subculturas como Mod, Hippie, Punk, Grunge Y Hardcore; y música como tecno/música rave, Heavy Metal y Hip Hop underground, por nombrar a algunas.
  • The Underground is a large criminal enterprise run by Decker in 2161. They are located under the Maltese Falcon in the Downtown district of the Hub.
  • The Underground, or UG, is a parallel plane of existence of Shibuya that only Reapers and Players of the Reapers' Game can see. It exists in the same space/time as the Realground (RG) but has a higher vibration frequency. Those in the RG cannot generally see, hear, or in any way perceive events and people in the UG, while those in the UG can perceive RG events freely (though physical interaction remains difficult). It is said in a report that the Noise plane straddles both the UG and the RG. Certain people are able to see the UG or the Noise plane from the RG, what causes this being unclear. Joshua is the most prominent example, though certain random NPCs have scan dialogue indicating they are at least able to perceive the existence of Noise symbols while still living in the RG. Stray Noise created from people's negative emotions in the Realground are common in the UG, and can be fought by players through Scanning. The UG is the only place where Reapers and Players can use their powers and psychs. Certain designs (emblems) can connect the UG and RG, permitting Players to be seen by and interact with RG people and objects. The designs on a Reaper Creeper panel are an example of this, as are the emblems which permit Players to enter and use shops. The UG is highly tuned into the Noise Plane. Joshua reveals that there are many UG's asides from Shibuya's, each one with its own set of rules. He compared this to how each human being's mind was separate and operated by its own set of rules. This article is a . You can help The World Ends with You Wiki by expanding it.
  • Underground is a mission in Vengeance in Los Santos it is given by E-Wash.
  • "Underground" is the main/closing title song from Labyrinth, performed by David Bowie. The song was released on 12" and 7" singles worldwide. The 12" contained three remixes of the title track while the 7" contained an edited version of Underground with an instrumental version on the B-side. The song was produced by David Bowie and Arif Mardin. Additional production and re-mix was by Steve Thompson and Michael Barbiero. A music video was produced to accompany the single release. It was directed by Steve Barron and featured David Bowie (as himself, not in character as Jareth) and some of the Labyrinth characters, including Hoggle, The Junk Lady, various Goblins, the Helping Hands (who sing backup for a few stanzas), and the Right Door Knocker. It also contained clips from the Labyrinth movie. The music video was included on the VHS and laserdisc Bowie: The Video Collection and the DVD Best Of Bowie. It could be found on David Bowie's official YouTube channel, and later on music publisher EMI's channel.
  • Underground - jugosłowiańsko-niemiecko-francusko-węgierski komediodramat z 1995 roku w reżyserii Emira Kusturicy z muzyką Gorana Bregovića. Film przedstawia historię Jugosławii w latach 1941 (II Wojna Światowa) i 1991 (Wojna w Jugosławii).
  • "Underground" was the primary cantina on Tilnes. It was located at the center of the tunnel networks of the mining moon, and it served as a gathering place for individuals from the different mining companies. The politics of the companies were forgotten here. "The Underground" was run by a Rodian named Maris Gen.
  • The leader of Underground in the Leboa-Sako region is Father Maliya. He offers the player missions, during which the player can obtain medicine for malaria in exchange for passports. Before the player leaves the church or an Underground location, the person there warns the player the Underground location which the player is heading to is under attack by mercenaries. There are five Underground location in Leboa-Sako. Out of the five locations, four location on the outer areas of the region have to be found during an Underground mission.
  • Underground – ucieczka drużynowa występująca w Need for Speed: World. Jest ona otwarta dla samochodów z każdej klasy. Odbywa się w Downtown Rockport. Zaczyna się na autostradzie Highway 201 i kończy niedaleko wjazdu do Materson Harbour (Camden Beach). W ucieczce może uczestniczyć tylko dwóch graczy. Mają oni do dyspozycji 4 minuty czasu na ucieczkę oraz 2 nakazy. Ucieczka toczy się na 4 poziomie pościgu.
  • Underground is a Survival Map featured in Zombie Panic: Source.
  • The Underground was a rebel movement in Haven City introduced in Jak II. They were united for the cause to dethrone the de facto ruler of the city, Baron Praxis, and reinstitute the House of Mar as the ruling dynasty. The Underground was led by the Shadow and Torn, and was headquartered at the hideout in the Slums.
  • The setting of the Underground takes Prince Duncan to the depths of the castle, through the Basement, in which Duncan chooses weather he wants to go to the Catacombs or Dungeon. If he chooses the Catacombs then he must find his way through the low ceilinged area, avoiding snakes and a Burning Eye, finally arriving at a mysterious Orb This level includes Beyond Dark Castle's Dungeon, where you appear if you fall off the screen in any of the other levels.
  • As Matthias is lost deep in Asmodeus' caverns, Cluny digs his way under Redwall, taking advantage of the exhausted Redwallers and the absence of Matthias. After a terrifying river adventure, Matthias returns with the shrews to defend Redwall-- but not before he is almost trapped by Cluny and only just saved by Cornflower. Cluny flees at the sight of Martin the Warrior's "ghost" while Matthias at last gets to wear his hero's armor.
  • Underground is a zone located in the Blight.
  • The Underground (aka UnderGround) was an organization in Raseir. It is a movement to overthrow the corrupt government of Raseir and restore the old ways.
  • The Underground is a German resistance group that appears in Beyond Castle Wolfenstein and Wolfenstein 3D.
  • Underground is a multiplayer map featured in Condemned 2: Bloodshot. Deathmatch, Crime Scene, and Team Deathmatch games can be played here. It is an extremely dark level with several narrow hallways, though there is some open space as well. The level seems to be based off the subway tunnels from Condemned: Criminal Origins.
  • Underground is een plek die je kan bezoeken in Pokémon Diamond, Pearl en Platinum Version Om er te komen heb je een Explorer kit nodig. Vervolgens kan je onder de grond en fossielen gaan zoeken.
  • You can use the box below to create new pages for this mini-wiki. preload=Underground/preload editintro=Underground/editintro width=25
  • Underground (黒蔓 (アンダーグラウンド) Andāguraundo?, literally meaning "Dark Influence") is an underworld organization, led by President Ribeye. It is responsible for illegal transactions and activities, that are hidden from the Government's eyes. They also manipulate agents and other World Government workers, by bribing or threatening them, and, by doing so, they keep their identities hidden and their work undercover. The main members of Underground usually call themselves by "Famiglia", an Italian term meaning "family" or "household", that represents the bond shared by the members as partners in crime.
  • "Underground" is the villain song of Madame Gasket sung in the 2005 animated movie Robots.
  • Underground (англ. Метро) — карта для мультиплеера и режиме Выживания в Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3.
  • Underground is one of the TNT Run maps on Minecraft Central. It was added 20th November 2015 and was made by Finwick.
  • The first section of the London Underground was opened on January 10th, 1863. It was built from then on in great part by the Freemasons. While this provided a convenient and economical means of transport for the inhabitants of London, it also marked the fevered conclusion of the Templar scheme to protect the capital city of England. John Fowler and Benjamin Baker, the chief engineers and designers of the London Underground, came from families deeply associated with the Freemasons. Every batch of cement used in the initial construction of the tube stations were personally inspected by one of them, ensuring that a very specific alchemical mixture was being used. The secret of this formula was passed along over the next century, allowing future generations of Templar and Freemasons to create a safe haven against the forces of Hell. The miles of track and supporting infrastructure that makes up the London Underground Transport system has survived the demonic Invasion fairly well. Although there are signs of the devastation everywhere, it is not uncommon to come upon storerooms that are still completely intact. There are also remnants of power sources set up by the Templar during their retreat beneath the earth that can be discovered by those curious – and brave – enough to search the demon infested subways.
  • "Underground" is the eighth episode of the first season of Stargate: Atlantis.
  • The London Underground not to be confused with the London Underground is the world first and oldest Underground system. It probably wasn't constructed by about 300,000 moles or just one fucking huge one, but about 300,000 men known as workmen, all of whom would most likely be dead by now. Later, Undergrounds were set up in all the major cities of the world, apart from Delhi.
  • thumb|274pxUnderground ist eine Mehrspielerkarte in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3. Wie alle Mehrspielerkarten lässt sie sich auch im Überlebensmodus spielen.
  • Underground is a song from F.E.A.R. Perseus Mandate. The song is track 8 on the unofficial soundtrack and was composed by Nathan Grigg. The tune plays when Sergeant and Steve Chen exploring the Old Underground Metro Area right after the surface city is devastated by Origin Facility Explosion.
  • Underground is the tenth episode of Armada. It first aired in the United States on November 01, 2002 on Cartoon Network.
  • "Buried and forgotten beneath the Siberian wastelands, this underground bunker still endures. Cold War-era construction makes for monstrously large spaces, and endless tunnels ensure there's always an enemy lurking around the bend." Underground is a medium-long multiplayer map set in an underground bunker. Most of the map is a big, long hallway, but there are many mechanical devices down the middle of the map which will provide cover from Snipers. Towards the middle of the map are two rooms on the two sides of the hall. These small rooms will most likely hold the objectives during game types. The rooms are closed in tight and have two levels. Keep an eye out for any enemies that may be on either floor or hiding around a corner.
  • Gaining its name from its geography, The Underground is the basement level of one of the many buildings in the commercial sector. It is currently closed, a sign posted that it will reopen soon under new management. No word about a date for the reopening. The store has shifted to be more of a collector's haven than a real 'music store' in the generally accepted version of the term. No CDs will be found within, only records; LPs and 45's of varying degrees of rarity. The rarest are displayed in locked cases, and have price tags likely to elicit a whistle from non-collectors. There is an especially impressive display of old Beatles records, most still in their plastic, even. But, the store is not limited to just records. There is a short stage where instruments (also rare finds from time to time) are on display. This doubles as a performance space sometimes as well. Other than the stage, another feature is the pair of listening booths and the recording booth. Among the less rare LPs, customers are free to select or or two to listen to in the booths (limit: one person at a time). The recording booth offers the option of taking home a copy of yourself singing your favorite tunes (for a fee, of course) complete with instrumental backing. Also, bands are allowed to use the room to cut amateur albums and order copies. If they can fit in the booth.
  • Underground is a track in the Biohazard (2002) Best Track Collection.
  • Sekretne pomieszczenie dodane w marcu 2006.Jest jednym z pierwszych dodanych pokoi.
  • The Underground is a location from the Mega Man Battle Network series. It is a giant hole in Central Area and is where the Cybeasts were sealed when they rampaged on the Net. There is a Bug Frag Trader Machine located there. The Underground is a two-part area with a giant platform in the second. Whenever a character enters, there is a large roar.
  • The under ground is a Acess pass area only. you can wear any type of clothing includeing your pannties and boxers. At the stoor there they sell many dierent things there. Thank you knaeva for being so supportive!
  • Rei wakes up and stretches. She goes inside the bathroom and takes a shower. Josh walks inside the room after going for a walk, he sits down on the bed and stretches more and he changes into his normal clothes. Rei finishes her shower and she gets on a towel and she hugs Josh. Josh blushes and hugs back and they kiss. Web announces that everyone must regroup in the main hall. Rei gets on clothes and Josh and Rei run to the hall, where the others are. Web breaths and starts talking. "Okay lady and gentlemen. Today is the first official day of business for Syndicate Japan. So don't ruin our reputation like I did..." John stares at Web and John looks at the other members. "We have not identified the masked man as of now. We can all say that he has connections to JAHC." Bagel sits up. "Wario, and John will only be here for a few more days, I will stay for two more weeks just in case anyone needs help." Web nods. "Alright! Let's go!" [Syndicate Anime Opening plays] Shin walks down the street as he sees Fiah and Bagel driving and he jumps on their car as Fiah tries to get him off. "GAH! Come on! I just bought this!" yells Fiah as Bagel tries to get him off and he looks at his face. "ITS THE GUY FROM BEFORE!" Bagel calls for back up and Rei looks down at them from a tall building. Rei shrugs and breaths. "I have a clear shot!" [fades to black] [ Commercial Break #1 ] [fades back in] Rei shoots her rifle and it hits Shin in the heart, and Shin dies immediately. Bagel looks at him and back at Rei. "G-good shot.." They drive back to the HQ. Web stares at the chalkboard and draws an X over Shin. "We got one down...unknown minus one renaming..this is gonna be a tough job guys." Rei walks with Josh. "Yeah it is." They hold hands as they walk back to their room.Wario stands up. "I think I might go sooner than expected. I think that Web can handle this." Web nods. "Okay. We will see you some other time then, Wario." Wario nods as he exits HQ and John shrugs. "I think I'll stay until the end of the week." He looks at the calendar and it says Friday. Bagel walks in and stretches. "I'll stay until next week." Rei and Josh are in bed as they kiss more. Rei looks inside Josh's eyes. "What's the matter?" Josh looks back in her eyes. "It feels like someone is watching us..." Fiah appears and Rei screams and she punches Fiah out of her room and Fiah laughs. Web walks over to Fiah. "If you can't be mature...your out." Fiah sighs. "B-but they are--" Web slaps him. "They weren't watching you.." Fiah sighs more as he walks to his room. Web looks at at John. "It seems too quiet outside..." John nods as Fiah runs towards them. "We got company..." [Fade to black] [Commercial Break # 2] [fade back in] Web and Bagel runs to Fiah's room and there sits Kinjo. "I guess it's time for me to leave.." Web grabs him. "No..who are you?!" Kinjo scoffs. "I'm no one." He punches Web and he punches back. Bagel intervenes. "STOP!" Kinjo growls. "I'll be seeing you guys soon." He flies away as Bagel heals Web. "Who is gonna heal you when I'm" Web shrugs. "I'll teach Fiah how to heal me." Bagel laughs. "That'll be fun to watch." Web sits up and Fiah gets back in his room. "This is just the beginning...we are not done yet." Web walks to the hall and to the left. He then goes in his room. "I will defeat you, Anti-Hero Club!" [fade to black] [Syndicate Anime Ending plays]
  • Underground – miejsce pod ziemią, w którym znaleźć możemy wielu artystów wybierających swoich fanów spośród ludzi, którzy chcą być inni niż wszyscy. Inne (bardziej dworne, medialne (!) i „true”) określenie dla sztuki undergroundowej to sztuka offsetowa.
  • The Underground is an area that exists in Custom Robo Arena. A ton of Illegal activity exists within this area. The hero will be able to access this area once he obtains the Dark Commander Mark from the Doppelganger.
  • The Underground is one of the Fortune City, Nevada locations in the game Dead Rising 2. The Underground, as its name implies, is the underground network of tunnels beneath the city that is inaccessible until Chuck progresses to Case 2-2: Ticket to Ride. It is similar to the Maintenance Tunnels in Dead Rising's Willamette Parkview Mall, but made for trains instead of cars. Each plaza/casino in Fortune City has an access to the tunnels. Stacey Forsythe notices several men moving heavy equipment in the Underground and sends Chuck to investigate, where he finds Tyrone King in charge of some hiest. He manages to catch up to the train as it escapes Chuck, who kills several of Tyrone's henchmen in the process. Before Chuck can apprehend Tyrone, the Terror is Reality producer uncouples the train, leaving Chuck behind. Later, after the failed military rescue, Dwight Boykin and several soldiers evacuate to an area in the Underground. All but the sergeant are killed due to the zombies, leaving their bodies and burning Humvees to litter the Underground. Dwight has snapped due to the carnage and holds Rebecca Chang hostage, believing he is keeping her safe. Chuck manages to defeat Dwight and save Rebecca before Dwight commits suicide. The tunnels are also home to an Underground Lab used by Phenotrans to extract Queens from zombies, staffed by Mark Bradson and Pearce Stephens, two researchers, and guarded by a number of armed mercenaries.
  • On the Hogan's Heroes television series, the Underground is the name given to the German resistance movement to the Nazis. In the TV series, the Underground would assist Colonel Hogan's men and the Allies in general by collecting military intelligence, rescuing Allied pilots, spying on the Nazi German military and sabotaging the German war effort. The Underground is mainly made up of ordinary Germans who do not agree with the policies of the Nazi regime, but also include certain members of the elite and the military, especially towards the end of the war when they realize that the war is lost.
  • Underground is the 141st level in Chip's Challenge 1. All that is required to defeat Underground is patience and knowing where a paramecium moves; this is also good practice for trapping paramecia or for releasing them. Once these basic maneuvers are mastered, this level becomes easy, as can be seen in the AVI. At its quickest, Underground's solution spans a mere 31 seconds. While slower solutions often trap paramecia progressively, this speed solution is able to do them perfectly in line with normal moving.
  • Underground – mapa w trybie multiplayer w Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3.
  • The Underground (地下街 Chikagai?) is a subterranean city beneath the innermost land in the capital city of Mitras. Similar underground cities were planned for towns such as Stohess District, but were abandoned and fell into ruin.
  • One day, a human named Chara walked to Mt. Ebott and unfortunately tripped on a vine, causing them to fall into a pit and enter the Underground. Chara was discovered by Asriel, the son of Asgore and Toriel, and was adopted into their family. However, the human one day grew ill and eventually died from the illness, but wished to see the flowers in their home village. After Chara had died, Asriel absorbed their SOUL, becoming a powerful entity that was able to cross the Barrier, and picked up their corpse and carried it out of the Underground. However, the humans from the outside world attacked Asriel, under the assumption that he killed Chara, forcing him to return to the Underground with Chara's corpse where he succumbed to his wounds. Since then, Asgore became vengeful for his son and plotted to escape the Underground and declare another war against humans. He declared all humans who fall into the Underground be killed and their SOULs collected; with seven human SOULs, the Barrier could be shattered. However, the brutality of this decision disgusted Toriel enough that she relinquished her position as queen as well as her marriage to Asgore. Asgore continued to rule the land on his own while Toriel exiled herself into the Ruins. Over time, six more humans fell into the Underground, all of which Toriel tried to shelter and care for. However, they all eventually left the Ruins and were eventually killed, their SOULs collected by Asgore. An eighth human, the protagonist, had then fallen into the Underground. Unlike the predecessors, the protagonist's Determination managed to carry them through many obstacles the Underground had presented, even managing to befriend or make an enemy out of many monsters. Eventually, the protagonist manages to reach Asgore, where he stands before the Barrier. One of few events occur depending on the protagonist's actions: * on the Neutral Route, the protagonist and Asgore battle. The latter is defeated, after which Flowey intervenes, who kills Asgore, and then absorbs the six human SOULs. The protagonist defeats Flowey and is somehow transported outside the Barrier after the event, where they leave the Underground. Sans then calls the protagonist and tells them the fate of the Underground, which is either peaceful or grim depending on who was killed. * on the True Pacifist Route, Asgore is stopped by Toriel and all of the protagonist's friends but are then ambushed by Flowey, who proceeds to absorb the six human SOULs as well as the SOULs of all the monsters in the Underground, reverting to his true form, Asriel. However, with all the SOULs Asriel gains compassion and ultimately loses the will to fight, instead of using their power to shatter the Barrier. Having returned the SOULs, Asriel leaves knowing that he will revert to Flowey and begs the protagonist to forget him, while the monsters are free to leave the Underground and live peaceful lives on the surface. * In the Genocide Route, certain monsters try to stop the protagonist's murderous rampage while Alphys leads the evacuation. Upon reaching Asgore, the protagonist instantly defeats him with one blow and proceeds to destroy Flowey mercilessly. It is then revealed that the protagonist is under the complete control of Chara, revealing their true sinister nature, and proceeds to use the protagonist to leave the Underground and destroy the world.
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