  • Episode 5258 (29th April 2002)
  • Kevin tells Martin about how he's given the holiday money to Sally. The Police decide to drop the investigation into Sally's fire. She is very relieved. Sally tells Gail how uncomfortable she feels borrowing money from Kevin. Ashley and Maxine set off for the hospital to collect baby Joshua. They then go to the surgery for the DNA test. Ashley suddenly decides that he can't go through with it as it would be unfair on Joshua. Maxine begins to feel that may be there is some hope for their relationship. Dev is trying to placate Deirdre who is still upset that he won't let her go on a business trip with him. Deirdre blames what happened between them at Christmas. Geena enters the shop and overhears the conversation. Geena asks Dev what's been going on. He tells her that Deirdre tried to kiss h
story associates
  • 5258
  • 2002-04-28
Executive Producer
  • 2002-04-29
script editor
Production code
Story Editor
  • 2002-04-29
  • Kevin tells Martin about how he's given the holiday money to Sally. The Police decide to drop the investigation into Sally's fire. She is very relieved. Sally tells Gail how uncomfortable she feels borrowing money from Kevin. Ashley and Maxine set off for the hospital to collect baby Joshua. They then go to the surgery for the DNA test. Ashley suddenly decides that he can't go through with it as it would be unfair on Joshua. Maxine begins to feel that may be there is some hope for their relationship. Dev is trying to placate Deirdre who is still upset that he won't let her go on a business trip with him. Deirdre blames what happened between them at Christmas. Geena enters the shop and overhears the conversation. Geena asks Dev what's been going on. He tells her that Deirdre tried to kiss him at Christmas. Geena says he must sack her. Miss Johnson asks Ken if he would like to become a Senior Pupil Mentor. Sarah arrives home really late with Bethany; she's had a terrible journey home from the crèche. Molly is upset when Kevin tells her he's taking her for dinner on her birthday as she thought he'd booked a holiday. Eve turns up for her belongings. Fred can't bear to be near her. Ashley finally decides to accept baby Joshua as his own, although he'll never be 100% sure.