  • Martians
  • Martians
  • Coming Soon
  • Martians are Aliens that are Inhabitants of mars that can have 1 or more eyes. In the year 2023, Homer and Marge had a holiday at mars with Martian Vacations in the episode "Holidays of Future Passed", and brought at pet martian back home.
  • body count cause of death * James Dale martian leader * Art Land EXPLOTION * Donald Kessler EXPLOTION * Natalie Lake explotion * Marsha Dale 1 martian foot soldier * Jerry Ross martian girl * Jason Stone martian comander * Billy-Glen Norris martian comander
  • Martians is the name for aliens from the planet Mars. They are often shown as green but there is no evidence that they exist. Martians are a key in many space movies. One of the most popular was Mars Attacks!, a comedy/science fiction movie about near indestructible aliens who come and destroy most of the United States (they are destroyed by Yodel music.) Martians are also featured in many Science Fiction books.
  • Martians resort to various plans and schemes in their intent to conquer planet Earth.
  • "Martian" refers to an inhabitant of Mars, the fourth planet of our solar system. While Mars does not support life in the real world, it has long been speculated that it may once have done so. A popular trend of science fiction is the idea of Martians invading the planet Earth, an idea first brought to life by 19th-20th century British author H.G. Wells in his ever-popular story, The War Of The Worlds. Since Wells' original story, the concept of Martian invasion has been re-used and re-imagined in many works of fiction, and the Martians themselves have been envisioned in a variety of forms.
  • Martians are a species of super-powered aliens native to the planet Mars.
  • Although existance of life on Mars has been hypothisized in the literature of Earth since at least 1880, and belief in current life was dispelled by the numerous Mars missions during the late 20th century, and then conclusively proven wrong by the manned missions to Mars during the mid-21st century, and the follow up missions in the late 22nd century, the recent appearances of Timewarps have proven that at one point in the distance past, Mars was definately inhabited by an unknown species. No living example of this race has been found, although numerous examples of their technology have been experimented with in the Martian Cities available through the Timewarps.
  • The Martians, also known as Mars People, are alien enemies found in Metal Slug 2, X, 3, 6, XX.
  • The Martians are aliens trying to defend there planet Mars and their energy crystals from the astros from Earth. you can play as them in the game crystalien conflict!
  • The Martians are a race native to the planet Mars. They invaded Earth in the late ninteenth century, but were defeated by the germs inherent to our planet. ("When The Sleeper Wakes") These are the Martians from Wells' other novel, War of the Worlds. They're notable for inclusion here only because they're mentioned in Time Machine-related novels, even appearing in The Space Machine. While it's clear they exist in the same universe, things from War of the Worlds should only be discussed as referenced in the Time Machine-related novel.
  • The native sentient species of Mars, the Martians have ruled the red planet for over 35000 years. During this time there has been many empires. kingdoms and rulers (the greatest of which being the mighty Seldon Empire which lasted nearly 3000 years), and although they are now in a state of decline are still a noble and proud people. Today, the people of Mars are separated into three distinct races: the city-based Canal Martians, the rugged and independent Hill or Nomad/Desert Martians, and the fierce and uncompromising High Martians.
  • The Martians are small green sentients that live on Mars.
  • Martians is a species of normal green, somewhat Namekian-like aliens that can shape-shift at will. Then there are the rare, white, pure formed never before seen Martians that are one out of 500. They're originally from Mars. Their abilities as well as appeareances are very similar to those of Namekians.
  • The stories of little green men from Mars are true... to an extent. While the Martians are surely green, they are by far not little. And they also have little to do with the other pictures in popular fiction. Martians are actually plant people! Today all Martians live in robot bodies disguised as humans on Earth.
  • Sometimes, if a Martian is "killed" under the correct circumstances, their body may be destroyed by their spirit intact in the form of raw energy. When in this bodliess form, Martians may still communicate with other beings. If struck with Eyefourgott energy, they may convert the energy into matter and form a new body to possess. It should be noted that this does not mean Martians are immortal (though they do have very long lifespans). Martians do not always survive in the form of energy if they are attacked. If they do, they may be permanently killed by dissolving the energy.
  • The Martians are an alien race of diminutive, prasinodermic humanoids, characteristically antennaed (commonly either singly or doubly so). Little is known about their society, but they possess the the craft for at least interplanetary travel and saucer-shaped spacevessels are associated with them, although perhaps not solely with them. While Martians were traced by humans to have in their most recent interactions with Terra originated from Mars, and owe their human name to that fact, Mars may be little more than a transit point for them between Terra and parts unknown (like Pluto is for the Yuggians) and it is unknown where they originally came from. Martians do not usually wear any clothing, but dress in space suits and bubble helmets occasionally, perhaps being unable to survive without
  • The red, octopus-like Martians-- which do not appear to be enemies, merely innocent bystanders-- are featured in Sonic Wings 3 if the player selects Whity in single-player mode. After the final boss battle (whether it takes place on Mars or in Bermuda), Whity wonders if Martians are like octopi. He discovers that they are, and to avoid being eaten, they offer him some Martian snow eel. Unfortunately, it's disgusting, and Whity blasts the Martians with his plane in retaliation.
  • There is a species native to the planet Mars which is seen but never actually named or explained. Unlike most Martian races which, with the exception of the Clay People, are roughly human in appearance, these Martians have bulbous heads. Two of them are beamed through millions of miles of space from Mars to Earth in order for the Nitron beam to drain all the nitron from the Earth's atmosphere. One of the Martians dies immediately on arrival, the other survives just long enough to complete the task. Queen Azura calls them 2 of her "most loyal subjects".
  • The Martians theme of Irregular Webcomic! features three Martians who are in charge of invading the Earth from their base on Mars. It is the eighth theme to appear. They are the only Martians tasked with invading the Earth (in strip #1587, they explained that this allowed them to rule Earth from one computer instead of needing a huge operations centre) and are the only ones to have appeared so far, although (contrary to DMM's annotations to strip #1595) an Ethics Committee was mentioned back in strip #713.
  • Galaxys
  • Desconocido
  • Martians
  • Mars
  • "Last Day of Summer"
  • "Out of the Picture"
  • Invaders
  • Regular Army and Rebel Army
  • Candace, later the Bicarbonate Volcano
  • Martian Dreams
  • Martians
  • Aliens of Mars
  • The irrefutable evidence of sentient life on Mars leads inevitably to questions about who and what the Martians were. What was their lifestyle? How advanced was their civilization and how was it structured? After the members of the 1893 expedition determined that they could, in fact, survive on Mars, George Washington Carver began seeking answers to these questions. All available evidence led Carver to conclude that the one-time masters of Mars were sentient plant-creatures -- highly evolved plantimals, if you will. The remains of cities and towns -- called "groves" -- and the remarkable artifacts found in these settlements indicate a high level of civilization. Life Cycle Like all Martian plantimals and, for that matter, all Earthly plants, the sentient Martians were born when seeds were planted in the ground, watered. nourished by sunlight and minerals, and protected from worms and carnivorous plantimals. However, Carver's study of records left by the Martians indicate that they grew to maturity somewhat differently than their non-sentient cousins. First, each Martian plant grew just a single pod, and these pods didn't split open naturally when the creature within reached maturity. In fact, if left on the plant, Martian pods would become overripe, killing the young one within. For that reason, the Martians tended their pods carefully and, using a knife-like implement specifically designed for the job, split the pod open at just the right time, releasing the "young" male or female Martian. The new organism was fully aware, but not fully mature. Were it not for the protection and guidance provided within the walls of the Martian groves, the young could not have survived. The Martian life cycle began with an elaborate sexual ritual involving a male, a female, and a species of now extinct flying worm Carver called a "pollinator." The parties involved would gather in a sunny greenhouse in the couple's home grove. The two Martians would kneel across from each other as pollinators fluttered about them. The worms would land on the male, picking up a dusting of pollen, and then land on a ruff of flower-like structures about the female's neck and shoulders. The pollinated flowers eventually grew into seeds which ringed the female, like strings of pearls. When the seeds had grown, they were gathered and given to the Cultivator, who planted and tended them in a communal plot. Eventually. the seeds grew into seedlings and then into fully grown plants. The plants grew pods and the cycle was complete. The existence of communal plots was probably the most telling difference between the Martians and their non-sentient cousins -- they tended to settle in a few places and buried generation after generation of their dead in a few precisely defined locations. Seeds planted in these locations acquired knowledge and characteristics not only from the previous generation. but from all generations stretching back many thousands of years. The germ of true intelligence was clearly present in the Martians from the very beginning -- they, alone among plantimals, realized the potential benefits of settling in a single location. Still, given what we know of life on Mars, the resulting concentration of racial memory in a single location surely contributed to their dominance of the planet. Martian Life & Social Structure While Carver studied the Martian life cycle, anthropologist David Yellin began a systematic study of the Martian lifestyle as recorded in scrolls and reflected in surviving Martian groves and artifacts. According to Yellin, the secret of Martian success was rootedness. Once a Martian family settled in an area, it remained there, to the benefit of each succeeding generation. Thus, each grove is found today on the same spot it occupied at the dawn of Martian civilization. Martian groves consisted of several homes arrayed around a central grave/nursery plot, the whole protected against nomadic plantimals by a stout wall. The homes were, not surprisingly, made entirely of glass or crystal. In other words, the Martians lived in greenhouses, not unlike the marvelous crystal palaces beloved by the Victorians. The rule among Martians seems to have been "one-home, one-Martian." Since all seeds were planted in a communal birthing plot, there were no families in a sense, all Martians living in a grove were one family. When a Martian died its body was carried to the birthing plot and buried there. As the body decomposed, all of its accumulated memories and experiences were, through some unknown mechanism, transferred into the soil, to be soaked up by seedlings planted there. Thus the seedlings acquired the knowledge of all previous generations in that location. Each Martian birthing plot was tended by the community's Cultivator. This Martian held the fate of his community in his three-fingered hands. If the plot were damaged, the development of subsequent generations could be set back severely. If the damage were so great that the community had to move and find a new plot, a small amount of dirt would be collected from the plot and carried to a new location. Martian records indicate that this only rarely resulted in success. Needless to say, the Cultivator was held in the highest respect. Assisting the Cultivator was the Gatherer. The Martian who held this position gathered all of the leaf droppings and other plant matter and kept up the community's compost heap. The Gatherer was also responsible for bringing the dead to the birthing plot, where their knowledge could be imparted to succeeding generations. Another Martian, the Arborist, healed the sick and wounded. This involved taking cuttings, healing diseases, grafting limbs, and so on. Coordinating the activities of these key Martians and seeing to the everyday needs of the citizens of each grove was the Agrarian. Think of the Agrarian as akin to a human Mayor and you won't be too far off the mark. In addition to internal affairs, this Martian negotiated water rights with other groves and took responsibility for inter-grove soil trading. Such trading ensured the widespread dissemination of knowledge and enriched the overall Martian stock. The Agrarian also made sure the underground power plants and factories were well-maintained, ensuring the continued idyllic existence of Martians on the surface. Martian records indicate that there were once scores of groves. Today, only four are intact enough to reveal anything of Martian life . Olympus, Argyre, Hellas, and Elysium are in surprisingly good repair. Other scattered buildings only hint at the former greatness of Martian civilization.
  • Martian from Martian Dreams manual
  • The aliens talking to Phineas and Ferb.
  • "Unfair Science Fair"
  • Mars
  • 火星人
  • Solar System
faction symbol
  • 250
  • Unknown
  • 火星士(マーシアン)
  • Māshian
  • Martians
  • King/Queen
  • Green
  • Alien
  • Aliens, Musical Beings
  • 300
  • Brown
  • Eating Krabby Patties
  • Mysteries of the Red Planet
wikipage disambiguates
  • Yellow with red and black pupils
  • Martians
Faction name
  • Martians
  • Coming Soon
  • Martians are Aliens that are Inhabitants of mars that can have 1 or more eyes. In the year 2023, Homer and Marge had a holiday at mars with Martian Vacations in the episode "Holidays of Future Passed", and brought at pet martian back home.
  • body count cause of death * James Dale martian leader * Art Land EXPLOTION * Donald Kessler EXPLOTION * Natalie Lake explotion * Marsha Dale 1 martian foot soldier * Jerry Ross martian girl * Jason Stone martian comander * Billy-Glen Norris martian comander
  • Martians is the name for aliens from the planet Mars. They are often shown as green but there is no evidence that they exist. Martians are a key in many space movies. One of the most popular was Mars Attacks!, a comedy/science fiction movie about near indestructible aliens who come and destroy most of the United States (they are destroyed by Yodel music.) Martians are also featured in many Science Fiction books.
  • Martians resort to various plans and schemes in their intent to conquer planet Earth.
  • "Martian" refers to an inhabitant of Mars, the fourth planet of our solar system. While Mars does not support life in the real world, it has long been speculated that it may once have done so. A popular trend of science fiction is the idea of Martians invading the planet Earth, an idea first brought to life by 19th-20th century British author H.G. Wells in his ever-popular story, The War Of The Worlds. Since Wells' original story, the concept of Martian invasion has been re-used and re-imagined in many works of fiction, and the Martians themselves have been envisioned in a variety of forms.
  • Martians are a species of super-powered aliens native to the planet Mars.
  • The Martians are an alien race of diminutive, prasinodermic humanoids, characteristically antennaed (commonly either singly or doubly so). Little is known about their society, but they possess the the craft for at least interplanetary travel and saucer-shaped spacevessels are associated with them, although perhaps not solely with them. While Martians were traced by humans to have in their most recent interactions with Terra originated from Mars, and owe their human name to that fact, Mars may be little more than a transit point for them between Terra and parts unknown (like Pluto is for the Yuggians) and it is unknown where they originally came from. Martians do not usually wear any clothing, but dress in space suits and bubble helmets occasionally, perhaps being unable to survive without their aid in space or even in terrestrial atmosphere, although they do not always seem to wear protective dress in the latter. Martians have a preference for rayguns, primarily lasers and heat rays. It appears that their primary surface vehicles are tripods, although, again, this may not be an exclusive association.
  • Although existance of life on Mars has been hypothisized in the literature of Earth since at least 1880, and belief in current life was dispelled by the numerous Mars missions during the late 20th century, and then conclusively proven wrong by the manned missions to Mars during the mid-21st century, and the follow up missions in the late 22nd century, the recent appearances of Timewarps have proven that at one point in the distance past, Mars was definately inhabited by an unknown species. No living example of this race has been found, although numerous examples of their technology have been experimented with in the Martian Cities available through the Timewarps.
  • The Martians, also known as Mars People, are alien enemies found in Metal Slug 2, X, 3, 6, XX.
  • Martians is a species of normal green, somewhat Namekian-like aliens that can shape-shift at will. Then there are the rare, white, pure formed never before seen Martians that are one out of 500. They're originally from Mars. Their abilities as well as appeareances are very similar to those of Namekians. This is the species Martian Manhunter and Miss Martian of the DC animated universe belongs to, I mention them because they haved been crossovered into the DBZ universe by way of the 484th Style. Martian Manhunter and possibly Miss Martian will appear as competitors on teams in the Tournament on Planet Rimbor.
  • The Martians are aliens trying to defend there planet Mars and their energy crystals from the astros from Earth. you can play as them in the game crystalien conflict!
  • Sometimes, if a Martian is "killed" under the correct circumstances, their body may be destroyed by their spirit intact in the form of raw energy. When in this bodliess form, Martians may still communicate with other beings. If struck with Eyefourgott energy, they may convert the energy into matter and form a new body to possess. It should be noted that this does not mean Martians are immortal (though they do have very long lifespans). Martians do not always survive in the form of energy if they are attacked. If they do, they may be permanently killed by dissolving the energy. A complete list of their known abilities is as follows: * Laser vision * Super speed * Invulnerability * Super strength * Flight * Absorption/release of energy * Surviving destruction of body (under certain cirucmstances) in the form of energy
  • The stories of little green men from Mars are true... to an extent. While the Martians are surely green, they are by far not little. And they also have little to do with the other pictures in popular fiction. Martians are actually plant people! Martians can be male or female, and their life cycle resembles closely that of plants, with the big difference that they do not root into the ground. They have a complicated social structure and a highly developed civilisation. However, they do not exist in their true form any more. When the evil Raxachk poisoned all of Mars with a deadly plague, their plant bodies all died. Also later attempts by Prektesh to create plant bodies that are immune, failed, since the plague had seeped into the soil. Today all Martians live in robot bodies disguised as humans on Earth.
  • The Martians are a race native to the planet Mars. They invaded Earth in the late ninteenth century, but were defeated by the germs inherent to our planet. ("When The Sleeper Wakes") These are the Martians from Wells' other novel, War of the Worlds. They're notable for inclusion here only because they're mentioned in Time Machine-related novels, even appearing in The Space Machine. While it's clear they exist in the same universe, things from War of the Worlds should only be discussed as referenced in the Time Machine-related novel.
  • The native sentient species of Mars, the Martians have ruled the red planet for over 35000 years. During this time there has been many empires. kingdoms and rulers (the greatest of which being the mighty Seldon Empire which lasted nearly 3000 years), and although they are now in a state of decline are still a noble and proud people. Today, the people of Mars are separated into three distinct races: the city-based Canal Martians, the rugged and independent Hill or Nomad/Desert Martians, and the fierce and uncompromising High Martians.
  • The red, octopus-like Martians-- which do not appear to be enemies, merely innocent bystanders-- are featured in Sonic Wings 3 if the player selects Whity in single-player mode. After the final boss battle (whether it takes place on Mars or in Bermuda), Whity wonders if Martians are like octopi. He discovers that they are, and to avoid being eaten, they offer him some Martian snow eel. Unfortunately, it's disgusting, and Whity blasts the Martians with his plane in retaliation. The Martians also appear in the game's ending in two-player mode if the players choose Whity and Chaika and Pooshika. After the final boss battle, Chaika and Pooshika spy on Whity, trying to figure out how he can fly a plane. To their amazement, he takes off his head, revealing himself to be Captain Silver and Flint in a dolphin costume! But when the girls ask, "Really?" the game declares, "Well, no, not exactly" along with the images of two Martians. This enigmatic ending is never explained. The Martians are a peaceful race which hates war. When they speak, they often attach the suffix 火星 ("Mars") to their words. No one is sure how the Martians managed to build a civilization without having any hands!
  • The Martians theme of Irregular Webcomic! features three Martians who are in charge of invading the Earth from their base on Mars. It is the eighth theme to appear. They are the only Martians tasked with invading the Earth (in strip #1587, they explained that this allowed them to rule Earth from one computer instead of needing a huge operations centre) and are the only ones to have appeared so far, although (contrary to DMM's annotations to strip #1595) an Ethics Committee was mentioned back in strip #713. The first strip in the theme, #60, was a parody of The War of the Worlds, and while the theme has expanded much of the dialogue in the theme contains references to the novel.
  • There is a species native to the planet Mars which is seen but never actually named or explained. Unlike most Martian races which, with the exception of the Clay People, are roughly human in appearance, these Martians have bulbous heads. Two of them are beamed through millions of miles of space from Mars to Earth in order for the Nitron beam to drain all the nitron from the Earth's atmosphere. One of the Martians dies immediately on arrival, the other survives just long enough to complete the task. Queen Azura calls them 2 of her "most loyal subjects". It is possible that they are normal Martians who were surgically enhanced in order to survive the trip through space. Alternatively, they may have been changed to this state by means of Queen Azura's magic, which was also able to transform Martians into clay. However, other examples of this "bulbous-headed" species are subsequently glimpsed around Queen Azura's palace during the events seen in the serial Flash Gordon's Trip to Mars. One is seen standing behind Ming the Merciless in Chapter 204: Ancient Enemies, and in Chapter 209: Symbol of Death 3 of them report to their Queen in the throne room, only to be immediately dismissed when other more important matters require her attention.
  • The Martians are small green sentients that live on Mars.
is Factions of
is Row 1 info of
is Afiliación of
is Faction of
is Affiliation of
is Ejercito of
is See Also of
is Species of
is Enemies of
is Class of
is wikipage disambiguates of
is Guardián of
is Defensas of