  • Remembrance
  • Remembrance
  • Remembrance is a song included in the Halo 2 Original Soundtrack. It's length is 1 minute and 17 seconds (1:17.061). It is mainly composed of a chorus, but has some less noticeable background instruments.
  • Remembrance (追憶 Tsuioku, em português, recordação) é um tipo de material disponível em Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix. Os Remembrance contém a essência da memória e são da cor verde. Assim que todos os Remembrance são obtidos, o Moogle irá recompensar Sora com um Serenity Crystal.
  • Remembrance is a Doctor Who comic strip. It has been printed through various publications.
  • The Remembrance was an EF76 Nebulon-B escort frigate active within the Alliance to Restore the Republic during the Galactic Civil War. Prior to the Battle of Endor, it was commanded by Captain Volk Aymeric and served as the lead vessel in a convoy of ships that protected Princess Leia Organa, one of the leaders of the Alliance.
  • Dax and Kor encounter the vengeful granddaughter of the Albino, who has aligned herself with the House of Duras.
  • "Remembrance" is the 6th episode of the third season of Stupid Mario Brothers and the 36th episode overall. The audio of the episode was removed due to Warner Music Group because of one of the songs in the video belonging to them. Some time later, it was re-uploaded by Richalvarez, but the episode was once again deleted due to another claim by the Warner Music Group. The episode was then re-uploaded many times by other YouTube users. One video also removed the fight scene in its entirety to avoid copyright claims. This is the only Stupid Mario Brothers episode so far to be deleted.
  • "Remembrance" is the fifteenth episode of the second season of Stargate Vennix.
  • Remembrance is the second episode of The Young Knight season 2.
  • Remembrance was the eleventh episode of Series 5 and the 63rd episode of Casualty overall.
  • Remembrance materials are represented by jewels with a unique structure. A Remembrance Shard is represented by a smooth, pale green jewel with air bubbles trapped in it. It is shaped like a wide, rounded, upside-down arrowhead. A Remembrance Stone is represented by two smooth, pale green jewels with air bubbles inside them. Its shape is very similar to that of a Remembrance Shard, but its top is flat, its base is more pointed, and its side "arms" curve upward slightly. There is a much smaller, circular jewel directly above the main jewel.
  • Vakama glared down at Matau, contempt in his green-tinged eyes. The Toa Hordika of Air was clinging desperately to a ledge, trying to reason with the Fire Toa. Below, the remaining Toa Hordika battled thousands of Visorak, firing Rhotuka Spinner after Rhotuka Spinner into the horde. They were losing. In the distance, a loud clang sounded as a monstrous yellow Rahi climbed slowly but steadily up a tall tower, making his way towards the Vortixx know as Roodaka and her ally: Sidorak, King of the Visorak. Vakama drank in the sights and sounds of battle as his former friend clung to the ledge for dear life, glancing over his shoulder at the long, deadly drop below.
  • 3
  • 77.0
  • Ρεμέμπρανς
Row 4 info
  • 24
Row 7 title
  • Next episode
Row 1 info
  • The Young Knight
Row 4 title
  • Overall episode no.
Row 2 info
  • 2
Row 6 info
  • Aftershock
Row 1 title
  • Series
Row 5 info
Row 2 title
  • Season
Row 6 title
  • Previous episode
Row 5 title
  • Written
Row 3 info
  • 2
Row 3 title
  • Episode No.
Row 7 info
  • Degree
  • 31
  • 36
  • 63
Box Title
  • Remembrance
  • TBA
  • 2371
  • Remembrance
  • 4
  • Angedenken
  • Remembrance
  • comic
  • Ultimate ability
  • 1990-11-16
  • 2009-01-15
  • TBC
Preceded By
  • 215
  • 48
  • Remembrance
Cover Image
  • 4.0
Image size
  • 150
  • comic
  • 150
channel time
  • 4.0
  • 2.150000
  • 12.0
  • #30: "Sole Asylum, Part Two"
  • MFcymWVcc-I
  • Area
Image File
  • Batsymbol.jpg
Followed By
  • 2371
wikipage disambiguates
morphed from
  • Remembrance is a song included in the Halo 2 Original Soundtrack. It's length is 1 minute and 17 seconds (1:17.061). It is mainly composed of a chorus, but has some less noticeable background instruments.
  • Remembrance (追憶 Tsuioku, em português, recordação) é um tipo de material disponível em Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix. Os Remembrance contém a essência da memória e são da cor verde. Assim que todos os Remembrance são obtidos, o Moogle irá recompensar Sora com um Serenity Crystal.
  • Remembrance is a Doctor Who comic strip. It has been printed through various publications.
  • The Remembrance was an EF76 Nebulon-B escort frigate active within the Alliance to Restore the Republic during the Galactic Civil War. Prior to the Battle of Endor, it was commanded by Captain Volk Aymeric and served as the lead vessel in a convoy of ships that protected Princess Leia Organa, one of the leaders of the Alliance.
  • Dax and Kor encounter the vengeful granddaughter of the Albino, who has aligned herself with the House of Duras.
  • "Remembrance" is the 6th episode of the third season of Stupid Mario Brothers and the 36th episode overall. The audio of the episode was removed due to Warner Music Group because of one of the songs in the video belonging to them. Some time later, it was re-uploaded by Richalvarez, but the episode was once again deleted due to another claim by the Warner Music Group. The episode was then re-uploaded many times by other YouTube users. One video also removed the fight scene in its entirety to avoid copyright claims. This is the only Stupid Mario Brothers episode so far to be deleted.
  • Vakama glared down at Matau, contempt in his green-tinged eyes. The Toa Hordika of Air was clinging desperately to a ledge, trying to reason with the Fire Toa. Below, the remaining Toa Hordika battled thousands of Visorak, firing Rhotuka Spinner after Rhotuka Spinner into the horde. They were losing. In the distance, a loud clang sounded as a monstrous yellow Rahi climbed slowly but steadily up a tall tower, making his way towards the Vortixx know as Roodaka and her ally: Sidorak, King of the Visorak. Vakama drank in the sights and sounds of battle as his former friend clung to the ledge for dear life, glancing over his shoulder at the long, deadly drop below. "Brother," Matau pleaded, his voice full of fear. "Please." "'Brother'?" Vakama laughed bitterly. He smiled cruelly as he brought his weapon down towards Matau's hands. "Hardly." Matau stared up at his old ally. No cry, no plea for mercy, came from his mouth. Below, the battle had grown silent. Even the redundant banging of Keetongu's weapon on stone had ceased. Vakama frowned, looking around for an explanation. "What have you done?" Vakama demanded, stunned by the silence. "Matau can't hear you." Vakama whirled, powering up his Rhotuka Spinner. He recognised the voice. "Makuta," he whispered. "No." A dark figure stepped out of the shadows, carrying a sword and radiating evil, the likes of which Vakama had not encountered since his battle with Teridax himself. "I am not Teridax," the figure said. "Merely a passing resemblance." "What have you done?" Vakama snarled, readying himself for a battle. "I have frozen time. You see, I have come here to feed, and your friend Roodaka may not be very pleased about what I am about to do." "Feed? Feed on what? Who are you?" The shadowy figure stepped into the light, his black and silver armor gleaming. "My name is not important." The being seemed amused by Vakama's inquisitions. "I am here to feed." "Feed on what?" Vakama repeated, although he suspected he already knew the answer. "Not what," the dark figure said. "Whom." Moving forward faster than Vakama's eyes could follow, the being grabbed Vakama's mutated Kanohi Huna with a clawed hand. The mask eminated a dark aura, which the being quickly absorbed into his hand. Stepping away, the figure smiled. "As you were," he said, and stepped back into the shadows. Vakama blinked, his eyes returning to their regular yellow color. He spun around, just in time to see Matau release his hold on the ledge. "Matau!" The Fire Toa took two quick steps and threw himself over the ledge, after the Air Toa. In the shadows, the dark figure smiled, and disappeared.
  • "Remembrance" is the fifteenth episode of the second season of Stargate Vennix.
  • Remembrance is the second episode of The Young Knight season 2.
  • Remembrance was the eleventh episode of Series 5 and the 63rd episode of Casualty overall.
  • Remembrance materials are represented by jewels with a unique structure. A Remembrance Shard is represented by a smooth, pale green jewel with air bubbles trapped in it. It is shaped like a wide, rounded, upside-down arrowhead. A Remembrance Stone is represented by two smooth, pale green jewels with air bubbles inside them. Its shape is very similar to that of a Remembrance Shard, but its top is flat, its base is more pointed, and its side "arms" curve upward slightly. There is a much smaller, circular jewel directly above the main jewel. A Remembrance Gem is represented by three smooth, pale green jewels with air bubbles trapped in them. The main jewel is shaped like a large, upside-down arrowhead with side arms that curl inward and concave edges on its lower sides. The jewel's tip is rounded. The other two jewels are both circular, much smaller, and placed to either lower side of the main jewel. A Remembrance Crystal is represented by four smooth, pale green jewels with air bubbles. The main jewel is vaguely shaped like a rounded rectangle with a flat tip and base. Its base has a small bump on it and it has two "arms" on its sides that curl inward. The other three jewels are circular and much smaller than the main jewel. One is placed above the tip of the main jewel, while the other two are placed on either side of its base. The name "Remembrance" reflects the fact that the material is only found in the Cavern of Remembrance, as well as the "essence of memories" it contains.
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