  • Olivia Kenobi
  • Olivia was born on Coruscant about a month before Padmé and Ani decided to spend some more quality time together, which ended up with Olivia getting two lovely half-siblings. She was only about ten months old when the Galactic Empire was founded and her mom died. Her father Obi-Wan was charged with the care of lovely half-sibling number one, so he took her to Tatooine to be raised by him. Unfortunately, old Obi-Wan the drunkard had a craving for Jawa Juice that night. When he woke up in a Tatooine jail cell (which really makes you wonder what happened in that bar) he forgot all about being Obi-Wan and he took on the name of Ben. After being fined 200 credits for property damage Olivia was given back to him. He didn't know who Olivia was, so he sold her to a Sith Mega-Super-Overlord named D
  • Galactic Civil War
  • None... For now
  • None
  • I'd like to imagine them being blue-gray
  • blonde
  • Olivia Orsina Joanna Paloma Maria Taverna Amidala Kenobi
  • About 1.67351739471618731254 meters
  • Human or Darthipedian...your choice
  • Female
  • Unfortunately
  • Olivia was born on Coruscant about a month before Padmé and Ani decided to spend some more quality time together, which ended up with Olivia getting two lovely half-siblings. She was only about ten months old when the Galactic Empire was founded and her mom died. Her father Obi-Wan was charged with the care of lovely half-sibling number one, so he took her to Tatooine to be raised by him. Unfortunately, old Obi-Wan the drunkard had a craving for Jawa Juice that night. When he woke up in a Tatooine jail cell (which really makes you wonder what happened in that bar) he forgot all about being Obi-Wan and he took on the name of Ben. After being fined 200 credits for property damage Olivia was given back to him. He didn't know who Olivia was, so he sold her to a Sith Mega-Super-Overlord named Diane Vader and used the money to buy more Jawa Juice. Diane trained Olivia in the ways of the Dark Side as thoroughly as she did with her other apprentice and son, Darth Vader. When she was twenty-one, Diane tasked her with the most grueling test ever: she was to write an article on Darthipedia and manage to make it an Featured Sith. It was difficult, to say the least. There was an incident that involved a rancor and a sarlacc, and Olivia barely made it out alive. On her final mission, Diane's ex-husband Palpatine captured Olivia and kept her on his Death Star to be one of his appendages while trying to sway her lovely half-sibling number one, "Wormie", to the Dark Side. When that didn't work Palpy tazed Luke, completely unaware of Olivia who sneaked up from behind and cut his head off. Olivia finished her article and it still stands, today, as an Featured Sith. Unfortunately, she signed in under her master Diane's account while finishing the article so we don't know which one it was. But there have been several theories proposed by the great modern thinker Darth Obvious, so try taking a look at one of those to figure out this most perplexing mystery... For now